  1.  18
    Gedanken als Wirkursachen: Francisco Suárez zur geistigen Hervorbringung.Michael Renemann - 2010 - Philadelphia: B.R. Grüner.
    Francisco Suárez (1548–1617) sieht es als Problem an, dass nach dem traditionellen Modell der Kunstproduktion der Gedanke immer nur als Vorkonzeption und damit auf sehr vermittelte Weise in das Kunstwerk eingeht.
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    Reply to Lukáš Novák’s Article.Michael Renemann - 2012 - Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (2):204-205.
    This is a discussion article and a reply to Lukáš Novák’s article.
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    The Mind’s Focus as an Efficient Cause.Michael Renemann - 2010 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (4):693-710.
    Central to early modern Scholastic theories of artistic production (whether the artist is God or a human being) is the term “idea,” which, in the traditionalaccount, signifies “that which is being imitated in the process of artistic production.” Francisco Suárez rejects this account, on the grounds that, by making theidea depend on being imitated, it obviously leaves the idea without any (efficient) causal role. On his alternative account, the exemplary cause governing the production process is not an “objective representation” or (...)
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