Results for 'Michał Izak'

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  1.  7
    Untold Stories in Organizations.Michal Izak, Linda Hitchin & David Anderson (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society.
    The field of organizational storytelling research is productive, vibrant and diverse. Over three decades we have come to understand how organizations are not only full of stories but also how stories are actively making, sustaining and changing organizations. This edited collection contributes to this body of work by paying specific attention to stories that are neglected, edited out, unintentionally omitted or deliberately left silent. Despite the fact that such stories are not voiced they have a role to play in organizational (...)
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    Nurses' Professional and Personal Values.Michal Rassin - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (5):614-630.
    The purpose of this study was to measure professional and personal values among nurses, and to identify the factors affecting these values. The participants were 323 Israeli nurses, who were asked about 36 personal values and 20 professional values. The three fundamental professional nursing values of human dignity, equality among patients, and prevention of suffering, were rated first. The top 10 rated values all concerned nurses' responsibility towards patients. Altruism and confidentiality were not highly rated, and health promotion and nursing (...)
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    Conscious and Unconscious Mentality: Examining Their Nature, Similarities and Differences.Michal Polák, Tomáš Marvan & Juraj Hvorecký (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this collection of essays, experts in the field of consciousness research shed light on the intricate relationship between conscious and unconscious states of mind. Advancing the debate on consciousness research, this book puts centre stage the topic of commonalities and differences between conscious and unconscious contents of the mind. The collection of cutting-edge chapters offers a breadth of research perspectives, with some arguing that unconscious states have been unjustly overlooked and deserve recognition for their richness and wide scope. Others (...)
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  4. The bad and the good about the phenomenal stance.Michał Wyrwa - forthcoming - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.
    Folk psychology's usefulness extends beyond its role in explaining and predicting behavior, i.e., beyond the intentional stance. In this paper, I critically examine the concept of phenomenal stance. According to this idea, attributions of phenomenal mental states impact laypeople's perception of moral patiency. The more phenomenal states we ascribe to others, the more we care about their well-being. The perception of moral patients—those affected by moral actions—is hypothesized to diverge from the perception of moral agents, those who perform moral actions. (...)
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    A Thomistic Argument for Respecting Conscientious Refusals.Michał Głowala - 2016 - Diametros 47:19-34.
    The paper presents an argument for respecting conscientious refusals based on the Thomistic account of conscience; the argument does not employ the notion of right. The main idea is that acting against one’s conscience necessarily makes the action objectively wrong and performed in bad faith, and expecting someone to act against his or her conscience is incompatible with requiring him or her to act in good faith. In light of this idea I also examine the issue of obligations imposed on (...)
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  6. Seeing the voices, hearing the sights: Perceptual distortions in boll, Bachmann and celan.Michal Ben-Horin - 2007 - In Karin Leonhard & Silke Horstkotte, Seeing Perception. Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Poetyka i okolice.Michał Głowiński - 1992 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Nauk. PWN.
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    The care of the witness: a contemporary history of testimony in crises.Michal Givoni - 2016 - New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.
    My preoccupation with witnessing mutated through several phases before it turned into the book you are holding. It germinated while I was writing my PhD dissertation at the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas at Tel Aviv University, when the gulf between the theory of testimony that so enchanted contemporary thinking around the ethics of memory on the one hand, and the humanitarian practice of witnessing I was studying on the other, first struck me as (...)
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  9. Quality Space Model of Temporal Perception.Michal Klincewicz - 2010 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6789 (Multidisciplinary Aspects of Tim):230-245.
    Quality Space Theory is a holistic model of qualitative states. On this view, individual mental qualities are defined by their locations in a space of relations, which reflects a similar space of relations among perceptible properties. This paper offers an extension of Quality Space Theory to temporal perception. Unconscious segmentation of events, the involvement of early sensory areas, and asymmetries of dominance in multi-modal perception of time are presented as evidence for the view.
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  10. Od kosmografii do \"systemu świata\". Rosyjska kosmologia wieku Oświecenia.Tatiana W. Artiemjewa & Michał J. Mikeszin - 2009 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 45.
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    Filosofické problémy nanotechnologií: ontologicko-systémová východiska a etické implikace.Vít Bartoš & Michal Trčka - 2022 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 44 (2):169-198.
    From the perspective of philosophy of science and technologies, we firstly attend to the issue of the role of nanotechnologies within the evolution of technologies. We recognize their utmost importance in the respect that they are technologies of life itself. We further explain that the nano-level is the domain of intersection of the rules of quantum physics and traditional Newtonian physics. This is our starting point from which we discuss the issue of conditions under which minimizing things also changes their (...)
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  12. A Letter to the Other Father.Michal Ben-Naftali - 2011 - Bijdragen 72 (3):283-297.
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  13.  15
    Singleness: Self-Individuation and its Rejection in the Scholastic Debate on Principles of Individuation.Michal Glowala (ed.) - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The book is a systematic study of the issue of self-individuation in the scholastic debate on principles of individuation. The point of departure is a general formulation of the problem of individuation acceptable for all the participants of the scholastic debate: a principle of individuation of x is what makes x individual. The book argues against a prima facie plausible view that everything that is individual is individual by itself and not by anything distinct from it. The keynote topic of (...)
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    Modal Quantifiers, Potential Infinity, and Yablo sequences.Michał Tomasz Godziszewski & Rafał Urbaniak - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-30.
  15.  21
    The European Union’s axiological credo and morality policy tensions.Michał Gierycz - 2017 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 51 (3):159.
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    Etiḳat ha-ʻedut: hisṭoryah shel beʻayah.Michal Givoni - 2015 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat ha-Ḳibuts ha-meʼuḥad. Edited by Ayelet Ḳamaʼi.
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    5. Subjects as Principles of the Individuation of Their Accidents.Michal Glowala - 2016 - In Singleness: Self-Individuation and its Rejection in the Scholastic Debate on Principles of Individuation. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 73-92.
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  18.  20
    Tomasz z Akwinu i widmo ukrytego nominalizmu.Michał Głowala - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (3):325-346.
    W artykule dyskutuję z interpretacją tomistycznej teorii uniwersaliów w książce Pawła Rojka Tropy i uniwersalia. Badania ontologiczne w kontekście problematyki „ukrytego nominalizmu”. Stawiam sobie w nim trzy cele. (i) Proponuję uściślenie definicji powszechnika, pozwalające bronić zasadniczych tez Pawła Rojka dotyczących ukrytego nominalizmu; (ii) pokazuję, że zaproponowana przez Pawła Rojka interpretacja Akwinaty sama popada w ukryty nominalizm; (iii) proponuję, w oparciu o teorię triplex status naturae Awicenny, inne odczytanie tomistycznej teorii uniwersaliów, które wydaje mi się unikać pułapki ukrytego nominalizmu.
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    Children talking television: The salience and functions of media content in child peer interactions.Michal Hamo & Zohar Kampf - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (4):465-485.
    The study aims at exploring the salience and functions of media and television contents in children’s lives by focusing on their uses as a discursive resource in naturally occurring peer talk. We observed and recorded Israeli children talk in everyday, natural settings in two separate studies, in 1999–2002 and in 2012–2013. Detailed discourse analysis of television-based interactions from an ethnographic, child-centered perspective reveals the enduring centrality of television as an enjoyable, available, and shared cultural resource with valuable social, cognitive, and (...)
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    Gaston Milhaud. Szkic biograficzny.Michał Gmytrasiewicz - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:13-18.
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    Aquinas, Geach, and the Inner Acts of the Will.Michał Głowala - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):375-392.
    In the paper I discuss Geach’s rejection of volitions (inner acts of the will) both in the exegesis of Aquinas and in systematic action theory – a rejection followed by some analytical commentators of Aquinas (like Davies and Kenny). I claim that Geach’s interpretation of Aquinas’s action theory in terms of tendencies (treating the will as a special kind of tendency) enables – pace Geach – a sound defense of volitionism both in the exegesis of Aquinas and in the action (...)
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    Strong phenomenal intentionality theory and unconscious phenomenality.Michal Polák - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    The paper argues that a coherent strong Phenomenal Intentionality Theory (sPIT) needs to adopt the concept of unconscious phenomenality. sPIT is based on the thesis that phenomenal properties constitute intentional episodes. But if “constitutive” means that without these phenomenal properties, intentional episodes break down, then this poses a serious problem for so-called unconscious intentional occurrent episodes. The dilemma is that sPIT either preserves unconscious intentional states, but then must reject constitutiveness, or conversely, sPIT accepts constitutiveness but must acknowledge unconscious phenomenality. (...)
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    Bibliography.Michal Glowala - 2016 - In Singleness: Self-Individuation and its Rejection in the Scholastic Debate on Principles of Individuation. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 155-160.
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    9. Concluding Remarks: The Thomistic Theory of Individuation.Michal Glowala - 2016 - In Singleness: Self-Individuation and its Rejection in the Scholastic Debate on Principles of Individuation. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 147-154.
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    Index.Michal Glowala - 2016 - In Singleness: Self-Individuation and its Rejection in the Scholastic Debate on Principles of Individuation. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 161-164.
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  26. Karol Linneusz jako badacz i twórca społeczności badaczy. Szkic filozoficzno-historyczny.Michał Gołda - 2024 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 60 (2):105-120.
    W literaturze przedmiotu poświęconej intelektualnemu dorobkowi Karola Linneusza (1707-1778) rozpatruje się jego wpływ na rozwój nauki w dwóch kontekstach. W pierwszym przyjmuje się optykę, w której Linneusz opisywany jest jako samotny geniusz i tytan pracy, który samodzielnie dokonał reformy nauk przyrodniczych w zakresie taksonomii. W drugim, oprócz oczywistego wkładu przyrodnika, bierze się pod uwagę również inne postacie, partycypujące w naukowym świecie osiemnastowiecznej historii naturalnej. W artykule przedstawiono założenia interpretacji Linneusz-badacz i Linneusz-twórca stylu badawczego oraz ustalono, czy dają one komplementarny obraz (...)
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    What Kind of Power is Virtue? John of St. Thomas OP on Causality of Virtues and Vices.Michał Głowala - 2012 - Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (1):25-57.
    The following paper discusses John of St. Thomas’ study of the way in which a habit (moral or epistemic virtue or vice) is a cause of an action it prompts. I begin with contrasting the question of causality of habits with the general question of the causal relevance of dispositions (2). I argue that habits constitute a very peculiar kind of dispositions marked by the connection with the properties of being difficult and being easy, and there are some special reasons (...)
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    Arithmetical completeness versus relative completeness.Michal Grabowski - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (3):213 - 220.
    In this paper we study the status of the arithmetical completeness of dynamic logic. We prove that for finitistic proof systems for dynamic logic results beyond arithmetical completeness are very unlikely. The role of the set of natural numbers is carefully analyzed.
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  29. Thymos i historia (Francis Fukuyama: Koniec historii. Ostatni Człowiek).Michał Graban - 1998 - Civitas 2 (2).
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    Erratum.Michał Grycz - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (1):159-159.
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    Does social support protect against recognition of angry facial expressions following failure?Michal Tanzer, Galia Avidan & Golan Shahar - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (7):1335-1344.
  32. How Much of One-Way Computation Is Just Thermodynamics?Janet Anders, Michal Hajdušek, Damian Markham & Vlatko Vedral - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (6):506-522.
    In this paper we argue that one-way quantum computation can be seen as a form of phase transition with the available information about the solution of the computation being the order parameter. We draw a number of striking analogies between standard thermodynamical quantities such as energy, temperature, work, and corresponding computational quantities such as the amount of entanglement, time, potential capacity for computation, respectively. Aside from being intuitively pleasing, this picture allows us to make novel conjectures, such as an estimate (...)
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    Hermeneutyka gier wideo: intepretacja, immersja, utopia = Hermeneutics of video games: interpretation, immersion, utopia.Michał Kłosiński - 2018 - Warszawa: Instytut Badań Literackich PAN. Wydawnictwo.
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    Odsłonić źródłowe doświadczenie nadziejności.Michał Płóciennik - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (1):166-174.
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  35. The Logical Structure of Intentional Anonymity.Michał Barcz, Jarek Gryz & Adam Wierzbicki - 2019 - Diametros 16 (60):1-17.
    It has been noticed by several authors that the colloquial understanding of anonymity as mere unknown-ness is insufficient. This common-sense notion of anonymity does not recognize the role of the goal for which the anonymity is sought. Starting with the distinction between the intentional and unintentional anonymity (which are usually taken to be the same) and the general concept of the non-coordinatability of traits, we offer a logical analysis of anonymity and identification (understood as de-anonymization). In our enquiry, we focus (...)
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    Replications can cause distorted belief in scientific progress.Michał Białek - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Dominicans and the challenge of Thomism.Michał Paluch & Piotr Lichacz (eds.) - 2012 - Warszawa: Instytut Tomistyczny.
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    Więcej niż karton. O Europejskim liderze wzrostu Marcina Piątkowskiego.Michał Pawłowski - forthcoming - Etyka.
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  39. Goodman's qualia and Russell's sense-data.Michal Polak - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60:7-27.
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  40. Disclosing the undisclosed: are radiographers and healthcare scientists required to communicate a provisional diagnosis when asked?Michal Pruski, Daniel Rodger & James E. Hurford - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (3):182-186.
    Patients need to be given the relevant information to be able to give informed consent, which might require the disclosure of a provisional diagnosis. Yet, there is no duty to give information to a patient if that patient is aware that this information exists but chooses not to request it. Diagnostic radiographers and healthcare scientists are often responsible for ensuring that patients have given informed consent for the investigations they undertake, but which were requested by other clinicians. Here we examine (...)
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  41.  36
    Anaïs Bohuon, Le Test de féminité dans les compétitions sportives. Une histoire classée X ?Michal Raz - 2013 - Clio 37:257-259.
    Le sport de compétition est l’un des objets les plus propices à l’analyse critique de la dualité des sexes et de la façon dont celle-ci est mise à mal face à la réalité diversifiée des corps. Dans son livre, Anaïs Bohuon retrace l’histoire des tentatives multiples du Comité International Olympique (CIO) pour mettre en place un dispositif scientifique permettant de reconnaître les « vraies femmes ». Elle y met en lumière l’incapacité du monde institutionnel sportif à s’accommoder de cette réal...
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  42.  15
    (1 other version)The Logica Yearbook 2014.Pavel Arazim & Michal Dancak (eds.) - 2015 - College Publications.
  43.  37
    The homunculus brain and categorical logic.Steve Awodey & Michał Heller - 2020 - Philosophical Problems in Science 69:253-280.
    The interaction between syntax and its semantics is one which has been well studied in categorical logic. The results of this particular study are employed to understand how the brain is able to create meanings. To emphasize the toy character of the proposed model, we prefer to speak of the homunculus brain rather than the brain per se. The homunculus brain consists of neurons, each of which is modeled by a category, and axons between neurons, which are modeled by functors (...)
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  44. Truisms, Heuristics and the Concept of Law.Adam Michał Dyrda - 2018 - Principia 2018 (Tom 65):113-143.
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    Pravila i kontekst upotrebe: teme i tumačenja Vitgenštajnove filozofije = The rules and teh context of use: themes and interpretations of Wittgenstein's philosophy.Michal Sládeček - 2014 - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju.
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  46. Realita a poznanie.Michal Topolśký - 1970 - Bratislava,: Epocha, t. Pravda.
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  47.  22
    The Possibility of Establishing the Ombudsman of the Republic of Poland as a Body for the Protection of Whistleblowers Reporting Violations of European Union Law. Constitutional Issues.Michał Ożóg - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):629-640.
    The purpose of this article is to analyze the constitutional considerations of the possibility of establishing the Ombudsman as a body to receive reports of violations of the law under the authority of Directive Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2019 on the protection of whistleblowers. The results of the research lead to the conclusion of the possible admissibility of such a solution, but with the need for appropriate system changes. However, the (...)
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  48.  16
    Protection of Whistleblowers: Experiences and Perspectives.Michał Ożóg - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):525-526.
    The text provides an introduction to the issue of articles on whistle-blower protection. The articles included in the separate substantive part of the issue Studies in Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric focus on the idea of whistle-blowing, as well as on the protection of whistleblowers under the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of whistleblowers (the so-called Whistleblower Protection Directive). The texts present the issues of protection of whistleblowers from an interdisciplinary perspective, the (...)
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    Opuscula.Tomasz Z. Akwinu, Michał Zembrzuski & Artur Andrzejuk - 2011 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Edited by Thomas.
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    Rola wątpliwości w filozofii Kartezjusza.Michał Orzechowski - 2010 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 23:35-60.
    A first impulse to write this article came from noticing, while reading Descartes' "Meditations", that author gives different meaning to the idea of "doubt" in each part of book. In First Meditation "doubt" has a function of a unique method of research, first step to build new, strictly rational and scientific knowledge – in contrast to the former collection of unjustified and un-proved or even false conceptions. Therefore "doubt" has positive value. So why does Descartes in his evidence of God's (...)
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