Results for 'Minimal Negation'

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  1. Minimal Negation in the Ternary Relational Semantics.Gemma Robles, José M. Méndez & Francisco Salto - 2005 - Reports on Mathematical Logic 39:47-65.
    Minimal Negation is defined within the basic positive relevance logic in the relational ternary semantics: B+. Thus, by defining a number of subminimal negations in the B+ context, principles of weak negation are shown to be isolable. Complete ternary semantics are offered for minimal negation in B+. Certain forms of reductio are conjectured to be undefinable (in ternary frames) without extending the positive logic. Complete semantics for such kinds of reductio in a properly extended positive (...)
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  2. Anderson And Belnap's Minimal Positive Logic With Minimal Negation.J. Mendez, F. Salto & G. Robles - 2002 - Reports on Mathematical Logic 36:117-130.
    Our question is: can we embed minimal negation in implicative logics weaker than I→? Previous results show how to define minimal negation in the positive fragment of the logic of relevance R and in contractionless intuitionistic logic. Is it possible to endow weaker positive logics with minimal negation? This paper prooves that minimal negation can be embedded in even such a weak system as Anderson and Belnap’s minimal positive logic.
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    Urquhart'sc with minimal negation.José M. Méndez - 1990 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 19 (1):15-20.
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    (1 other version)El sistema bp+ : Una lógica positiva mínima para la negación mínima (the system bp+: A minimal positive logic for minimal negation).José M. Méndez, Francisco Salto & Gemma Robles - 2007 - Theoria 22 (1):81-91.
    Entendemos el concepto de “negación mínima” en el sentido clásico definido por Johansson. El propósito de este artículo es definir la lógica positiva mínima Bp+, y probar que la negación mínima puede introducirse en ella. Además, comentaremos algunas de las múltiples extensiones negativas de Bp+.“Minimal negation” is classically understood in a Johansson sense. The aim of this paper is to define the minimal positive logic Bp+ and prove that a minimal negation can be inroduced in (...)
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  5. Converse Ackermann Property and Minimal Negation.G. Robles & J. MÉndez - 2005 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (1).
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    Double Negation as Minimal Negation.Satoru Niki - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (5):861-886.
    N. Kamide introduced a pair of classical and constructive logics, each with a peculiar type of negation: its double negation behaves as classical and intuitionistic negation, respectively. A consequence of this is that the systems prove contradictions but are non-trivial. The present paper aims at giving insights into this phenomenon by investigating subsystems of Kamide’s logics, with a focus on a system in which the double negation behaves as the negation of minimal logic. We (...)
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  7. Is Even Minimal Negation Constructive?A. P. Hazen - 1995 - Analysis 55 (2):105 - 107.
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    Contrapositionally complemented Heyting algebras and intuitionistic logic with minimal negation.Anuj Kumar More & Mohua Banerjee - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (3):441-474.
    Two algebraic structures, the contrapositionally complemented Heyting algebra (ccHa) and the contrapositionally |$\vee $| complemented Heyting algebra (c|$\vee $|cHa), are studied. The salient feature of these algebras is that there are two negations, one intuitionistic and another minimal in nature, along with a condition connecting the two operators. Properties of these algebras are discussed, examples are given and comparisons are made with relevant algebras. Intuitionistic Logic with Minimal Negation (ILM) corresponding to ccHas and its extension |${\textrm {ILM}}$|-|${\vee (...)
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    On a substructural logic with minimal negation.Roberto Arpaia - 2004 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 33 (3):143-156.
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  10. Minimal non-relevant logics without the K axiom II. Negation introduced via the unary connective.Gemma Robles - 2010 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:97-118.
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    Minimal belief and negation as failure.Vladimir Lifschitz - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 70 (1-2):53-72.
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    A constructive negation defined with a negation connective for logics including Bp+.Gemma Robles, Francisco Salto & José M. Méndez - 2005 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 34 (3):177-190.
    The concept of constructive negation we refer to in this paper is (minimally) intuitionistic in character (see [1]). The idea is to understand the negation of a proposition A as equivalent to A implying a falsity constant of some sort. Then, negation is introduced either by means of this falsity constant or, as in this paper, by means of a propositional connective defined with the constant. But, unlike intuitionisitc logic, the type of negation we develop here (...)
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  13. Negation and Dichotomy.Fabien Schang (ed.) - 2009 - Bydgoszcz: Kazimierz Wielki University Press.
    The present contribution might be regarded as a kind of defense of the common sense in logic. It is demonstrated that if the classical negation is interpreted as the minimal negation with n = 2 truth values, then deviant logics can be conceived as extension of the classical bivalent frame. Such classical apprehension of negation is possible in non- classical logics as well, if truth value is internalized and bivalence is replaced by bipartition.
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    Negation in the Context of Gaggle Theory.J. Michael Dunn & Chunlai Zhou - 2005 - Studia Logica 80 (2):235-264.
    We study an application of gaggle theory to unary negative modal operators. First we treat negation as impossibility and get a minimal logic system Ki that has a perp semantics. Dunn 's kite of different negations can be dealt with in the extensions of this basic logic Ki. Next we treat negation as “unnecessity” and use a characteristic semantics for different negations in a kite which is dual to Dunn 's original one. Ku is the minimal (...)
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    Negation introduced with the unary connective.Gemma Robles - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (3):371-388.
    In the first part of this paper (Méndez and Robles 2008) a minimal and an intuitionistic negation is introduced in a wide spectrum of relevance logics extending Routley and Meyer's basic positive logic B+. It is proved that although all these logics have the characteristic paradoxes of consistency, they lack the K rule (and so, the K axiom). Negation is introduced with a propositional falsity constant. The aim of this paper is to build up logics definitionally equivalent (...)
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    Negation as Cancellation, Connexive Logic, and qLPm.Heinrich Wansing - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (2):476-488.
    In this paper, we shall consider the so-called cancellation view of negation and the inferential role of contradictions. We will discuss some of the problematic aspects of negation as cancellation, such as its original presentation by Richard and Valery Routley and its role in motivating connexive logic. Furthermore, we will show that the idea of inferential ineffectiveness of contradictions can be conceptually separated from the cancellation model of negation by developing a system we call qLPm, a combination (...)
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  17. There is More to Negation than Modality.Michael De & Hitoshi Omori - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (2):281-299.
    There is a relatively recent trend in treating negation as a modal operator. One such reason is that doing so provides a uniform semantics for the negations of a wide variety of logics and arguably speaks to a longstanding challenge of Quine put to non-classical logics. One might be tempted to draw the conclusion that negation is a modal operator, a claim Francesco Berto, 761–793, 2015) defends at length in a recent paper. According to one such modal account, (...)
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    On Negation for Non-classical Set Theories.S. Jockwich Martinez & G. Venturi - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (3):549-570.
    We present a case study for the debate between the American and the Australian plans, analyzing a crucial aspect of negation: expressivity within a theory. We discuss the case of non-classical set theories, presenting three different negations and testing their expressivity within algebra-valued structures for ZF-like set theories. We end by proposing a minimal definitional account of negation, inspired by the algebraic framework discussed.
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    Polarity Semantics for Negation as a Modal Operator.Yuanlei Lin & Minghui Ma - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (5):877-902.
    The minimal weakening \ of Belnap-Dunn logic under the polarity semantics for negation as a modal operator is formulated as a sequent system which is characterized by the class of all birelational frames. Some extensions of \ with additional sequents as axioms are introduced. In particular, all three modal negation logics characterized by a frame with a single state are formalized as extensions of \. These logics have the finite model property and they are decidable.
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  20. An Argument for Minimal Logic.Nils Kürbis - 2019 - Dialectica 73 (1-2):31-63.
    The problem of negative truth is the problem of how, if everything in the world is positive, we can speak truly about the world using negative propositions. A prominent solution is to explain negation in terms of a primitive notion of metaphysical incompatibility. I argue that if this account is correct, then minimal logic is the correct logic. The negation of a proposition A is characterised as the minimal incompatible of A composed of it and the (...)
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    Two Negations Are More than One.Greg Restall - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 455-468.
    In models for paraconsistent logics, the semantic values of sentences and their negations are less tightly connected than in classical logic. In ‘American Plan’ logics for negation, truth and falsity are, to some degree, independent. The truth of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\sim }p}$$\end{document} is given by the falsity of p, and the falsity of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\sim }p}$$\end{document} is given by the truth of p. (...)
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    Popper's Notion of Duality and His Theory of Negations.David Binder & Thomas Piecha - 2017 - History and Philosophy of Logic 38 (2):154-189.
    Karl Popper developed a theory of deductive logic in the late 1940s. In his approach, logic is a metalinguistic theory of deducibility relations that are based on certain purely structural rules. Logical constants are then characterized in terms of deducibility relations. Characterizations of this kind are also called inferential definitions by Popper. In this paper, we expound his theory and elaborate some of his ideas and results that in some cases were only sketched by him. Our focus is on Popper's (...)
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    Nelson's Negation on the Base of Weaker Versions of Intuitionistic Negation.Dimiter Vakarelov - 2005 - Studia Logica 80 (2):393-430.
    Constructive logic with Nelson negation is an extension of the intuitionistic logic with a special type of negation expressing some features of constructive falsity and refutation by counterexample. In this paper we generalize this logic weakening maximally the underlying intuitionistic negation. The resulting system, called subminimal logic with Nelson negation, is studied by means of a kind of algebras called generalized N-lattices. We show that generalized N-lattices admit representation formalizing the intuitive idea of refutation by means (...)
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    Minimal and consistent evolution of knowledge bases.Jorge Lobo & Goce Trajcevski - 1997 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 7 (1-2):117-146.
    ABSTRACT This work presents efficient algorithms to update knowledge bases in the presence of integrity constraints. The algorithms ensure that the changes to the knowledge bases are minimal. We use the deductive database paradigm to represent knowledge. Minimality is defined as a natural partial order over possible models of the database and expresses a preference for data explicity stored in the database over the data deduced by default. This requirement seems rational for many applications and yet it is hard (...)
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    A complete minimal logic of the propositional contents of thought.Marek Nowak & Daniel Vanderveken - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (3):391 - 410.
    Our purpose is to formulate a complete logic of propositions that takes into account the fact that propositions are both senses provided with truth values and contents of conceptual thoughts. In our formalization, propositions are more complex entities than simple functions from possible worlds into truth values. They have a structure of constituents (a content) in addition to truth conditions. The formalization is adequate for the purposes of the logic of speech acts. It imposes a stronger criterion of propositional identity (...)
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    A Dynamic Analysis of Minimizers in Chinese lian…dou Construction.Xiaolong Yang & Yicheng Wu - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):429-449.
    Minimizers are widely acknowledged cross-linguistically to denote a minimal quantity, extent or degree. With respect to minimizers in Mandarin Chinese, Shyu claims that their so-called negative polarity is purely syntactically determined and is facilitated by the lian…dou EVEN construction. Within the framework of Dynamic Syntax which allows for interaction between syntactic, semantic and pragmatic information, we demonstrate that the total negation is actually derived from the interaction between syntax, semantics and pragmatics, rather than being determined by purely syntactic (...)
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    What Is Negation in a System 2020?Dov M. Gabbay - 2021 - In Ofer Arieli & Anna Zamansky, Arnon Avron on Semantics and Proof Theory of Non-Classical Logics. Springer Verlag. pp. 193-221.
    The notion of negation is basic to any formal or informal logical system. When any such system is presented to us, it is presented either as a system without negation or as a system with some form of negation. In both cases, we are supposed to know intuitively whether there is no negation in the system or whether the form of negation presented in the system is indeed as claimed. To be more specific, suppose Robinson (...)
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    Proof Theory for Positive Logic with Weak Negation.Marta Bílková & Almudena Colacito - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):649-686.
    Proof-theoretic methods are developed for subsystems of Johansson’s logic obtained by extending the positive fragment of intuitionistic logic with weak negations. These methods are exploited to establish properties of the logical systems. In particular, cut-free complete sequent calculi are introduced and used to provide a proof of the fact that the systems satisfy the Craig interpolation property. Alternative versions of the calculi are later obtained by means of an appropriate loop-checking history mechanism. Termination of the new calculi is proved, and (...)
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    Investigations into intuitionistic and other negations.Satoru Niki - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):532-532.
    Intuitionistic logic formalises the foundational ideas of L.E.J. Brouwer’s mathematical programme of intuitionism. It is one of the earliest non-classical logics, and the difference between classical and intuitionistic logic may be interpreted to lie in the law of the excluded middle, which asserts that either a proposition is true or its negation is true. This principle is deemed unacceptable from the constructive point of view, in whose understanding the law means that there is an effective procedure to determine the (...)
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    Relevance logics and intuitionistic negation.José M. Méndez & Gemma Robles - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (1):49-65.
    The logic B+ is Routley and Meyer's basic positive logic. We show how to introduce a minimal intuitionistic negation and an intuitionistic negation in B+. The two types of negation are introduced in a wide spectrum of relevance logics built up from B+. It is proved that although all these logics have the characteristic paradoxes of consistency, they lack the K rule (and so, the K axioms).
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  31. A constructive negation for logics including TW+.Gemma Robles & José M. Méndez - 2005 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 15 (4):389-404.
    The logic TW+ is positive Ticket Entailment without the contraction axiom. Constructive negation is understood in the (minimal) intuitionistic sense but without paradoxes of relevance. It is shown how to introduce a constructive negation of this kind in positive logics at least as strong as TW+. Special attention is paid to the reductio axioms. Concluding remarks about relevance, modal and entailment logics are stated. Complete relational ternary semantics are provided for the logics introduced in this paper.
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  32. Minimal Non-relevant Logics Without The K Axiom.Gemma Robles & Jose Mendez - 2007 - Reports on Mathematical Logic.
    The logic B$_{+}$ is Routley and Meyer's basic positive logic. The logic B$_{K+}$ is B$_{+}$ plus the $K$ rule. We add to B$_{K+}$ four intuitionistic-type negations. We show how to extend the resulting logics within the modal and relevance spectra. We prove that all the logics defined lack the K axiom.
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    Classifying material implications over minimal logic.Hannes Diener & Maarten McKubre-Jordens - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (7):905-924.
    The so-called paradoxes of material implication have motivated the development of many non-classical logics over the years, such as relevance logics, paraconsistent logics, fuzzy logics and so on. In this note, we investigate some of these paradoxes and classify them, over minimal logic. We provide proofs of equivalence and semantic models separating the paradoxes where appropriate. A number of equivalent groups arise, all of which collapse with unrestricted use of double negation elimination. Interestingly, the principle ex falso quodlibet, (...)
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    On Modeling Scope of Inflectional Negation.Alex Lascarides & Emily M. Bender - unknown
    In this paper, we investigate the representation of negated sentences in Minimal Recursion Semantics (Copestake, Flickinger, Pollard, & Sag, 2005). We begin with its treatment in the English Resource Grammar (Flickinger, 2000, 2011), a broad-coverage implemented HPSG (Pollard & Sag, 1994), and argue that it is largely a suitable representation for English, despite possible objections. We then explore whether it is suitable for typologically different languages: namely, those that express sentential negation via inflection on the verb, particularly Turkish (...)
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    The basic constructive logic for negation-consistency.Gemma Robles - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (2):161-181.
    In this paper, consistency is understood in the standard way, i.e. as the absence of a contradiction. The basic constructive logic BKc4, which is adequate to this sense of consistency in the ternary relational semantics without a set of designated points, is defined. Then, it is shown how to define a series of logics by extending BKc4 up to minimal intuitionistic logic. All logics defined in this paper are paraconsistent logics.
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    Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Galois Negations.Minghui Ma & Guiying Li - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (1):21-56.
    Intuitionistic propositional logic with Galois negations ( \(\mathsf {IGN}\) ) is introduced. Heyting algebras with Galois negations are obtained from Heyting algebras by adding the Galois pair \((\lnot,{\sim })\) and dual Galois pair \((\dot{\lnot },\dot{\sim })\) of negations. Discrete duality between GN-frames and algebras as well as the relational semantics for \(\mathsf {IGN}\) are developed. A Hilbert-style axiomatic system \(\mathsf {HN}\) is given for \(\mathsf {IGN}\), and Galois negation logics are defined as extensions of \(\mathsf {IGN}\). We give the (...)
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    Delimited control operators prove Double-negation Shift.Danko Ilik - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (11):1549-1559.
    We propose an extension of minimal intuitionistic predicate logic, based on delimited control operators, that can derive the predicate-logic version of the double-negation shift schema, while preserving the disjunction and existence properties.
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    Negative Equivalence of Extensions of Minimal Logic.Sergei P. Odintsov - 2004 - Studia Logica 78 (3):417-442.
    Two logics L1 and L2 are negatively equivalent if for any set of formulas X and any negated formula ¬, ¬ can be deduced from the set of hypotheses X in L1 if and only if it can be done in L2. This article is devoted to the investigation of negative equivalence relation in the class of extensions of minimal logic.
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    Choice-Free Dualities for Lattice Expansions: Application to Logics with a Negation Operator.Chrysafis Hartonas - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-46.
    Constructive dualities have recently been proposed for some lattice-based algebras and a related project has been outlined by Holliday and Bezhanishvili, aiming at obtaining “choice-free spatial dualities for other classes of algebras [ $$\ldots $$ ], giving rise to choice-free completeness proofs for non-classical logics”. We present in this article a way to complete the Holliday–Bezhanishvili project (uniformly, for any normal lattice expansion). This is done by recasting in a choice-free manner recent relational representation and duality results by the author. (...)
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    Constructive R.José M. Méndez - 1987 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 16 (4):167-173.
    Let R+ be the positive fragment of Anderson and Belnap’s Logic of Relevance, R. And let RMO+ be the result of adding the Mingle principle ) to R+. We have shown in [2] that either a minimal negation or else a semiclassical one can be added to RMO+ preserving the variable-sharing property. Moreover, each of there systems is given a semantics in the Routley-Meyer style. In describing in [2] the models for RMO+ plus minimal negation, we (...)
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    God, Evil and the Limits of Theology by Karen Kilby (review).Vincent Birch - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):733-738.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:God, Evil and the Limits of Theology by Karen KilbyVincent BirchGod, Evil and the Limits of Theology by Karen Kilby (London: T&T Clark, 2020), 176 pp.Karen Kilby's God, Evil and the Limits of Theology is a collection of essays reminiscent in multiple respects of Herbert McCabe's God Matters. Kilby cites McCabe on only a handful of occasions, but, more so than the references, the form and the content (...)
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  42. The basic constructive logic for a weak sense of consistency.Gemma Robles & José M. Méndez - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (1):89-107.
    In this paper, consistency is understood as the absence of the negation of a theorem, and not, in general, as the absence of any contradiction. We define the basic constructive logic BKc1 adequate to this sense of consistency in the ternary relational semantics without a set of designated points. Then we show how to define a series of logics extending BKc1 within the spectrum delimited by contractionless minimal intuitionistic logic. All logics defined in the paper are paraconsistent logics.
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    Logic Reduced To (Proof-Theoretical) Bare Bones.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (2):193-209.
    What is a minimal proof-theoretical foundation of logic? Two different ways to answer this question may appear to offer themselves: reduce the whole of logic either to the relation of inference, or else to the property of incompatibility. The first way would involve defining logical operators in terms of the algebraic properties of the relation of inference—with conjunction $$\hbox {A}\wedge \hbox {B}$$ A ∧ B as the infimum of A and B, negation $$\lnot \hbox {A}$$ ¬ A as (...)
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  44. Metalinguistic apophaticism.Peter van Elswyk - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion.
    A conviction had by many Christians over many centuries is that natural language is inadequate for describing God. This is the doctrine of divine ineffability. Apophaticism understands divine ineffability as it being justified or proper to negate statements that describe God. This paper develops and defends a version of apophaticism in which the negation involved is metalinguistic. The interest of this metalinguistic apophaticism is two-fold. First, it provides a philosophical model of historical apophaticisms that shows their rational coherence. Second, (...)
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  45. This is not an instance of (E).Teresa Marques - 2018 - Synthese 195 (3):1035–1063.
    Semantic paradoxes like the liar are notorious challenges to truth theories. A paradox can be phrased with minimal resources and minimal assumptions. It is not surprising, then, that the liar is also a challenge to minimalism about truth. Horwich (1990) deals swiftly with the paradox, after discriminating between other strategies for avoiding it without compromising minimalism. He dismisses the denial of classical logic, the denial that the concept of truth can coherently be applied to propositions, and the denial (...)
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    On the contrapositive of countable choice.Hajime Ishihara & Peter Schuster - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (1-2):137-143.
    We show that in elementary analysis (EL) the contrapositive of countable choice is equivalent to double negation elimination for \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Sigma_{2}^{0}}$$\end{document}-formulas. By also proving a recursive adaptation of this equivalence in Heyting arithmetic (HA), we give an instance of the conservativity of EL over HA with respect to recursive functions and predicates. As a complement, we prove in HA enriched with the (extended) Church thesis that every decidable predicate is recursive.
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    Gadamer on the Subject’s Participation in the Game of Truth.Rudolf Bernet - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (4):785-814.
    THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THE HEIDEGGERIAN CRITIQUE of subjectivity has left a profound mark on the philosophy of the twentieth century. Anyone who has read Sartre, Lacan, Lévinas, Foucault, or Derrida can attest to this. Paradoxically, this critique resulted less in a complete disappearance of the subject from the philosophical scene than in its preservation under the minimal form of what one could call “a subject without qualities.” Like the Heideggerian Dasein before them, “consciousness” for Sartre, “the subject (...)
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    Sen's theorem: Geometric proof, new interpretations.Lingfang Li & Donald G. Saari - manuscript
    Sen's classic social choice result supposedly demonstrates a conflict between Pareto and even minimal forms of liberalism. By providing the first direct mathematical proof of this seminal result, we underscore a significantly different interpretation: rather than conflicts among rights, Sen's result occurs because the liberalism assumption negates the assumption that voters have transitive preferences. This explanation enriches interpretations of Sen's conclusion by including radically new kinds of societal conflicts, it suggests ways to sidestep these difficulties, and it explains earlier (...)
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  49. Autonomy in Stratified Structures.Rafał Dzierwa - 2025 - Studia Humana 14 (1):15-27.
    This article proposes a minimalist concept of autonomy that is consistent with determinism, but negates fatalism. Drawing on Nicolai Hartmann’s stratified ontology, it argues that autonomy is achieved not by suspending physical laws, but by introducing new, higher-level determinations unique to individual entities. The tension between general laws and individual autonomy is resolved by emphasizing the unique properties and individual laws that apply to each entity. The article also explains how this minimal autonomy makes sense of setting goals and (...)
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  50. Absurdity as unary operator.Sergei P. Odintsov - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):225-242.
    It was shown in the previous work of the author that one can avoid the paradox of minimal logic { ϕ , ¬ ϕ } ¬ ψ defining the negation operator via reduction not a constant of absurdity, but to a unary operator of absurdity. In the present article we study in details what does it mean that negation in a logical system can be represented via an absurdity or contradiction operator. We distinguish different sorts of such (...)
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