Results for 'Michal Matlak'

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  1.  19
    Constituent power in the European Union.Michal Matlak - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (2):323-326.
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    A Brief (Hi)Story of Just-So Stories in Evolutionary Science.Michal Hubálek - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (5):447-468.
    In this essay, I examine the usage of the term “just-so story.” I attempt to show that just-so storytelling can be seen as an epistemic concept that, in various ways, tackles the epistemological and methodological problems relating to evolutionary explanations qua historical/narrative explanations. I identify two main, yet mutually exclusive, strategies of employing the concept of a just-so story: a negative strategy and a positive strategy. Subsequently, I argue that these strategies do not satisfactorily capture the core of the “original” (...)
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  3. Truisms, Heuristics and the Concept of Law.Adam Michał Dyrda - 2018 - Principia 2018 (Tom 65):113-143.
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    Elicitation and modelling of imprecise utility of health states.Michał Jakubczyk & Dominik Golicki - 2020 - Theory and Decision 88 (1):51-71.
    Utilities of health states are often estimated to support public decisions in health care. People’s preferences may be imprecise, for lack of actual trade-off experience. We show how to elicit the utilities accounting for imprecision, discover the main drivers of imprecision, and compare several approaches to modelling health state utility data in the fuzzy setting. We extended the time trade-off questionnaire, to elicit utilities of states defined in the EQ-5D-3L descriptive system in184 respondents. Our study demonstrates that respondents are capable (...)
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    The Symbolic Language of the Unconscious: Erich Fromm’s Studies on the Human Being.Arian Kowalski & Michał Sawicki - 2022 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17 (2):87-103.
    This text aims at a multi-dimensional reflection on Erich Fromm’s conception of the human being. Starting from Marxist-Freudian sources of the philosopher’s thought, the authors show the fundamental ideas underlying his version of psychoanalysis. Next, Fromm’s view of the human being as a social being is discussed, referring to the concepts of unproductive and productive orientations. Another important dimension of Fromm’s thought that is discussed is the reflection on the nature and functions of the symbolic language of the unconscious, which (...)
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  6. Legal interpretation in periods of political transformation.Michał Krotoszyński - 2020 - In Paweł Kwiatkowski & Marek Smolak, Poznań School of Legal Theory. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Rodopi.
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  7. Popularizace sociálních věd v kontextu digitálního a dialogického obratu.Michal Šimůnek - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (1):55-81.
    Přibližně od druhé poloviny devadesátých let můžeme v sociálních vědách rozpoznat řadu tendencí, které nás opravňují hovořit o digitálním obratu v sociálněvědné praxi. Ačkoli důsledky digitalizace jsou pozorovatelné v mnoha oblastech sociálních věd, nejvýrazněji jsou zřejmě patrné ve znovuoživení očekávání spojovaných s tzv. dialogickým obratem a v diskusi rozpoutané kolem konceptu veřejné vědy. Tato studie vychází z kritického představení antologie a knihy-hypermédia Phillip VANNINI, Popularizing Research. Engaging New Genres, Media and Audiences. New York: Peter Lang 2012, 220 s.; Phillip VANNINI, (...)
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  8. O technických obrazech v sociálních vědách.Michal Šimůnek - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (4):617-642.
    Recenzní stať antologie David ČENĚK – Tereza PORYBNÁ, Vizuální antropologie – kultura žitá a viděná. Pavel Mervart: Červený Kostelec 2010, 332 s., postihuje vybrané tendence, které formují postavení technických obrazů v soudobých sociálních vědách. Po základním představení antologie a jejím zařazení do kontextu diskuse o vizuálních sociálních vědách se tak článek věnuje zejména třem klíčovým tématům: kritice a návrhům na transformaci subjekt-objektového vztahu; nástupu tzv. participatorních metod; požadavkům na vytváření mimotextových reprezentací a ustavení sdílené antropologie. Stať vždy nejdříve ilustruje, jak (...)
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    Complete Axiomatisations of Properties of Finite Sets.Thomas Agotnes & Michal Walicki - 2008 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 16 (3):293-313.
    We study a logic whose formulae are interpreted as properties of a finite set over some universe. The language is propositional, with two unary operators inclusion and extension, both taking a finite set as argument. We present a basic Hilbert-style axiomatisation, and study its completeness. The main results are syntactic and semantic characterisations of complete extensions of the logic.
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    Pravila i kontekst upotrebe: teme i tumačenja Vitgenštajnove filozofije = The rules and teh context of use: themes and interpretations of Wittgenstein's philosophy.Michal Sládeček - 2014 - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju.
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    Predictors of environmental guilt, and its role as a mediator of the association between human-nature relation and pro-environmental behavior intentions.Michał Jaśkiewicz, Rafael Piotrkowski, Karolina Sas-Bojarska & Agata Walaszczyk - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:272-278.
    The aim of the two studies (N = 245 and N = 199) was to investigate the predictors of environmental guilt and analyze its mediating role between human-nature relationship and pro-environmental behavior intentions. In the first study, the connectedness to nature and social dominance orientation emerged as predictors of environmental guilt. In addition, guilt was an important mediator of the relationship between the connectedness and individual pro- environmental behavior. In the second study, guilt was predicted by gender, by locating the (...)
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  12.  21
    How sure are you? — the properties of self-reported conviction in the elicitation of health preferences with discrete choice experiments.Michał Jakubczyk & Michał Lewandowski - 2023 - Theory and Decision 96 (3):351-368.
    Discrete choice experiments (DCE) are often used to elicit preferences, for instance, in health preference research. However, DCEs only provide binary responses, whilst real-life choices are made with varying degrees of conviction. We aimed to verify whether eliciting self-reported convictions on a 0–100 scale adds meaningful information to the binary choice. Eighty three respondents stated their preferences for health states using DCE and the time trade-off method (TTO). In TTO, utility ranges were also elicited to account for preference imprecision. We (...)
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  13. Common Origin of No-Cloning and No-Deleting Principles Conservation of Information.Michał Horodecki, Ryszard Horodecki, Aditi Sen & Ujjwal Sen - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (12):2041-2049.
    We discuss the role of the notion of information in the description of physical reality. We consider theories for which dynamics is linear with respect to stochastic mixing. We point out that the no-cloning and no-deleting principles emerge in any such theory, if law of conservation of information is valid, and two copies contain more information than one copy. We then describe the quantum case from this point of view.
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    Pedestrians’ Understanding of a Fully Autonomous Vehicle’s Intent to Stop: A Learning Effect Over Time.Michal Hochman, Yisrael Parmet & Tal Oron-Gilad - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study explored pedestrians’ understanding of Fully Autonomous Vehicles intention to stop and what influences pedestrians’ decision to cross the road over time, i.e., learnability. Twenty participants saw fixed simulated urban road crossing scenes with a single FAV on the road as if they were pedestrians intending to cross. Scenes differed from one another in the FAV’s, distance from the crossing place, its physical size, and external Human-Machine Interfaces message by background color, message type, and presentation modality. Eye-tracking data and (...)
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    There is no gene for fate.Michal Hubálek - forthcoming - Metascience:1-4.
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    To normalize the solitude – the task to be done.Michał Idasiak - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 78 (3):149-161.
    The pandemic situation showed us, that the separation from other people is an important part of our lives and makes even more impact than we thought. Yet, the dominant picture of this separation is hugely negative and was so for a long time. Solitude, being nor positive nor negative on its own, just as being with others, is not something that people as a whole acknowledge in their lives – it is perceived as a state to endure, something that can (...)
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    Place attachment, place identity and aesthetic appraisal of urban landscape.Michał Jaśkiewicz - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (4):573-578.
    As the aesthetic of the Polish cities became a topic of wider discussions, it is important to detect the potential role of human-place relations. Two studies were conducted to explore the relationship between place attachment, place identity and appraisal of urban landscape. Satisfaction with urban aesthetic was predicted by two dimensions of place attachment, local identity and national-conservative identity. Place discovered and European identity were also predictors of visual pollution sensitivity. Place discovered is considered as more active type of attachment (...)
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    Zsekularyzować ascezę. Filozoficzna propozycja dobrego życia u Arnolda Gehlena.Michał Jędrzejek - 2019 - Diametros 61:1-15.
    Asceticism as a part of the good life is often discussed in the contemporary philosophy (Foucault, Agamben, Sloterdijk). The aim of this article is to analyze and criticize the encouragement to ascetic practices which was formulated by a German conservative sociologist and philosopher, Arnold Gehlen (1904-1976). In my text, I track the history of the philosophical concept of asceticism and describe Gehlen’s anthropological suggestion that ascetic practices should be actualized and secularized. The author of Der Mensch claimed that the return (...)
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    Culture Management in Times of Degrowth – A Speculative Fabulation.Jakub Wydra & Michał Pałasz - 2025 - Civitas 32:77-97.
    The aim of the study was to explore the possible future of culture management under conditions of degrowth, which was treated in the research as an appropriate response to what natural scientists regard as the real risk of an imminent collapse of planetary systems due to humanity’s historically extractive and exploitative global economic activities. The article fills a research gap on the potential role of culture management in a degrowth-based transformation. The experimental research methodology was based on speculative fabulation, SWOT (...)
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  20.  46
    Proper experimental design and implementation are necessary conditions for a balanced social psychology.Andreas Ortmann & Michal Ostatnicky - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):352-353.
    We applaud the authors' basic message. We note that the negative research emphasis is not special solely to social psychology and judgment and decision-making. We argue that the proposed integration of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) and Bayesian analysis is promising but will ultimately succeed only if more attention is paid to proper experimental design and implementation.
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    A New Notion of Causal Closedness.Leszek Wroński & Michał Marczyk - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S3):1-26.
    In recent years part of the literature on probabilistic causality concerned notions stemming from Reichenbach’s idea of explaining correlations between not directly causally related events by referring to their common causes. A few related notions have been introduced, e.g. that of a “common cause system” (Hofer-Szabó and Rédei in Int J Theor Phys 43(7/8):1819–1826, 2004) and “causal (N-)closedness” of probability spaces (Gyenis and Rédei in Found Phys 34(9):1284–1303, 2004; Hofer-Szabó and Rédei in Found Phys 36(5):745–756, 2006). In this paper we (...)
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  22.  17
    Combining diverse one-class classifiers.Bartosz Krawczyk & Michał Woźniak - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 590--601.
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    Komentarz "O pamięci i przypominaniu".Tomasz Z. Akwinu, Michał Zembrzuski & Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego - 2012 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Edited by Michał Zembrzuski & Aristotle.
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    Chocim – polskie Lepanto.Bartłomiej Michał Wołyniec - 2022 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 28 (1):141-166.
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    Teachers' Perception of Student Coping With Emergency Remote Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Relative Impact of Educator Demographics and Professional Adaptation and Adjustment.Magdalena Jelińska & Michał B. Paradowski - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives and thrown the taken for granted into disarray. One of the most affected groups were teachers and students, faced with the necessity of school closures and—where logistically feasible—an urgent shift to emergency remote instruction, often with little prior notice. In this contribution, based on an online survey involving participants from 91 countries, we offer a perspective bridging the two groups, by investigating the role of teachers' demographics and professional adaptation to emergency (...)
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  26.  24
    Economic Vulnerability and Resilience to Shocks – An Attempt to Measure.Yanrong Guo, Michał Moszyński & Łukasz Topolewski - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):463-477.
    Especially in periods of crises, economists try to explain why some economies suffer negative consequences more strongly than others. In order to explain these differential effects, two economic categories known as economic vulnerability and economic resilience can be used. Hence, the aim of the paper is to undertake a critical reflection on the interrelated categories of economic vulnerability and resilience to shocks. The paper analyses these categories from a theoretical perspective and identifies the factors that shape each of them. It (...)
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  27. ha-Biḳur shel Ḥanah Arendṭ.Michal Ben-Naftali - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat ha-Ḳibuts ha-meʼuḥad.
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    Scholem, Derrida and the Literary Space.Michal Ben-Naftali - 2015 - Derrida Today 8 (2):136-155.
    The essay examines Scholem's letter-confession on the Hebrew language addressed to Rosenzweig from two perspectives hitherto ignored in the ongoing interpretative consideration of this document: Scholem's repression of the literary space and his consequent exclusion of madness. The essay follows several threads in Derrida's own ‘internal’ reading of the letter, and leans on other Derridean writings such as The Monolingualism of the Other, Schibboleth: For Paul Celan and ‘Cogito and the History of Madness’ in order to suggest two distinct encounters (...)
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    Dutch Books and nonclassical probability spaces.Leszek Wroński & Michał Tomasz Godziszewski - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 7 (2):267-284.
    We investigate how Dutch Book considerations can be conducted in the context of two classes of nonclassical probability spaces used in philosophy of physics. In particular we show that a recent proposal by B. Feintzeig to find so called “generalized probability spaces” which would not be susceptible to a Dutch Book and would not possess a classical extension is doomed to fail. Noting that the particular notion of a nonclassical probability space used by Feintzeig is not the most common employed (...)
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  30.  35
    The Austrian School of Economics and Ordoliberalism – Socio-Economic Order.Anna Jurczuk, Michał Moszyński & Piotr Pysz - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 57 (1):105-121.
    The scientific aim of the paper is to juxtapose the views on economic order developed by the leading representatives of two schools of liberal thinking – German ordoliberal Walter Eucken and the Austrian economist Friedrich August von Hayek. The first scholar opted for deliberately constructed competitive economic order, the second one advocates for allowing the social institutions to emerge and evolve spontaneously. The analysis proves the similarity of both theories in regard to the significance of principles of an economic order (...)
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    Author's Response to the Reviews.Michal Krumer-Nevo - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (3):323-325.
    I'm grateful to the editors for spotlighting the Poverty-Aware Paradigm (PAP) and fostering a cross-continental academic dialogue on my book, Radical hope: Poverty-aware practice for social work. I...
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    Remarks on The Cartesian Closure.Lauri Hella & Michal Krynicki - 1991 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 37 (33-35):539-545.
  33.  8
    Filozofia współczesna: wprowadzenie do zagadnień i kierunków.Michał Hempoliński - 1989 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    Places of Grace: The Natural Landscapes of the American Midwest.Gary Irving & Michal Strutin - 1999 - University of Illinois Press.
    This collection of photographs uncovers the mystery and beauty of a part of the country that for most people is hidden in plain view, Places of Grace reveals both the physical splendor and the natural history of a ten-state region encompassing Illinois, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. Open Places of Grace and be guided through forest, wetland, and prairie into the heart of the undiscovered Midwest. From the prairie grasses of western Nebraska to the boreal (...)
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  35.  8
    „Roušky s TULkou“: Věda a etika v liminalitě.Jana Jetmarová & Michal Trčka - 2022 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 44 (2):217-251.
    The text presents the results of a qualitative study focused on the issue of using nanomaterials in the extraordinary circumstances linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly referring to the “Roušky s TULkou” initiative. Within several weeks, this initiative managed to launch the production of highly efficient nanofiber filters using the original AC Electrospinning technology on an industrial scale. The goal of the research was to analyse both the regional experience and the value-based challenges, conflicts and ethical dilemmas posed by an (...)
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  36.  33
    Superstruny [recenzja].Michał Heller - 2001 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 29.
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    Teologowie i nauka [recenzja] Teologia e scienze nel mondo contemporaneo - Simposio interdisciplinare organizzato dalla Facolta' di Teologia della Pontificia Universita' S. Tommaso d'Aquino (Angelicum), 1989.Michał Heller - 1993 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 15.
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    Teoria katastrof [recenzja] W.I. Arnold, Tieoria katastrof, 1983.Michał Heller - 1985 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 7.
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  39. Neznesiteľná l’ahkosť zdôvodnenia prima facie. [REVIEW]Michal Ivan - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (2):315-320.
    Recenze: Marek PICHA, Kdyby chyby. Epistemologie myšlenkových experimentů. Olomouc: Nakladatelství Olomouc 2011. 195 s.
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    Michał Rogalski: The Variety of the Polish Catholic Modernism. An Overview of the Reception Process.Michał Rogalski - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (2):197-219.
    This paper describes the process of reception of Catholic Modernism in Poland as well as the Polish contribution to this movement. It shows the Polish antimodernist perspective on modernistic thought. The neglect of Polish modernism was caused by the nationalistic character of the Polish theology and has resulted in absence of historical studies of Polish Catholic Modernism. Based on the results of archival and literature research the paper presents a variety of Polish Catholic Modernists and non-Catholic supporters of the modernist (...)
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  41. Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 3: Socialism: Functioning and Long-Run Planning.Michal Kalecki - 1993 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Containing nearly all the material which has survived on Kalecki's activity - both theoretical and practical - from 1955 to 1964.
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  42. Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 7: Studies in Applied Economics, 1940-1967.Michal Kalecki - 1997 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The seventh volume of the Collected Works of Michal Kalecki, one of the twentieth century's preeminent economists, contains his empirical studies of the wartime and post-war economy in Britain and the USA, together with papers on the work of other economists and miscellanea.The first part of the book collects together his articles on the economic conditions of Britain during the Second World War, focusing on the rationing of consumption and war finance, and its post-war reconstructions. These articles are among (...)
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  43. Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 6: Studies in Applied Economics 1927-1941.Michal Kalecki - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The sixth volume of the Collected Works of Micha/l Kalecki, one of the twentieth-century's pre-eminent economists, contains his empirical studies of the capitalist economy, published primarily in pre-war Poland. The first part of the book collects together reviews of business conditions in commodity markets, studies of the structure and operations of large companies and cartels, and articles on international economic relations. These studies, written between 1928 and 1935, demonstrate Kalecki's keen insight into the international consequences of the Great Crisis of (...)
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    Statement by Professor Michał Heller at the Templeton Prize News Conference, March 12th, 2008.Michał Heller - 2008 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 43.
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    Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 4: Socialism: Economic Growth and Efficiency of Investment.Michal Kalecki - 1993 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume contains Kalecki's writings on the theory of growth of a socialist economy and the theory of economic efficiency of investment. These are supplemented by essays on some economic and social problems of People's Poland. Though quite theoretical in nature, both the Introduction to the Theory of Growth in a Socialist Economy and Kalecki's many studies in the theory of economic efficiency of investment projects are deeply rooted in his practical experience as an economic planner. It is only in (...)
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    Vector spaces and binary quantifiers.Michał Krynicki, Alistair Lachlan & Jouko Väänänen - 1984 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 25 (1):72-78.
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    Subjective measures of consciousness in artificial grammar learning task.Michał Wierzchoń, Dariusz Asanowicz, Borysław Paulewicz & Axel Cleeremans - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1141-1153.
    Consciousness can be measured in various ways, but different measures often yield different conclusions about the extent to which awareness relates to performance. Here, we compare five different subjective measures of awareness in the context of an artificial grammar learning task. Participants expressed their subjective awareness of rules using one of five different scales: confidence ratings , post-decision wagering , feeling of warmth , rule awareness , and continuous scale . All scales were equally sensitive to conscious knowledge. PDW, however, (...)
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    Some Philosophical Remarks on the Concept of Structure: Framing Michał Heller’s Perspective.Michał Oleksowicz - 2021 - Filozofia Nauki 29 (4):57-92.
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    Reply to: Beyond Money: Conscientious Objection in Medicine as a Conflict of Interests.Michal Pruski - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (1):177-180.
    Giubilini and Savulescu in their recent Journal of Bioethical Inquiry symposium article presented an account of conscientious objection that argues for its recognition as a non-financial conflict of interest. In this short commentary, I highlight some problems with their account. First, I discuss their solicitor analogy. Second, I discuss some problems surrounding their objectivity claim about standards of medical care. Next, I discuss some issues arising from consistently applying their approach. Finally, I highlight that conscientious objection should be viewed not (...)
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    Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 1: Capitalism: Business Cycles and Full Employment.Michal Kalecki - 1990 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This is the first volume in a new, definitive, seven-volume edition of the works of Michal Kalecki, one of the twentieth century's most distinguished economists. Kalecki was one of the three contemporary economists to arrive at the conclusions publicized by Keynes, although Kalecki arguably presented these views even earlier than Keynes. Volume I contains Kalecki's writings on the theory of the business cycle and full employment. His seminal Essay on the Business Cycle Theory is preceded by his earlier theoretical (...)
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