Results for 'Meyer-Dietrich Erika'

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  1.  7
    Die Brüdergemeine als Theokratie und ihr Verhältnis zum Staat.Dietrich Meyer - 2005 - In Udo Sträter (ed.), Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 279-286.
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  2. The Quest for System-Theoretical Medicine in the COVID-19 Era.Felix Tretter, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Michael Meyer-Hermann, Johannes W. Dietrich, Sara Green, James Marcum & Wolfram Weckwerth - 2021 - Frontiers in Medicine 8:640974.
    Precision medicine and molecular systems medicine (MSM) are highly utilized and successful approaches to improve understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of many diseases from bench-to-bedside. Especially in the COVID-19 pandemic, molecular techniques and biotechnological innovation have proven to be of utmost importance for rapid developments in disease diagnostics and treatment, including DNA and RNA sequencing technology, treatment with drugs and natural products and vaccine development. The COVID-19 crisis, however, has also demonstrated the need for systemic thinking and transdisciplinarity and the limits (...)
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  3. The Case against Johann Reuchlin: Religious and Social Controversy in Sixteenth-Century Germany. By Erika Rummel.D. J. Dietrich - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (5):673-673.
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    Zeit, eine normative Ressource?Frank Dietrich, Johannes Müller-Salo & Reinold Schmücker (eds.) - 2018 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    All states of human life are limited by time. Human personality, but also interpersonal justice therefore have a temporal dimension. Is time thus a source of normativity: a factor that every ethic must take into account? Does it make any demands on the design of our personal way of life? And must norms and rules that aim to bring about, maintain, change or end certain states of human life always have to take into account the passage of time? In this (...)
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    Diskursverantwortung in Krisen- und Kriegszeiten: Bad Kissinger Symposion des Hans Jonas-Zentrums.Bernadette Herrmann, Harald Asel & Dietrich Böhler (eds.) - 2023 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    „On 23rd February 2022, when the editors had worked out topical issues of dispute relating to politics, ethics, technology and religion for a Hans Jonas Centre conference on responsibility for the future and discourse ethics, it was suddenly foreseeable that Russia would invade the core area of Ukraine the next night. We immediately informed our Ukrainian colleagues that we would allow them asylum, if desired, and invite them to the conference in Bad Kissingen as keynote speakers. In no time at (...)
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    Old Drugs in New BottlesResearches in the History of Pharmaceutical ChemistryGerald Schröder Robert Bohlmann Winfred Schröder Dietrich Arends Erika Hickel Wolfgang Schneider Herbert Wietschoreck Bhulabhai Patel Christian Wehle Mechthild Krüger Horst Matthias Real.Robert P. Multhauf - 1972 - Isis 63 (3):408-412.
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    Elisabeth Lienert and Gertrud Beck, eds., Dietrichs Flucht: Textgeschichtliche Ausgabe. (Texte und Studien zur mittelhochdeutschen Heldenepik, 1.) Tübingen: Max Nie-meyer, 2003. Pp. xxx, 352. €56. [REVIEW]Sebastian Coxon - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):230-231.
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  8. Emotion and meaning in music.Leonard B. Meyer - 1956 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
    Analyzes the meaning expressed in music, the social and psychological sources of meaning, and the methods of musical communication This is a book meant for ...
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  9. Curry’s Paradox.Robert K. Meyer, Richard Routley & J. Michael Dunn - 1979 - Analysis 39 (3):124 - 128.
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    Ethical journalism: a guide for students, practitioners, and consumers.Philip Meyer - 1987 - Lanham, Md.: University Press of America.
    Based on a survey of editors, publishers and staff members of 300 newspapers, this work documents the ethical confusion in the American press in the wake of the Watergate scandal and the Pentagon Papers controversy. It provides an analytical and historical framework to show how the press reached this point and argues for an ethical audit to give publications an independent check on their moral condition.
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  11. Climate justice and historical emissions.Lukas H. Meyer & Dominic Roser - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (1):229-253.
    Climate change can be interpreted as a unique case of historical injustice involving issues of both intergenerational and global justice. We split the issue into two separate questions. First, how should emission rights be distributed? Second, who should come up for the costs of coping with climate change? We regard the first question as being an issue of pure distributive justice and argue on prioritarian grounds that the developing world should receive higher per capita emission rights than the developed world. (...)
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  12. Semantics and the computational paradigm in computational psychology.Eric Dietrich - 1989 - Synthese 79 (1):119-41.
    There is a prevalent notion among cognitive scientists and philosophers of mind that computers are merely formal symbol manipulators, performing the actions they do solely on the basis of the syntactic properties of the symbols they manipulate. This view of computers has allowed some philosophers to divorce semantics from computational explanations. Semantic content, then, becomes something one adds to computational explanations to get psychological explanations. Other philosophers, such as Stephen Stich, have taken a stronger view, advocating doing away with semantics (...)
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  13. Semantics of Entailment 0.Robert K. Meyer & Edwin D. Mares - 1993 - In Peter Joseph Schroeder-Heister & Kosta Došen (eds.), Substructural Logics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press on Demand. pp. 239-258.
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    Beginnings in Jewish philosophy.Meyer Levin - 1971 - New York,: Behrman House.
    Discusses the beliefs of Judaism and their application to life in today's world.
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  15. The "actors" of modern society: The cultural construction of social agency.John W. Meyer & Ronald L. Jepperson - 2000 - Sociological Theory 18 (1):100-120.
    Much social theory takes for granted the core conceit of modern culture, that modern actors-individuals, organizations, nation states-are autochthonous and natural entities, no longer really embedded in culture. Accordingly, while there is much abstract metatheory about "actors" and their "agency," there is arguably little theory about the topic. This article offers direct arguments about how the modern (European, now global) cultural system constructs the modern actor as an authorized agent for various interests via an ongoing relocation into society of agency (...)
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    A different approach to deontic logic: deontic logic viewed as a variant of dynamic logic.J. -J. Ch Meyer - 1987 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29 (1):109-136.
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    Das "St. Katharinentaler Schwesternbuch": Untersuchung, Edition, Kommentar.Ruth Meyer - 1995 - Tübingen: Niemeyer.
    Die Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters (MTU), seit Band 102 beim Max Niemeyer Verlag, machen bisher nicht oder ungenügend erschlossene Texte, Stoffe und Gattungen zugänglich. Neben höfischem und Heldenepos und der Lieddichtung des Hohen und Späten Mittelalters sind vor allem auch Prosaschriften des weltlichen und geistlichen Bereichs, vom theologischen Traktat über die Mystik bis zum Spiel und zur Sachliteratur aus der mittelalterlichen Alltagswelt vertreten. Die Auswahl der publizierten Werke besorgt ein internationales Gremium von Mediävisten verschiedener Disziplinen.
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    Ephemer.Petra Maria Meyer (ed.) - 2020 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, Brill Deutschland.
    Die Sprache weiß, wovon sie spricht. Das zeigt sich im Kompositum "ef?μe ", von dem das deutsche "ephemer" abgeleitet wurde. Während das Präfix "epi" u.a. die Bedeutungen "darauf, während, bis zu" umfasst, bedeutet "hemära" nicht nur "Tag", sondern auch "Zeit" und "Leben". Das Ephemere spricht existenziell die Daseinsweise des Menschen an. Ephemeroi, Menschen, sind "Eintagswesen", "eines Schattens Traum". Ohne das Ephemere als Kennzeichen der Moderne und Postmoderne zu vernachlässigen, unter Berücksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen mit Medienumbrüchen und Künsten stehen Fragen nach der (...)
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  19. Oedipus and Job in West African Religion.Meyer Fortes (ed.) - 1983 - Cambridge University Press.
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    Introduction - Intergenerational Justice and Its Challenges.Axel Gosseries & Lukas Meyer - 2009 - In Gosseries Axel & Meyer Lukas H. (eds.), Intergenerational Justice. Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press.
    This Introduction tells the story of intergerational justice and how it has influenced philosophers and political thinkers throughout history. The Introduction goes on to discuss the aims of the book, which is to offer a sustained discussion of intergenerational justice as seen by practical philosophers. The first part of the book focuses on the way in which various schools of thought in moral and political philosophy approach the domain of intergenerational justice, while the second part focuses on more specific aspects, (...)
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  21.  62
    Completeness of relevant quantification theories.Robert K. Meyer, J. Michael Dunn & Hugues Leblanc - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (1):97-121.
  22. Propositionwise judgment aggregation: the general case.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2013 - Social Choice and Welfare 40 (4):1067-1095.
    In the theory of judgment aggregation, it is known for which agendas of propositions it is possible to aggregate individual judgments into collective ones in accordance with the Arrow-inspired requirements of universal domain, collective rationality, unanimity preservation, non-dictatorship and propositionwise independence. But it is only partially known (e.g., only in the monotonic case) for which agendas it is possible to respect additional requirements, notably non-oligarchy, anonymity, no individual veto power, or implication preservation. We fully characterize the agendas for which there (...)
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    Consciousness and the Present.Ulrich Meyer - 2015 - In Yuval Dolev & Michael Roubach (eds.), Cosmological and Psychological Time. Cham: Springer. pp. 143-153.
    A perennial question in the philosophy of time concerns the relation between the objective “physical time” that features in empirical theories of motion and the subjective “human time” in which our own experiences unfold. This article is about one facet of this broader question: whether the phenomenon of consciousness allows us to make a principled distinction between the present and other times. A number of authors have argued that, without conscious observers, there would be no distinctions of past, present, and (...)
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    Territory Lost - Climate Change and the Violation of Self-Determination Rights.Frank Dietrich & Joachim Wündisch - 2015 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 2 (1):83-105.
    Inhabitants of low-lying islands flooded due to anthropogenic climate change will lose their territory and thereby their ability to exercise their right to political self-determination. This paper addresses the normative questions which arise when climate change threatens territorial rights. It explores whether the loss of statehood supports a claim to territorial compensation, and if so, how it can be satisfied. The paper concludes that such claims are well founded and that they should be met by providing compensatory territories. After introducing (...)
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  25.  9
    Pour une histoire de l'ontologie.Michel Meyer - 1999 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    L'ONTOLOGIE comme question de l'Etre aura dominé le XXe siècle, avec L'Etre et le Temps de Heidegger et l'Etre et le Néant de Sartre. Mais que dire sur l'Etre sans le présupposer, sans dire qu'il est ceci ou cela alors que c'est ce dire même qui fait problème? L'Etre se présente ainsi comme la problématicité de la philosophie, et c'est du même coup cette problématicité qui pose question avant tel ou tel objet, aussi éminent soit-il. En se voulant interrogation sur (...)
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  26. De la problématologie.Michel Meyer - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (1):115-118.
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  27. Aristotle on the Voluntary.Susan Sauvé Meyer - 2006 - In Richard Kraut (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 137-157.
    The prelims comprise: The Significance of Voluntariness Ordinary and Philosophical Notions of Voluntariness Constraint and Compulsion Force and Contrariety in the NE Knowledge and Ignorance The Platonic Asymmetry Thesis Responsibility for Character References Further reading.
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    Compensating Wrongless Historical Emissions of Grennhouse Gases.L. H. Meyer - 2004 - Ethical Perspectives 11 (1):20-35.
    Currently living people cannot be said to be wronged because of the wrongless emissons of greenhouse gases by past people. According to the usual subjunctive-historical understanding of harm, currently living people cannot be said to be harmed by the impact of greenhouse emissions on their well-being. By relying on a subjunctive-threshold notion of harm we can justify conclusions about both the present generation’s duties not to violate the rights of future generations, and the present generation’s duties to compensate currently living (...)
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    Constitutionele aspecten van de parlementsontbinding : Aantekeningen in verband met de ontbinding van 24 september 1971.Jan De Meyer - 1972 - Res Publica 14 (2):185-193.
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    Mama’s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us about Ourselves by Frans de Waal.Thibault De Meyer - 2021 - Common Knowledge 27 (1):109-109.
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    Omnia in melius reformantur: Handelten römische Kaiser zukunftsorientiert?Eckhard Meyer-Zwiffelhoffer - 2020 - Millennium 17 (1):55-113.
    The paper seeks to examine whether Roman emperors legitimized their political actions with a view towards the future achievement of social and political order. The heuristic point of departure is Koselleck’s concept of ‚futures past‘ (vergangene Zukunft) which has been widely discussed in early modern and medieval research while its applicability to prechristian antiquity is still unexplored. The example of the so-called reforms of Augustus and Diocletian reveals that even in response to severe crises in the Roman Empire the emperors (...)
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  32. Chain of causes : What is stoic fate?Susan Sauvé Meyer - 2009 - In Ricardo Salles (ed.), God and cosmos in stoicism. New York: Oxford University Press.
  33. Surprise.R. Reisenzein, W. U. Meyer & M. Niepel - 2009 - In David Sander & Klaus Scherer (eds.), Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences. Oxford University Press. pp. 386--387.
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    Do Christians Need to Reconcile Evolutionary Theory and Doctrines of Divine Providence and Creation?Stephen C. Meyer - 2020 - Philosophia Christi 22 (1):63-74.
    Many Christian scholars have argued that standard versions of evolutionary theory and orthodox theological commitments can be reconciled. Some theistic evolutionists or “evolutionary creationists” have argued that evolutionary mechanisms such as random mutation and natural selection are nothing less than God’s way of creating. Though I dispute the logical coherence of these attempted reconciliations elsewhere, I argue here that there is little reason for Christians to attempt them, since an accumulating body of evidence from multiple subdisciplines of biology casts doubt (...)
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    Die Soziologie Theodor Geigers: Emanzipation von der Ideologie.Thomas Meyer - 2001 - Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.
    Theodor Geiger (1891-1952) zählt zu den vernachlässigten Klassikern der deutschen Soziologie. Realismus und Ideologiekritik bilden die Klammer für ein Opus, das von der Schichtungs-, Rechts- und Erziehungssoziologie über Fragen zur Eugenik bis hin zur Erkenntnis-, Modernitäts- und Demokratietheorie reicht. Die vorliegende Studie ist der Versuch, trotz der zahlreichen Wechselfälle in Geigers Leben eine Gesamtwürdigung seines umfangreichen und heterogenen Werkes vorzulegen. Berücksichtigt werden die zum Teil schwer zugänglichen Schriften aus dem skandinavischen Exil sowie einige bislang unveröffentlichte Arbeiten aus dem Nachlass. Dies (...)
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  36. Die Welt der Philosophin.Ursula I. Meyer - 1995
    Der vierbändige Titel Die Welt der Philosophin liefert eine anschauliche Darstellung vom Leben einzelnen Philosophinnen, die als Repräsentantinnen ihrer Zeit zu sehen sind. Mit Auszügen aus ihren Texten (zum Teil erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung), ausführlichen Einführungen in die historische Epoche mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lage der Frauen und einer ausführlichen Biografie bieten die Bände spannenden Einblicke in das Leben von Philosophinnen. The four-volume title The World of the Female Philosopher provides a vivid account of the lives of individual female philosophers (...)
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  37. Kafka or the Existentiality of Questioning.Michel Meyer - 1988 - In Questions and questioning. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 341--355.
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  38. More Early Writings by Leo Strauss from the Jüdische Wochenzeitung für Cassel, Hessen und Waldeck.Thomas Meyer & Michael Zank - 2012 - Interpretation 39 (2):109-138.
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    On Keeping Theological Ethics Theological.William J. Meyer - 1999 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 19:21-45.
    Stanley Hauerwas argues that Christian ethics has lost its theological voice because it has accommodated itself to the secular assumptions of modern philosophical ethics. What has led to this fateful accommodation, he argues, is that theology has sought to translate its insights into a nontheological idiom in order to remain publicly intelligible and relevant. My thesis is that Hauerwas rightly recognizes that a fateful accommodation has occurred but wrongly identifies what it is. The real accommodation is found not in theology's (...)
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  40.  14
    The animat approach to cognitive science.Jean-Arcady Meyer - 1995 - In H. L. Roitblat & Jean-Arcady Meyer (eds.), Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Science. MIT Press. pp. 27--44.
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    Value and Conceptions of the Whole: The Views of Dewey, Nagel, and Gamwell.William J. Meyer - 2020 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 41 (1):53-76.
    William James once suggested that the underlying difference between empiricists and rationalists is that empiricists explain wholes in terms of parts, while rationalists explain parts in relation to wholes.1 Whatever the merits of this description, it is fair to say that modern thought has predominantly followed the empiricist habit of emphasizing parts and particularity rather than wholes and totality. This essay explores the views of three philosophers who have challenged this dominant trend. In various ways, John Dewey, Thomas Nagel, and (...)
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  42. Verbesserung zu Cicero de Oratore I § 30.W. Meyer - 1880 - Hermes 15 (4):614.
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    (1 other version)Dialectic and Questioning: Socrates and Plato.Michel Meyer - 1980 - American Philosophical Quarterly 17 (4):281 - 289.
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    Human embryonic stem cells and respect for life.J. R. Meyer - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (3):166-170.
    The purpose of this essay is to stimulate academic discussion about the ethical justification of using human primordial stem cells for tissue transplantation, cell replacement, and gene therapy. There are intriguing alternatives to using embryos obtained from elective abortions and in vitro fertilisation to reconstitute damaged or dysfunctional human organs. These include the expansion and transplantation of latent adult progenitor cells.
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  45. The poverty of constructivism.Derek Louis Meyer - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (3):332-341.
    Constructivism claims to be a postepistemology that replaces 'traditional' concepts of knowledge. Supporters of constructivism have argued that progress requires that pre-service teachers be weaned off traditional approaches and that they should adopt constructivist views of knowledge. Constructivism appears to be gaining ground rapidly and should no longer be viewed as an exercise in radical thinking primarily aimed at generating innovative teaching. It has become an integral part of the pedagogic mainstream. Close examination of the theoretical foundations of constructivism, however, (...)
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    Ebener selbstverwirklichung Des menschen im euripideischen herakles.Dietrich Ebener - 1981 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 125 (1-2):176-180.
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    From Animals to Animats: Proceedings of The First International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (Complex Adaptive Systems).Jean-Arcady Meyer & Stewart W. Wilson (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    These sixty contributions from researchers in ethology, ecology, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, robotics, and related fields delve into the behaviors and underlying mechanisms that allow animals and, potentially, robots to adapt and survive in uncertain environments. They focus in particular on simulation models in order to help characterize and compare various organizational principles or architectures capable of inducing adaptive behavior in real or artificial animals. Jean-Arcady Meyer is Director of Research at CNRS, Paris. Stewart W. Wilson is a Scientist at (...)
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  48. Figures et conflits rhétoriques.Michel Meyer & Alain Lempereur - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (1):122-123.
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  49. The perception of gender discrimination at the level of young educated Romanians-A quantitative approach.Tudorel Andrei, Erika Tusa & Claudiu Herteliu - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14:51-62.
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  50. Belief Change.Richard Booth & Thomas Meyer - 2010 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 27 (1).
    In this paper we present a brief overview of logic-based belief change, a research area concerned with the question of how a rational agent ought to change its mind in the face of new, possibly conflicting, information. Our intention is to provide the reader with a basic introduction to the work done in this area over the past 30 years. In doing so we hope to sketch the main historical results, provide appropriate pointers to further references, and discuss some current (...)
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