Results for 'Morgenbesser’s Case'

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  1. Morgenbesser’s Coin, Counterfactuals, and Causal Versus Probabilistic Independence.Chiwook Won - 2009 - Erkenntnis 71 (3):345 - 354.
    It is widely held that, as Morgenbesser’s case is usually taken to show, considerations of causal or probabilistic dependence should enter into the evaluation of counterfactuals. This paper challenges that idea. I present a modified version of Morgenbesser’s case and show how probabilistic approaches to counterfactuals are in serious trouble. Specifically, I show how probabilistic approaches run into a dilemma in characterizing probabilistic independence. The modified case also illustrates a difficulty in defining causal independence. I (...)
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  2. Morgenbesser's coin, counterfactuals and independence.Paul Noordhof - 2005 - Analysis 65 (3):261-263.
    In assessing counterfactuals, should we consider circumstances which match the actual circumstances in all probablistically independent fact or all causally independent fact? Jonathan Schaffer argues the latter and claims that the former approach, advanced by me, cannot deal with the case of Morgenbesser’s coin. More generally, he argues that, where there is a difference between the two, his account yields our intuitive verdicts about the truth of counterfactuals where mine does not (Schaffer 2004: 307, n. 16). In this (...)
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  3. Morgenbesser's Coin and Counterfactuals with True Components.Lee Walters - 2009 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109 (1pt3):365-379.
    Is A & C sufficient for the truth of ‘if A were the case, C would be the case’? Jonathan Bennett thinks not, although the counterexample he gives is inconsistent with his own account of counterfactuals. In any case, I argue that anyone who accepts the case of Morgenbesser's coin, as Bennett does, should reject Bennett’s counterexample. Moreover, I show that the principle underlying his counterexample is unmotivated and indeed false. More generally, I argue that (...) coin commits us to the sufficiency of A & C for the truth of the corresponding counterfactual. (shrink)
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  4. Morgenbesser cases and closet determinism.Ian Phillips - 2007 - Analysis 67 (1):42–49.
    Sidney Morgenbesser brought to attention cases of the following form: (MC1) Chump tosses an indeterministic coin and, whilst it is in mid-air, calls heads. The coin lands tails, and Chump loses. His betting was causally independent of the coin’s fall. Chump seems right to say: ‘If I had bet tails, I would have won.’1 (MC2).
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    Generality’s price: Inescapable deficiencies in machine-learned programs.John Case, Keh-Jiann Chen, Sanjay Jain, Wolfgang Merkle & James S. Royer - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 139 (1):303-326.
    This paper investigates some delicate tradeoffs between the generality of an algorithmic learning device and the quality of the programs it learns successfully. There are results to the effect that, thanks to small increases in generality of a learning device, the computational complexity of some successfully learned programs is provably unalterably suboptimal. There are also results in which the complexity of successfully learned programs is asymptotically optimal and the learning device is general, but, still thanks to the generality, some of (...)
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  6. Pohľad za hranice filozofia.Ernst Cassirer’S. Case - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (3):262.
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  7. Professor Calkins's mediation.Mary S. Case - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (8):208-211.
  8.  14
    Dewey and his critics: essays from the Journal of philosophy.Sidney Morgenbesser (ed.) - 1977 - New York: Journal of Philosophy.
    Suitable for the scholarly study of Dewey's philosophy, this title enables the reader to appreciate the force of Dewey's thought in contending philosophical ideas of his time.
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  9. Tossing Morgenbesser’s Coin.Zachary Goodsell - 2022 - Analysis 82 (2):214-221.
    Morgenbesser's Coin is a thought experiment that exemplifies a widespread disposition to infer counterfactual independence from causal independence. I argue that this disposition is mistaken by analysing a closely related thought experiment.
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    Abstract In this paper I consider an easier-to-read and improved to a certain extent version of the causal chance-based analysis of counterfactuals that I proposed and argued for in my A Theory of Counterfactuals. Sections 2, 3 and 4 form Part I: In it, I survey the analysis of the core counterfactuals (in which, very roughly, the antecedent is compatible with history prior to it). In section 2 I go through the three main aspects of this analysis, which are the (...)
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  11. Philosophy of science today.Sidney Morgenbesser - 1967 - New York,: Basic Books. Edited by Sidney Morgenbesser.
    The nature and aim of science, by E. Nagel.--Truth and provability, by L. Henkin.--Completeness, by L. Henkin.--Computability, by S. C. Kleene.--Necessary truth, by W. V. Quine.--What is a scientific theory? By P. Suppes.--Science and simplicity, by N. Goodman.--Scientific explanation, by C. G. Hempel.--Observation and interpretation, by N. R. Hanson.--Probability and confirmation, by H. Putnam.--Utility and acceptance of hypotheses, by I. Levi.--Space and time, by A. Grünbaum.--Problems of microphysics, by P. Feyerabend.--Aspects of explanation in biological theory, by M. Beckner.--Psychologism and methodological (...)
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  12. Talking to neighbors: The evolution of regional meaning.Kevin J. S. Zollman - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (1):69-85.
    In seeking to explain the evolution of social cooperation, many scholars are using increasingly complex game-theoretic models. These complexities often model readily observable features of human and animal populations. In the case of previous games analyzed in the literature, these modifications have had radical effects on the stability and efficiency properties of the models. We will analyze the effect of adding spatial structure to two communication games: the Lewis Sender-Receiver game and a modified Stag Hunt game. For the Stag (...)
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    Explaining fairness in complex environments.Kevin J. S. Zollman - 2008 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 7 (1):81-97.
    This article presents the evolutionary dynamics of three games: the Nash bargaining game, the ultimatum game, and a hybrid of the two. One might expect that the probability that some behavior evolves in an environment with two games would be near the probability that the same behavior evolves in either game alone. This is not the case for the ultimatum and Nash bargaining games. Fair behavior is more likely to evolve in a combined game than in either game taken (...)
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  14.  29
    South Asian History 1750-1950: A Guide to Periodicals, Dissertations and Newspapers.D. E. S. & Margaret H. Case - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):394.
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    Response to Hilary Putnam's "Pragmatism and Realism".Sidney Morgenbesser - 1998 - In Morris Dickstein (ed.), The revival of pragmatism: new essays on social thought, law, and culture. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 54-61.
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  16. Bryan Magee Talks to Sidney Morgenbesser About the American Pragmatists.Bryan Magee, Sidney Morgenbesser, Inc Bbc Education & Training, Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Worldwide Americas - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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    What is technology adoption? Exploring the agricultural research value chain for smallholder farmers in Lao PDR.Kim S. Alexander, Garry Greenhalgh, Magnus Moglia, Manithaythip Thephavanh, Phonevilay Sinavong, Silva Larson, Tom Jovanovic & Peter Case - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (1):17-32.
    A common and driving assumption in agricultural research is that the introduction of research trials, new practices and innovative technologies will result in technology adoption, and will subsequently generate benefits for farmers and other stakeholders. In Lao PDR, the potential benefits of introduced technologies have not been fully realised by beneficiaries. We report on an analysis of a survey of 735 smallholder farmers in Southern Lao PDR who were questioned about factors that influenced their decisions to adopt new technologies. In (...)
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    Ethics in psychotherapy and counseling: a practical guide for psychologists.Kenneth S. Pope - 1991 - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Edited by Melba Jean Trinidad Vasquez.
    The comprehensive guide to ethics "An excellent blend of case law, research evidence, down-to-earth principles, and practical examples from two authors with outstanding expertise. Promotes valuable understanding through case illustrations, self-directed exercises, and thoughtful discussion of such issues as cultural diversity."--Dick Suinn, president-elect 1998, American Psychological Association "The scenarios and accompanying questions will prove especially helpful to those who offer courses and workshops concerned with ethics in psychology."--Charles D. Spielberger, former president, American Psychological Association; distinguished research professor of (...)
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  19.  19
    The Role of Psychometrics in Individual Differences Research in Cognition: A Case Study of the AX-CPT.Shelly R. Cooper, Corentin Gonthier, Deanna M. Barch & Todd S. Braver - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  20. “Here's My Dilemma”. Moral Case Deliberation as a Platform for Discussing Everyday Ethics in Elderly Care.S. Dam, T. A. Abma, M. J. M. Kardol & G. A. M. Widdershoven - 2012 - Health Care Analysis 20 (3):250-267.
    Our study presents an overview of the issues that were brought forward by participants of a moral case deliberation (MCD) project in two elderly care organizations. The overview was inductively derived from all case descriptions (N = 202) provided by participants of seven mixed MCD groups, consisting of care providers from various professional backgrounds, from nursing assistant to physician. The MCD groups were part of a larger MCD project within two care institutions (residential homes and nursing homes). Care (...)
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  21.  51
    Concepts and Axioms.A. S. Troelstra - 1998 - Philosophia Mathematica 6 (2):195-208.
    The paper discusses the transition from informal concepts to mathematically precise notions; examples are given, and in some detail the case of lawless sequences, a concept of intuitionistic mathematics, is discussed. A final section comments on philosophical discussions concerning intuitionistic logic in connection with a ‘theory of meaning’.
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    Men Just Weren’t Made To Do This: Performances of Drag at “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” Marches.Tristan S. Bridges - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (1):5-30.
    Though there is a vast literature on performances of drag, performances of gender and sexual transgressions outside of drag clubs are less studied. This case study of men’s marches protesting violence against women—“Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” marches— examines the politics of such transgressions. Cross-dressing to various degrees is strategically utilized at these events in an attempt to encourage men to become empathetic allies. This article suggests, however, that context is critical to the political potential of performances of (...)
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    Friend or Foe?: Bernard Williams and Political Constitutionalism.Cormac S. Mac Amhlaigh - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (2):219-234.
    This article looks at Bernard Williams’s relevance to particular debates in constitutional theory about the legitimacy of two competing models of institutional design: political constitutionalism which endorses giving the final say on the meaning of constitutional rights to legislatures; and legal constitutionalism which endorses giving the final say on the meaning of rights to courts. Recent defences of political constitutionalism have made claims about the realism of their accounts when compared with legal constitutionalism and have co-opted Bernard Williams’s realism to (...)
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  24.  13
    Bioethics in narrative foreshortening: From «science of survival» to the radical ethics of salvation.K. S. Smirnov - 2020 - Bioethics 25 (1):5-9.
    The increasingly foreshortening of bioethics known as narrative and even literary bioethics is analyzed in article. This analysis is realized on the material of Rudyard Kipling’s story «The miracle of Purun Bhagat». Deconstruction in its ethical aspect comes out in this case as method of the overcoming of logocentrism and becomes radicalization of ethics. The talk is about consideration of bioethics not simply as the science of survival but as radical ethics of the salvation of life. The text of (...)
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    On The Collective Catalogues Of Sivas Court Records.Abubekir Sıddık Yücel - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1059-1079.
    Court (Shar’iyya) recordings are at the forefront of primary written sources, which contain important documents related to Turkish history, sociology and culture. The court records shed light on city history of the period concerned with rich information and documents. These records are important books in which the documents related to the judicial, administrative, economic, architectural and social structure of a city as well as diplomatic correspondence between the center and the province were recorded. The purpose of this study is to (...)
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  26. The case against perfection: what's wrong with designer children, bionic athletes, and genetic engineering.Michael J. Sandel - 2011 - In Stephen Holland (ed.), Arguing About Bioethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 93.
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  27. The ethical limitations of online grading systems.Joseph S. Fulda - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Technology 36 (3):559-561.
    Discusses how the radio button and its technological cousins, graying out and "incompletely filled out" check-box forms "not accepted," and the like, compromise ethics in the context of professional autonomy of faculty in the matter of grading. Three case studies are given, based on my personal experience as a professor and instructor. -/- The point generalizes to all contexts, however, and can be read to object to all such radio-button forms, from multiple-choice tests for students, to surveys, etc.
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  28. The Illiberal Fruits of Corruption.Joseph S. Fulda - 2013 - The St. Croix Review 46 (4):58-63.
    Article interrelating /de facto/ bribery, public corruption, the disconnect between private life and public life, the disconnect between logic, on the one hand, and politics and ethics, on the other, and the four rationales for the exclusionary rules (in law), using New York City as a case study.
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    Matters of demarcation: Philosophy, biology, and the evolving fraternity between disciplines.Andrew S. Yang - 2008 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22 (2):211 – 225.
    The influence that philosophy of science has had on scientific practice is as controversial as it is undeniable, especially in the case of biology. The dynamic between philosophy and biology as disciplines has developed along two different lines that can be characterized as 'paternal', on the one hand, and more 'fraternal', on the other. The role Popperian principles of demarcation and falsifiability have played in both the systematics community as well as the ongoing evolution-creation debates illustrate these contrasting forms (...)
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  30. Benacerraf, Field, and the agreement of mathematicians.Eileen S. Nutting - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):2095-2110.
    Hartry Field’s epistemological challenge to the mathematical platonist is often cast as an improvement on Paul Benacerraf’s original epistemological challenge. I disagree. While Field’s challenge is more difficult for the platonist to address than Benacerraf’s, I argue that this is because Field’s version is a special case of what I call the ‘sociological challenge’. The sociological challenge applies equally to platonists and fictionalists, and addressing it requires a serious examination of mathematical practice. I argue that the non-sociological part of (...)
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    A Meta-analytic Comparison of Face-to-Face and Online Delivery in Ethics Instruction: The Case for a Hybrid Approach.E. Michelle Todd, Logan L. Watts, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Brett S. Torrence, Megan R. Turner, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1719-1754.
    Despite the growing body of literature on training in the responsible conduct of research, few studies have examined the effectiveness of delivery formats used in ethics courses. The present effort sought to address this gap in the literature through a meta-analytic review of 66 empirical studies, representing 106 ethics courses and 10,069 participants. The frequency and effectiveness of 67 instructional and process-based content areas were also assessed for each delivery format. Process-based contents were best delivered face-to-face, whereas contents delivered online (...)
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  32.  8
    God under fire: modern scholarship reinvents God.Douglas S. Huffman & Eric L. Johnson (eds.) - 2002 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
    God Never ChangesOr does he? God has been getting a makeover of late, a "reinvention" that has incited debate and troubled scholars and laypeople alike. Modern theological sectors as diverse as radical feminism and the new “open theism” movement are attacking the classical Christian view of God and vigorously promoting their own images of Divinity.God Under Fire refutes the claim that major attributes of the God of historic Christianity are false and outdated. This book responds to some increasingly popular alternate (...)
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    (1 other version)Causal Factors Implicated in Research Misconduct: Evidence from ORI Case Files.Sebastian R. Diaz, Michelle Riske-Morris & Mark S. Davis - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (2):297-298.
    The online version of the original article can be found under doi:10.1007/s11948-007-9045-2.
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  34. The role of forgetting in the evolution and learning of language.Jeffrey Barrett & Kevin J. S. Zollman - unknown
    Lewis signaling games illustrate how language might evolve from random behavior. The probability of evolving an optimal signaling language is, in part, a function of what learning strategy the agents use. Here we investigate three learning strategies, each of which allows agents to forget old experience. In each case, we find that forgetting increases the probability of evolving an optimal language. It does this by making it less likely that past partial success will continue to reinforce suboptimal practice. The (...)
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  35.  53
    On Seeking the Truth through Democracy: Estlund’s Case for the Qualified Epistemic Claim.Gerald Gaus - 2011 - Ethics 121 (2):270-300.
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    The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Disgust Sensitivity.Richard J. Stevenson, Supreet Saluja & Trevor I. Case - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    There have been few tests of whether exposure to naturalistic or experimental disease-threat inductions alter disgust sensitivity, although it has been hypothesized that this should occur as part of disgust’s disease avoidance function. In the current study, we asked Macquarie university students to complete measures of disgust sensitivity, perceived vulnerability to disease, hand hygiene behavior and impulsivity, during Australia’s Covid-19 pandemic self-quarantine period, in March/April 2020. These data were then compared to earlier Macquarie university, and other local, and overseas student (...)
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    Methodology, Metaphysics and the History of Science: In Memory of Benjamin Nelson.R. S. Cohen, Robert S. Cohen & Marx W. Wartofsky - 1984 - Springer Verlag.
    This selection of papers that were presented (or nearly so!) to the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science during the seventies fairly re presents some of the most disturbing issues of scientific knowledge in these years. To the distant observer, it may seem that the defense of rational standards, objective reference, methodical self-correction, even the distin guishing of the foolish from the sensible and the truth-seeking from the ideological, has nearly collapsed. In fact, the defense may be seen to (...)
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  38. The Basis of Human Moral Status.S. Matthew Liao - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (2):159-179.
    When philosophers consider what moral status human beings have, they tend to find themselves either supporting the idea that not all human beings are rightholders or adopting what Peter Singer calls a 'speciesist' position, where speciesism is defined as morally favoring a particular species—in this case, human beings—over others without sufficient justification. In this paper, I develop what I call the 'genetic basis for moral agency' account of rightholding, and I propose that this account can allow all human beings (...)
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    A deflationary account of information in biology.John S. Wilkins - unknown
    An oft-repeated claim is that there is information in some biological entity or process, most especially in genes. Some of these claims derive from the Central Dogma, population genetics, and the neo-Darwinian program. Others derive from attacks upon evolution, in an attempt to show that “information cannot be created” by natural selection. In this paper I will try to show that the term “information” is a homonym for a range of distinct notions, and that these notions are either of concrete (...)
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    The strategy of individualization of identity in modern culture: Philosophical analysis.I. S. Seleznev - 2020 - Bioethics 25 (1):16-21.
    The article considers the process of identity constructing in modern culture. As a result of the case analysis, the author conceptualizes the modern identity construction strategy as an individualization of identity. The worldview foundations of this strategy are revealed. It is proposed to distinguish two paradigms of identity on the basis of the function of social representation: I-as-image and I-as-symbol. The author connects the tendency of individualization and delegitimation of social institutions in modern culture with the process of transition (...)
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  41. Did My Neurons Make Me Do It? Philosophical and Neurobiological Perspectives on Moral Responsibility and Free Will.Nancey Murphy & Warren S. Brown - 2007 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Warren S. Brown.
    If humans are purely physical, and if it is the brain that does the work formerly assigned to the mind or soul, then how can it fail to be the case that all of our thoughts and actions are determined by the laws of neurobiology? If this is the case, then free will, moral responsibility, and, indeed, reason itself would appear to be in jeopardy. Murphy and Brown present an original defence of a non-reductive version of physicalism whereby (...)
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    ‘It’s like sailing’ – Experiences of the role as facilitator during moral case deliberation.Dara Rasoal, Annica Kihlgren & Mia Svantesson - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 12 (3):135-142.
    BackgroundMoral case deliberation is one form of clinical ethics support, and there seems to be different ways of facilitating the dialogue.PurposeThis paper aimed to explore Swedish facilitators' experiences of their role in moral case deliberations.MethodThis study had a qualitative approach with explorative design. Semi-structured interviews with eleven MCD facilitators were conducted. Their experiences were analyzed using thematic analysis.ResultBeing a facilitator was understood through the metaphor of sailing: against the wind or with it. The role was likened to a (...)
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  43. Morgenbesser’s Coin.Yael Loewenstein - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (5):317-328.
    Before a fair, indeterministic coin is tossed, Lucky, who is causally isolated from the coin-tossing mechanism, declines to bet on heads. The coin lands heads. The consensus is that the following counterfactual is true: (M:) If Lucky had bet heads, he would have won the bet. It is also widely believed that to rule (M) true, any plausible semantics for counterfactuals must invoke causal independence. But if that’s so, the hope of giving a reductive analysis of causation in terms of (...)
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  44. Political Theory and History: The Case of Anarchism.Nathan Jun & Matthew S. Adams - 2015 - Journal of Political Ideologies 20 (3):244-262.
    This essay critically examines one of the dominant tendencies in recent theoretical discussions of anarchism, postanarchism, and argues that this tradition fails to engage sufficiently with anarchism’s history. Through an examination of late 19th-century anarchist political thought—as represented by one of its foremost exponents, Peter Kropotkin—we demonstrate the extent to which postanarchism has tended to oversimplify and misrepresent the historical tradition of anarchism. The article concludes by arguing that all political-theoretical discussions of anarchism going forward should begin with a fresh (...)
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    Design, Philosophy and Making Things Happen.Brian S. Dixon - 2023 - Design Research for Change.
    Drawing from the work of Dewey, Wittgenstein, and Heidegger, this book aims to relate a series of philosophic insights to the practice of engaging in design research for change. These insights are explored and presented as a set of potential strategies for grounding transformative design research within an intellectual context which both embraces and celebrates experience, process, and uncertainty. Chapter by chapter, through theory, practical examples, and case studies an accessible narrative opens up around the coupled themes of existence (...)
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  46. The Closeness Problem and the Doctrine of Double Effect: A Way Forward.S. Matthew Liao - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (4):849-863.
    A major challenge to the Doctrine of Double Effect is the concern that an agent’s intention can be identified in such a fine-grained way as to eliminate an intention to harm from a putative example of an intended harm, and yet, the resulting case appears to be a case of impermissibility. This is the so-called “closeness problem.” Many people believe that one can address the closeness problem by adopting Warren Quinn’s version of the DDE, call it DDE*, which (...)
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    Creating a New Imaginary for Love in Religion.Paul S. Fiddes & Pamela Sue Anderson - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):46-53.
    Ideas of love within religion are usually driven by one of two mythologies – either a personal God who commands love or a mystical God of ineffable love – but both are inadequate for motivating love of neighbour. The first tends towards legalism and the second offers no cognitive guidance. The situation is further complicated by there being different understandings of love of neighbour in the various Abrahamic religions, as exemplified in the approaches of two philosophers, Søren Kierkegaard and Emmanuel (...)
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    Men's Bargaining with Patriarchy: The Case of Primaries within Hamulas in Palestinian Arab Communities in Israel.Taghreed Yahia-Younis & Hanna Herzog - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (4):579-602.
    This article expands Kandiyoti's concept of patriarchal bargaining to include men's negotiations. It analyzes how marginalized groups within a dominant sociocultural knowledge regime strategize to advance change while trying to maximize security and optimize their life options. The case study analyzes primaries held within kin-based groupings— hamulas among Palestinian Arabs in Israel—to determine the candidates for municipal elections. Based on interviews and analysis of newspaper articles, the authors claim that the turn to primaries by hamulas was an attempt to (...)
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    A Case Study in 'ad hominem' Arguments: Fichte's "Science of Knowledge".Peter Suber - 1990 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 23 (1):12 - 42.
    Fichte's narrative persona in the Science of Knowledge is obnoxious. I try to disentangle regrettable signs of immaturity and paranoia from justifiable ad hominem arguments. Many of Fichte's ad hominem attacks on metaphysical realists are justified by his metaphysics and epistemology. We cannot criticize an important class of these arguments unless we criticize his epistemology and metaphysics. They are not matters of "style" separable from "substance". I show this inseparability, and point out a few inconsistencies, but otherwise do not comment (...)
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    The elephant in the room: a postphenomenological view on the electronic health record and its impact on the clinical encounter.Tania Moerenhout, Gary S. Fischer & Ignaas Devisch - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (2):227-236.
    Use of electronic health records within clinical encounters is increasingly pervasive. The digital record allows for data storage and sharing to facilitate patient care, billing, research, patient communication and quality-of-care improvement—all at once. However, this multifunctionality is also one of the main reasons care providers struggle with the EHR. These problems have often been described but are rarely approached from a philosophical point of view. We argue that a postphenomenological case study of the EHR could lead to more in-depth (...)
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