Results for 'Michael L. McClain'

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    "The Theory of Morality," by Alan Donagan. [REVIEW]Michael L. McClain - 1978 - Modern Schoolman 55 (4):420-421.
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    Michael L. Morgan: history and moral normativity.Michael L. Morgan - 2018 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Hava Tirosh-Samuelson.
    Michael L. Morgan is Emeritus Chancellor Professor at Indiana University and the Grafstein Visiting Chair in Jewish Philosophy at the University of Toronto. He has written extensively on ancient Greek philosophy, modern Jewish philosophy, and post-Holocaust theology and ethics.
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  3. Michael L. Gross replies.Michael L. Gross - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (5):5-5.
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    (1 other version)The Massive Redeployment Hypothesis and the Functional Topography of the Brain.Michael L. Anderson - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):143-174.
    This essay introduces the massive redeployment hypothesis, an account of the functional organization of the brain that centrally features the fact that brain areas are typically employed to support numerous functions. The central contribution of the essay is to outline a middle course between strict localization on the one hand, and holism on the other, in such a way as to account for the supporting data on both sides of the argument. The massive redeployment hypothesis is supported by case studies (...)
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    Some dilemmas for an account of neural representation: A reply to Poldrack.Michael L. Anderson & Heather Champion - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2).
    “The physics of representation” aims to define the word “representation” as used in the neurosciences, argue that such representations as described in neuroscience are related to and usefully illuminated by the representations generated by modern neural networks, and establish that these entities are “representations in good standing”. We suggest that Poldrack succeeds in, exposes some tensions between the broad use of the term in neuroscience and the narrower class of entities that he identifies in the end, and between the meaning (...)
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    The Enlightenment of sympathy: justice and the moral sentiments in the eighteenth century and today.Michael L. Frazer - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
  7. (1 other version)Neural reuse: A fundamental organizational principle of the brain.Michael L. Anderson - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):245.
    An emerging class of theories concerning the functional structure of the brain takes the reuse of neural circuitry for various cognitive purposes to be a central organizational principle. According to these theories, it is quite common for neural circuits established for one purpose to be exapted (exploited, recycled, redeployed) during evolution or normal development, and be put to different uses, often without losing their original functions. Neural reuse theories thus differ from the usual understanding of the role of neural plasticity (...)
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  8. Eroding the Boundaries of Cognition: Implications of Embodiment 1.Michael L. Anderson, Michael J. Richardson & Anthony Chemero - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (4):717-730.
    To accept that cognition is embodied is to question many of the beliefs traditionally held by cognitive scientists. One key question regards the localization of cognitive faculties. Here we argue that for cognition to be embodied and sometimes embedded, means that the cognitive faculty cannot be localized in a brain area alone. We review recent research on neural reuse, the 1/f structure of human activity, tool use, group cognition, and social coordination dynamics that we believe demonstrates how the boundary between (...)
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    (1 other version)Active logic semantics for a single agent in a static world.Michael L. Anderson, Walid Gomaa, John Grant & Don Perlis - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (8-9):1045-1063.
  10.  8
    Biology, Religion, and Philosophy: An Introduction.Michael L. Peterson & Dennis R. Venema - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Dennis R. Venema.
    The intersection of biology and religion has spawned exciting new areas of academic research that raise issues central to understanding our own humanity and the living world. In this comprehensive and accessible survey, Michael L. Peterson and Dennis R. Venema explain the engagement between biology and religion on issues related to origins, evolution, design, suffering and evil, progress and purpose, love, humanity, morality, ecology, and the nature of religion itself. Does life have a chemical origin - or must there (...)
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    The Cambridge introduction to Emmanuel Levinas.Michael L. Morgan - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book provides a clear and helpful overview of the philosophical core of the thought of Emmanuel Levinas, one of the most significant and interesting philosophers of the late twentieth century.
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  12. Cognitive science and epistemic openness.Michael L. Anderson - 2006 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 5 (2):125-154.
    b>. Recent findings in cognitive science suggest that the epistemic subject is more complex and epistemically porous than is generally pictured. Human knowers are open to the world via multiple channels, each operating for particular purposes and according to its own logic. These findings need to be understood and addressed by the philosophical community. The current essay argues that one consequence of the new findings is to invalidate certain arguments for epistemic anti-realism.
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  13. Massive redeployment, exaptation, and the functional integration of cognitive operations.Michael L. Anderson - 2007 - Synthese 159 (3):329 - 345.
    Abstract: The massive redeployment hypothesis (MRH) is a theory about the functional topography of the human brain, offering a middle course between strict localization on the one hand, and holism on the other. Central to MRH is the claim that cognitive evolution proceeded in a way analogous to component reuse in software engineering, whereby existing components-originally developed to serve some specific purpose-were used for new purposes and combined to support new capacities, without disrupting their participation in existing programs. If the (...)
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    Ethics and activism: the theory and practice of political morality.Michael L. Gross - 1997 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Responsible citizens are expected to combine ethical judgement with judiciously exercised social activism to preserve the moral foundation of democratic society and prevent political injustice. But do they? Utilizing a research model integrating insights from rational choice theory and cognitive developmental psychology this book carefully explores three exemplary cases of morally inspired activism: Jewish rescue in wartime Europe, abortion politics in the United States, and peace and settler activism in Israel. From all three analyses a single conclusion emerges: the most (...)
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  15.  49
    Judaism and the Heretical Imperative: MICHAEL L. MORGAN.Michael L. Morgan - 1981 - Religious Studies 17 (1):109-120.
  16.  59
    Peirce and Racism: Biographical and Philosophical Considerations: Presidential Address.Michael L. Raposa - 2021 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (1):32-44.
  17.  32
    Perception of Faces, Objects, and Scenes: Analytic and Holistic Processes (335-355).Michael L. Peterson & G. Rhodes (eds.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    The contributors to this volume seek to answer this question by exploring how analytic and holistic processes contribute to our perception of faces, objects, ...
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    Discovering Levinas.Michael L. Morgan - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Discovering Levinas, Michael L. Morgan shows how this thinker faces in novel and provocative ways central philosophical problems of twentieth-century philosophy and religious thought. He tackles this task by placing Levinas in conversation with philosophers such as Donald Davidson, Stanley Cavell, John McDowell, Onora O'Neill, Charles Taylor, and Cora Diamond. He also seeks to understand Levinas within philosophical, religious, and political developments in the history of twentieth-century intellectual culture. Morgan demystifies Levinas by examining his unfamiliar and surprising vocabulary, (...)
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  19. Representation, evolution and embodiment.Michael L. Anderson - 2005 - Theoria Et Historia Scientarum.
    As part of the ongoing attempt to fully naturalize the concept of human being--and, more specifically, to re-center it around the notion of agency--this essay discusses an approach to defining the content of representations in terms ultimately derived from their central, evolved function of providing guidance for action. This 'guidance theory' of representation is discussed in the context of, and evaluated with respect to, two other biologically inspired theories of representation: Dan Lloyd's dialectical theory of representation and Ruth Millikan's biosemantics.
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    The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critique and an Indirect Path Forward.Michael L. Barnett - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (1):167-190.
    Do firms benefit from their voluntary efforts to alleviate the many problems confronting society? A vast literature establishing a “business case” for corporate social responsibility appears to find that usually they do. However, as argued herein, the business case literature has established only that firms usually benefit from responding to the demands of their primary stakeholders. The nature of the relationship between the interests of business and those of broader society, beyond a subset of powerful primary stakeholders, remains an open (...)
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  21.  15
    The Ethical Challenges of Providing Medical Care to Civilians During Armed Conflict.Michael L. Gross - 2021 - In Daniel Messelken & David Winkler (eds.), Health Care in Contexts of Risk, Uncertainty, and Hybridity. Springer. pp. 131-143.
    During asymmetric war, state armies must care for their local allies, detainees and the civilian population in two contexts: acute care for those wounded during military operations and medical care for the general population as required by the Geneva Conventions. Constrained by scarce resources, state armies face a number of moral dilemmas that affect care on the ground.Triage. As they deploy, state armies allocate in-theater medical resources to care for their soldiers. In-theater care does not provide for long-term treatment. Its (...)
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    Some Comments on Roger Ward’s Peirce and Religion.Michael L. Raposa - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (2):105-113.
    early last year, i was invited to write a review for the Journal of the American Academy of Religion of Roger Ward’s recently published book on Peirce and Religion: Knowledge, Transformation, and the Reality of God. I was delighted to do so, and I am now equally pleased to participate in today’s discussion.1 My presentation here represents a natural sequel to that published review. The greater length of this paper should allow me to explain more clearly and carefully why I (...)
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    Peirce's philosophy of religion.Michael L. Raposa - 1989 - Bloomington, IN, USA: Indiana University Press.
    Although few of Charles Sanders Peirce's writings were devoted explicitly to religious topics, Michael L. Raposa demonstrates that religious ideas played a central role in shaping Peirce's philosophy and are manifest throughout his corpus, in scientific and mathematical papers as well as in his writings on metaphysics, cosmology, and the normative sciences. Because Peirce's religious ideas are continuous with and integral to his reflections on these and other issues, they must be identified and understood if his work as a (...)
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    On Reading God's Great Poem: A Delayed Response to Christopher Hookway.Michael L. Raposa - 2018 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54 (4):485.
    In a 1991 issue of the journal Semiotica, Christopher Hookway published a review essay devoted to my book on Peirce's Philosophy of Religion, which had appeared two years earlier, in 1989. Sometime later, in the year 2000, an adapted version of that essay was included as chapter eleven in Hookway's book entitled Truth, Rationality and Pragmatism: Themes from Peirce.1 Hookway graciously admitted that he agreed with much of my interpretation of Peirce, but that he would focus his analysis on those (...)
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    A process model of having and keeping secrets.Michael L. Slepian - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (3):542-563.
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    Representations, symbols, and embodiment.Michael L. Anderson - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 149 (1):151-156.
  27.  12
    (1 other version)I, You, We: Community and Redemption in Rosenzweig.Michael L. Morgan - 2020 - Naharaim 14 (2):225-241.
    In the early decades of the twentieth century, the concept of community (Gemeinschaft) was associated with an ideal society or polity; a host of figures conceived of redemption as the creation and development of community. In this paper, I briefly discuss how this ideal was appropriated by Martin Buber and how genuine community came to mean, for him, a society organized in terms of a collection of I-Thou oriented relationships. I then consider how the same ideal might help us to (...)
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    State-dependent retention in humans induced by alterations in affective state.Michael L. Macht, Norman E. Spear & Donald J. Levis - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (5):415-418.
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    What are we teaching about morality by not teaching morality?Michael L. Hall - 1998 - Philosophy and Literature 22 (1):160-165.
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    Toward a sociology of moral problem solving.Michael L. Schwalbe - 1990 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 20 (2):131–155.
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    Art, religion and musement.Michael L. Raposa - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 42 (4):427-437.
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    Peirce and Edwards on the Argument from Beauty.Michael L. Raposa - 2020 - In Walter B. Gulick & Gary Slater (eds.), American aesthetics: theory and practice. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 59-74.
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    Adaptive value within natural language discourse.Michael L. Best - 2006 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 7 (1):1-15.
    A trait is of adaptive value if it confers a fitness advantage to its possessor. Thus adaptiveness is an ahistorical identification of a trait affording some selective advantage to an agent within some particular environment. In results reported here we identify a trait within natural language discourse as having adaptive value by computing a trait/fitness covariance; the possession of the trait correlates with the replication success of the trait’s possessor. We show that the trait covaries with fitness across multiple unrelated (...)
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    Reading Readers Reading: A Brief Reply to my Interlocutors.Michael L. Raposa - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (2-3):117-135.
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  35. Embodied cognition: A field guide.Michael L. Anderson - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 149 (1):91-130.
    The nature of cognition is being re-considered. Instead of emphasizing formal operations on abstract symbols, the new approach foregrounds the fact that cognition is, rather, a situated activity, and suggests that thinking beings ought therefore be considered first and foremost as acting beings. The essay reviews recent work in Embodied Cognition, provides a concise guide to its principles, attitudes and goals, and identifies the physical grounding project as its central research focus.
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  36. Sentimentalism without Relativism.Michael L. Frazer - 2013 - Nomos 53:19-37.
  37. Why treat the wounded? Warrior care, military salvage, and national health.Michael L. Gross - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (2):3 – 12.
    Because the goal of military medicine is salvaging the wounded who can return to duty, military medical ethics cannot easily defend devoting scarce resources to those so badly injured that they cannot return to duty. Instead, arguments turn to morale and political obligation to justify care for the seriously wounded. Neither argument is satisfactory. Care for the wounded is not necessary to maintain an army's morale. Nor is there any moral or logical connection between the right to health care (a (...)
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  38. Justice, Jesus and the Jews: A Proposal for Jewish-Christian Relations.Michael L. Cook - 2003
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    Spinoza: Complete Works.Michael L. Morgan (ed.) - 2002 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    The only complete edition in English of Baruch Spinoza's works, this volume features Samuel Shirley’s preeminent translations, distinguished at once by the lucidity and fluency with which they convey the flavor and meaning of Spinoza’s original texts. Michael L. Morgan provides a general introduction that places Spinoza in Western philosophy and culture and sketches the philosophical, scientific, religious, moral and political dimensions of Spinoza’s thought. Morgan’s brief introductions to each work give a succinct historical, biographical, and philosophical overview. A (...)
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    Abortion and neonaticide: Ethics, practice and policy in four nations.Michael L. Gross - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (3):202–230.
    Abortion, particularly late‐term abortion, and neonaticide, selective non‐treatment of newborns, are feasible management strategies for fetuses or newborns diagnosed with severe abnormalities. However, policy varies considerably among developed nations. This article examines abortion and neonatal policy in four nations: Israel, the US, the UK and Denmark. In Israel, late‐term abortion is permitted while non‐treatment of newborns is prohibited. In the US, on the other hand, late‐term abortion is severely restricted, while treatment to newborns may be withdrawn. Policy in the UK (...)
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    Levinas, Løgstrup, and the Idea of Command.Michael L. Morgan - 2020 - The Monist 103 (1):63-82.
    Robert Stern has argued that Levinas is a kind of command theorist and that, for this reason, Løgstrup can be understood to have provided an argument against Levinas. In this paper, I discuss Levinas’s use of the vocabulary of demand, order, and command in the light of Jewish philosophical accounts of such notions in the work of Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, and Emil Fackenheim. These accounts revise the traditional Jewish idea of command and I show that Levinas’s use of this (...)
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    Clarifying the Robust Foundation for and Appropriate Use of DTI in mTBI Patients.Michael L. Lipton & Erin D. Bigler - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (2):41-43.
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    Consensus on Peirce’s Concept of Habit: Before and Beyond Consciousness.Michael L. Raposa - 2019 - The Pluralist 14 (2):112-117.
    The concept of habit supplies one of the key ingredients not only of Charles Peirce’s philosophy, but of philosophical pragmatism more generally. In this volume, the emphasis is placed squarely on Peirce. The essays collected here represent the perspectives of a truly impressive group of Peirce scholars, working in a great variety of academic disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, biology, linguistics, anthropology, semiotics, literary studies, and aesthetics. This community of scholars is also broadly international, with essayists from a dozen different countries (...)
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  44. Foreword.Michael L. Peterson - 2022 - In Mark A. Lamport (ed.), The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Philosophy and Religion. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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  45. Board of director effectiveness committees.Michael L. McIntyre & Steven A. Murphy - 2007 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 3 (4):461-472.
    This paper presents a framework for board self-evaluation based on a model grounded in the governance and team effectiveness literatures. It develops arguments for the creation of board effectiveness committees that are assigned responsibility for evaluating board construction, activities and outputs and the fit of these factors to environmental conditions. It presents the board effectiveness committee as an important element in the governance process.
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    Monotheism, Suffering, and Evil.Michael L. Peterson - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Suffering and evil in the world provide the basis for the most difficult challenge to monotheistic belief. This Element discusses how the three great monotheisms – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – respond to the problem of suffering and evil. Different versions of the problem, types of answers, and recurring themes in philosophical and religious sources are analyzed. Objections to the enterprise of theodicy are also discussed as are additional objections to the monotheistic God more broadly. This treatment culminates in a (...)
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    Almost disjoint sets and Martin's axiom.Michael L. Wage - 1979 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 (3):313-318.
    We present a number of results involving almost disjoint sets and Martin's axiom. Included is an example, due to K. Kunen, of a c.c.c. partial order without property K whose product with every c.c.c. partial order is c.c.c.
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    Strike while the iron is.Michael L. Anderson - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence 170 (18):1213-1217.
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    Garasic review, Guantanamo and other cases of enforced medical treatment.Michael L. Gross - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (1):27-27.
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  50. Embodied Cognition: The teenage years. A review of Gallagher, S. (2005). How.Michael L. Anderson - unknown
    Embodied Cognition is growing up, and How the Body Shapes the Mind is both a sign of, and substantive contributor to this ongoing development. Born in or about 1991, EC is only now emerging from a tumultuous but exciting childhood marked in particular by the size and breadth of the extended family hoping to have some impact on its early education and upbringing. As family members include computer science, phenomenology, developmental and cognitive psychology, analytic philosophy of mind, linguistics, neuroscience, and (...)
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