Results for 'Micheal Mcghee'

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  1.  27
    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Micheal Mcghee - 1989 - British Journal of Aesthetics 29 (3):279-281.
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  2. Measuring Individual Differences in Implicit Cognition: The Implicit Association Test.Debbie E. McGhee, Jordan L. K. Schwartz & Anthony G. Greenwald - 1998 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 74 (6):1464-1480.
    An implicit association test (IAT) measures differential association of 2 target concepts with an attribute. The 2 concepts appear in a 2-choice task (e.g., flower vs. insect names), and the attribute in a 2nd task (e.g., pleasant vs. unpleasant words for an evaluation attribute). When instructions oblige highly associated categories (e.g., flower + pleasant) to share a response key, performance is faster than when less associated categories (e.g., insect + pleasant) share a key. This performance difference implicitly measures differential association (...)
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    Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception.Michael McGhee - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (170):110-112.
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    Assessing reasons - responsive compatibilism.Micheal S. McKenna - 2000 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 8 (1):89 – 114.
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    Automatic Preference for White Americans: Eliminating the Familiarity Explanation.Debbie E. McGhee - unknown
    Using the Implicit Association Test, recent experiments have demonstrated a strong and automatic positive evaluation of White Americans and a relatively negative evaluation of African Americans. Interpretations of this finding as revealing pro-White attitudes rest critically on tests of alternative interpretations, the most obvious one being perceivers’ greater familiarity with stimuli representing White Americans. The reported experiment demonstrated that positive attributes were more strongly associated with White than Black Americans even when pictures of equally unfamiliar Black and White individuals were (...)
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    Revisiting Edward D. Cope’s “The Relation of Animal Motion to Animal Evolution” (1878).George R. McGhee - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (1):37-43.
    In 1878 evolutionary theoretician Edward D. Cope published an eight-page paper filled with prescient ideas that clearly anticipated theoretical evolutionary topics that are actively being debated some 145 years later. An examination of these ideas and their modern counterparts is the primary objective of this essay. A proposal is also made to provide an answer to Cope’s Puzzle concerning the sequences of events involved in the evolution of adaptive animal structures. This article revisits Cope’s “The Relation of Animal Motion to (...)
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    Notes on a Great Erotic.Michael McGhee - 1990 - Philosophical Investigations 13 (3):258-272.
  8. Response to McMahan’s Paper.Micheal Walzer - 2006 - Philosophia 34 (1):43-45.
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  9. Birds, Frogs and Tintern Abbey: Humanism and Hubris.Michael McGhee - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (3):33--50.
    David E. Cooper proposes that the ”mystery’ of ”reality as it “anyway‘ is, independently of human perspective’ provides measure for the leading of our lives and thus avoids, on the one hand, the hubris of a humanism for which moral life is the product of the human will and has no warrant beyond it, and, on the other, a theism which appears to be at once too remote from and too close to the human world to provide any such warrant. (...)
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    Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie, Dritter Band.Micheal Heinrich - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (4):195-210.
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    Spirituality for the Godless: Michael McGhee.Michael McGhee - 2011 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 68:227-244.
    ‘Godless’ was never a neutral term: in 1528 William Tindale talked of ‘godlesse ypocrites and infidels’ and a ‘godless generation’ is one that has turned its back on God and the paths of righteousness. An atheist, by contrast, a new and self-conscious atheist perhaps, might now wear the term as a badge of pride, to indicate their rejection both of belief and the implication of moral turpitude. Traditionally, though, those who declared themselves ‘atheist’ had a hardly better press than the (...)
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  12.  12
    The Leap of Reason.Michael McGhee - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (111):183-184.
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    Politeia as Focal Reference in Aristotles’s Taxonomy of Regimes.Micheal B. Ewbank - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (4):815-841.
    THE NATURE OF POLITEIA AND ITS CANDIDACY FOR STATUS as the best regime in the doctrine of Aristotle remains a disputable question. Some scholars insist that whatever the best regime may be, it must be a kind of polity. Others, however, firmly contend that the best must be a variety of aristocracy, with a significant number arguing that the best may be a monarchy should a suitable candidate be available. Moreover, it has been argued that since the ancients did not (...)
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  14. Art and Emotion: Derek Matravers.M. McGhee - 2000 - British Journal of Aesthetics 40 (3):387-389.
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    Moral sentiments, social exclusion, aesthetic education.Michael McGhee - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (1):85-103.
    There is a dichotomy in the Humean thought that morality is more properly felt than judged of. The idea of a moral sensibility with an epistemic and rational content is grounded in the experience of the state of nature, and a distinction made between a defensive and a constructive morality, constituted by a set of motivations, against the law of the strongest, and protective of the relationships of education and creative work, exclusion from which undermines the conditions for a constructive (...)
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    Queer Strangers: Lesbian and Gay Refugees.Derek McGhee - 2003 - Feminist Review 73 (1):145-147.
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  17. When are negotiating damages available?John Mcghee - 2023 - In Ben McFarlane & Steven Elliot, Equity today: 150 years after the judicature reforms. New York: Hart.
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  18.  22
    Another Part of the Wood: Some Reflections on Recent Indian Philosophy.Michael Mcghee - 1994 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 11 (1):113-116.
  19. From spontaneity to automaticity : polar (opposite) reversal at statesman 269c-274d.Micheal Nass - 2017 - In John Sallis, Plato's Statesman: Dialectic, Myth, and Politics. Albany, NY: Suny Series in Contemporary Company.
  20.  26
    Amenability and Unique Ergodicity of the Automorphism Groups of all Countable Homogeneous Directed Graphs, University of Toronto, Canada, 2015. Supervised by Vladimir Pestov and Stevo Todorcevic.Micheal Pawliuk - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (2):200-200.
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    Form and Structure in Dead of Night.Micheal C. Pounds & Peter H. Salus - 1985 - Semiotics:116-125.
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    Specular Information.Micheal C. Pounds & Peter H. Salus - 1984 - Semiotics:147-159.
  23.  27
    Evolutionary Theoretician Edward D. Cope and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis Debate.George R. McGhee - 2023 - Biological Theory 18 (2):81-89.
    The Modern Synthesis (MS) gene-centered population model of evolution is currently being challenged by the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (ESS) organism-centered developmental model of evolution. The predictions of the EES are here examined with respect to the arguments of Edward Drinker Cope (1840–1897) for an organism-centered evolutionary process in which organisms both shape and are shaped by their environments such that the activities of the organisms themselves play a role in their own evolution.
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    Spiritual life.Michael McGhee (ed.) - 2023 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    The original claim made in the introduction to this classic volume was that it broke fresh ground: that it set a new agenda for the philosophy of religion and was a reaction against a narrow conception of the discipline that had little to say philosophically about human experience, or subjectivity, or about the religious imagination, or the idea of 'spirituality'. In a new foreword to the book, Michael McGhee reflects on how the discipline has changed or remained the same (...)
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  25. Mysticism and Psychosis: Descriptions and Distinctions.Michael McGhee - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (4):343-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.4 (2002) 343-347 [Access article in PDF] Mysticism and Psychosis:Descriptions and Distinctions Michael McGhee IT IS REFRESHING to read a paper that manages at once to be interdisciplinary and intercultural in its range of reference, and that also confronts a difficult and controversial question about how we are to assess the similarities and differences between psychotic and mystical experiences. Many psychiatrists have been skeptical (...)
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    Potent kings and antisocial heroes: lion symbolism and elite masculinity in ancient Mesopotamia and Greece.Micheál Geoghegan - 2021 - Journal of Ancient History 9 (1):1-18.
    In the great kingdoms of ancient Mesopotamia, the king’s power was often evoked by means of lion symbolism. This has led scholars to conclude that lion motifs, and especially that of the lion-slaying hero, in early Greek art and literature were cultural borrowings from the more populous and urbanised civilisations to the east. Yet it is also notable that the Greek tradition, at least from the time of the Homeric poems, tended to problematise the ethics of the leonine man. This (...)
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  27. Philosophy, Religion and the Spiritual Life.Michael McGhee - 1992 - Cambridge University Press.
    An alternative agenda for the philosophy of religion emerges from this interdisciplinary collection. Going outside the traditional concerns of natural theology, the distinguished contributors to this volume explore such topics as the nature of selfhood and its images in the ancient, the medieval and the modern world; the role of philosophy as a route to wisdom; non-conceptual awareness; and the nature of love and its relation to attention. Discussion focuses on the figures of Plato and Augustine, William James and the (...)
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  28.  71
    Seeke true religion. Oh, where?Michael McGhee - 2006 - Ratio 19 (4):454–473.
    We precipitately express opinions about religion without reflecting critically on our conception of it, and may blame it for conduct that the religious traditions themselves judge unbecoming. A distinction can be drawn between the raw, natural self of the untrained person and the well‐tempered demeanour of a spiritually developed person. Such a distinction drives the appropriation of religious beliefs and can survive their demise. ‘Religious belief’ is not to be conflated with Abrahamic notions of ‘belief in God’ and ‘faith’. There (...)
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  29.  8
    The Philosopher as Stranger: The Idea of Comparative Philosophy.Michael Mcghee - 2011 - In Morny Joy, After Appropriation: Explorations in Intercultural Philosophy and Religion. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. pp. 25-39.
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    ‘The Rarer Action’: Winch goes to Maharbaleshwar.Michael McGhee - 2020 - Philosophical Investigations 43 (1-2):56-70.
    This is a response to Peter Winch’s Maharbaleshwar reflections on Simone Weil’s ideas about the exercise of power and its renunciation, and on her changing views about the nature of action as she draws out the implications of our ‘hesitation’ when confronted by beauty and by the presence of other human beings.
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    (1 other version)Wittgenstein's Temple: Or how cool is philosophy?Michael McGhee - 2006 - Philosophical Investigations 30 (1):25–44.
    How should we understand Wittgenstein's comment in 1929 that his ‘ideal’ was ‘a certain coolness’? Does it have the implication for the practice of philosophy that is suggested by the late Dewi Phillips? Wittgenstein's use of the metaphor of a temple in relation to the passions is curiously reminiscent in its structure of Rilke's first sonnet to Orpheus. In Zettel a similar preoccupation seems to be manifested in the long and unexpected passage that Wittgenstein copies out from Plato, a passage (...)
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  32.  20
    Drugs, Ghosts and Self-Knowledge.Michael Mcghee - 1995 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (3):293-296.
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    Robert Audi's “Liberty Principle”.Micheal J. Perry - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 3 (2).
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    An Emendation in Calpurnius Flaccus.Micheal Winterbottom - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (01):338-339.
    The theme of the second declamation of Calpurnius Flaccus is ‘Matrona Aethiopem peperit. Arguitur adulterii’. In one of the excerpts , the accuser is arguing that for a white woman with a white husband to produce a black child is certain proof of adultery, for individual races have fixed physical characteristics to distinguish them. I give the text as argued for by W. S. Watt.
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    Mind-Body Dualism, Health, and Well-being in University Students.C. M. McGhee, Susan A. Gelman & Abigail J. Stewart - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (5):436-465.
    Mind-body dualism conceptualizes mind and body as distinct, but there are different ways that dualism may be instantiated. In this study, we examined how Hierarchical Dualism (the belief that mind and body are distinct, and the mind is superior) and Mutual-Influence Dualism (the belief that mind and body are separate but interrelate) related to health behaviors and mental health in three student samples: exclusively queer, exclusively straight, and a mixed university subject pool (N = 535). Participants in each sample endorsed (...)
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    The impact of corporate governance on financial leverage: evidence from Egypt.Rimon Micheal, K. Sandar Kyaw & Kwami H. Quao - 2025 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 19 (1):1-29.
    This study examines the effect of corporate governance on financial leverage of emerging market firms. This study shows the effects of corporate governance by estimating empirical model in which firms' financial leverage is dependent variable, while board size, blockholder ownership, independent directorship, and duality are independent variables. The study employs the panel dataset of 50 listed non-financial firms in Egypt in the period 2008-2019 and the econometric method for panel data, which is multiple regression model. The study suggests a significant (...)
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  37. Learning to Converse: Reflections on a Small Experiment.Michael McGhee - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (4):530-542.
    The three of us sweated in the heat and swayed with the rhythms of the crowded suburban train as we talked—or rather shouted to make ourselves heard—hanging by straps in the crush as we trundled back toward Andheri West. We were two Indians, Probal Dasgupta and Prabodh Parikh, and one Britisher, myself—all around the same age, in our late thirties. It was 1985, and Probal and I had traveled down from Pune on the Deccan Express to meet Prabodh in Bombay—and (...)
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    Facing Truths: Ethics and the Spiritual Life.Michael McGhee - 1992 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 32:229-246.
    In this paper I continue an enterprise begun in earlier work in which I attempt to naturalize into a western philosophical context concepts that derive from the practice of Buddhist meditation. In particular I shall try to make use of the notion of samādhi and vipassanā or insight. I should stress that I make no attempt at a scholarly explication of these terms but try rather to establish a use for them through reflection on experience, and by making a connection (...)
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    Is Nothing Sacred? A Secular Philosophy of Incarnation.Michael McGhee - 2011 - Philosophical Investigations 34 (2):169-188.
    Christian thinkers have recently expressed concern about the “silencing” or marginalisation of religion in public life, have affirmed the desirability of dialogue between the world of faith and the world of reason but have raised doubts about the feasibility of a moral language that refers to unconditional moral claims or human rights or the intrinsic dignity of human beings if it is not grounded in a transcendent or supernatural source of value. The present paper is an attempt to open a (...)
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  40.  32
    Logic and Sin in the Writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein.Michael Mcghee - 1994 - Philosophical Books 35 (2):110-111.
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    Reasonable Faith – By John Haldane.Michael McGhee - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (4):701-703.
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    The Turn Towards Buddhism.Michael McGhee - 1995 - Religious Studies 31 (1):69 - 87.
    The paper draws on the Heideggerian distinction between Bildung and Besinnung to locate a discussion of theological strategies in the face of Nietzsche's pronouncement that God is dead, and sketches what should be an epistemologically vigilant (and thus properly sceptical) Buddhist response to that pronouncement. The theological options that are mentioned or discussed include naive and critical theological realism, anti-realism and a nontheistic 'spiritual realism'. Buddhism is discussed in terms of its naturalistic sources and their development in the expression of (...)
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    Chastity and the (Male) Philosophers.Michael Mcghee - 1993 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 10 (1):45-57.
    ABSTRACT Although sexual continence is no longer considered a necessary condition of the philosophical life, various spiritual traditions favour the development of a form of ‘concentration’ (samadhi) of the person which they claim to depend on such continence, and of which a perceived outcome is a natural state of ‘chastity’. Such ‘concentration’is insisted upon on the grounds that it is the condition under which the real nature of things is disclosed to the practitioner. Since philosophers are concerned to discover the (...)
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  44. Walter P. Von Wartburg and Julian Liew, Gene Technology and Social Acceptance Reviewed by.Micheal Pelt - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (3):228-230.
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    Review of J. R. Brown, Philosophy of Mathematics: An Introduction to the World of Proofs and Pictures.Micheal D. Resnik - 2003 - Philosophia Mathematica 11 (1):328-335.
  46.  29
    The dissatisfactions of a ‘satisfied minority’: Val d'aosta and ethnic nationalism in the European community.Míchéal Thompson - 1994 - History of European Ideas 19 (4-6):663-668.
  47. Response to Jeff McMahan.Micheal Walzer - 2006 - Philosophia 34 (1):19-21.
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    Philosophers and God: at the frontiers of faith and reason.John Cornwell & Michael McGhee (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Continuum.
    A small industry has grown up around these works - Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens - complaining not just about their theological illiteracy but also about their ...
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  49.  21
    Use of Peer Mentoring, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, and Archival Datasets for Engaging Undergraduates in Publishable Research.Jonathan J. Hammersley, Micheal L. Waters & Kristy M. Keefe - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    In Pursuit of Eudaimonia: How Virtue Ethics Captures the Self-Understandings and Roles of Corporate Directors.Patricia Grant, Surendra Arjoon & Peter McGhee - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):389-406.
    A recent special issue in the Journal of Business Ethics gathered together a variety of papers addressing the challenges of putting virtue ethics into practice :563–565, 2013). The editors prefaced their outline of the various papers with the assertion that exploring the practical dimension of virtue ethics can help business leaders discover their proper place in working for a better world, as individuals and within the family, the business community and society in general :563–565, 2013). Scholars are yet to explore (...)
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