Results for 'Moye Daniel'

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  1.  27
    Foucault and Neoliberalism.Daniel Zamora (ed.) - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Michel Foucault's death in 1984 coincided with the fading away of the hopes for social transformation that characterized the postwar period. In the decades following his death, neoliberalism has triumphed and attacks on social rights have become increasingly bold. If Foucault was not a direct witness of these years, his work on neoliberalism is nonetheless prescient: the question of liberalism occupies an important place in his last works. Since his death, Foucault's conceptual apparatus has acquired a central, even dominant position (...)
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    Competitive Processes in Cross‐Situational Word Learning.Daniel Yurovsky, Chen Yu & Linda B. Smith - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (5):891-921.
    Cross-situational word learning, like any statistical learning problem, involves tracking the regularities in the environment. However, the information that learners pick up from these regularities is dependent on their learning mechanism. This article investigates the role of one type of mechanism in statistical word learning: competition. Competitive mechanisms would allow learners to find the signal in noisy input and would help to explain the speed with which learners succeed in statistical learning tasks. Because cross-situational word learning provides information at multiple (...)
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    Existence Hedges and Neutral Free Logic.Daniel Yeakel - 2016 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 116 (3):379-386.
    I argue that neutral free logic and existence hedging are incompatible. Primarily, I respond to proposals by James Pryor intended to reconcile the two. Consideration of those proposals will reveal that on any neutral free logic either some existence hedges will entail some undesired existence claims, or they will not entail some desired existence claims.
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  4. Mutual exclusivity in crosssituational statistical learning.Daniel Yurovsky & Chen Yu - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 715--720.
  5.  21
    Causal surgery under a Markov blanket.Daniel Yon & Philip Robert Corlett - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e218.
    Bruineberg et al. provide compelling clarity on the roles Markov blankets could (and perhaps should) play in the study of life and mind. However, here we draw attention to a further role blankets might play: as a hypothesis about cognition itself. People and other animals may use blanket-like representations to model the boundary between themselves and their worlds.
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  6. Yuck!: The Nature and Moral Significance of Disgust.Daniel Ryan Kelly - 2011 - Bradford.
    People can be disgusted by the concrete and by the abstract -- by an object they find physically repellent or by an ideology or value system they find morally abhorrent. Different things will disgust different people, depending on individual sensibilities or cultural backgrounds. In _Yuck!_, Daniel Kelly investigates the character and evolution of disgust, with an emphasis on understanding the role this emotion has come to play in our social and moral lives. Disgust has recently been riding a swell (...)
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  7.  74
    Case Study: Dialysis for a Prisoner of War.Daniel Zupan, Gary Solis, Richard Schoonhoven & George Annas - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (6):11.
  8. Principled moral sentiment and the flexibility of moral judgment and decision making.Daniel M. Bartels - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):381-417.
    Three studies test eight hypotheses about (1) how judgment differs between people who ascribe greater vs. less moral relevance to choices, (2) how moral judgment is subject to task constraints that shift evaluative focus (to moral rules vs. to consequences), and (3) how differences in the propensity to rely on intuitive reactions affect judgment. In Study 1, judgments were affected by rated agreement with moral rules proscribing harm, whether the dilemma under consideration made moral rules versus consequences of choice salient, (...)
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    Verbal and Behavioral Learning in a Probability Compounding Task.Daniel John Zizzo - 2003 - Theory and Decision 54 (4):287-314.
    The conjunction fallacy occurs whenever probability compounds are thought of as more likely than its component probabilities alone. In the experiment we present, subjects chose between simple and compound lotteries after some practice. Depending on the condition, they were given more or less information about the nature of probability compounds. The conjunction fallacy was surprisingly robust. There was, however, a puzzling dissociation between verbal and behavioral learning: verbal responses were sensitive, but actual choices entirely insensitive, to the amount of verbal (...)
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    Rethinking the Elementary School Learning Space.Daniel Young - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
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    O orfickim języku mitu.Daniel Zarewicz - 2009 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 15:225-240.
    Przekaz legendarnego Orfeusza już przez autorów starożytnych identyfikowany był z niejasną i trudną symboliką. Język ten, pomimo swojej niejasności, był najlepszą drogą do komunikacji pomiędzy bogami a ludźmi. Niniejszy artykuł jest kolejną próbą, na podstawie starożytnych przekazów, współczesnej literatury krytycznej i refleksji autora, opisania orfizmu: starożytnego fenomenu łączącego ze sobą przekaz religijny, filozoficzny, antropologię i teologię. Zjawisko to wciąż nie jest dostatecznie rozumiane, mimo, że odgrywa kluczową rolę w kształtowaniu się mentalności i duchowości współczesnego człowieka. Orfizm jako starożytna via-religia do (...)
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  12. Towards a Phenomenology of Mystical Being.Daniel Zelinski - 1995 - Analecta Husserliana 47:263.
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    Individual psychology, market scaffolding, and behavioral tests.Daniel John Zizzo - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):432-433.
    Hertwig and Ortmann (H&O) rightly criticize the usage of deception. However, stationary replication may often have no ecological validity. Many economic experiments are not interactive; when they are, there is not much specifically validating H&O's psychological views on script enactment. Incentives in specific market structures may scaffold even zero rational decision-making, but this says very little about individual psychology.
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    Explaining Presupposition Projection with Dynamic Semantics.Daniel Rothschild - 2011 - Semantics and Pragmatics 4 (3):1-43.
    Presents a version of dynamic semantics for a language with presuppositions that predicts basic facts about presupposition projection in a non-stipulative way.
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  15. Connecting Education and Cognitive Neuroscience: Where will the journey take us?Daniel Ansari, Donna Coch & Bert De Smedt - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (1):37-42.
    In recent years there have been growing calls for forging greater connections between education and cognitive neuroscience. As a consequence great hopes for the application of empirical research on the human brain to educational problems have been raised. In this article we contend that the expectation that results from cognitive neuroscience research will have a direct and immediate impact on educational practice are shortsighted and unrealistic. Instead, we argue that an infrastructure needs to be created, principally through interdisciplinary training, funding (...)
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  16.  88
    Winning Over the Audience: Trust and Humor in Stand‐Up Comedy.Daniel Abrahams - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (4):491-500.
    ABSTRACT This article advances a novel way of understanding humor and stand-up comedy. I propose that the relationship between the comedian and her audience is understood by way of trust, where the comedian requires the trust of her audience for her humor to succeed. The comedian may hold the trust of the audience in two domains. She may be trusted as to the form of the humor, such as whether she is joking. She may also be trusted as to the (...)
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  17.  29
    Embedding Social Innovation: Shaping Societal Norms and Behaviors Throughout the Innovation Process.Daniel Arenas & Henrike Purtik - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (5):963-1002.
    New products and services that tackle grand societal challenges often require changes in societal norms, values, and expectations. This research investigates the question of how innovating actors shape these informal institutions throughout the innovation process by drawing on the literature on social innovation and institutional theory. In a comparison of four case studies, we observe that all innovating actors under study engage in a diverse set of practices to challenge and shape societal norms and expectations as well as user habits (...)
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  18. Relativistic State Reduction Dynamics.Daniel J. Bedingham - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (4):686-704.
    A mechanism describing state reduction dynamics in relativistic quantum field theory is outlined. The mechanism involves nonlinear stochastic modifications to the standard description of unitary state evolution and the introduction of a relativistic field in which a quantized degree of freedom is associated to each point in spacetime. The purpose of this field is to mediate in the interaction between classical stochastic influences and conventional quantum fields. The equations of motion are Lorentz covariant, frame independent, and do not result in (...)
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    Nietzsche's On the genealogy of morals: a reader's guide.Daniel W. Conway - 2008 - New York: Continuum.
    In Nietzsche's "On the Genealogy of Morals": A Reader's Guide, Daniel Conway explains the philosophical background against which the book was written, the wider context of Western morality in general and the key themes and topics inherent ...
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  20.  74
    Thinking about the body as subject.Daniel Morgan - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (4):435-457.
    ABSTRACTThe notion of immunity to error through misidentification has played a central role in discussions of first-person thought. It seems like a way of making precise the idea of thinking about oneself ‘as subject’. Asking whether bodily first-person judgments can be IEM is a way of asking whether one can think about oneself simultaneously as a subject and as a bodily thing. The majority view is that one cannot. I rebut that view, arguing that on all the notions of IEM (...)
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  21.  43
    Just and Unjust Peace: An Ethic of Political Reconciliation.Daniel Philpott - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    In the wake of political evil on a large scale, what does justice consist of? Daniel Philpott takes up this question in Just and Unjust Peace. While scholars have written about many aspects of dealing with past injustice, no general ethic has emerged. Philpott seeks to provide a holistic model that delivers concrete ethical guidelines for societies striving to build peace.
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  22.  39
    Deleuze and the naming of God: post-secularism and the future of immanence.Daniel Colucciello Barber - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Deleuze’s philosophy of immanence, because it vigorously rejects every appeal to the beyond, is often presumed to be indifferent to the concerns of religion. This book argues against such a presumption. It does so, first of all, by emphasising how both Deleuze’s thought and the notion of religion are motivated by a demand to create new modes of existence, or to imagine and enact a future that would substantively break with the present configuration of being. If Deleuze’s thought and the (...)
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  23.  57
    The Secret History of Emotion: From Aristotle’s Rhetoric to Modern Brain Science.Daniel M. Gross - 2006 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Princess Diana’s death was a tragedy that provoked mourning across the globe; the death of a homeless person, more often than not, is met with apathy. How can we account for this uneven distribution of emotion? Can it simply be explained by the prevailing scientific understanding? Uncovering a rich tradition beginning with Aristotle, _The Secret History of Emotion_ offers a counterpoint to the way we generally understand emotions today. Through a radical rereading of Aristotle, Seneca, Thomas Hobbes, Sarah Fielding, and (...)
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  24.  22
    World Without Weight: Perspectives on an Alien Mind.Daniel Povinelli - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    In every domain of reasoning humans deploy an wide range of intuitive 'theories' about how the world works. So are we alone in trying to make sense of the world by postulating theoretical entities to explain how the world works, or do we share this ability with other species. This is the focus of this new book from Daniel Povinelli.
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  25.  65
    The Morality of Everyday Activities: Not the Right, But the Good Thing To Do.Daniel Nyberg - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):587-598.
    This article attempts to understand and develop the morality of everyday activities in organizations. Aristotle’s concept of phronesis, practical wisdom, is utilized to describe the morality of the everyday work activities at two call centres of an Australian insurance company. The ethnographic data suggests that ethical judgements at the lower level of the organization are practical rather than theoretical; emergent rather than static; ambiguous rather than clear-cut; and particular rather than universal. Ethical codes are of limited value here and it (...)
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  26.  63
    Ethical Concerns and Procedural Pathways for Patients Who are Incapacitated and Alone: Implications from a Qualitative Study for Advancing Ethical Practice.Pamela B. Teaster, Erica Wood, Jennifer Kwak, Casey Catlin & Jennifer Moye - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (2):171-189.
    Adults who are incapacitated and alone, having no surrogates, may be known as “unbefriended.” Decision-making for these particularly vulnerable patients is a common and vexing concern for healthcare providers and hospital ethics committees. When all other avenues for resolving the need for surrogate decision-making fail, patients who are incapacitated and alone may be referred for “public guardianship” or guardianship of last resort. While an appropriate mechanism in theory, these programs are often under-staffed and under-funded, laying the consequences of inadequacies on (...)
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  27.  35
    Using facial emotional stimuli in visual search experiments: The arousal factor explains contradictory results.Daniel Lundqvist, Pernilla Juth & Arne Öhman - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (6):1012-1029.
  28. The Negative Principle of Just Appropriation.Daniel Attas - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33 (3):343 - 372.
    According to the negative principle of appropriation a person can acquire an unowned resource if doing so respects a certain condition (the Lockean proviso). Contrary to some views, a proviso of this sort is not incompatible with libertarianism. Moreover, no unilateral powers of acquisition can fail to consider the impact on the interests of others. Hence, a doctrine of appropriation must incorporate such a proviso. However, the several interpretations such a proviso can take on various dimensions will be either implausible (...)
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  29.  73
    Consciousness and Mental Life.Daniel N. Robinson - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    In recent decades, issues that reside at the center of philosophical and psychological inquiry have been absorbed into a scientific framework variously identified as "brain science," "cognitive science," and "cognitive neuroscience." Scholars have heralded this development as revolutionary, but a revolution implies an existing method has been overturned in favor of something new. What long-held theories have been abandoned or significantly modified in light of cognitive neuroscience? _Consciousness and Mental Life_ questions our present approach to the study of consciousness and (...)
  30. Neuroeducation–a critical overview of an emerging field.Daniel Ansari, Bert De Smedt & Roland H. Grabner - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (2):105-117.
    Abstract In the present article, we provide a critical overview of the emerging field of ‘neuroeducation’ also frequently referred to as ‘mind, brain and education’ or ‘educational neuroscience’. We describe the growing energy behind linking education and neuroscience in an effort to improve learning and instruction. We explore reasons behind such drives for interdisciplinary research. Reviewing some of the key advances in neuroscientific studies that have come to bear on neuroeducation, we discuss recent evidence on the brain circuits underlying reading, (...)
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  31.  40
    Thinking Matter: Materialism in Eighteenth-Century Britain by John W. Yolton. [REVIEW]Daniel Garber - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (12):729-734.
  32.  52
    From ‘Dare to Think!’ to ‘How Dare You!’ and back again.Daniel Ross - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (4):466-474.
    Finding myself writing this introduction on the same day that Greta Thunberg is addressing the United Nations, it seems impossible not to understand her parrhesia concerning the biospheric crisis a...
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  33. The Social Account of Humour.Daniel Abrahams - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (2):81-93.
    Philosophical accounts of humour standardly account for humour in terms of what happens within a person. On these internalist accounts, humour is to be understood in terms of cognition, perception, and sensation. These accounts, while valuable, are poorly-situated to engage the social functions of humour. They have difficulty engaging why we value humour, why we use it define ourselves and our friendships, and why it may be essential to our self-esteem. In opposition to these internal accounts, I offer a social (...)
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  34.  13
    The Moral Ecology of Markets: Assessing Claims About Markets and Justice.Daniel Finn - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Disagreements about the morality of markets, and about self-interested behavior within markets, run deep. They arise from perspectives within economics and political philosophy that appear to have nothing in common. In this book, Daniel Finn provides a framework for understanding these conflicting points of view. Recounting the arguments for and against markets and self-interest, he argues that every economy must address four fundamental problems: allocation, distribution, scale, and the quality of relations. In addition, every perspective on the morality of (...)
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  35. Chance and Necessity.Daniel Nolan - 2016 - Philosophical Perspectives 30 (1):294-308.
    A principle endorsed by many theories of objective chance, and practically forced on us by the standard interpretation of the Kolmogorov semantics for chance, is the principle that when a proposition P has a chance, any proposition Q that is necessarily equivalent to P will have the same chance as P. Call this principle SUB (for the substitution of necessary equivalents into chance ascriptions). I will present some problems for a theory of chance, and will argue that the best way (...)
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  36. WCO, ACD and what they reveal about complex demonstratives.Daniel Altshuler - 2007 - Natural Language Semantics 15 (3):265-277.
    This squib presents a rebuttal to two of King’s (Complex demonstratives: A quantificational account. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001) arguments that complex demonstratives are quantifier phrases like every man. The first is in response to King’s argument that because complex demonstratives induce weak crossover effects, they are quantifier phrases. I argue that unlike quantifier phrases and like other definite determiner phrases, complex demonstratives in object position can corefer with singular pronouns contained in the subject DP. Although complex demonstratives could undergo (...)
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  37.  61
    Big Data: A Normal Accident Waiting to Happen?Daniel Nunan & Marialaura Di Domenico - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (3):481-491.
    Widespread commercial use of the internet has significantly increased the volume and scope of data being collected by organisations. ‘Big data’ has emerged as a term to encapsulate both the technical and commercial aspects of this growing data collection activity. To date, much of the discussion of big data has centred upon its transformational potential for innovation and efficiency, yet there has been less reflection on its wider implications beyond commercial value creation. This paper builds upon normal accident theory to (...)
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  38.  19
    Strengthening, exhaustification, and rational inference.Daniel Asherov, Danny Fox & Roni Katzir - 2024 - Linguistics and Philosophy 47 (4):505-516.
    The literature in semantics and pragmatics provides extensive evidence for the strengthening of linguistic expressions, both in matrix positions and when embedded under various operators. We study the properties of such strengthening using a very simple setting. Specifically, we look at when the expression “crate with a banana” can be understood as a unique crate even though two different crates have a banana in them. By varying the scenarios in which an expression such as “Pick the crate with a banana” (...)
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  39. The return of the sacred: The argument about the future of religion.Daniel Bell - 1978 - Zygon 13 (3):187-208.
  40. The divine simplicity.Daniel Bennett - 1969 - Journal of Philosophy 66 (19):628-637.
  41.  71
    Nietzsche’s Dangerous Game: Philosophy in the Twilight of the Idols.Daniel W. Conway - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 1997 work is a book-length treatment of the unique nature and development of Nietzsche's post-Zarathustran political philosophy. This later political philosophy is set in the context of the critique of modernity that Nietzsche advances in the years 1885–1888, in such texts as Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, The Case of Wagner, and Ecce Homo. In this light Nietzsche's own diagnosis of the ills of modernity is subject to the same (...)
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  42.  41
    Freedom in Rousseau's political philosophy.Daniel E. Cullen - 1993 - DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
    In this new interpretation of Rousseau's political thought, Daniel E. Cullen demonstrates that the concept of freedom is fundamental to the complex unity of Rousseau's work. He shows that the pervasive tension in Rousseau's thought between freedom and order, legitimacy and reliability can be explained as an effort to attune the political to the natural condition and to reestablish a condition of independence in political and social circumstances. Cullen's argument bears important implications for those who currently seek to bolster (...)
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  43.  54
    Are non-abstract brain representations of number developmentally plausible?Daniel Ansari - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):329-330.
    The theory put forward by Cohen Kadosh & Walsh (CK&W) proposing that semantic representations of numerical magnitude in the parietal cortex are format-specific, does not specify how these representations might be constructed over the course of learning and development. The developmental predictions of the non-abstract theory are discussed and the need for a developmental perspective on the abstract versus non-abstract question highlighted.
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  44.  9
    The Domestication of Language: Cultural Evolution and the Uniqueness of the Human Animal.Daniel Cloud - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Language did not evolve only in the distant past. Our shared understanding of the meanings of words is ever-changing, and we make conscious, rational decisions about which words to use and what to mean by them every day. Applying Charles Darwin's theory of "unconscious artificial selection" to the evolution of linguistic conventions, Daniel Cloud suggests a new, evolutionary explanation for the rich, complex, and continually reinvented meanings of our words. The choice of which words to use and in which (...)
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  45. Circadian Variation of Migraine Attack Onset Affects fMRI Brain Response to Fearful Faces.Daniel Baksa, Edina Szabo, Natalia Kocsel, Attila Galambos, Andrea Edit Edes, Dorottya Pap, Terezia Zsombok, Mate Magyar, Kinga Gecse, Dora Dobos, Lajos Rudolf Kozak, Gyorgy Bagdy, Gyongyi Kokonyei & Gabriella Juhasz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:842426.
    BackgroundPrevious studies suggested a circadian variation of migraine attack onset, although, with contradictory results – possibly because of the existence of migraine subgroups with different circadian attack onset peaks. Migraine is primarily a brain disorder, and if the diversity in daily distribution of migraine attack onset reflects an important aspect of migraine, it may also associate with interictal brain activity. Our goal was to assess brain activity differences in episodic migraine subgroups who were classified according to their typical circadian peak (...)
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  46. Ciencias Sociales y Literatura Latinoamericana: Del rigor científico que aprendimos a una teoría de las emociones.Daniel Castro Aniyar & Oleski Miranda - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 25.
    Latin American rigorous thought has consisted of a reconstruction of western rigorous thought. This inflexion is not only limited to literary practice, it also, and most importantly, reaches all sciences, and here visibly touches the social sciences. As such, the relation between literature and t..
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    Statistics anxiety and performance: blessings in disguise.Daniel Macher, Ilona Papousek, Kai Ruggeri & Manuela Paechter - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:154176.
  48.  14
    Theorien der Reellen Zahlen Und Interpretierbarkeit.Daniel Alscher - 2016 - De Gruyter.
    Die Metamathematik der reellen Zahlen kann durch verschiedene formale Theorien der reellen Zahlen entwickelt werden. Ausgehend von der Theorie der reell abgeschlossenen Körper werden Erweiterungen beweistheoretisch untersucht und mit anderen typischen mathematischen Theorien mittels der Relation der Interpretierbarkeit verglichen. Die Ergebnisse bestimmen die logischen Ressourcen jener Theorien und begründen ein eigenes Reduktionsprogramm.
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  49.  82
    Reading Bernard Williams.Daniel Callcut (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    When Bernard Williams died in 2003, the Times newspaper hailed him ‘as the greatest moral philosopher of his generation’. This outstanding collection of specially commissioned new essays on Williams's work is essential reading for anyone interested in Williams, ethics and moral philosophy and philosophy in general. _Reading Bernard Williams_ examines the astonishing scope of his philosophy from metaphysics and philosophy of mind to ethics, political philosophy and the history of philosophy. An international line up of outstanding contributors discuss, amongst others, (...)
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    Self‐Determination in Practice.Daniel Philpott - 1998 - In Margaret Moore, National Self-Determination and Secession. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter defends the moral right of national communities to self‐determination, but examines the problems involved in institutionalizing such a right, and the problem of perverse consequences in exercising the right.
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