Results for 'Nero Edevbie'

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  1.  3
    The Impact of Ethical Leadership on Black Employees’ Workplace Experiences: Echoes from Black Culture and History.Darryl B. Rice, Jamila Maxie, MaQueba Massey, Nero Edevbie & Steven Day - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    The goal of our work is to explore and highlight factors that contribute to positive experiences of Black employees. To accomplish this, we integrate behavioral ethics research into the Black scholarship literature. Specifically, we focus on the role of ethical leadership. We leverage signaling theory to explain the Black cultural implications associated with ethical leadership and how ethical leaders create racially just workplaces. Across three studies (i.e., one cross-sectional field study and two experimental vignettes), we demonstrate that ethical leadership operates (...)
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    La instigación en el Derecho penal panameño.Orestes Arenas Nero - 2020 - Ratio Juris 15 (30).
    Este artículo explicó la instigación en el Derecho penal panameño. Desde el Código Penal de Panamá, hasta los principales autores panameños sobre Derecho Penal General. También se explicó la necesidad que el instigador no tenga el dominio del hecho, porque de lo contrario, sería autor y no partícipe. Para esto, se utilizó técnicas de revisión de fuentes bibliográficas panameñas e internacionales y de fuentes normativas nacionales. En la misma se llegó a la conclusión, entre otras, que, en Panamá, es instigador (...)
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  3. L'«Ateismo trionfato» di campanella.Valerio Del Nero - 2007 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 3 (2):367-372.
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  4. The De isciplinis as a model of a humanistic text.Valerio Del Nero - 2008 - In Charles Fantazzi, A companion to Juan Luis Vives. Boston: Brill.
  5. Campanella-Galilei: una difesa non richiesta.Valerio Del Nero - 2009 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 5 (3):681.
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    Sobre Alguns Conceitos Fundamentais da Metamatemática (Tarski, Alfred).Patrícia del Nero Velasco & Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza - 2001 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia 8 (10):9.
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  7. A philosophical treatise on the soul : De anima et vita in the context of Vives's Opus.Valerio Del Nero - 2008 - In Charles Fantazzi, A companion to Juan Luis Vives. Boston: Brill.
  8. Filosofie, teologie e cultura moderna.Valerio del Nero - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):671-677.
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  9. A multilayer perspective on human cognition: a speculative overview.H. Del Nero - 1992 - Manuscrito 15.
  10. Per Giuseppe Billanovich.Valerio Del Nero - 2010 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6 (2):401.
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  11. Philosophy, theology and modern culture.Valerio Del Nero - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):671 - +.
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  12. Sull uso politico di un testo di Vives durante la guerra civile spagnola.Valerio del Nero - 2013 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9 (2):393-412.
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  13. Verum-factum.Valerio Del Nero - 2009 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 5 (1):192.
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    Sobre o lugar da argumentação na Filosofia como disciplina.Patrícia Del Nero Velasco - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (61):517-538.
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    The Struggle of NZV1 in Spreading the Gospel in Garut, West Java, Indonesia, in the Early 20th Century.Agus Nero Sofyan, Agus Manon Yuniadi, Amos Sukamto & Kunto Sofianto - 2021 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 38 (4):330-343.
    Based on a widely accepted view, the spread of Christianity in Indonesia was backed up by Dutch intervention. This article argues that the assumption is not entirely right. In some regions, the Dutch colonial and European settlers paid little attention to Christian missions. Garut, for example, was a city in the Priangan Residence that served as an economic center for the Dutch. Islamic influence was very strong in Garut. Therefore, when the NZV reached Garut in 1899, it received no support (...)
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  16.  35
    Hume sobre a volição e a faculdade da vontade/Hume on volition and the faculty of the will.Franco Nero Antunes Soares - 2013 - Natureza Humana 15 (1).
    Meu objetivo neste artigo é defender que podem ser atribuídos sentidos distintos para os termos “vontade” e “volição” na filosofia de Hume. Ao contrário das interpretações tradicionais, sustento que Hume não identifica vontade e volição. Inicialmente, apresento argumentos de Hobbes e Locke contra a concepção escolástica sobre a produção de ações voluntárias e defendo que Hume associa-se a esses dois filósofos. A seguir, apresento os argumentos da interpretação tradicional que identifica vontade e volição na filosofia humeana e também algumas objeções (...)
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    Dobbs, the Intrusive State, and the Future of Solidarity.Christine Nero Coughlin & Nancy M. P. King - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (3):344-356.
    The intrusive state has long viewed women as fetal containers. TheDobbsdecision goes further, essentially causing women to vanish when fetuses are abstracted from their relationships to pregnant persons. The ways in which women are first controlled and then made invisible are clearly connected with the move from obedience to omission that has historically affected black Americans. When personal decisionmaking and participation in democracy are regarded as threats, those threatened restrict decisional freedom and political power, deepening structural injustices relating to sex, (...)
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    A filosofia e seu ensino: reflexões a partir da perspectiva Merleau-Pontyana sobre filosofia e história da filosofia.Patrícia Del Nero Velasco & Rafael Cavalcanti Braga - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (130):637-652.
    À pergunta "O estudo de história da filosofia é de algum interesse para a própria filosofia?", diferentes são as respostas. Tomando-se como referência a defesa merleau-pontyana de uma intrínseca relação entre filosofia e história da filosofia e, particularmente, as ideias de Merleau-Ponty contidas no excerto "A Filosofia e o ‘Fora’", o presente artigo procurará subsidiar a tese de um ensino filosófico da filosofia. Objetiva, pois, encontrar argumentos subjacentes à tese de uma história filosófica da filosofia para fundamentar as relações entre (...)
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    Objeções e (contra-)argumentos à institucionalização do Ensino de Filosofia como subárea de pesquisa filosófica.Patrícia Del Nero Velasco - 2023 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 28 (2).
    Desde 2019, está em pauta no Brasil a discussão sobre o Ensino de Filosofia como campo de conhecimento ou subárea de pesquisa. Trata-se de um debate que envolve, até o momento, o mapeamento das produções bibliográficas sobre o tema, a discussão sobre o estatuto epistemológico do campo e, igualmente, sobre os aspectos político-institucionais envolvidos no processo de busca de cidadania filosófica para a subárea em questão. O presente artigo propõe problematizar o campo do Ensino de Filosofia a partir de uma (...)
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    Sobre o Lugar da Lógica na Sala de Aula.Patrícia Del Nero Velasco - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 13:64-75.
    Sintetiza parte da pesquisa que a autora vem desenvolvendo sobre a possibilidade de ministrar conteúdos lógicos sob um viés essencialmente informal. Por conseguinte, procura fundamentar a importância da inclusão de conceitos de lógica no Ensino Médio.
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  21. On the Logic of the Program of Philosophy for Children.Cesar Catalani & Patricia del Nero Velasco - 2009 - Childhood and Philosophy 5 (10):283-316.
    This article aims to present part of the results from the Scientific Initiation research entitled Logical Foundations of Education for Thinking. Specifically, the exposed contents are the logical ones developed by Matthew Lipman in his philosophical novel Harry Stottlemeier’s discovery. The text is divided in three main sections: formal logic, logic of good reasons and logic of rationally acting. In the first one, we map the contents of formal logic present in that novel. In this context, we studied Aristotelian logic (...)
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    Strategy, Morality, Courage: Bioethics and Health Law after Dobbs.Nancy M. P. King, Christine Nero Coughlin & Beverly J. Levine - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):290-308.
    Our paper examines what is required to protect and promote effective public discussion and policy development in the current climate of divisive disagreement about many public policy questions. We use abortion as a case example precisely because it is morally fraught. We first consider the changes made by Dobbs, as well as those which led up to the Dobbs decision, accompany it, and follow from it.
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  23. Sobre Alguns Conceitos Fundamentais da Metamatemática (Tarski, Alfred).Alfred Tarski, Patrícia Del Nero Velasco & Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza - 2001 - Princípios 8 (10):187-209.
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    Lindenbaumologia II: Cálculos lógicos abstratos.Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza & Patrícia Del Nero Velasco - 2002 - Cognitio 3:115-121.
    Resumo: Neste artigo, damos prosseguimento à análise do conceito de cálculo lógico, cuja primeira parte foi apresentada no número anterior desta revista. Apresentamos, também, uma versão do Teorema de Lindenbaum para teorias consistentes completas.Palavras-chave: lógica, cálculo, Lindenbaum, consistência, compacidade.: In this article, we continue our analysis on the concept of logical calculus, the first part of which was published in the previous issue of this magazine. We also offer a version of Lidenbaum's theorem for whole consistent theories.Key-words: logic, calculus, Lindenbaum, (...)
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    Filosofia do Ensino de Filosofia: o debate da cidadania-filosófica a partir dos movimentos histórico-discursivos do campo.Augusto Rodrigues, Patrícia Del Nero Velasco & Rodrigo Pelloso Gelamo - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-40.
    Resumo: A cidadania-filosófica para o ensino de filosofia foi alvo recente de debate na ANPOF. Pesquisadoras e pesquisadores do ensino de filosofia, fundamentados nos desenvolvimentos históricos da área, reivindicam o reconhecimento institucional do campo Filosofia do Ensino de Filosofia junto à comunidade filosófica e às agências de fomento à pesquisa no país. Realizar um resgate histórico e filosófico do debate em torno da cidadania-filosófica compreende o objetivo do presente texto. Primeiramente, retomar-se-ão os acontecimentos dos anos de 1990 e 2000, mostrando (...)
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    Nero's Experiments with the Water-Organ.Harry Morgan - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):285-302.
    This article examines a pair of anecdotes in the works of Suetonius and Cassius Dio, describing Nero's passionate late-career interest in the instrument known as the hydraulis or water-organ. The first half of the article contextualizes the water-organ episode in light of both the history of the instrument's reputation and the wider characterization of Nero in the literary sources. The rest of the article uses the episode to shed light on Nero's self-representation as princeps, focussing on the (...)
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    Cruel Nero: The Concept of the Tyrant and the Image of Nero in Western Political Thought.W. B. Gwyn - 1991 - History of Political Thought 12 (3):421.
    The use of a historical example such as Nero as part of an argument defending or condemning the regicides came automatically to literate Europeans of the seventeenth century who, as part of their classical education, were conditioned to use rhetorical devices, including examples and comparisons, when trying to convince readers to accept their arguments. Nero had, since shortly after his death in AD 68, been a favourite example of a tyrant, and for centuries literate Europeans had shared a (...)
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    Nero's Luxuria, in Tacitus and in the Octavia.Patrick Kragelund - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (02):494-.
    According to Tacitus, this was Galba's verdict on Nero's fall. The tyrant's undoing had been of his own making. As for what determined the outcome, Galba is unequivocal. Two factors had proved decisive: Nero's immanitas and luxuria.
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    Neros Stimme: die Kritik an der kaiserlichen vox/φωνή in der griechischrömischen Literatur.Verena Schulz - 2020 - Hermes 148 (2):198.
    This paper analyses discussions of Nero’s voice in texts critical of the emperor, above all the works of Tacitus, Suetonius, and Cassius Dio. It argues that criticism of Nero’s voice centres around four topics: (1) Nero’s hubristic longing for a divine revelation of his voice (which responds to the panegyrical accounts of his vox caelestis); (2) Nero’s training and care of his voice in a way that is too professional, distracts him from his imperial duties, and (...)
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    Nero and Britannicus in the pompa circensis: The Circus Procession as Dynastic Ceremony in the Court of Claudius.Geoffrey S. Sumi - 2020 - Klio 102 (2):617-664.
    Summary As part of the events marking Nero’s assumption of the toga virilis in 51 CE, he along with Britannicus led the circus procession (pompa circensis) in advance of games in the Circus Maximus. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct this pompa circensis, both in its processional elements and route through the city. The presence of potential successors along with images of the deified and honored dead of the imperial family shows how this ceremony evolved and expanded (...)
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  31. Nero Interviewed.Maurice Baring - 2011 - The Chesterton Review 37 (1/2):43-48.
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    Deliberat Nero: una declamazione ‘nascosta’ in Suet. Ner. 47.2.Alessio Mancini - 2018 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 162 (2):324-331.
    In a passage of the Life of Nero concerning the emperor’s indecision over what to do after the revolt of the provincial armies, it can clearly be seen that there is an influence from an argumentative structure particular to a certain type of deliberative oratory, the suasoria triplex. This influence may be due simply to Suetonius’ familiarity with the declamatory exercises in vogue at the rhetorical schools, but some hints allow us to suppose the existence of a suasoria theme (...)
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  33. Nero's Fiddle: On Hope, Despair, and the Ecological Crisis.Andrew Fiala - 2010 - Ethics and the Environment 15 (1):51.
    It may appear rational to pursue short term self interest if the ecological crisis is unsolvable: it may be rational to fiddle while Rome burns. This is especially true when others are not making environmentally friendly choices and when we want to allow peole extensive liberty to make their own choices. This paper examines this problem by utilizing the prisoner's dilemma and Hardin's tragedy of the commons. It argues that voluntary solutions to the ecological crisis are not promising, while also (...)
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  34. Género.María Xosé Agra Romero Y. Helena González Fernández - 2020 - In À. Lorena Fuster, Palabras clave: reflexiones para Fina Birulés. Barcelona: Icaria.
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    Vatinius, Nero and Curiatius Maternus.Patrick Kragelund - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (01):197-.
    The above passage, from Maternus' first speech, poses a number of rather intricate textual problems. J. F. Gronovius rightly divined that the meaningless vaticiniireferred to a person whose evil power Maternus had broken. Who else but Vatinius, Nero's notorious jester? To read Vatiniifor vaticiniiis intrinsically attractive, and in default of a better alternative has found almost universal approval. The contextual implications of this acclaimed conjecture have not, however, always been appreciated. It is with these that the present paper is (...)
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    Nero on the Disappearing Tigris.Michael Dewar - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (01):269-.
    This is the only undisputed fragment of Nero's poetry which is longer than a single line. It is preserved for us by the scholiast on Lucan 3.261, who gives us the additional piece of information that it belongs to Nero's ‘first book’. It is overwhelmingly likely that this refers to the first book of Nero‘s epic Troica, his most famous work and the only one, as far as we know, to have been comprised of several books.1 Since (...)
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    Suetonius' Nero and A Pindaric Scholium.E. K. Borthwick - 1965 - The Classical Review 15 (03):252-256.
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    Género y derechos humanos.Jorge Scala - 2001 - San José, Costa Rica: PROMESA.
  39. 'Orfeo nero' e lo storicismo estetico: Il pensiero vichiano ed il concetto di negritudine.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - forthcoming - Bolletino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani.
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    Nero the Viper: Zoological Lore and Political Critique in the Life of Apollonius of Tyana.Emilio Capettini - 2020 - American Journal of Philology 141 (4):635-664.
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    Nero and the Herakles Frieze at Delphi.Robert Weir - 1999 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 123 (2):397-404.
    Cet article se propose de démontrer que la frise du théâtre de Delphes illustrant les Travaux d'Héraklès doit être datée du Ier siècle ap. J.-C. tant à cause de son iconographie que de l'histoire du monument. Il est en effet très probable qu'elle fut sculptée juste avant la visite de Néron à Delphes, en 67 ap. J.-C, dans un effort délibéré pour flatter l'empereur.
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  42. Nero no meishin Seneka goroku.Lucius Annaeus Seneca - 1932 - Tōkyō: Kinkei Gakuin. Edited by Masahiro Yasuoka.
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    Suetonius, Nero, 45.W. Chawner - 1895 - The Classical Review 9 (02):109-110.
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  44. Nero - B. H. Warmington: Nero, Reality and Legend. Pp. xi+180. London: Chatto & Windus, 1969. Cloth, £1·05.P. A. Brunt - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (2):258-260.
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    Nero oder severus Alexander?Joachim Fugmann - 1992 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 136 (2):202-207.
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    Género, emancipación y diferencia(s): la teoría política de Iris Marion Young.Máriam Martínez-Bascuñán - 2012 - Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid): Plaza y Valdés Editores.
    Iris Marion Young fue una de las pensadoras feministas más importantes del último cuarto del siglo pasado. Su obra es reconocida internacionalmente como una de las aportaciones más creativas e influyentes de nuestra época. Con el objeto de celebrar su aporte único y su novedad y de mantener vivo su pensamiento, Máriam Martínez-Bascuñán desarrolla un riguroso análisis crítico de su obra desde las cuestiones de justicia social, democracia deliberativa y su relación con la teoría de la opresión, hasta el enfoque (...)
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    Nero M. T. Griffin: Nero. The End of a Dynasty. Pp. 320; 32 figures, map, 2 plans. London: Batsford, 1984. £17.95.Robin Seager - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (01):98-100.
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    Nero: la religione di un colore e i suoi fedeli laici.Mariangela Surace - 2000 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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    Nero and the fire of Rome - (j.J.) Walsh the great fire of Rome. Life and death in the ancient city. Pp. XII + 174, ills, maps. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins university press, 2019. Paper, us$19.95 (cased, us$59.95). Isbn: 978-1-4214-3371-4 (978-1-4214-3370-7 hbk). [REVIEW]Cyril Courrier - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (2):455-457.
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    Tacitus and Nero's Persecution of the Christians.F. W. Clayton - 1947 - Classical Quarterly 41 (3-4):81-.
    ‘Ergo abolendo rumori Nero subdidit reos et quaesitissimis poenis adfecit quos per flagitia invisos vulgus Christianos appellabat. auctor nominis eius Christus Tiberio imperitante per procuratorem Pontium Pilatum supplicio adfectus erat; repressaque in praesens exitiabilis superstitio rursum erumpebat, non modo per Iudaeam, originem eius mali, sed per urbem etiam quo cuncta undique atrocia aut pudenda confluuunt celebranturque. igitur primum correpti qui fatebantur deinde indicio eorum multitudo ingens haud proinde in crimine incendii quam odio humani generis convicti sunt. et pereuntibus addita (...)
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