Results for 'Miriam Martins Leal'

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  1.  17
    Praying for a Miracle: Negative or Positive Impacts on Health Care?Miriam Martins Leal, Emmanuel Ifeka Nwora, Gislane Ferreira de Melo & Marta Helena Freitas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The belief in miracle, as a modality of spiritual/religious coping strategy in the face of stress and psychic suffering, has been discussed in psychological literature with regard to its positive or negative role on the health and well-being of patients and family members. In contemporary times, where pseudo-conflicts between religion and science should have been long overcome, there is still some tendency of interpreting belief in miracle – as the possibility of a cure granted by divine intervention, modifying the normal (...)
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    Praying for a Miracle Part II: Idiosyncrasies of Spirituality and Its Relations With Religious Expressions in Health.Marta Helena de Freitas, Miriam Martins Leal & Emmanuel Ifeka Nwora - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:893780.
    As a continuation of the previous paper,Praying for a Miracle – Negative or Positive Impacts on Health Care, published in this research topic, this second paper aims at delving deeper into the same theme, but now from a simultaneously practical and conceptual approach. With that in mind, we revisit three theoretical models based on evidence, through which we can understand the role of a miracle in hospital settings and assess its impact in health contexts. For each of the models described, (...)
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    Sound sleep: Lullabies as a test case for the neurobiological effects of music.Miriam Akkermann, Ugur Can Akkaya, Cagatay Demirel, Dirk Pflüger & Martin Dresler - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Music is part of the cultural practice and, at the same time, is interwoven with biology through its effects on the brain and its likely evolutionary origin. Studies on music, however, are traditionally based on the humanities and often carried out in a purely historical context, without much input from neuroscience and biology. Here, we argue that lullabies are a particularly suited test case to study the biological versus cultural aspects of music.
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    Towards ‘An Intellectual Capital-Based View of the Firm’: Origins and Nature.Gregorio Martín-de-Castro, Miriam Delgado-Verde, Pedro López-Sáez & José E. Navas-López - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (4):649-662.
    Economic and social activities are undergoing radical changes, which can be labelled as ‘knowledge economy and/or society’. In this sense, intellectual capital, or knowledge assets, as the fourth factor of production, is replacing the other ones – job, land and capital. This article tries to offer the origins and nature of the firm’s IC that can be labelled as ‘An Intellectual Capital-Based View of the Firm Competition’. This framework tries to highlight the strategic role of different intangible assets like talented (...)
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    Museu comunitário da Região do Anglo: Uma experiência de aproximação.Noris Mara Pacheco Martins Leal & Maria Leticia Mazzucchi Ferreira - 1997 - História 17 (33).
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    Direct Gaze Partially Overcomes Hemispatial Neglect and Captures Spatial Attention.Miguel Leal Rato, Inês Mares, Diana Aguiar de Sousa, Atsushi Senju & Isabel Pavão Martins - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Assessing and Optimizing Socio-Moral Reasoning Skills: Findings From the MorALERT Serious Video Game.Hamza Zarglayoun, Juliette Laurendeau-Martin, Ange Tato, Evelyn Vera-Estay, Aurélie Blondin, Arnaud Lamy-Brunelle, Sameh Chaieb, Frédérick Morasse, Aude Dufresne, Roger Nkambou & Miriam H. Beauchamp - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundSocial cognition and competence are a key part of daily interactions and essential for satisfying relationships and well-being. Pediatric neurological and psychological conditions can affect social cognition and require assessment and remediation of social skills. To adequately approximate the complex and dynamic nature of real-world social interactions, innovative tools are needed. The aim of this study was to document the performance of adolescents on two versions of a serious video game presenting realistic, everyday, socio-moral conflicts, and to explore whether their (...)
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    Effects of Intensity of Facial Expressions on Amygdalar Activation Independently of Valence.Huiyan Lin, Miriam Mueller-Bardorff, Martin Mothes-Lasch, Christine Buff, Leonie Brinkmann, Wolfgang H. R. Miltner & Thomas Straube - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  9.  17
    School Refusal Behavior and Aggression in Spanish Adolescents.Carolina Gonzálvez, Miriam Martín, María Vicent & Ricardo Sanmartín - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In order to reduce school attendance problems and aggressive behavior, it is essential to determine the relationship between both variables. The aim of this study was twofold: to examine the mean differences in scores on aggression, based on school refusal behavior, and to analyze the predictive capacity of high scores on aggression, based on school refusal behavior factors. The sample consisted of 1455 Spanish secondary school students, aged 13–17. The School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised and the Aggression Questionnaire were used. Results (...)
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    The Willingness to Intervene in Cases of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Scale: Development and Validation of the Long and Short Versions.Enrique Gracia, Manuel Martín-Fernández, Miriam Marco, Faraj A. Santirso, Viviana Vargas & Marisol Lila - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Speech predictability can hinder communication in difficult listening conditions.Miriam I. Marrufo-Pérez, Almudena Eustaquio-Martín & Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda - 2019 - Cognition 192 (C):103992.
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  12.  22
    Revisión sistemática sobre programas de educación parental implementados en el contexto educativo.Miriam del Mar Cruz-Sosa, Juan Carlos Martín Quintana & Adriana Álamo-Muñoz - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (3):1-23.
    Este estudio responde a características de programas grupales de educación parental que incluye, relación con la prevención/atención al abandono escolar temprano, enfoques y relación con la Parentalidad Positiva y grado de evidencias. Siguiendo el protocolo PRISMA 2020, se buscó en bases de datos y se aplicaron criterios de inclusión y exclusión detectando escasez de programas para promover la continuidad escolar y adolescencia; la necesidad de consolidarlos desde la Parentalidad Positiva y de implantar estándares de evaluación de evidencias (12 artículos). En (...)
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  13.  18
    Rechazo escolar en niños y miedo a situaciones futuras.Carolina Gonzálvez, Miriam Martín & Aitana Fernández-Sogorb - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-9.
    Durante la escolarización a todo individuo se le pueden presentar situaciones escolares que pueden desencadenar miedos. Este estudio pretende examinar las diferencias en rechazo escolar según altas y bajas puntuaciones en ansiedad anticipatoria y analizar la capacidad predictiva del rechazo escolar sobre la ansiedad anticipatoria. Participaron 879 estudiantes españoles entre los 8 y los 11 años. Los estudiantes con altas puntuaciones en ansiedad anticipatoria obtuvieron puntuaciones medias superiores en rechazo escolar y este fue un predictor positivo y estadísticamente significativo de (...)
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    Health-Oriented Leadership and Mental Health From Supervisor and Employee Perspectives: A Multilevel and Multisource Approach.Ruben Vonderlin, Burkhard Schmidt, Gerhard Müller, Miriam Biermann, Nikolaus Kleindienst, Martin Bohus & Lisa Lyssenko - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The link between leadership and mental health at the workplace is well established by prior research. However, most of the studies have addressed this relationship from a single-source perspective. The aim of this study was to examine how supervisor and employee ratings of health-oriented leadership correspond to each other and which sources are predictive for employee mental health. We assessed data within 99 teams containing 713 employees in 11 different companies in Southern Germany. Supervisors and their staff completed questionnaires on (...)
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    Charles E. Raven, The Creator Spirit, (London: Martin Hopkinson, 1927) p. 155.Dave Leal - 1996 - Studies in Christian Ethics 9 (2):36-51.
    It is in the failure to achieve integration ... that personalities too often make shipwreck, either breaking down (physically or mentally) under the strain of conflict or abandoning any real desire for effective synthesis.
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  16. Disturbances of visual information processing in early states of psychosis and experimental delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol altered states of consciousness.Dagmar Koethe, Christoph W. Gerth, Miriam A. Neatby, Anita Haensel, Martin Thies, Udo Schneider, Hinderk M. Emrich, Joachim Klosterkötter, Frauke Schultze-Lutter & F. Markus Leweke - 2006 - Schizophrenia Research 88 (1-3):142-150.
  17.  37
    Dispositivos de atenção psicossocial no Brasil e gestão pela liberdade: breves relatos históricos das práticas relacionadas à saúde mental.Marcus Vinícius do Amaral Gama Santos, Higor Theobald Seabra da Cruz, Laura Petrenko Dória, Bárbara Victor Souza, Letícia Gomes Canuto, Mateus dos Santos Martins, Rafael de Souza Lima & Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):75-91.
    The main objective of this work is to understand the daily practices of user management in post-reformist devices in the Brazilian mental health field. Through Foucault's genealogical work on government practices, understood as forms of conducting the behavior of others, it is possible to open a possible field for the study of the practices of psi knowledge, considering them as forms of management that act by through the free and natural acts of individuals. More specifically, our goal is to examine (...)
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  18. Cultural evolution: A review of theoretical challenges.Ryan Nichols, Mathieu Charbonneau, Azita Chellappoo, Taylor Davis, Miriam Haidle, Eric Kimbrough, Henrike Moll, Richard Moore, Thom Scott-Phillips, Benjamin Purzycki & José Segovia-Martin - 2024 - Evolutionary Human Sciences 6.
    The rapid growth of cultural evolutionary science, its expansion into numerous fields, its use of diverse methods, and several conceptual problems have outpaced corollary developments in theory and philosophy of science. This has led to concern, exemplified in results from a recent survey conducted with members of the Cultural Evolution Society, that the field lacks ‘knowledge synthesis’, is poorly supported by ‘theory’, has an ambiguous relation to biological evolution and uses key terms (e.g. ‘culture’, ‘social learning’, ‘cumulative culture’) in ways (...)
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    Crear Valores–Vivir Los Valores De Liderazgo Espiritual a Nivel Individual y Organizacional Create Value-Live Spiritual Values of Leadership at Individual and Organizational Level.Franco de Franco, María Josefina & Martín Leal Guerra - 2013 - Daena 8 (2):130-146.
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    Programa “creciendo juntos”: promoción de relaciones positivas para el alumnado.Adriana Álamo-Muñoz, Juan Carlos Martín Quintana & Miriam del Mar Cruz-Sosa - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-14.
    Los centros educativos pueden convertirse en entornos positivos implementando programas basados en evidencias. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el programa “Creciendo Juntos” y analizar su eficacia en la promoción del establecimiento de relaciones positivas en estos. Se contó con una muestra de 990 alumnos (=12.96; 47.5% chicas) que respondieron la Escala sobre la percepción del alumnado acerca de sus relaciones en el centro y su nivel de participación educativa (RMSEA=.049; 90%.043-.055; CFI=.976; TLI =.967 y SRMR=.026). Mientras el grupo (...)
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  21.  90
    Review of Martin carrier, Don Howard, Janet Kourany (eds.), The Challenge of the Social and the Pressure of Practice: Science and Values Revisited[REVIEW]Miriam Solomon - 2008 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2008 (6).
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    Más allá de la aplicación. El caso de la ética ambiental.Luca Valera, Gabriel Vidal & Yuliana Leal - 2020 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 60:437-460.
    Environmental ethics is often seen as a branch of applied ethics whose task is to offer solutions to emerging ethical dilemmas in the context of ecology. In this paper, we challenge this assumption, showing how the object of environmental ethics raises questions that go beyond that of applied ethics. We explore how the environmental issues bring up the need to inquire into the ontological status of Nature and the place of human beings in it, raising more general and far-reaching questions (...)
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  23.  16
    Conceptual Engineering and the Philosophical Fallacies of Language.Martin Hinton - 2024 - Topoi 43 (5):1661-1670.
    Conceptual Engineering, the practice of stipulating a change in the meaning of a word in order to improve it in some fashion, for some end, has proved a popular topic among philosophers of language in recent times. Deutsch (Philos Stud 177:3935–3957, 2020) has argued that it has received an undue degree of interest since its implementation falls onto one of the horns of a dilemma: either the change to be effected is in the global semantic meaning of the given word/concept, (...)
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  24.  14
    Luis Marín de San Martín Osa, Los agustinos. Orígenes y espiritualidad. Studia Agustinianum Historica 16, Institutum Historicum Agustinua- num, Roma, 2009. [Pp. 311. 17 x 24 cm]. [REVIEW]Manuel Leal Lobón - 2023 - Isidorianum 19 (38):507-513.
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    Reading the Bloody "Face of Nature": The Persecution of Religion in Hawthorne's The Marble Faun.Martin Kevorkian - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):133-145.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reading the Bloody "Face of Nature":The Persecution of Religion in Hawthorne's The Marble FaunMartin Kevorkian (bio)Perhaps The Marble Faun is a novel which needs to be seen in a certain light to be fully revealed. Although Hawthorne has always had his admirers and defenders among literary critics, this novel has sometimes been selected for unfavorable comparison"; this 1941 assessment by Dorothy Waples (224) still aptly describes the critical terrain (...)
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    Filosofisk lappeteppeErlend M. Dons, Kjetil Mangset Skjerve, Pål Antonsen, Solveig Bøe, Fredrik Haraldsen, Ole Hjortland, Cathrine Holst, Asle H. Kiran, Miriam Kyselo, Espen André Lauritzen, Kjartan Koch Mikalsen og Hannah WintherFellespensum for NTNU-ex.phil. høsten 2022, 2. prøveutgaveUniversitetsforlaget, Oslo 2022, ISBN 9788215063225. [REVIEW]Ole Martin Moen - 2023 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 58 (1):61-69.
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    Gendered Geographies across Time I.Beatriz Hermida Ramos & Miguel Sebastián-Martín - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):299-303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Gendered Geographies across Time IBeatriz Hermida Ramos and Miguel Sebastián-MartínEarly Researchers' Seminar for Science and Speculative Fiction, University of Salamanca, Spain, 03 06 2023The first Early Researchers' Seminar for Science and Speculative Fiction: Gendered Geographies across Time showcased the many and diverse approaches to speculative fiction (SF) currently being pursued within the University of Salamanca's English Department, which in a matter of years has become an unexpected hotbed of (...)
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  28.  21
    Science and the production of ignorance: when the quest for knowledge is thwarted.Janet A. Kourany & Martin Carrier (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    An introduction to the new area of ignorance studies that examines how science produces ignorance—both actively and passively, intentionally and unintentionally. We may think of science as our foremost producer of knowledge, but for the past decade, science has also been studied as an important source of ignorance. The historian of science Robert Proctor has coined the term agnotology to refer to the study of ignorance, and much of the ignorance studied in this new area is produced by science. Whether (...)
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  29.  27
    São Vasco Martins or Frei Vasco Martins? The iconography of the founder of the Portuguese Hieronymites in a painting By Valdés Leal.Joaquim Oliveira Caetano - 2010 - Cultura:57-61.
    A Gemaldegalerie de Dresden expõe uma pintura de Valdés Leal, executada entre os anos de 1656 e1658, uma das doze que executou para o convento dos Jerónimos de Sevilha mostrando os santos da Ordem. A figura histórica de Vasco Martins, leiriense, “ermjtam de prove vida”, fundador do convento da Penha Longa, é conhecida nos seus traços mais significativos, mas menos presente hoje está a sua iconografia e o culto que mereceu, aspectos sobre os quais nos debruçamos.
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  30. Terry Anderson and Donald Leal Enviro-Capitalists, and Martin O'Connor (ed.) Is Capitalism Sustainable?A. Dobson - 1998 - Environmental Values 7:488-489.
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    Normative Theory and the COVID Pandemic: Author’s Response to Miriam Solomon and Inmaculada de Melo-Martín.Maya J. Goldenberg - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (2):116-130.
    It is a thrill to have two scholars whom I admire greatly commenting on my own work. I want to thank Professors Miriam Solomon and Inmaculada de Melo-Martin for their careful reading and attention to the book. I found their positive evaluation of the research very encouraging and still both commentaries offer critical challenges that warrant attention. This response will address two points of discussion: normative theorizing on trust; whether the conceptual resources, specifically the crisis of trust framework, can (...)
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  32.  63
    Redes sociales: Un nuevo paradigma en el horizonte sociológico.Paulo Henrique Martins - 2009 - Cinta de Moebio 35:88-109.
    La tesis central del presente texto es que la emergencia del nuevo paradigma de los movimientos sociales es verificada por la fuerza creciente de la idea de red social al interior de las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, entendemos que el reconocimiento más amplio de este nuevo paradigma es impedido p..
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  33.  29
    The Teaching of Ethics and the Moral Competence of Medical and Nursing Students.Vera Sílvia Meireles Martins, Cristina Maria Nogueira Costa Santos, Patrícia Unger Raphael Bataglia & Ivone Maria Resende Figueiredo Duarte - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 29 (2):113-126.
    In a time marked by the development of innovative treatments in healthcare and the need for health professionals to deal with resulting ethical dilemmas in clinical practice, this study was developed to determine the influence of the bioethics teaching on the moral competence of medical and nursing students. The authors conduct a longitudinal study using the Moral Competence Test extended version before and after attending the ethics curricular unit, in three nursing schools and three medical schools of Portugal. In this (...)
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  34.  19
    Reflexões sobre as consequências do projeto de lei Escola sem Partido.Andrei Venturini Martins - 2018 - Educação E Filosofia 32 (65).
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    Rules, Social Ontology and Collective Identity.Nuno Martins - 2009 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 39 (3):323-344.
    Mainstream game theory explains cooperation as the outcome of the interaction of agents who permanently pursue their individual goals. Amartya Sen argues instead that cooperation can only be understood by positing a type of rule-following behaviour that can be out of phase with the pursuit of individual goals, due to the existence of a collective identity. However, Sen does not clarify the ontological preconditions for the type of social behaviour he describes. I will argue that Sen's account of collective identity (...)
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  36.  15
    Analítica e Dialética na primeira Filosofia de Fichte.João Geraldo Martins Da Cunha - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 27 (42):759.
    A primeira parte deste artigo mostra que tanto A. Philonenko quanto T. Rockomore, cada um a seu modo e por vias bastante distintas, parecem relativizar a importância dos ‘princípios’ da Doutrina da ciência. Num caso como no outro, em termos muito gerais, talvez pudéssemos dizer que a relação Kant-Fichte seria avaliada em função da dialética da primeira Crítica, tanto porque o uso da lógica geral como órganon só pode ser dialético, quanto porque a natureza hipotética da argumentação de Fichte deve (...)
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    La béatitude et le désir chez Duns Scot: beatitudo est frui summo bono.Maria Manuela Brito-Martins - 2015 - Quaestio 15:649-664.
    In this paper we examine the idea of beatitudo in Duns Scotus. We begin with the Quaestiones super libros metaphysicorum, where the Doctor Subtilis presents a conception of the act of intellective knowledge through the natural meaning of beatitude. Taking up the famous incipit of the Metaphysics, Duns Scotus develops the idea of a maximum desiderium and a maxima scientia as a way of human and natural perfection. In conceiving this desiderium naturale as form of ultimate realization, he sees it (...)
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  38. La volonté husserlienne en tant que pouvoir créateur.Maria Manuela Brito Martins - 2007 - Analecta Husserliana 93:319-333.
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    The dilemma of local participation in the Brazil-France cross-border cooperation.Carmentilla das Chagas Martins & Iuri Cavlak - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (2):81-124.
    From the 1980s/90s, Brazilian foreign policy adopted a more assertive agenda regarding neighboring countries in northern South America. In this context, the celebration of the Framework Agreement between Brazil and France is inserted, an institutional framework that implemented cross-border cooperation between Amapá and French Guiana. At the time, France was interested in projecting itself politically and commercially in South America. On the other hand, Brazil has also achieved success with this new agenda. However, after twenty-four years in force, cross-border cooperation (...)
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    The migration of metaphysics into the realm of the profane: Theodor W. Adorno reads Gershom Scholem.Ansgar Martins - 2020 - Boston: BRILL. Edited by Lars Fischer.
    Examination and interpretation of Kabbalistic traces in Theodor W. Adorno's philosophy.
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  41. Espaço público e vida privada.Moisés de Lemos Martins - 2005 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 14 (27):157-172.
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    Mental Health, Sport, and Positive Youth Development in Prison Systems: How Can We Move Research and Practice Forward?Ana Rita Martins, Stewart Vella & Fernando Santos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Évora studies in the philosophy and history of science: in memoriam, Hermínio Martins.Hermínio Martins & João Príncipe (eds.) - 2015 - Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio.
    The Kuhnian 'Revolution' and its implications for sociology --Verdade, realismo e virtude 2.0 -- Images and imaging in science : modes of perception, algorithmic imagism and big data -- Dos experimentos de pensamento na ciência e na filosofia em relação com outras modalidades de experimentos -- Um savant-philosophe : Michael Polanyi e a filosofia da ciência -- Tempo e explicação : pré-formação, epigénese e pseudomorfose nos estudos comparativos nas ciências sociais -- Why some physical theories should never die -- Sobre (...)
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    Attention mechanisms and the mosaic evolution of speech.Pedro T. Martins & Cedric Boeckx - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    How to change your mind.Joao P. Martins & Maria R. Cravo - 1991 - Noûs 25 (4):537-551.
    In this paper, we investigate the rules that should underlie a computer program that is capable of revising its beliefs or opinions. Such a program maintains a model of its environment, which is updated to reflect perceived changes in the environment. This model is stored in a knowledge base, and the program draws logical inferences from the information in the knowledge base. All the inferences drawn are added to the knowledge base. Among the propositions in the knowledge base, there are (...)
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    Veyne, Paul. Foucault: Sa pensée, sa personne. Paris: Albin Michel, 2008.Sônia Regina Martins de Oliveira - 2009 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 21 (28):243.
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    The influence of Ulrich Beck’s work on social-environmental studies in Brazil.Rodrigo Constante Martins - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):342-345.
    This short article aims to reflect on the impacts of Ulrich Beck’s work in Brazilian sociology. Particularly, it will be argued that Beck’s work has had a significant impact on the establishment of the conceptual field of environmental sociology in Brazil. His book Risk Society, for instance, had a great influence – since the late 1980s – among the Brazilian research groups dedicated to the debate on the relationship between society and nature in modern contexts. Although placed in the critical (...)
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  48. El Proyecto Pastoral de S. Francisco.A. Da Silva Martins - 1990 - Verdad y Vida 48 (189):3-42.
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    Justice and the Social Ontology of the Corporation.Nuno Ornelas Martins - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):17-28.
    In this article I address the question of whether corporations should be considered as part of the basic structure of society as defined in Rawls’s Theory of Justice. To do so, it becomes necessary to understand which institutions are crucial for defining Rawls’s basic structure of society. I will argue that a social ontology aimed at understanding how human institutions influence various aspects presupposed in Rawls’s basic structure of society can help addressing this topic. To do so, I shall draw (...)
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  50. Les figures de l'intersubjectivité chez Husserl.Maria Manuela Brito Martins - 2006 - Analecta Husserliana 89:215-230.
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