Results for 'Misa Sjöberg'

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  1. Findings follow framings: navigating the empirical turn.Thomas J. Misa - 2009 - Synthese 168 (3):357-375.
    In this paper, I outline several methodological questions that we need to confront. The chief question is how can we identify the nature of technological change and its varied cultural consequences—including social, political, institutional, and economic dimensions—when our different research methods, using distinct ‘levels’ or ‘scales’ of analysis, yield contradictory results. What can we say, in other words, when our findings about technology follow from the framings of our inquiries? In slightly different terms, can we combine insights from the fine-grained (...)
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    History of Technology.Thomas J. Misa - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks, A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 5–17.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Definitions of “Technology” Problems of Culture Dilemmas of Determinism References and Further Reading.
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    Superfluousness of the faulty: Economy of the 'disabled' body symbolism.Misa Ljubenovic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (1):245-278.
    In the modern culture, the phenomenon of the 'disabled' body is a intersection place of its ableist ideology, power relations and pseudoscientific explanations, and they are urged by the neo-eugenic project of the perfect world creating. As the prisoner of the biomedical discourse, such a body, deprived of any agensy, loaded with the culture-historicaly constituated non-power, is a particularly suitable field of the mainstream culture for spreading almost archetypically powerful apocaliptic visions of confronting with the enemy's otherness. For that reason, (...)
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    Die philosophische Anthropologie und die moralische Funktion des Gewissens in der Philosophie Hegels.Misa Sanada - 2018 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):340-344.
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    Christian personalism as a source of the universal declaration of human rights.Misa Djurkovic - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (2):270-286.
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    The first debate between liberals: A contribution to the study of political philosophy in Serbia.Misa Djurkovic - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (3):345-366.
    In this article the author examines the first domestic philosophical debate between the two authors who perform within liberal positions. It is a debate between Leon Kojen and Aleksandar Pavkovic, conducted during 1985 in the pages of several national magazines. The main subject of controversy is the question of establishment of liberalism. Kojen is committed to seeing that liberalism is based on the equal rights, equal rights to freedom. Pavkovic criticizes this view and suggests different approach which establishes liberalism starting (...)
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    Andrew Carnegie. Joseph Frazier Wall.Thomas Misa - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):593-594.
  8.  27
    Hajekova kritika totalitarizma (FA Hayek, Put u ropstvo, Global Book Novi Sad, 1997. Prevod Zoe Pavlović i Miroslav Prokopijević).Miša Z. Đurković - 1997 - Theoria 40 (3):131-136.
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    How Machines Make History, and how Historians (And Others) Help Them to Do So.Thomas J. Misa - 1988 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 13 (3-4):308-331.
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    American Iron, 1607-1900. Robert B. Gordon.Thomas Misa - 1997 - Isis 88 (1):128-129.
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    Theories of Technological Change.Thomas J. Misa - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (4):312-312.
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    (1 other version)Der Anfang der Wissenschaft und ihre Voraussetzungslosigkeit. Die Vorgeschichte der Kritik am unmittelbaren Wissen in der Enzyklopädie.Misa Sanada - 2019 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2019 (1):52-58.
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    Theories of Technological Change: Parameters and Purposes.Thomas J. Misa - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (1):3-12.
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    John Stuart Mill and the nationalism issue.Miša Đurković - 2006 - Theoria 49 (1-2):63-79.
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    Black Mirror, Enhancement and the Impossibility of ForgettingCrno zrcalo, napredak i nemogućnost zaboravljanja.Miša Đurković - 2022 - Disputatio Philosophica 23 (1):23-41.
    Modern cognitive and experimental science is increasingly working to explore the meaning and importance of forgetting. Forgetting is one of the most important mental functions on an individual level, but also on a social and national level, since it enables healing, purifies the mind of difficult memories, prevents obsession with problems, and eliminates the possibility of psychosomatic illnesses. The famous British TV series Black Mirror, which has become a symbol of the challenges that modern and futuristic technology brings to man, (...)
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    Christian Personalism as a Source of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Miša Đurković - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (2):270-286.
    To mark the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the author embarked on an attempt to analyze the theoretical and historical framework that contributed to the adoption of the document. The first part of the article discusses the development of the philosophy of personalism from Mounier to Maritain and analyzes Maritain’s views on human rights. In the second part of the article, the author shows the decisive influence of the personalists Charles Malik and Rene (...)
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    Ideological and political conflicts about popular music in Serbia.Misa Djurkovic - 2004 - Filozofija I Društvo 2004 (25):271-284.
    The paper is focused on ideological and political conflicts about popular music in Serbia, as a good example of wrong and confused searching for identity. Basic conflict that author is analyzing is about oriental elements and the question if they are legitimate parts of Serbian musical heritage or not. Author is making an analysis of three periods in twentieth century, in which absolutely the same arguments were used, and he's paying special attention to contemporary conflicts, trying to explain why all (...)
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  18.  44
    Rise of the New York Skyscraper, 1865-1913. Sarah Bradford Landau, Carl W. Condit.Thomas Misa - 1997 - Isis 88 (2):352-353.
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    Sheffield Steel and America: A Century of Commercial and Technological Interdependence, 1830-1930. Geoffrey Tweedale.Thomas Misa - 1988 - Isis 79 (3):527-528.
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    Technology and Transformation in the American Electric Utility IndustryRichard F. Hirsh.Thomas Misa - 1991 - Isis 82 (3):598-600.
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    The Decline of American Steel: How Management, Labor, and Government Went Wrong. Paul A. Tiffany.Thomas Misa - 1989 - Isis 80 (1):174-175.
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    Effect of feedback in promoting adherence to an exercise programme: a randomized controlled trial.Masaaki Shakudo, Misa Takegami, Ai Shibata, Miki Kuzumaki, Takahiro Higashi, Yasuaki Hayashino, Yoshimi Suzukamo, Satoshi Morita, Michio Katsuki & Shunichi Fukuhara - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):7-11.
  23.  9
    Book Reviews : InventingAccuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance. By Donald MacKenzie. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990. Pp. 464 + xiii; $29.95 (cloth. [REVIEW]Thomas J. Misa - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (1):127-129.
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    Discovery, Innovation, and Risk: Case Studies in Science and Technology by Newton Copp; Andrew Zanella. [REVIEW]Thomas Misa - 1994 - Isis 85:491-493.
  25.  14
    From Machine Shop to Industrial Laboratory: Telegraphy and the Changing Context of American Invention, 1830-1920 by Paul Israel. [REVIEW]Thomas Misa - 1993 - Isis 84:816-818.
  26.  38
    Kurt W. Beyer. Grace Hopper and the Invention of the Information Age. xii + 389 pp., illus., table. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2009. $27.95. [REVIEW]Thomas J. Misa - 2010 - Isis 101 (2):448-449.
  27.  31
    Laura DeNardis. The Global War for Internet Governance. viii + 288 pp., illus., tables, index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 2014. $38. [REVIEW]Thomas J. Misa - 2015 - Isis 106 (2):507-508.
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  28. Śr̥vaṇabeḷgoḷa Śrīgaḷavara bhāṣaṇasaṅgraha.Nēmisāgara Varṇi - 1991 - Beṅgaḷūru: Paṇḍitaratna Ertūru Śāntirājaśāstri Ṭrasṭ. Edited by E. Śāntirāja Śāstri.
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    Moral Stress in International Humanitarian Aid and Rescue Operations: A Grounded Theory Study.Gerry Larsson, Kjell Kallenberg, Misa Sjöberg & Sofia Nilsson - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (1):49-68.
    Humanitarian aid professionals frequently encounter situations in which one is conscious of the morally appropriate action but cannot take it because of institutional obstacles. Dilemmas like this are likely to result in a specific kind of stress reaction at the individual level, labeled as moral stress. In our study, 16 individuals working with international humanitarian aid and rescue operations participated in semistructured interviews, analyzed in accordance with a grounded theory approach. A theoretical model of ethical decision making from a moral (...)
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    Keeping vulnerable elderly patients free from pressure ulcer is associated with high caregiver burden in informal caregivers.Yosuke Yamamoto, Yasuaki Hayashino, Takahiro Higashi, Miho Matsui, Shin Yamazaki, Misa Takegami, Yoshiki Miyachi & Shunichi Fukuhara - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):585-589.
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    A novel Internet‐based blended learning programme providing core competency in clinical research.Yukio Tsugihashi, Naoki Kakudate, Yoko Yokoyama, Yosuke Yamamoto, Hiroki Mishina, Norio Fukumori, Fumiaki Nakamura, Misa Takegami, Shinya Ohno, Takafumi Wakita, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Takuhiro Yamaguchi & Shunichi Fukuhara - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):250-255.
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    Homilía Misa de Clausura.Monseñor Héctor Agüer - 2008 - The Chesterton Review En Español 2 (1):167-170.
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    Thomas Misa;, Robert W. Seidel . College of Science and Engineering: The Institute of Technology Years . iv + 192 pp., illus., app., bibls. Minneapolis: Charles Babbage Institute, 2010. $58.99. [REVIEW]Judith Goodstein - 2012 - Isis 103 (3):618-619.
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    La cuestión de la misa y comunión frecuente y cotidiana a finales del siglo XVI: Una apología inédita de Fray Pedro Cañedo, OFM.Isaac Vázquez Janeiro - 2002 - Salmanticensis 49 (2):289-307.
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  35. La santa misa diaria en la espiritualidad Ignaciana.M. Ruiz Jurado - 1991 - Gregorianum 72 (2):349-356.
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    Ritus Pewartaan Injil dalam Misa: Komparasi Missale Romanum Pius V (1570) dan Missale Romanum Paulus VI (2008).Christianus Watu - 2024 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 20 (2):238-273.
    This study explores the evolution and history of the rite of proclaiming the Gospel as found in the Ordo Missae of the Missale Romanum of Pius V (1570) and the Missale Romanum of Paul VI (2008). The objective is to facilitate a deeper understanding of how this rite has been celebrated in different contexts over time. The liturgical renewal of the Second Vatican Council has brought changes to the rite, simplifying some elements and removing unnecessary repetitions from the old Ordo (...)
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  37. Un rito de la Misa: el agua en el vino.Salvador Vicastillo - 2010 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 34 (70):271-273.
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    Thomas J. misa, Philip Brey and Andrew Feenberg , modernity and technology. Cambridge, ma and London: Mit press, 2003. Pp. IX+421. Isbn 0-262-13421-7. £26.50. [REVIEW]Jon Agar - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Science 38 (4):471-473.
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    Thomas J. Misa, A Nation of Steel: The Making of Modern America, 1865–1925. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995, Pp. xxvi + 367. ISBN 0-8018-4967-5. $42.50. [REVIEW]Sally Horrocks - 1996 - British Journal for the History of Science 29 (1):116-117.
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    (1 other version)Mikael Hård;, Thomas J. Misa . Urban Machinery: Inside Modern European Cities. viii + 351 pp., figs., table, bibl., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2008. $45. [REVIEW]Jens Lachmund - 2009 - Isis 100 (1):139-140.
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    A Nation of Steel: The Making of Modern America, 1865-1925. Thomas J. Misa.Richard O'connor - 1996 - Isis 87 (3):567-568.
  42.  20
    Proč Slunce svítí a hřeje? Hérakleitos: Mísa plná ohně.David Kubíček - 2024 - Studia Philosophica 71 (2):43-51.
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    Erasmo, hombre de mundo: evasivo, suspicaz e impertinente: (misántropo, borrachín, pendenciero).Carlos Clavería Laguarda - 2018 - Madrid: Cátedra.
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    La participación eucarística. A propósito del volumen de Francisco Caro de Hojeda "Modo de ordenar el memento en el sacrosanto sacrificio de la misa" publicado en Sevilla en 1613.Juan Manuel Sierra López - 2023 - Isidorianum 6 (11):211-226.
    Francisco Caro de Hojeda es el autor de este pequeño libro. Siguiendo las ideas predominantes en su época, presenta el orden y el significado de la oración de Memento en el rito de la Eucaristía. Se invita a los fieles a participar en la oración que el presidente de la celebración eucarística presenta a Dios en nombre de la Santa Iglesia. Se percibe un profundo sentimiento pastoral cuando se insta a los presentes a Unirse al Sacrificio así renovado.
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    Delia Dominguez: Palabras para la misa Del universo.Sergio Mansilla Torres - 2004 - Alpha (Osorno) 20.
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    El Concilio III de Toledo: Aspectos litúrgicos.Juan Manuel Sierra López - 2022 - Isidorianum 31 (2):159-182.
    El Concilio III de Toledo, celebrado en mayo del año 589 a instancias del rey Recaredo, constituye un acontecimiento excepcional para la historia de España y para la historia de la Iglesia. La liturgia ocupa un lugar de gran importancia en este Concilio, pues en ella se recoge y se expresa la fe. Al mismo tiempo, la liturgia sirve para alimentar la fe, como se ve en la introducción del rezo del Credo en la celebración de la Misa, prescrito (...)
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  47. Muse ribelli. Complicità e conflitto nel sentire al femminile.Aldo Marroni & Ugo di Toro (eds.) - 2012 - ombre corte.
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    Yohanes Bambang Mulyono, Sejarah dan Penafsiran Leksionaris Versi RCL, Jakarta: Grafika KreasIndo, 2014, xv+257 hlm.Martin Harun - 2015 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 14 (2):307-310.
    Berulang kali saya ditanya oleh sesama umat Katolik apakah buku bacaan Misa Katolik juga dipakai oleh gereja Protestan, sebab mereka mengalami bahwa dalam ibadat hari minggu gereja Kristen lain dipakai bacaan Alkitab yang sama. Memang belum banyak diketahui perkem-bangan luar biasa yang selama setengah abad terakhir terjadi berkaitan dengan lectionarium atau leksionari ibadat hari Minggu dalam seluruh umat Kristen. Karena itu publikasi thesis Pendeta Y.B. Mulyono (S2 di STT Proklamasi) tentang Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) sangat di-butuhkan, dan membantu juga (...)
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    Búsqueda de salud y oferta de sanación. Estudio teológico de caso: Parroquia «Natividad del Señor».Virginia Raquel Azcuy - 2020 - Franciscanum 62 (174):1-33.
    El foco de atención está puesto en la afluencia espontánea de una gran multitud de personas a la parroquia rosarina «Natividad del Señor» en busca de salud para sí mismos y/o sus familiares. El fenómeno manifiesta una de las principales motivaciones que acompañan las creencias y las prácticas religiosas actuales en la Argentina, sobre todo de quienes pertenecen a sectores sociales medios y bajos, aunque no exclusivamente. La explicación de por qué esta parroquia se ha constituido en un lugar de (...)
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    Maureen Sullivan, Responses to 101 Questions on Vatican II, Bandra, Mumbai: St. Paul Press 2004, 135 hlm.Ignatius L. Madya Utama - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (2):262-267.
    Pada 11 Oktober 2012 Gereja Katolik merayakan 50 tahun dibukanya Konsili Vatikan II. Namun demikian, 16 dokumen yang dihasilkan selama Konsili itu berlangsung (11 Oktober 1962-7 Desember 1965) belum dikenal oleh semua umat Katolik. Bahkan ada tidak sedikit umat Katolik yang belum pernah melihat dokumen-dokumen tersebut. Ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa kendati sudah membacanya, namun merasakan sangat sulit untuk memahaminya. Ada pula yang ketika melihat buku tebal yang memuat dokumen-dokumen tersebut langsung merasa terintimidasi dan ketakutan (intimadated), lalu tidak berani membukanya. (...)
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