Results for 'Natural cyborgs'

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  1. The natural cyborg: The stakes of Bergson's philosophy of evolution.Paola Marrati - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 48 (s1):3-17.
    Bergson's engagement with evolutionary theory was remarkably up to date with the science of his time. One century later, the scientific and social landscape is undoubtedly quite different, but some of his insights remain of critical importance for the present. This paper aims at discussing three related aspects of Bergson's philosophy of evolution and their relevance for contemporary debates: first, the stark distinction between the affirmation of the reality of change and becoming, on the one hand, and any notion of (...)
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  2. Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence.Andy Clark - 2003 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Alberto Peruzzi.
    In Natural-Born Cyborgs, Clark argues that what makes humans so different from other species is our capacity to fully incorporate tools and supporting cultural ...
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    The Cyborg as an Interpretation of Culture‐Nature.Anne Kull - 2001 - Zygon 36 (1):49-56.
    The idea of “nature” performs an important cultural work. The cyborg‐nature is an attempt to free ourselves from the features of the culturally authorized concepts of nature. The cyborg offers new metaphors to both academic and popular theorizing for comprehending the different ways that sciences and technologies affect our lives, subjectivities, and concepts. The cyborg is a lived reality and a metaphor. Paul Tillich deemed it necessary to have a mythos of technology to explain our technologies and ourselves. He offered (...)
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  4. Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence.G. J. Shipley - 2004 - Mind 113 (450):326-329.
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    On Naturally Embodied Cyborgs.Evan Selinger & Timothy Engström - 2007 - Janus Head 9 (2):553-584.
    This paper examines a specific appeal to philosophical anthropology—Andy Clark's—and the role it plays in shaping his account of our fundamental cyborg humanity." By focusing on the theme of embodiment, we also inquire into how phenomenology might benefit from Clark's account as well as how Clark's account might benefit from further engagement with phenomenology. Throughout, we explore inter- and intra-disciplinary questions that highlight the contribution the philosophy of technology can make to our understanding of embodiment and philosophical anthropology.
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    Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. [REVIEW]Maureen McNeil - 1992 - Feminist Review 41 (1):135-136.
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    Andy Clark, natural born cyborgs.Paul Bohan Broderick - 2007 - Minds and Machines 17 (1):117-120.
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  8. Ethical Issues in Cyborg Technology: Diversity and Inclusion.Enno Park - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (3):303-306.
    Progress has reached the point where cyborg technology is leaving the sphere of mere science fiction. Whereas society as a whole formed a symbiosis with technology long ago, individuals are now starting to merge with technology as well. The effects can already be studied by looking at the examples of smartphones, computers and the Internet. The idea of ‘repairing’ humans, medical implants more sensitive than our natural, human faculties and even non-medical implants raise a lot of ethical questions, and (...)
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  9. Speaking Cyborg: Technoculture and Technonature.Anne Kull - 2002 - Zygon 37 (2):279-288.
    Two ways of self‐interpretation merged in Western thought: the Hebrew and the Greek. What is unique, if anything, about the human species? The reinterpretation of this problem has been a constant process; here I am referring to Philip Hefner and the term created co‐creator, and particularly to Donna Haraway and the term cyborg. Simultaneously, humans have been fascinated by the thought of transgressing the boundaries that seem to separate them from the rest of nature. Any culture reflects the ways it (...)
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    L’ipotesi della mente estesa: antropologia del cyborg naturale.Giulia Piredda - 2016 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (1):83-95.
    Riassunto : Tra le più recenti riflessioni sulla mente umana, il quadro teorico della “mente estesa” ci dipinge come dei cyborg naturali provvisti di menti “superdotate”, ottenute grazie alla capacità di sfruttare le risorse tecnologiche e ambientali in modo integrato a nostro vantaggio. In questo articolo si ripercorre la genesi teorica di questo modello a partire dalle critiche alla scienza cognitiva classica, basata sul modello delle computazioni su rappresentazioni, e in particolare all’individualismo metodologico. Successivamente, si analizza il principale argomento filosofico (...)
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    Christian Cyborgs.Benedikt Paul Göcke - 2017 - Faith and Philosophy 34 (3):347-364.
    Should or shouldn’t Christians endorse the transhumanist agenda of changing human nature in ways fitting to one’s needs? To answer this question, we first have to be clear on what precisely the thesis of transhumanism entails that we are going to evaluate. Once this point is clarified, I argue that Christians can in principle fully endorse the transhumanist agenda because there is nothing in Christian faith that is in contradiction to it. In fact, given certain plausible moral assumptions, Christians should (...)
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  12. Donna J. Haraway: Simians, Cyborgs, and Women. The Reinvention of Nature.Andreas Kaminski - 2013 - In Christoph Hubig, Alois Huning & Günter Ropohl, Nachdenken über Technik − Die Klassiker der Technikphilosophie und neuere Entwicklungen. Edition Sigma. pp. 440-444.
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  13. The gendered cyborg: a reader.Gill Kirkup (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge in association with the Open University.
    The Gendered Cyborg brings together material from a variety of disciplines that analyze the relationship between gender and technoscience, and the way that this relationship is represented through ideas, language and visual imagery. The book opens with key feminist articles from the history and philosophy of science. They look at the ways that modern scientific thinking has constructed oppositional dualities such as objectivity/subjectivity, human/machine, nature/science, and male/female, and how these have constrained who can engage in science/technology and how they have (...)
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    Humans, Androids, Cyborgs, and Virtual Beings: All aboard the Enterprise.Dennis M. Weiss - 2016 - In Kevin S. Decker & Jason T. Eberl, The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 180–189.
    Star Trek becomes an ideal vehicle for modern narratives exploring the nature of being human in a technological age. In its fifty years of robots, androids, cyborgs, and alien others on the small and big screens, Star Trek has played a function not unlike that of Greek myth. Whether dealing with Greek gods such as Apollo, salt‐craving beasts and Hortas, or hive minds and androids, Star Trek fashions moderns’ myths that provoke reflection on what it means to be human (...)
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    Developing/development cyborgs.Casper Bruun Jensen - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (3):375-385.
    The paper takes as its starting point Donna Haraway’s suggestion, “The actors are cyborg, nature is coyote, and the geography is elsewhere”. It discusses first the understanding of the cyborg promoted by Haraway as illustrating an ontological non-humanist disposition, rather than a periodizing claim. The second part of the paper examines some instances of low-tech cyborg identities, which have emerged in developing countries (elsewhere) as a consequence of development initiatives. The paper argues that the quite literal attempts to develop (...) in such countries gives rise to developments not foreseen or controllable by the development industries. If cyborg identities are developing and minds and bodies shaped in the frictions between culture, technology, economy, and development projects and activities then what are the implications for cognitive studies. In the final part of the paper this question is considered and it is suggested that cognitive studies would do well to expand their analytical foci to take into account cyborg bodies and minds found “elsewhere”. (shrink)
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    Monsters, Goddesses and Cyborgs: Feminist Confrontations with Science, Medicine and Cyberspace.Nina Lykke & Rosi Braidotti - 1996
    It is divided into four sections covering science as a whole, the new technologies of the postmodern era, bio-medical discourses, and nature. A distinguished cast of contributors explores the central feminist concerns in each arena, through the central metaphors of monster, mother goddess and cyborg. They look at the consequences of gynogenesis, postmodern eco-buddhism in heathcare, sexual violence in cyberspace, the postmodernization of menopause, the dolphin as androgyne and feminist environmentalism.
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  17. Contribution to “We Have always Been… Cyborgs,” Review Symposium for Natural Born Cyborgs.Adrian Mackenzie - 2004 - Metascience 13:153-63.
  18. Review of Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature by Donna Haraway. [REVIEW]Andrea Woody - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (2):346-348.
  19. Robots and cyborgs: to be or to have a body?Emma Palese - 2012 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (4):191-196.
    Starting with service robotics and industrial robotics, this paper aims to suggest philosophical reflections about the relationship between body and machine, between man and technology in our contemporary world. From the massive use of the cell phone to the robots which apparently “feel” and show emotions like humans do. From the wearable exoskeleton to the prototype reproducing the artificial sense of touch, technological progress explodes to the extent of embodying itself in our nakedness. Robotics, indeed, is inspired by biology in (...)
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  20. With cyborgs.Anne Kull - 2003 - In Willem B. Drees, Is nature ever evil?: religion, science, and value. New York: Routledge. pp. 100--236.
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    Trafficking in monstrosity: Conceptualizations of ‘nature’ within feminist cyborg discourses.Anne Scott - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (3):367-379.
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    Author's reply to symposium on Natural-Born Cyborgs.Andy Clark - 2006 - Metascience.
    Thought happens. Here I sit, sipping coffee, scribbling on paper, accessing files, reading and re-reading those four wonderful, challenging, yet immaculately constructive reviews. And somewhere, and to my eternal surprise, thought happens. But where, amidst the whirl of organization, should we locate the cognitive process? One possibility is that everything worth counting as (all or part) of any genuinely cognitive process hereabouts is firmly located inside the head, safe behind the ancient fortress of skin and skull. All the rest, according (...)
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    Des hackers aux cyborgs : le bug simondonien.Olivier Blondeau - 2004 - Multitudes 4 (4):91-99.
    Cutting against the technophobic grain of philosophical traditions inspired by Heidegger and Habermas, Simondon’s book on « The mode of existence of technical objects » invites us to find a positive way beyond the critique of modernity. He offers a framework particularly appropriate for understanding the stakes of the « techno-nature » which has been accepted and appropriated by the hacker ethic, and for inquiring into its corresponding forms of political subjectivity. The unity of producer, technical object and user, which (...)
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    Frankensteins and Cyborgs: Visions of the Global Future in an Age of Technology.Elaine L. Graham - 2003 - Studies in Christian Ethics 16 (1):29-43.
    This paper draws attention to the role of representation in the depiction of scientific and technological innovation as a means of understanding the narratives that circulate concerning the shape of things to come. It considers how metaphors play an important part in the conduct of scientific explanation, and how they do more than describe the world in helping also to shape expectations, normalise particular choices, establish priorities and create needs. In surveying the range of metaphorical responses to the digital and (...)
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  25.  13
    Book Reviews : Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science, by Donna J. Haraway. New York: Routledge, 1989, 486 + ix pp. $35.00 (cloth); $19.95 (paper). Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, by Donna J. Haraway. New York: Routledge, 1991, 287 + x pp. $55.00 (cloth); $16.95 (paper. [REVIEW]Maureen McNeil - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (1):110-113.
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    Prozac and the Post-human Politics of Cyborgs.Bradley E. Lewis - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (1-2):49-63.
    Working through the lens of Donna Haraway's cyborg theory and directed at the example of Prozac, I address the dramatic rise of new technoscience in medicine and psychiatry. Haraway's cyborg theory insists on a conceptualization and a politics of technoscience that does not rely on universal “Truths” or universal “Goods” and does not attempt to return to the “pure” or the “natural.” Instead, Haraway helps us mix politics, ethics, and aesthetics with science and scientific recommendations, and she helps us (...)
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  27. Race as Technology: From Posthuman Cyborg to Human Industry.Holly Jones & Nicholaos Jones - 2017 - Ilha Do Desterro 70 (2):39-51.
    Cyborg and prosthetic technologies frame prominent posthumanist approaches to understanding the nature of race. But these frameworks struggle to accommodate the phenomena of racial passing and racial travel, and their posthumanist orientation blurs useful distinctions between racialized humans and their social contexts. We advocate, instead, a humanist approach to race, understanding racial hierarchy as an industrial technology. Our approach accommodates racial passing and travel. It integrates a wide array of research across disciplines. It also helpfully distinguishes among grounds of racialization (...)
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  28. » Rezension zu: Donna Haraway, Die Neuerfindung der Natur. Primaten, Cyborgs und Frauen, hrsg., von Carmen Hammer und Immanuel Stieß, Frankfurt/M./New York, 1995 «. [REVIEW]Mona Singer - 1995 - Die Philosophin 12:104-108.
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    The defining components of the cyborg: cyborg-athletes, fictional or real?Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1):97-111.
    In this paper, I engage in the debate on the definition of the cyborg. I identify the two defining components of the traditional definition of the cyborg: the symbiotic relationship between human nature and technology; and the embodiment of a superhuman or inhuman feature or ability. Then, I trace these two components in the scholarly debate on the cyborg. To conclude, I explore the role the scholarly view of the cyborg plays in the debate on cyborg-athletes in the philosophy of (...)
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    Posthumanism in digital culture: Cyborgs, Gods and Fandom.Callum T. F. McMillan - 2021 - Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
    This book explores the theories of transhumanism and posthumanism, two philosophies that deal with radically changing bodies, minds, and even the nature of humanity itself.
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    Structure, Vital Form and the Cyborg.Dorothea Olkowski - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:183-197.
    In his 1997 book, Being There: Putting Brain, Body and World Together Again, Andy Clark advocates ‘embodied, active cognition,’ to discuss the manner in which an autonomous, embodied agent interacts with its environment. The implication is that since our minds as well as our bodies are matter, and otherwise nothing special, it is inevitable that we humans are natural born cyborgs and the human-machine interface will before long become completely transparent to the point of being invisible. In his (...)
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    Environments, natures and social theory: towards a critical hybridity.Damian F. White - 2016 - NewY ork, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Alan P. Rudy & Brian J. Gareau.
    From climate change to fossil fuel dependency, from the uneven effects of natural disasters to the loss of biodiversity: complex socio-environmental problems indicate the urgency for cross-disciplinary research into the ways in which the social, the natural and the technological are ever more entangled. This ground breaking text moves between environmental sociology and environmental geography, political and social ecology and critical design studies to provide a definitive mapping of the state of environmental social theory in the age of (...)
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    On the Androgyny of the Cyborg—an Anthropological Difficulty.Ionel Bușe - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (2):93-105.
    In this essay we have highlighted some significant differences between two visions of the human being: an inter- and transdisciplinary visions of the integral man which consider the human as a hypercomplex being, created by a long process of self-poiesis of its natural and cultural history and another scientific utopian/dystopic vision which projects the necessity of the existence of a superintelligent artificial being in the future, the cyborg, which would replace humanity.
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    The Tension Between Human and Cyborg Ethics.Anne Gerdes - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (1):25-35.
    This article makes no argument against progress but stresses the importance of making it with foresight. The connection between biotechnology, treatment, and enhancement is discussed, stating the need for regulation. Next, the ideas of transhumanism are presented as a framework for an examination of our human condition and it is illustrated that cyborgs will possibly develop other values than Homo sapiens. Thus, the second part of the article discusses what it means to be an ethical being from the perspective (...)
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    Mechanical Bodies, Computational Minds: Artificial Intelligence From Automata to Cyborgs.Stefano Franchi & Güven Güzeldere (eds.) - 2004 - Bradford.
    Believing that the enterprise of constructing "artificial intelligence" transcends the bounds of any one discipline, the editors of Mechanical Bodies, Computational Minds have brought together researchers in AI and scholars in the humanities to reexamine the fundamental assumptions of both areas. The AI community, for example, could benefit from explorations of human intelligence and creativity by philosophers, psychologists, anthropologists, literary critics, and others, while analysis of AI's theoretical struggles and technical advances could yield insights into such traditional humanist concerns as (...)
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  36. Donna Haraway's metatheory of science and religion: Cyborgs, trickster, and Hermes.William Grassie - 1996 - Zygon 31 (2):285-304.
    This article is a close reading of two essays by Donna Haraway on feminist philosophy, the biophysical sciences, and critical social theory. Haraway's strong social constructionist approach to science is criticized by colleague Sandra Harding, resulting in an epistemological reconceptualization of objectivity by Haraway. Haraway's notion of “situated knowledges” provides a workable epistemology for all social and biophysical sciences, while inviting the reintegration of religions as critical conversation partners in an emancipatory hermeneutics of nature, culture, and technology.
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  37. Genes, memes, and the chinese concept of Wen : Toward a nature/culture model of genetics.Thorsten Botz-Bornstein - 2010 - Philosophy East and West 60 (2):pp. 167-186.
    The Chinese concept of wen is examined here in the context of contemporary gene theory and the "cultural branch" of gene theory called "memetics." The Chinese notion of wen is an untranslatable term meaning "pattern," "structure," "writing," and "literature." Wen hua—generally translated as "culture"—signifies the process through which one adopts wen. However, this process is not simply one of civilizational mimesis or imitation but the "creation" of a new pattern. Within a gene-wen debate we are able to read genes neither (...)
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    At the borders of the human: beasts, bodies, and natural philosophy in the early modern period.Erica Fudge, Ruth Gilbert & Susan Wiseman (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Palgrave.
    What is, what was the human? This book argues that the making of the human as it is now understood implies a renogotiation of the relationship between the self and the world. The development of Renaissance technologies of difference such as mapping, colonialism and anatomy paradoxically also illuminated the similarities between human and non-human. This collection considers the borders between humans and their imagined others: animals, women, native subjects, machines. It examines border creatures (hermaphrodites, wildmen, and cyborgs) and border (...)
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    Being human in a global age of technology.Beverly J. B. Whelton - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (1):28-35.
    This philosophical enquiry considers the impact of a global world view and technology on the meaning of being human. The global vision increases our awareness of the common bond between all humans, while technology tends to separate us from an understanding of ourselves as human persons. We review some advances in connecting as community within our world, and many examples of technological changes. This review is not exhaustive. The focus is to understand enough changes to think through the possibility of (...)
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    Філософські проблеми ідеї свідомої машини.Konstantin Rayhert - 2017 - Схід 6 (152):104-107.
    The study outlines the existing and potential philosophical issues of the idea of conscious machines originated from the development of artificial consciousness within the framework of contemporary research of artificial intelligence and cognitive robotics. The outline shows that the idea of conscious machines is concerned with two big philosophical issues. The first philosophical issue is a definition of consciousness, taking into account the selection of a set of objects that can have consciousness, the typology of consciousness, the clarifying of the (...)
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  41. Andy Clark and his Critics.Matteo Colombo, Elizabeth Irvine & Mog Stapleton (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In this volume, a range of high-profile researchers in philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, and empirical cognitive science, critically engage with Clark's work across the themes of: Extended, Embodied, Embedded, Enactive, and Affective Minds; Natural Born Cyborgs; and Perception, Action, and Prediction. Daniel Dennett provides a foreword on the significance of Clark's work, and Clark replies to each section of the book, thus advancing current literature with original contributions that will form the basis for new discussions, (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Philosophy in the information age.Terrell Ward Bynum - 2010 - Metaphilosophy 41 (3):420-442.
    Abstract: In the past, major scientific and technological revolutions, like the Copernican Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, have had profound effects, not only upon society in general, but also upon Philosophy. Today's Information Revolution is no exception. Already it has had significant impacts upon our understanding of human nature, the nature of society, even the nature of the universe. Given these developments, this essay considers some of the philosophical contributions of two "philosophers of the Information Age"—Norbert Wiener and Luciano Floridi—with (...)
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    A Systemic Philosophical Analysis of the Contemporary Society and the Human: New Potential.Alla Nerubasska, Kostiantyn Palshkov & Borys Maksymchuk - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (4):275-292.
    New prospects for mankind in searching for and developing new sources of energy, arms race, overcrowding and ecological crises present the human with a serious choice. The choice may relate to the further existence of people on Earth. In the context of most challenging political, economic and social crises, the tandem of natural and human sciences produces unexpected results, despite the crises accompanying these processes. This article presents a model of the society and a model of the human in (...)
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  44. Loss of the world: A philosophical dialogue.Raymond Kolcaba - 2000 - Ethics and Information Technology 2 (1):3-9.
    Humanity has begun to move from the natural world intothe cyber world. Issues surrounding this mentalmigration are debated in philosophical dialogue. Thelead character is Becket Geist, a romantic philosopherwith views tempered by 20th century science. He openswith a monologue in which he argues that loss of theworld in exchange for the cyber world is dark andinevitable. His chief adversary is Fortran McCyborg,a cyborg with leanings toward Scottish philosophy. The moderating force is Nonette Naturski who championsnaturalism, conservation of humanist ideals, (...)
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    The restless clock: a history of the centuries-long argument over what makes living things tick.Jessica Riskin - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    A core principle of modern science holds that a scientific explanation must not attribute will or agency to natural phenomena.The Restless Clock examines the origins and history of this, in particular as it applies to the science of living things. This is also the story of a tradition of radicals—dissenters who embraced the opposite view, that agency is an essential and ineradicable part of nature. Beginning with the church and courtly automata of early modern Europe, Jessica Riskin guides us (...)
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    Feminism and Ecological Communities: An Ethic of Flourishing.Christine Cuomo (ed.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Feminism and Ecological Communities presents a bold and passionate rethinking of teh ecofeminist movement. It is one of the first books to acknowledge the importance of postmodern feminist arguments against ecofeminism whilst persuasively preseenting a strong new case for econolocal feminism. Chris J.Cuomo first traces the emergence of ecofeminism from the ecological and feminist movements before clearly discussing the weaknesses of some ecofeminist positions. Exploring the dualisms of nature/culture and masculing/feminine that are the bulwark of many contemporary ecofeminist positions and (...)
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    Catching the Prediction Wave in Brain Science.A. L. Roskies & C. C. Wood - 2017 - Analysis 77 (4):848-857.
    © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Analysis Trust. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.comAndy Clark is usually among the first in philosophy to ride a new and important wave on the frontiers of cognitive science research. His Microcognition and Associative Engines chronicled connectionism, Being There explored embodied cognition, Natural Born Cyborgs deals with BCIs and environmental and technological scaffolding, and Supersizing the Mind is an extended argument for extended minds. (...)
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    Subjectivity and Being Somebody: Human Identity and Neuroethics.Grant Gillett - 2008 - Imprint Academic.
    This book uses a neo-Aristotelian framework to examine human subjectivity as an embodied being. It examines the varieties of reductionism that affect philosophical writing about human origins and identity, and explores the nature of rational subjectivity as emergent from our neurobiological constitution. This allows a consideration of the effect of neurological interventions such as psychosurgery, neuroimplantation, and the promise of cyborgs on the image of the human. It then examines multiple personality disorder and its implications for narrative theories of (...)
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    Intervolution: Smart Bodies Smart Things.Mark C. Taylor - 2020 - Columbia University Press.
    Where does my body begin? Where does it end? What is inside my body? What is outside? What is primary? What is secondary? What is natural? What is artificial? Science fiction has long imagined a future fusion of humanity with technology. Today, many of us—especially people with health issues such as autoimmune diseases—have functionally become hybrids connected to other machines and to other bodies. The combination of artificial intelligence with implants, transplants, prostheses, and genetic reprogramming is transforming medical research (...)
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    (1 other version)The Rise of the Homme Machine: Carl Schmitt’s Critique of Biotechnology and Utopias.Ville Suuronen - 2019 - Political Theory 48 (5):615-643.
    This essay argues that Carl Schmitt’s postwar writings offer an original critique of biotechnology and utopian thinking. Examining the classics of utopian literature from Plato to Thomas More and Aldous Huxley, Schmitt illustrates the rise of utopianism that aims to transform human nature and even produce an artificial “human-machine.” Schmitt discovers a counterimage to the emerging era of biotechnology from a katechontic form of Christianity and maintains that human beings must recognize their shared humanity in God, warning us that without (...)
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