Results for 'Miho Taka'

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  1.  13
    Emerging Practice in Responsible Supply Chain Management: Closed‐Pipe Supply C hain of Conflict‐Free Minerals from the D emocratic R epublic of C ongo.Miho Taka - 2016 - Business and Society Review 121 (1):37-57.
    Minerals originated from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are blamed for financing violent conflict in the area over the past decade and have been called conflict minerals. They vividly demonstrate a key human rights issue facing responsible supply chain management. The conflict minerals issue has led to a significant shift in responsible supply chain management in two ways: extending producer responsibility to respect human rights in the total supply chain through establishing traceability and transparency; and developing legally binding supply (...)
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    Forgoing life-sustaining treatment – a comparative analysis of regulations in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and England.Miho Tanaka, Satoshi Kodama, Ilhak Lee, Richard Huxtable & Yicheng Chung - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundRegulations on forgoing life-sustaining treatment (LST) have developed in Asian countries including Japan, Korea and Taiwan. However, other countries are relatively unaware of these due to the language barrier. This article aims to describe and compare the relevant regulatory frameworks, using the (more familiar) situation in England as a point of reference. We undertook literature reviews to ascertain the legal and regulatory positions on forgoing LST in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and England.Main textFindings from a literature review are first presented to (...)
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    Intranasal Oxytocin Treatment Increases Eye-Gaze Behavior toward the Owner in Ancient Japanese Dog Breeds.Miho Nagasawa, Misato Ogawa, Kazutaka Mogi & Takefumi Kikusui - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Ethical Issues Around the Withdrawal of Dialysis Treatment in Japan.Miho Tanaka & Satoshi Kodama - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (1):51-57.
    In Japan, terminating life-sustaining treatment in non-terminal patients is legally and ethically problematic given the lack of legal regulations regarding the termination of LST, including dialysis treatment. This article describes an ethically problematic case that happened at a hospital in Tokyo in March 2019, in which a patient died after a physician withdrew kidney dialysis upon the patient’s request. Most national newspapers in Japan reported the case extensively and raised the question of ethical and legal permissibility of withdrawing dialysis treatment (...)
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    Business ethics in japan.Iwao Taka - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (14):1499-1508.
    Business ethics in Japan has developed in five stages. Especially in the last stage (in the 1990s), there have appeared two clear-cut trends in business ethics activities: positive and passive. For the rise of business ethics, the passive trend is much more important. Once entered the 1990s, an increasing number of business scandals have been revealed. Because of this, the Japanese business community cannot but help take business ethics much more seriously than it ever has.Not only business practitioners but also (...)
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  6.  41
    Effectiveness of end-of-life education among community-dwelling older adults.Miho Matsui - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (3):363-372.
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention regarding end-of-life discussion directed at older Japanese adults and their attitude to and acceptance of this intervention. A quasi-experimental design was used. A total of 121 older adults, aged 65 years and over, consented to participate. Data from 55 intervention and 57 control participants were used for the analysis. The intervention consisted of an education program comprising a video, a lecture using a handout, and discussion among (...)
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  7. Ethical aspects of “japanese leadership style”.Iwao Taka & Wanda D. Foglia - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (2):135 - 148.
    This article describes three characteristics of the Japanese Leadership Style (JLS): self-realization, appreciation of diverse abilities, and trust in others, which have both positive and negative ethical implications. In addition to illustrating how JLS allows Japanese corporations to avoid some of the ethical problems plaguing U.S. corporations, the authors will explain how these characteristics engender the loyalty and initiative of Japanese employees which promote incremental innovation and competitive advantages. Implicit in this discussion is the premise that both the American and (...)
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  8.  99
    Business Ethics: A Japanese View.Iwao Taka - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (1):53-78.
    Although “fairness” and “social responsibilities” form part of the business ethics agenda of Japanese corporations, the meaning of these terms must be understood in the context of the distinctive Japanese approach to ethics. In Japan, ethics is inextricably bound up with religious dimension and social dimension. The normative environments, influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism, and other traditional and modern Japanese religions, emphasize that not only individuals but also groups have their own spirit which is connected to the ultimate reality. The framework (...)
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  9.  44
    Visual and tactile cross-modal mere exposure effects.Miho Suzuki & Jiro Gyoba - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (1):147-154.
  10.  98
    The body as embodiment: An investigation of the body by Merleau-Ponty.Miho Iwakuma - 2002 - In Mairian Corker Tom Shakespeare (ed.), Disability/Postmodernity: Embodying Disability Theory. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 76--87.
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  11. Shakai sonzai no ronri.Takae Maeda - 1978
  12. Jōnen no tetsugaku.Taka Miyaji - 1986 - Tōkyō: Hatsubaimoto Gakubunsha.
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  13.  3
    Tetsugaku e no michi: bunka to ningen.Taka Miyaji - 1993 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
  14.  8
    Etica e bioética: desafios para a enfermagem e a saúde.Taka Oguisso & Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone Zoboli (eds.) - 2006 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: ABEn-SP.
    A doutora Sonia Maria Oliveira de Barros, professora da Escola de Enfermagem USP, organizou o volume sobre os cuidados no ciclo gravídico-puerperal. A obra aborda os conteúdos programáticos das disciplinas de saúde materna das melhores instituições de ensino brasileiras na área de enfermagem. O objetivo é ensinar sobre a assistência de enfermagem obstétrica na gravidez, tanto no parto quanto no puerpério. O caráter didático dos livros se revela na linguagem clara e na sugestão de atividades de reflexão e fixação dos (...)
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    A megfelelő ötvözet.József Takáts - 2014 - Budapest: Osiris.
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  16.  36
    Categorical and dimensional perceptions in decoding emotional facial expressions.Tomomi Fujimura, Yoshi-Taka Matsuda, Kentaro Katahira, Masato Okada & Kazuo Okanoya - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (4):587-601.
  17. Foucault's critical philosophy of history: unfolding the present.Ádám Takács - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Foucault's Critical Philosophy of History: Unfolding the Present provides a comprehensive interpretation of Foucault's work by focusing on its procedural elements. This book argues that despite their thematic diversity, Foucault's ideas gain coherence once they are framed within the critical project of the "history of the present.".
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    (1 other version)Correlation Between the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- 3rd Edition Metrics and Brain Structure in Healthy Individuals: A Whole-Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.Shinsuke Hidese, Miho Ota, Junko Matsuo, Ikki Ishida, Moeko Hiraishi, Yuuki Yokota, Kotaro Hattori, Yukihito Yomogida & Hiroshi Kunugi - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  19. Part VI-Risk Management Systems with Intelligent Data Analysis-Implementing an Integrated Time-Series Data Mining Environment Based on Temporal Pattern Extraction Methods: A Case Study of an.Hidenao Abe, Miho Ohsaki, Hideto Yokoi & Takahira Yamaguchi - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 425-435.
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  20.  10
    Jean-Luc Marion: cartésianisme, phénoménologie, théologie.Sylvain Camilleri, Ádám Takács & Tamás Pavlovits (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Archives Karéline.
    Fruit d'un colloque tenu en 2010 dans la ville de Budapest, cet ouvrage collectif introduit aux grands chapitres de l'oeuvre de l'académicien en même temps qu'elle lui adresse certaines questions permettant d'en mieux saisir les enjeux et d'en indiquer quelques prolongements possibles. Cartésianisme, phénoménologie et théologie : telles sont les trois voies thématiques empruntées afin d'interroger un travail qui a su se rendre indispensable à son époque.
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  21.  20
    Intentional binding and self-transcendence: Searching for pro-survival behavior in sense-of-agency.Keiyu Niikuni, Miho Nakanishi & Motoaki Sugiura - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 102:103351.
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  22.  21
    Japanese Moralogy as Business Ethics.Iwao Taka & Thomas W. Dunfee - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (5):507-519.
    Moralogy is an indigenous six-decade-old Japanese approach to business ethics which has been particularly influential among middle-sized business. The core themes of moralogy are the inseparability of morality and economic activities, the recognition of a difference between social justice and universal justice, and an emphasis on identification of principles of supreme or universal morality. Moralogy recognizes moral liberty and a principle of "omni-directional fairness"; and may be best described as a virtue-based stakeholder approach to business ethics. It differs in significant (...)
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  23.  44
    Differences between estimating protagonists’ emotions and evaluating readers’ emotions in narrative comprehension.Hidetsugu Komeda, Miho Kawasaki, Kohei Tsunemi & Takashi Kusumi - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (1):135-151.
    We examined the differences between estimating the emotions of protagonists and evaluating those of readers in narrative comprehension. Half of the participants read stories and rated the emotional states of the protagonists, while the other half of the participants rated their own emotional states while reading the stories. The results showed that reading comprehension was facilitated when highly extraverted participants read stories about, and rated the emotional experiences of, extraverted protagonists, with personalities similar to their own. However, the same facilitative (...)
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  24.  36
    Auditory observation of infant-directed speech by mothers: experience-dependent interaction between language and emotion in the basal ganglia.Yoshi-Taka Matsuda, Kenichi Ueno, Kang Cheng, Yukuo Konishi, Reiko Mazuka & Kazuo Okanoya - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  25.  36
    The implicit processing of categorical and dimensional strategies: an fMRI study of facial emotion perception.Yoshi-Taka Matsuda, Tomomi Fujimura, Kentaro Katahira, Masato Okada, Kenichi Ueno, Kang Cheng & Kazuo Okanoya - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  26.  21
    Association of body mass index and its classifications with gray matter volume in individuals with a wide range of body mass index group: A whole-brain magnetic resonance imaging study.Shinsuke Hidese, Miho Ota, Junko Matsuo, Ikki Ishida, Yuuki Yokota, Kotaro Hattori, Yukihito Yomogida & Hiroshi Kunugi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:926804.
    AimTo examine the association of body mass index (BMI) [kg/m2] and its classifications (underweight [BMI < 18.5], normal [18.5 ≤ BMI < 25], overweight [25 ≤ BMI < 30], and obese [BMI ≥ 30]) with brain structure in individuals with a wide range of BMI group.Materials and methodsThe participants included 382 right-handed individuals (mean age: 46.9 ± 14.3 years, 142 men and 240 women). The intelligence quotient was assessed using the Japanese Adult Reading Test. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and diffusion tensor (...)
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  27.  11
    Book Review: Illicit Flirtations: Labor, Migration, and Sex Trafficking in Tokyo by Rhacel Salazar Parreñas. [REVIEW]Miho Iwata - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (3):424-426.
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    Sound symbolism facilitates early verb learning.Mutsumi Imai, Sotaro Kita, Miho Nagumo & Hiroyuki Okada - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):54-65.
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  29.  24
    Emotional Contagion From Humans to Dogs Is Facilitated by Duration of Ownership.Maki Katayama, Takatomi Kubo, Toshitaka Yamakawa, Koichi Fujiwara, Kensaku Nomoto, Kazushi Ikeda, Kazutaka Mogi, Miho Nagasawa & Takefumi Kikusui - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Gaze Communications Between Dogs/Cats and Humans: Recent Research Review and Future Directions.Hikari Koyasu, Takefumi Kikusui, Saho Takagi & Miho Nagasawa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Dogs and cats have been domesticated through different processes. Dogs were the first domesticated animals, cooperating with humans by hunting and guarding. In contrast, cats were domesticated as predators of rodents and lived near human habitations when humans began to settle and farm. Although the domestication of dogs followed a different path from that of cats, and they have ancestors of a different nature, both have been broadly integrated into—and profoundly impacted—human society. The coexistence between dogs/cats and humans is based (...)
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  31. Attitudes of the Japanese public and doctors towards use of archived information and samples without informed consent: Preliminary findings based on focus group interviews. [REVIEW]Fukuhara Shunichi, Sekimoto Miho, Nishigaki Etsuyo, Ohnishi Motoki, Asai Atsushi & Fukui Tsuguya - 2002 - BMC Medical Ethics 3 (1):1-10.
    Background The purpose of this study is to explore laypersons' attitudes toward the use of archived (existing) materials such as medical records and biological samples and to compare them with the attitudes of physicians who are involved in medical research. Methods Three focus group interviews were conducted, in which seven Japanese male members of the general public, seven female members of the general public and seven physicians participated. Results It was revealed that the lay public expressed diverse attitudes towards the (...)
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    Association of Polymorphism of Arginine-Vasopressin Receptor 1A Gene With Trust and Reciprocity.Kuniyuki Nishina, Haruto Takagishi, Hidehiko Takahashi, Masamichi Sakagami & Miho Inoue-Murayama - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  33.  26
    Research letter: Antimicrobial prescription patterns for children hospitalized with pneumonia and compliance to guidelines in japan: A multicenter study.Hiromasa Sasaki, Yuichi Imanaka, Miho Sekimoto, Jason Lee & Tetsuya Otsubo - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):987-989.
  34.  67
    Focus group interviews examining attitudes towards medical research among the japanese: A qualitative study.Atsushi Asai, Motoki Ohnishi, Etsuyo Nishigaki, Miho Sekimoto, Shunichi Fukuhara & Tsuguya Fukui - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (5):448–470.
    ABSTRACT Objectives: the purpose of this study is to explore laypersons’ attitudes towards and experiences of medical research, and to compare them with those of physicians in Japan. Designs and Participants: fourteen Japanese adults from the general public and seven physicians participated in one of three focus interviews. Setting: Osaka, Japan. Results: trust and distrust in the physician by whom the participants were invited to participate in research played a considerable role in their decisions about participation. That the participants felt (...)
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  35.  28
    Understanding Japan’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Satoshi Kodama, Michael Campbell, Miho Tanaka & Yusuke Inoue - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (3):173-173.
    Jecker and Au’s paper raises important issues concerning health equity in pandemic responses, and the importance of considering the long-term effects of pandemic strategy on population health and well-being.1 We welcome their focus on the experience of Asian countries, including Japan. However, we have some concerns with both the distinction which they draw between elimination and mitigation, and their account of the nature and origins of the Japanese response to the COVID-19 pandemic. First, we believe that the distinction between elimination (...)
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  36.  42
    Risk‐adjusted increases in medical resource utilization associated with health care‐associated infections in gastrectomy patients.Jason Lee, Yuichi Imanaka, Miho Sekimoto, Tatsuro Ishizaki, Kenshi Hayashida, Hiroshi Ikai & Otsubo Tetsuya - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):100-106.
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    Microsatellite Polymorphisms Adjacent to the Oxytocin Receptor Gene in Domestic Cats: Association with Personality?Minori Arahori, Hitomi Chijiiwa, Saho Takagi, Benoit Bucher, Hideaki Abe, Miho Inoue-Murayama & Kazuo Fujita - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Comparisons of risk‐adjusted clinical outcomes for patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage across eight teaching hospitals in Japan.Tatsuro Ishizaki, Yuichi Imanaka, Miho Sekimoto, Haruhisa Fukuda & Hanako Mihara - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (3):416-421.
  39.  28
    Keeping vulnerable elderly patients free from pressure ulcer is associated with high caregiver burden in informal caregivers.Yosuke Yamamoto, Yasuaki Hayashino, Takahiro Higashi, Miho Matsui, Shin Yamazaki, Misa Takegami, Yoshiki Miyachi & Shunichi Fukuhara - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):585-589.
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  40.  17
    Corrigendum: The Gaze Communications Between Dogs/Cats and Humans: Recent Research Review and Future Directions.Hikari Koyasu, Takefumi Kikusui, Saho Takagi & Miho Nagasawa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  41.  15
    J?taka Stories and Paccekabuddhas in Early Buddhism.Naomi Appleton - 2018 - Buddhist Studies Review 35 (1-2):279-292.
    This article explores the role of paccekabuddhas in stories of the Buddha’s past lives in early Buddhist narrative collections in P?li and Sanskrit. In early Buddhism paccekabuddhas are liminal figures in two senses: they appear between Buddhist dispensations, and they are included as a category of awakening between samm?sambuddha and arahat. Because of their appearance in times of no Buddhism, paccekabuddhas feature regularly in j?taka literature, as exemplary renouncers, teachers, or recipients of gifts. This article asks what the liminal (...)
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  42.  7
    al-Takāmul al-maʻrifī: naḥwa nasq fikrī Islāmī.ʻAbd al-Majīd Najjār (ed.) - 2011 - Wad Madanī [Sudan]: Jāmiʻat al-Jazīrah, Maʻhad Islām al-Maʻrifah.
  43. al-Takāmul al-maʻrifī: ususuh wa-imtidādātuh fī al-ʻulūm: kitāb jamāʻī.ʻAbd Allāh Shakribah (ed.) - 2020 - al-Maghrib: Markaz Ibn al-nafīs lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Abḥāth.
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    Takāmul-i ukhravī dar chashmʹandāz-i Ṣadrāyī: mabāḥis̲-i ʻaqlī-i taghyīr va takāmul-i nafs-i insān dar ʻālam-i barzakh va qiyāmat bar mabnā-yi Ḥikmat Mutaʻālīyah.Mahdī Imāmī Jumʻah - 2017 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān. Edited by Manṣūrah al-Sādāt Vidād.
    Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī, Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, -1641--Criticism and interpretation. ; Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī, Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, -164 Asfār al-arbaʻah fī al-ḥikmah. ; Resurrection (Islam).
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  45. Miho Monaldi: ličnost i djelo.Ljerka Šifler-Premec - 1984 - Zagreb: Sveučilišna naklada Liber.
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  46. Sayr-i takāmul-i insān dar jihat-i nayl bih maqām-i ādamiyat: khvud shināsī, khvud-sāzī va sayr-i sulūk bisū-yi khudā.Javād Rubūbī - 1983 - [Tehran]: Iqbāl.
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  47.  24
    The Nexus Between Human Resource Management Practices and Service Recovery Performance in Takaful Insurance Industry in Pakistan: The Mediating Role of Employee Commitment.Jie Mao, Saeed Siyal, Munawer Javed Ahmed, Riaz Ahmad, Chunlin Xin & Samina Qasim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Service recovery performance is very important for the takaful insurance industry for maintaining and attracting new clients, which in turn serves as a competitive advantage for the survival and continued future of the businesses. If the insurance sector could not maintain SRP, then the competitive advantage of the organizations could be decayed. Therefore, under the theoretical foundation of equity theory and resource-based theory, this research has investigated the link between human resources management practices and SRP directly and indirectly through the (...)
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  48.  20
    Chiastic Structure of the Vessantara J?taka: Textual Criticism and Interpretation Through Inverted Parallelism.Shi Huifeng - 2015 - Buddhist Studies Review 32 (1):143-159.
    The Vessantara J?taka is not only the most popular of all the Buddhist J?taka tales, but is important in the tradition as a whole, generally considered by the Therav?din tradition to display the epitome of the Bodhisatta’s perfection of giving. While most studies have focused on philological approaches, numerous questions as to the text’s structure and how to interpret individual parts within that structure have remained unresolved. My study shall employ the theory of ‘chiasmus’ to shed new light (...)
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  49.  12
    Interneto anglų kalbos įtaka keičiant interneto lietuvių kalbos kultūrą.Indrė Ignotaitė - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 97:175-189.
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    Readings of the Vessantara Jātaka. Edited with an introduction by Steven Collins.Jason McCombs - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (1).
    Readings of the Vessantara Jātaka. Edited with an introduction by Steven Collins. Columbia Readings of Buddhist Literature. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. Pp. x + 216. $90 ; $30 ; $29.99.
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