Nahshon Perez [12]Natalia S. GARCÍA PÉREZ [3]N. Pérez [3]Nuria Valverde Pérez [2]
Natalia García Pérez [1]Nieves Pérez [1]Natalia Sofía García Pérez [1]Nestor Ortiz Pérez [1]

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  1. On Compensation and Return: Can The 'Continuing Injustice Argument' for Compensating for Historical Injustices Justify Compensation for Such Injustices or the Return of Property?Nahshon Perez - 2011 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (2):151-168.
    This paper offers a critique of recent attempts, by George Sher and others to justify compensation to be paid to descendants of deceased victims of past wrongs. This recent attempt is important as it endeavours to avoid some well-known critiques of previous attempts, such as the non-identity problem. Furthermore, this new attempt is grounded in individual rights, without invoking a more controversial collectivist assumption. The first step in this critique is to differentiate between compensation and restitution. Once this important distinction (...)
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  2.  48
    Normative theorizing and political data: toward a data-sensitive understanding of the separation between religion and state in political theory.Nahshon Perez & Jonathan Fox - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (4):485-509.
    This article has two main goals: to examine and classify the ways data can be used to advance normative theorizing in political theory, and to demonstrate such usages in the contested disciplinary field of religion–state relations and specifically regarding the hotly debated model of the separation of religion and state. Regarding the former, it is suggested here that the general observation that evaluation of political institutions must rely on proper understanding of such institutions and hence be data-sensitive, can be further (...)
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  3.  22
    Freedom From Past Injustices: A Critical Evaluation of Claims for Inter-Generational Reparations.Nahshon Perez - 2012 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Should contemporary citizens provide material redress to right past wrongs? There is a widespread belief that contemporary citizens should take responsibility for rectifying past wrongs. Nahshon Perez challenges this view, questioning attempts to aggregate dead wrongdoers with living people, and examining ideas of intergenerational collective responsibility with great suspicion. He distinguishes sharply between those who are indeed unjustly enriched by past wrongs, and those who are not. Looking at issues such as the distinction between compensation and restitution, counterfactuals and the (...)
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  4.  24
    What Are Data Good for Anyway?Nahshon Perez - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (2):339-364.
    This article develops a typology of usages for empirical data in normative theorizing in ‎contemporary political theory. A typology of usages is indicated, providing definitions, ‘names’ and an analysis for each ‎usage, and points to the typical stage within political theory research for each usage. The typology is built in a casuistic methodology. It includes the following categories: Spotlighting, Definition, ‎‎ Conversion, Institutional clarity, Theoretical clarity, and Theory improvement. The typology creates a novel toolbox that can be adopted by political (...)
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  5.  33
    Cultural Requests and Cost Internalization.Nahshon Perez - 2009 - Social Theory and Practice 35 (2):201-228.
  6.  42
    Why Tolerating Illiberal Groups is Often Incoherent.Nahshon Perez - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (2):291-314.
    This article suggests that in cases in which illiberal groups face internal disagreement, plausible liberal arguments for toleration of such groups are hard to find. Since internal disagreement is widespread, this article proposes that arguments that attempt to justify toleration vis-à-vis illiberal groups are mostly incoherent views. I differentiate this argument from a different issue, namely, whether there is a justification for an external liberal agent to actively intervene in cases in which there exists a justification for lack of toleration.
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  7.  40
    Should multiculturalists oppress the oppressed? On religion, culture and the individual and cultural rights of un-liberal communities.Nahshon Perez - 2002 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 5 (3):51-79.
    This essay investigates how a liberal state should treat violations of human rights within minority cultures. It is argued that the best approach gives due weight to the following three features: the free exercise of culture, protection of human rights and the balance of power between the majority and minority communities in a given polity. This balanced approach is contrasted with the theories of Kukathas, Okin and Spinner-Halev, who are criticised for concentrating on only the first, second and third of (...)
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  8.  46
    Brief report Effects of spinal cord injuries on the subjective component of emotions.Pilar Cobos, María Sánchez, Nieves Pérez & Jaime Vila - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (2):281-287.
  9.  61
    Sobre Bíos y Éthos. Un enfoque contemporáneo.Urbano Ferrer, Arantza Etxeberria, Álvaro Moreno, Ruth García Chico, José Luis González Recio, Luciano Espinosa Rubio, Begoña ROMÁN, Margarita Boladeras, Juan B. Fuentes & Natalia S. GARCÍA PÉREZ - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40:3.
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    La raíz común de los enfoques “epistemológico” y “gnoseológico” de la pregunta por la ciencia del materialismo gnoseológico: el dualismo cartesiano.Juan B. Fuentes & Natalia S. García Pérez - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40 (5):119-139.
    This work tries to demonstrate, in first place, that the “gnoseological” approach to the question for the science defended by Gustavo Bueno in fact only fits in the gnoseological materialism, the theory proposed by Bueno, while adequationism, theoreticism and descriptionsm would be theories of the science that genuinely would adopt the “epistemological” approach. In second place, we sustain that the epistemological and gnoseological approaches are generated in the soul/body alternative outlined by Cartesian dualism, because while the first one conceives the (...)
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  11. La raíz común de los enfoques "epistemológico" y "gnoseológico" de la pregunta por la ciencia del materialismo gnoseológico: el dualismo cartesiano.Juan Bautista Fuentes Ortega & Natalia Sofía García Pérez - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40:119-139.
    El presente trabajo trata de demostrar, en primer lugar, que el enfoque “gnoseológico” de la pregunta por la ciencia defendido por Gustavo Bueno corresponde en rigor únicamente al materialismo gnoseológico, la teoría propuesta por Bueno, mientras que el adecuacionismo, el teoreticismo y el descripcionismo serían teorías de la ciencia que genuinamente adoptarían el enfoque “epistemológico”. En segundo lugar, se sostiene que los enfoques epistemológico y gnoseológico se generan en la alternativa planteada por el dualismo cartesiano alma/cuerpo, pues mientras el primero (...)
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  12.  17
    Data based radicalism? data usage and the problem of critical distance in contextual and empirical political theory.Nahshon Perez - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    Empirical political theory has grown in importance. In empirical political theory, attention to data is part of the evaluative step. A concern was raised that being attentive to the content of political science data implies that such attentiveness would limit the normative contours of empirical political theory, and will create a status-quo bias. This concern has been called the ‘problem of critical distance’. One way to appraise the significance of this problem is to examine the work done by empirical political (...)
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  13.  45
    Must We Provide Material Redress for Past Wrongs?Nahshon Perez - 2005 - In Andrew I. Cohen & Christopher Heath Wellman (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 22--203.
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  14.  23
    Posner’s “Law and Economics” and Politics: Bringing State‐Skepticism Back In.Nahshon Perez - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (4):589-609.
  15. The Internal Contradictions of Recognition Theory.Nahshon Perez - 2012 - Libertarian Papers 4.
    This article offers a critical examination of theories that emphasize the importance of governmental provision of self-esteem to citizens. Self-esteem is the feeling that one’s abilities and achievements are positively appraised by the surrounding society, and in some cases the legal system. Such theories are becoming fashionable, following the influence of scholars such as Axel Honneth, Nancy Fraser, and others.The author argues that such theories face major challenges, on two accounts. First, trying to provide universal self esteem would imply that (...)
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  16. El método de investigación en la "filosofía de las cosas" según Aristóteles.Nestor Ortiz Pérez - 1989 - Universitas Philosophica 13:89-98.
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  17. La educación católica: fuente de obligaciones y derechos.N. Antonio Pérez - 2002 - Verdad y Vida 60 (234):277-304.
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  18.  34
    La tercera persona: una propuesta antropológico-filosófica delimitada frente al planteamiento sociológico.Natalia S. García Pérez - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (1):55-77.
    Frente al paradigma diádico preponderante en la teoría social, recientes propuestas reivindican la función del tercero. En estas teorías, el tercero personaliza el orden social normativo –surgido en la relación diádica– y atribuye empíricamente el reconocimiento como persona. Frente a este planteamiento empírico, proponemos un enfoque trascendental antropológico-filosófico, según el cual la estructura tri-posicional de las relaciones sociales constituye la condición de posibilidad de la cultura normativa y del modo de ser propio del hombre en cuanto que persona.
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    Meanings of Waves: Electroencephalography and Society in Mexico City, 1940–1950.Nuria Valverde Pérez - 2016 - Science in Context 29 (4):451-472.
    ArgumentThis paper focuses on the uses of electroencephalograms in Mexico during their introductory decade from 1940 to 1950. Following Borck, I argue that EEGs adapted to fit local circumstances and that this adjustment led to the consolidation of different ways of making science and the emergence of new objects of study and social types. I also maintain that the way EEGs were introduced into the institutional networks of Mexico entangled them in discussions about the objective and juridical definitions of social (...)
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  20.  25
    Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World - by María M. Portuondo.Nuria Valverde Pérez - 2010 - Centaurus 52 (3):259-260.
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  21. XXII Semana Española de Teología. (17-28 sept. 1962). Teología del Episcopado. Otros estudios. [REVIEW]N. Pérez - 1965 - Augustinianum 5 (1):167-168.
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  22. The editor has review copies of the following books. Potential reviewers should contact the editor to obtain a review copy (rhaynes@ phil. ufl. edu). Books not previously listed are in bold-faced type. [REVIEW]F. Funes, L. García, M. Bourque & N. Pérez - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19:273-274.
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    Martinez, G. F. Dr., Evolución deI dogma y regla de fe. [REVIEW]N. Pérez - 1965 - Augustinianum 5 (1):168-168.
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