Results for 'Mirta Evelia Carbonari'

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  1.  67
    Rapid Automatized Naming as a Universal Marker of Developmental Dyslexia in Italian Monolingual and Minority-Language Children.Desiré Carioti, Natale Stucchi, Carlo Toneatto, Marta Franca Masia, Martina Broccoli, Sara Carbonari, Simona Travellini, Milena Del Monte, Roberta Riccioni, Antonella Marcelli, Mirta Vernice, Maria Teresa Guasti & Manuela Berlingeri - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:783775.
    Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) is considered a universal marker of developmental dyslexia (DD) and could also be helpful to identify a reading deficit in minority-language children (MLC), in which it may be hard to disentangle whether the reading difficulties are due to a learning disorder or a lower proficiency in the language of instruction. We tested reading and rapid naming skills in monolingual Good Readers (mGR), monolingual Poor Readers (mPR), and MLC, by using our new version of RAN, the RAN-Shapes, (...)
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  2. Los caminos poéticos del lenguaje.Mirta Aguirre - 1979 - New York, NY: Distribuido por Ediciones Vitral. Edited by Mirta Aguirre.
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  3. De la hostilidad como signatura.Mirta A. Antonelli - 2006 - In Carlos Balzi & César Marchesino (eds.), Hostilidad/hospitalidad. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Area de Filosofía del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.
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  4. A formação do sujeito de direitos humanos pela educação: bases ético-filosóficas da educação em direitos humanos // Education to formation of the human rights subject: ethical and philosophical bases of human rights education.Paulo César Carbonari - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (Espec):14-38.
    O artigo aborda a noção de sujeito de direitos humanos como central nos processos educativos de modo a entender a educação em direitos humanos não como uma tarefa ou uma atividade específica dentro da educação em geral, mas como parte substantivamente integrante da educação em geral. A formação do sujeito de direitos humanos é tarefa da educação como formação atual e presente, dado que os participantes dos processos educativos não só se preparam para ser sujeitos, mas podem experienciar o ser (...)
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    We need more precise, quantitative models of sentiments.Mirta Galesic - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  6. Los 100 años de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud.Mirta Roses - 2002 - Telos (Venezuela) 4 (2):273-276.
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    Imágenes Satelitales y Uso del Suelo. Aplicación en el Area Metropolitana Santa Fe-Paraná.Mirta Soijet - 2008 - Polis 1 (10-11):76-85.
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    Los derechos humanos en la bioética: nacer, vivir, enfermar y morir.Mirta Videla - 1999 - Buenos Aires: AD-HOC. Edited by Jorge Berberé Delgado.
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    La significación del espacio como construcción subjetiva y como subjetivadora y su aplicación al aula escolar y a la escuela.Mirta Voldman - 2006 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 3.
    La significación del espacio como construcción subjetiva y como subjetivadora y su aplicación al aula escolar y a la escuela.
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    A sampling model of social judgment.Mirta Galesic, Henrik Olsson & Jörg Rieskamp - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (3):363-390.
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    La revolución en la literatura del Bicentenario: De las historias sobre “el origen” a “lo negro” en la argentina actual.Mirta Amati - 2010 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 31 (102):49-59.
    La “referencia al origen es un invariante cultural” . Sin embargo, cada país tiene modos particulares de procesar su propia historia. Este trabajo analiza una de las modalidades en que –en Argentina– se narra ese origen, en el contexto de los bicentenarios latinoamericanos. Ese momento originario –la Revolución de Mayo de 1810– aparece representado en producciones literarias que han sido best sellers de historia. Esos relatos de no-ficción junto a otros de ficción permiten problematizar la cuestión del género y su (...)
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    Ouvrières en Amérique du Sud (xixe-xxe siècle).Mirta Zaida Lobato - 2013 - Clio 38:209-224.
    À la fin du xixe siècle, la plupart des nations latino-américaines étaient intégrées au commerce international par l’exportation de produits agricoles, miniers ou d’élevage et l’importation de biens manufacturés. Le développement des moyens de transport, principalement le train, et le processus d’urbanisation s’étaient accélérés. De nombreuses villes surgirent, de grandes villes furent transformées et embellies par de nouveaux bâtiments, parcs et jardins. La demande de main d’œuvre impulsa un...
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    Women workers in South America.Mirta Zaida Lobato - 2014 - Clio 38.
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    Doing Phenomenological Research in Hematology: The Experience and Benefits According to Researchers’ Perspective.Mirta Rocchi, Luca Ghirotto & Cristina Pedroni - 2023 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 27 (66):33-47.
    Doing phenomenological research entails a complex process that is only minimally published in scientific journals. What is often missing reflects how being in research calls into question the researchers themselves. Anyone who has conducted qualitative empirical research knows that personal engagement does not come at no cost; there are multiple pedagogical and professional practice gains. This article’s aim is to share the phenomenology behind phenomenology: the reflection and personal experience of doing/being in phenomenological research and the personal narrative of what (...)
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    Saltando el Obstáculo Epistemológico. El Desafío Metropolitano para las Ciudades de Santa Fe, Paraná y sus Aglomeraciones.Mirta Soijet - 2006 - Polis 1 (9):14-21.
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    Does repetition suppression index face recognition?Mirta Stantic, Eri Ichijo, Caroline Catmur & Geoffrey Bird - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  17.  13
    An Online Tool to Assess Sentence Comprehension in Teenagers at Risk for School Exclusion: Evidence From L2 Italian Students.Mirta Vernice, Michael Matta, Marta Tironi, Martina Caccia, Elisabetta Lombardi, Maria Teresa Guasti, Daniela Sarti & Margherita Lang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This study presents a web-based sentence comprehension test aimed at identifying high school students who are at risk for a language delay. By assessing linguistic skills on a sample of high school students with Italian as an L2 and their monolingual peers, attending a vocational school, we were able to identify a subgroup of L2 students with consistent difficulties in sentence comprehension, though their reading skills were within the average range. The same subgroup revealed to experience a lack of support (...)
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  18.  64
    A Sampling Framework for Uncertainty in Individual Environmental Decisions.Mirta Galesic, Astrid Kause & Wolfgang Gaissmaier - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (1):242-258.
    Decisions in the environmental and in particular the climate domain are burdened with uncertainty. Here, we focus on uncertainties faced by individuals when making decisions about environmental behavior, and we use the statistical sampling framework to develop a classification of different sources of uncertainty they encounter. We then map these sources to different public policy strategies aiming to help individuals cope with uncertainty when making environmental decisions.
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  19.  31
    Megamineria, desterritorializacion Del estado Y biopolitica.Mirta Alejandra Antonelli - 2011 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 7.
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    Hegemonía. Concepto clave para pensar la política.Mirta Giacaglia - 2002 - Tópicos 10:151-159.
    En medio de una época donde la incertidumbre, la inseguridad y la desprotección crecen, la teoría de la hegemonía, elaborada por Gramsci y reformulada por E. Laclau y Ch. Mouffe, constituye un punto nodal para pensar la política. Esta categoría surge como respuesta a una crisis que pone en cuestión las concepciones tradicionales para explicar la contingencia de las formas históricas concretas. La sociedad no debe ser entendida como un espacio cerrado sino como una estructura, resultado de prácticas articulatorias que (...)
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  21.  22
    Cognitive Science of Augmented Intelligence.Marina Dubova, Mirta Galesic & Robert L. Goldstone - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (12):e13229.
    Cognitive science has been traditionally organized around the individual as the basic unit of cognition. Despite developments in areas such as communication, human–machine interaction, group behavior, and community organization, the individual-centric approach heavily dominates both cognitive research and its application. A promising direction for cognitive science is the study of augmented intelligence, or the way social and technological systems interact with and extend individual cognition. The cognitive science of augmented intelligence holds promise in helping society tackle major real-world challenges that (...)
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    Relationship Between COVID-19 Threat Beliefs and Individual Differences in Demographics, Personality, and Related Beliefs.Ana Butkovic & Mirta Galesic - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Individual differences in demographics, personality, and other related beliefs are associated with coronavirus disease 2019 threat beliefs. However, the relative contributions of these different types of individual differences to COVID-19 threat beliefs are not known. In this study, a total of 1,700 participants in Croatia completed a survey that included questions about COVID-19 risks, questions about related beliefs including vaccination beliefs, trust in the health system, trust in scientists, and trust in the political system, the HEXACO 60 personality inventory, as (...)
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    Elements for an Epistemological Revision of Kolmogorov's Axiomatics.Alberto Landro & Mirta L. Gonzalez - 2024 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 24 (48).
    Although the literature on probability has traditionally considered certain assumptions about what were the aims and scope of the "Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung" in the development of probability theory, a detailed analysis of Kolmogorov's work in particular regarding its passage through the frequentist and propensionalist interpretations, leads to the conclusion that hypotheses usually raised in the literature about its axiomatics being based on a primitive concept of probability, independent of any interpretation about the nature of chance, are generally inaccurate and that (...)
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  24.  3
    Networks of beliefs: An integrative theory of individual- and social-level belief dynamics.Jonas Dalege, Mirta Galesic & Henrik Olsson - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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    Are ‘neurotypical controls’ really neurotypical? Individual differences in mental health traits in ‘control’ populations.Eri Ichijo, Mirta Stantic, Sammi Chekroud, Jennifer Murphy, Midel-Pierre Coll & Geoffrey Bird - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  26.  10
    Sampling complex social and behavioral phenomena.Henrik Olsson & Mirta Galesic - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e55.
    We comment on the limits of relying on prior literature when constructing the design space for an integrative experiment; the adaptive nature of social and behavioral phenomena and the implications for the use of theory and modeling when constructing the design space; and on the challenges of measuring random errors and lab-related biases in measurement without replication.
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  27.  29
    Democracia e autoritarismo.Esio Francisco Salvetti & Paulo César Carbonari - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (3):e37137.
    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma visão crítica da democracia contemporânea. Acontecimentos atuais demonstram a vigênciade nuances características do autoritarismoque corrói as bases da democracia. Permanecerá como pano de fundo deste artigo o seguinte questionamento: a defesa da democracia e do direito é suficiente para assegurar os direitos humanos, ainda mais profundamente, para garantir a vida de todos/as? Para responder a essa questão dar-se-á destaque a três aspectos: de que há vidas matáveis; de que há relação perversa entre democracia (...)
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    Ilusiones ópticas del alma: conflictos en torno a la representación en la obra de Gómez de Avellaneda.Mirta Suquet Martínez - 2014 - Arbor 190 (770):a190.
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    Proprioceptive Dysfunction in Focal Dystonia: From Experimental Evidence to Rehabilitation Strategies.Laura Avanzino & Mirta Fiorio - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Procesos de transformación en el área metropolitana Santa Fe‑Paraná: modalidades dominantes en el período 2000‑2010.Graciela Mantovani & Mirta Soijet - 2011 - Polis (Misc) 1 (13):62-71.
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    Análisis Exploratorio Multivariado.Silvia Lago, Mirta Mauro & Gustavo Alvarez - 2000 - Cinta de Moebio 9:1-18.
    This study conforms an essay, in the terms of an investigation of a faculty subject at University, on the usage of exploratory methods of multivaried analysis. The exercise consists in conforming a regionalisation of subprovincial areas according to their level of social development. In order to ac..
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  32. MDLChunker: A MDL-Based Cognitive Model of Inductive Learning.Vivien Robinet, Benoît Lemaire & Mirta B. Gordon - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (7):1352-1389.
    This paper presents a computational model of the way humans inductively identify and aggregate concepts from the low-level stimuli they are exposed to. Based on the idea that humans tend to select the simplest structures, it implements a dynamic hierarchical chunking mechanism in which the decision whether to create a new chunk is based on an information-theoretic criterion, the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle. We present theoretical justifications for this approach together with results of an experiment in which participants, exposed (...)
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  33.  24
    What Physiotherapists Specialized in Orthopedic Manual Therapy Know About Nocebo-Related Effects and Contextual Factors: Findings From a National Survey.Giacomo Rossettini, Tommaso Geri, Alvisa Palese, Chiara Marzaro, Mattia Mirandola, Luana Colloca, Mirta Fiorio, Andrea Turolla, Mattia Manoni & Marco Testa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Assessing level of consciousness and cognitive changes from vegetative state to full recovery.Tristan Bekinschtein, Cecilia Tiberti, Jorge Niklison, Mercedes Tamashiro, Melania Ron, Silvina Carpintiero, Mirta Villarreal, Cecilia Forcato, Ramon Leiguarda & Facundo Manes - 2005 - Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Vol 15 (3-4):307-322.
  35. Grieving for Job Loss and Its Relation to the Employability of Older Jobseekers.José Antonio Climent-Rodríguez, Yolanda Navarro-Abal, María José López-López, Juan Gómez-Salgado & Marta Evelia Aparicio García - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Introduction: Loss of employment is an experience that is lived and interpreted differently depending on a series of individual variables, including the psychological resources available to the affected person, as well as their perception of their degree of employability. Losing one’s job can be one of the most painful and traumatic events a person has to withstand. Following a dismissal, the worker needs to overcome a period of emotional adaptation to the loss. But that period of grieving can also condition (...)
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  36. Cronología radiocarbónica en paleoambientes del Pleistoceno tardío y Holoceno de La Pampa Deprimida, Provincia de Buenos Aires.F. Mari, E. Fucks, F. Pisano, R. Huarte & J. Carbonari - unknown - Laguna 2515 (9280).
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    Archivos de la categoría 'Vision sobre la ciencia y el arte en el caribe.'.Mensaje de la Dra Mirta Roses & Crics En Imágenes - forthcoming - Bioethics.
  38.  22
    The Impact of School Climate on Well-Being Experience and School Engagement: A Study With High-School Students.Elisabetta Lombardi, Daniela Traficante, Roberta Bettoni, Ilaria Offredi, Marisa Giorgetti & Mirta Vernice - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:482084.
    The aim of this work is to investigate the factors promoting students’ engagement at school and supporting their well-being experience. According to the Positive Education there is a strong relationship between school environment and student’s well-being. Moreover, the quality of the school climate perceived by the students was found to influence engagement in school activities, as well. In this study, 153 students ( M = 67) attending 10th grade were presented with tests and questionnaires to assess individual assets (personality traits, (...)
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  39.  13
    ORCA.IT: A New Web-Based Tool for Assessing Online Reading, Search and Comprehension Abilities in Students Reveals Effects of Gender, School Type and Reading Ability.Martina Caccia, Marisa Giorgetti, Alessio Toraldo, Massimo Molteni, Daniela Sarti, Mirta Vernice & Maria Luisa Lorusso - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    ORCA.IT, a new online test of online research and comprehension was developed for the Italian population. A group of 183 students attending various types of upper secondary schools in Northern Italy were tested with the new tool and underwent further cognitive and neuropsychological assessment. The different school types involved in the study are representative of the school population in the Italian system, but can also be easily compared with the educational systems of other countries. The new test turned out to (...)
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  40. Comparing risk reductions: On the dynamic interplay of cognitive strategies, numeracy, complexity and format.Adrien Barton, Edward Cokely, Mirta Galesic, Anna Koehler & Mario Haas - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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    Liquidity Hoarding in Financial Networks: The Role of Structural Uncertainty.Stojan Davidovic, Amit Kothiyal, Mirta Galesic, Konstantinos Katsikopoulos & Nimalan Arinaminpathy - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-16.
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    Attentional bias to emotions after prolonged endurance exercise is modulated by age.Angela Marotta, Miriam Braga, Cantor Tarperi, Kristina Skroce & Mirta Fiorio - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (2):273-283.
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  43. Information-driven coordination: experimental results with heterogeneous individuals. [REVIEW]Viktoriya Semeshenko, Alexis Garapin, Bernard Ruffieux & Mirta B. Gordon - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (1):119-142.
    We study experimentally a coordination game with N heterogeneous individuals under different information treatments. We explore the effects of information on the emergence of Pareto-efficient outcomes, by means of a gradual decrease of the information content provided to the players in successive experiments. We observe that successful coordination is possible with private information alone, although not on a Pareto-optimal equilibrium. Reinforcement-based learning models reproduce the qualitative trends of the experimental results.
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  44. Mazzini's Internationalism in Context: From the Cosmopolitan Patriotism of the Italian Carbonari to Mazzini's Europe of the Nations.Maurizio Isabella - 2008 - In Isabella Maurizio (ed.), Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalization of Democratic Nationalism, 1830-1920. pp. 37-58.
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    Esoterismo. Giornata di studi intorno al volume 25 degli Annali della Storia d’Italia Einaudi.Carolina Castellano, Francesca Sofia, Luisa Simonutti, Maria Conforti, Maurizio Cambi, Silvia Caianiello & Gian Mario Cazzaniga - unknown
    [Esotericism. One-day Workshop about the Annale n. 25 of the Storia d'Italia Einaudi]. This section contains the proceedings of the one-day workshop on the book Esoterismo, published as the Annale n. 25 in the collection "History of Italy" by Einaudi. The workshop was organized by ISPF on the October 26, 2011 to promote the discussion on the significance of Western esotericist traditions in Italian history. S. Caianiello’s introduction highlights some major concepts and goals of the recent field of studies about (...)
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    Women essayists of the Hispanic Caribbean: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. A state of the art.Consuelo Meza Márquez - 2021 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (27):57-81.
    En la historia intelectual de América Latina existe una laguna respecto a la producción de las mujeres en el género de ensayo. Son los ensayos de identidad criolla, de hechura masculina, los que construyen el canon respecto a las temáticas y a las maneras de ser abordado. Los ensayos de género que las escritoras han realizado se articulan como respuesta a esta visión dominante de los procesos sociales, políticos y culturales de los países latinoamericanos. Revelan un fuerte descontento con la (...)
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    ‘Be Not a Copy if Thou Canst Be an Original’: German Philosophy, Republican Pedagogy, Benthamism and Saint-Simonism in the Political Thought of Gioacchino di Prati.Alexander Jordan - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (2):221-240.
    SummaryBorn to a noble family in the Italian Trentino, Prati studied philosophy in Austria and Germany. Returning to Italy, he joined the carbonari, a network of revolutionary secret societies. Forced into exile in Switzerland, he worked as an educator alongside Pestalozzi. Following his expulsion from Switzerland, Prati sought refuge in Britain, becoming acquainted with Coleridge, the Benthamite utilitarians, and the Owenites. Following the July Revolution, Prati went to Paris, where he became a Saint-Simonian. Returning to Britain, he sought to (...)
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