Results for 'Methodical culturalism'

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  1.  10
    The Main Aspects of the Topicality of Nietzsche’s Critique of Culturalism and Naturalism.Vesna Stanković Pejnović - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (4):695-717.
    The topicality of Friedrich Nietzsche’s thought is reflected in his critique of mass culture, society and the state, and scientific methods, which later had a significant impact on modern discourse. Mass culture is the foundation of modern social reality as a force of decadence and nihilism that degrades the authentic and creates a mediocre culture. Nietzsche opposed a “culture” that implies a transcendence and sublimation of “nature” into the forms of “moral” ideals, and he called for a natural life without (...)
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    Hegemonic Elements of Representative Thinking: Reification, Colonialism and Culturalism.İrfan Kaya - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):933-949.
    The article that discusses the issue of culturalism as an element of the idea of representation tries to examine a concept, which claims to represent reality through conceptualization, from scratch, or by going to the bottom in a manner of excavation. Foucault's archaeology was chosen as the most suitable method for this excavation activity. Because the archaeological method does not make a historical or meta-historical claim beyond the truth; it does not impose the necessary violence of the method on (...)
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    Epistemology culturalized.Dirk Hartmann & Rainer Lange - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31 (1):75-107.
    The anti-metaphysical intentions of naturalism can be respected without abandoning the project of a normative epistemology. The central assumptions of naturalism imply that (1.) the distinction between action and behaviour is spurious, and (2.) epistemology cannot continue to be a normative project. Difficulties with the second implication have been adressed by Normative Naturalism, but without violating the naturalistic consensus, it can only appreciate means-end-rationality. However, this does not suffice to justify its own implicit normative pretensions. According to our diagnosis, naturalism (...)
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    Genes in Development: Re-reading the Molecular Paradigm.Eva M. Neumann-Held, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Barbara Herrnstein Smith & E. Roy Weintraub (eds.) - 2006 - Duke University Press.
    In light of scientific advances such as genomics, predictive diagnostics, genetically engineered agriculture, nuclear transfer cloning, and the manipulation of stem cells, the idea that genes carry predetermined molecular programs or blueprints is pervasive. Yet new scientific discoveries—such as rna transcripts of single genes that can lead to the production of different compounds from the same pieces of dna—challenge the concept of the gene alone as the dominant factor in biological development. Increasingly aware of the tension between certain empirical results (...)
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    Philosophie und Geometrie. Zur jüngeren Protophysik-Kritik.Peter Janich - 2008 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 39 (1):121-130.
    The critique of my protophysical approaches to operational foundation of geometry by Lucas Amiras (Journal for General Philosophy of Science Vol. 34 (2003)) concerns my first publication from 1976 but not the further 30 years of work. It does not offer any argument leading from the (erroneous) judgement “lacking success” to the conclusion “impossible”. And it is, in general, based on a philosophical defect: it ignores the principle of methodical order as leading for constructivist protophysics.
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    What has philosophy to offer to chemistry?Nikos Psarros - 1998 - Foundations of Science 3 (1):183-202.
    The paper asks about the reasons for the neglect of chemistry in modern philosophy of science and investigates in how far this science can be the object of an autonomous philosophical reflection. It is argued that from a culturalistic point of view chemistry indeed offers a field of interesting questions ranging from the reconstruction of its epistemological objects to the elucidation of the semantic functions of terms like "atom" or "molecule". It is further argued that the philosophical reflection upon chemistry (...)
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  7.  10
    Pensées du corps: la philosophie à l'epreuve des arts gestuels japonais (danse, theatre, arts martiaux).Basile Doganis - 2012 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    English summary: French description: Pensees du corps: se peut-il que le corps pense, qu'il ne soit pas un simple objet de reflexion, mais un sujet de pensee a part entiere?La demarche philosophique est ici confrontee a un corpus de pratiques et d'arts gestuels japonais (danse, theatre, arts martiaux). Une serie d'experiences significatives bousculent les idees recues et poussent le penseur a un renouvellement radical de ses methodes et de ses concepts. En resulte une philosophie de terrain, incarnee et immanente, qui (...)
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  8.  26
    Esteves Pereira e a História das ideias.José Mauricio de Carvalho - 2017 - Cultura:391-402.
    Neste artigo encontra-se resumido e comentado o método de estudo da história das ideias desenvolvido por José Esteves Pereira. Mostra-se o diálogo que ele estabeleceu com nomes importantes da cultura portuguesa, como Silva Dias, Miranda Barbosa, Joaquim de Carvalho, e anglo-americana, resumida na leitura crítica e interpretação do livro The History of Ideas. An introduction to Method. Também se comenta o afastamento da chamada Nouvelle Histoire e a proximidade do método desenvolvido com aspectos da filosofia culturalista brasileira e da segunda (...)
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  9. Philosophy for Children Under Postmodern Conditions: Four Remarks in Response to Lardner.Berrie Heesen - 1991 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 12 (2):23-28.
    In the first issue of the renewed Analyic Teaching, A. T. Lardner opens a debate on how to react to postmodern and multi-culturalist positions and their critique on Philosophy for Children. Lardner concludes: This paper has not been set out to disagree with either the postmodern or multi-culturalist positions. Indeed, it accepts most of the claims made. It has attempted to show that the critique from these quarters of the work of Philosophy for Children in settings outside the USA is (...)
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  10. Constructivism : Diversity of approaches and connections with pragmatism.Kersten Reich - 2009 - In Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich, John Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. New York: Fordham University Press.
    This chapter presents some of the most important developments in contemporary constructivism and demonstrates their connections to Pragmatism. It first offers a survey of basic constructivist assumptions and different constructivist approaches, then briefly elaborates on some connections between social constructivist approaches, especially the Cologne program of interactive constructivism and John Dewey's Pragmatism. To provide a more detailed survey, it outlines some basic features and perspectives found in those versions of constructivism that are most important in current discussions. The chapter distinguishes (...)
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  11.  12
    Anton Wilhelm Amo: lumière noire: pour un universalisme réconcilié.Driss Gharmoul - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Africain d'origine, Européen d'adoption, Anton Wilhelm Amo (1703-1753) ne s'est guère préoccupé des considérations anthropologiques, ethniques et culturalistes qui ont pu marquer le XVIIIe siècle. Cet Aufklärer a au contraire souhaité assurer le perfectionnement du genre humain, grâce au développement d'une méthode du « bien philosopher » particulièrement élaborée, au point que son universalité et son intemporalité ne puissent désormais plus être négligées. Cet ouvrage se concentre sur les apports de ce philosophe oublié, dont la contemporanéité nous invite à réconcilier (...)
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  12.  24
    Pragmatism as a Mediator – Seeking an Illusory Harmony?Sami Pihlström - forthcoming - Contemporary Pragmatism:1-27.
    This paper examines the well-known pragmatist claim to mediate between philosophical disputes. While recognizing the reconciliatory and harmonizing role that pragmatism plays in traditional debates between, for example, realism and antirealism, naturalism and culturalism, or science and religion, it is argued that the pragmatist also needs to acknowledge that there are situations in which no such mediation is reasonably possible, such as the conflict between racism and antiracism. The metaphilosophical question to be raised is how – in terms of (...)
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  13.  28
    The Natural Human Rights within the Postmodern Society: a Philosophical Socio-Cultural Analysis.Valentyna Kultenko, Nataliia Morska, Galyna Fesenko, Galyna Poperechna, Rostyslav Polishchuk & Svitlana Kulbida - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1):186-197.
    This article aims to define natural human rights in the context of forming postmodern views on an individual today. Natural rights exist, regardless of whether they are enshrined somewhere or not: they are clear from the natural context and essence of human activity. The postmodern world is experiencing a crisis of fatigue from life, fatigue of culture, which for the global world has become a political and economic crisis of ineffectiveness of the policy of multi-culturalism and poly-culturalism and (...)
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  14.  41
    Transzendentale Konstitution und methodische Rekonstruktion.Dirk Hartmann - 1999 - In Peter Janich, Wechselwirkungen: zum Verhältnis von Kulturalismus, Phänomenologie und Methode. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 125-142.
    In der Husserlschen Phänomenologie, gedeutet als semantisches Rekonstruktionsprogramm, erscheint die Lebenswelt als Lösung des Problems, einen nicht-zirkulären epistemischen Anfang zu finden. Die zweite, "transzendentale" Epoché führt bei Husserl jedoch zu einer Reaktivierung aller klassischen Probleme des Idealismus. Der Methodische Konstruktivismus betrachtet daher die Lebenswelt als unhintergehbaren Ausgangspunkt einer methodischen Rekonstruktion normierter Sprachen und Geltungsansprüche. Da der Konstruktivismus allerdings Rekonstruktion und Konstitution gleichsetzt, übersieht er damit eine wichtige transzendentale Analysemöglichkeit zur Sicherung von Geltung im gemeinschaftlichen Handeln. Der Aufsatz leistet eine entsprechende (...)
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  15. Une methode linguistique d'approche contrastive.Critique de L'analyse Contrastive & A. Absence de Methode Propre - forthcoming - Contrastes: Revue de l'Association Pour le Developpement des Études Contrastives.
  16. Descartes, Methodical doubt, and the Grounding of Method.M. T. Shahed Tabatabaei - 2021 - Occidental Studies 12 (1):85-107.
    Descartes' methodical doubt is being criticized by naïve realists and others who don't find doubt as a good starting point for metaphysical thought, however, the philosophical achievements of his method have been absorbed in all later philosophies. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how an inevitable question concerning the foundation of Descartes' mathesis universalis, which led him to investigate this foundation by applying this very method in Metaphysics, has finally enabled him to discover his most important philosophical (...)
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  17. Methodical approaches to assessing the military and economic capacity of the country.Mykola Tkach, Ivan Tkach, Serhii Yasenko, Igor Britchenko & Peter Lošonczi - 2022 - Journal of Scientific Papers «Social Development and Security» 12 (3):81-97.
    The aim of the article is to develop the existing methodological approaches to assessing the military and economic capabilities of the country in conditions of war and peace. To achieve the purpose of the study, its decomposition was carried out and the following were investigated: existing approaches to assessing the military and economic potential of the country, the country's power and national power; the concept of critical load of the national economy is revealed; the generally accepted norms on financing of (...)
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  18.  9
    Methodical relations of cognitional theory, epistemology and metaphysics in Bernard Lonergan.Ferena Lambe - 2017 - Roma: G&BPress.
    Although the question of human knowing and of being occupies a primary place in the history of human thought, it remains a controversial problem in philosophy. Any meanings that a thinker may assign to the three basic philosophic issues of knowing, objectivity and reality will eventually demarcate his school of thought, and fundamentally determine of cognitional theory, epistemology and metaphysics. Bernard Lonergan stands out as an innovative thinker who has handled this contentious problem in an expressive and methodical manner. (...)
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  19.  37
    Ordering knowledge by methodical doubt: Francis Bacon's constructive scepticism.Eleonora Montuschi - 2012 - Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics and Political Science.
    Methodical doubt is usually associated with Descartes. However, it is with Francis Bacon that its function and scope are first recognized – as a preliminary stage in the attainment of knowledge, and as an epistemological tool (a rule) for achieving true knowledge. In this paper, I follow the various steps of construction and use of Baconian doubt as it appears in the first book of the New Organon. I will argue that Bacon - in distancing himself from traditional scepticism (...)
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  20.  27
    A Priori Knowledge in Methodical Philosophy.Peter Janich - 2011 - In Guenther Abel & James Conant, Rethinking Epistemology. de Gruyter. pp. 1--55.
  21.  16
    Researching Teenagers’ Interaction Orders – Methodical and Methodological Reflections on a Challenging Field.Steffen Eisentraut - 2015 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 16 (2):52-70.
    Mobile phones play an essential role in the everyday lives and social relationships of young people. They are deeply embedded in peer interactions, not only as tools but also as references of interaction. The article is based on an empirical study, which investigates how young people interpret various situations of interaction through, and related to, mobile phones. Providing a useful heuristic to reconstruct the inherent rules, claims and expectations of such situations, Goffman’s concept of the interaction order was modified in (...)
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  22.  22
    Methodical dangers in the Parmenides interpretation.D. H. Th Vollenhoven - 1966 - Philosophia Reformata 31:68-71.
  23.  34
    Repeatability and Methodical Actions in Uncertain Situations.Michael Funk - 2018 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 22 (3):352-376.
    In this paper Ludwig Wittgenstein is interpreted as a philosopher of language and technology. Due to current developments, a special focus is on lifeworld practice and technoscientific research. In particular, image-interpretation is used as a concrete methodical example. Whereas in most science- or technology-related Wittgenstein interpretations the focus is on the Tractatus, the Investigations or On Certainty, in this paper the primary source is his very late triune fragment Bemerkungen über die Farben. It is argued that Wittgenstein’s approach can (...)
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  24.  17
    Epistemological and methodical challenges in the research on embedded advertising formats: A constructivist interjection.Jens Woelke & Nils S. Borchers - 2020 - Communications 45 (3):325-349.
    Advertisers’ increasing use of embedded advertising formats makes it more difficult for consumers to identify persuasive intents in advertiser messages. However, only if consumers identify these intents and categorize messages as advertising, can they activate advertising-specific reception strategies which might result in lessened persuasion effects. The fact that consumers regularly miss persuasive intents in non-traditional advertising environments, we suggest in this article, carries epistemological and methodical implications. To better appreciate these implications, we argue for a more systematic adoption of (...)
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  25. F. cap.Nouvelle Méthode de Résolution de, de Helmholtz L'équation & Pour Une Symétrie Cylindrique - 1968 - In Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth, Logic and foundations of science. Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
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    A Methodical Study on Religion and Aging Studies Abroad: The Example of the Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging.Orhan Gürsu - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (1):395-414.
    The population growth rate, which started to increase in the world at the beginning of the 20th century, continued to increase rapidly after the 1950s with the developments in the field of health and the decrease in death rates. The biological, psychological and social changes that the aging individual undergoes over time bring along various problems in old age. Both the meaning of old age and the efforts to cope with the problems encountered in old age cause religion to have (...)
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  27.  56
    Methodical Support for Informational Analysis of Mind: A Review of Igor Aleksander's and Helen Morton's — "Aristotle's Laptop: The Discovery of Our Informational Mind". [REVIEW]Randal A. Koene - 2014 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 6 (1):41-43.
    Randal A. Koene, Int. J. Mach. Conscious., 06, 41 (2014). DOI: 10.1142/S179384301440006X.
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    Architecture of a traditional school and its implementation into the didactic-methodical organization of teaching.Snježana Dubovicki & Emerik Munjiza - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):127-151.
    The paper investigates the connection between the school architecture and didactic-methodical organization of teaching in the conditions of traditional (old) schools. School architecture was analysed regarding school premises (classrooms and equipment) and the school environment (playgrounds with special emphasis on school gardens). The traditional (old) school in Croatian conditions is situated in the period from the introduction of the state public education (General School Order 1774) to the 1930s. The research was based on the analysis of archival and published (...)
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  29. The Stolen History—Retrieving the History of Women Philosophers and its Methodical Implications.Ruth Edith Hagengruber - 2020 - In Sigrid Thorgeirsdottir & Ruth Hagengruber, Methodological Reflections on Women’s Contribution and Influence in the History of Philosophy. pp. 43-64.
    Women who are deprived of their histories can be compared to people who have lost their memories. They are unable to build a personal identity. This analogy may be the leading paradigm for my paper, which is primarily dedicated to epistemological questions. Throughout the last 40 years, many scholars have dedicated their endeavors to conserving the writings of women philosophers. Now we have access to valuable sources that show that the history of women philosophers stretches back as far as the (...)
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  30.  87
    A most methodical lover?: On scotus's arbitrary creator.Thomas Williams - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (2):169-202.
    The paper argues against interpretations that appeal to divine justice and rationality in order to mitigate the apparent arbitrariness of Scotus's God with respect to creation.
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    On the methodical relationship between jurisprudence and theology.Julius Kraft - 1993 - Law and Critique 4 (1):117-123.
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    CHAPTER IV. Methodical Medicine in the Service of Humanity.Martin S. Staum - 2014 - In Cabanis: Enlightenment and Medical Philosophy in the French Revolution. Princeton University Press. pp. 94-121.
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  33.  46
    G. K. C.'s Methodical Madness: Sanity and Social Control in Chesterton.Adam Schwartz - 1996 - Renascence 49 (1):23-40.
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  34. The shortcomings of the methodical approach in teaching philosophy and the human sciences.Adrian Costache - 2021 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 13 (1):241-259.
    Romanian pedagogical theory rests on the assumption that any educational content can be taught and learned faster and better by recourse to a battery of teaching methods. In the present study we question that assumption and show that the methods generally recommended have no didactic merits when it comes to teaching philosophy and the human sciences. In order to prove that we commence by rendering manifest the origins, the specificity and the presuppositions of the teaching methods described in the literature. (...)
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    P. Lorenzen. Methodical thinking. Ratio , Bd. 7 , S. 35–60.Hans Hermes - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (4):618.
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  36. Presentation 5 examen de la theorie Des genres: Contribution a une typologie.Double Helice, Typologie des Traductions, les Sous-Titres de, Un Exemple Représentatif, Traduction de L'humour, Et Identite Nationale & Une Methode Linguistique - forthcoming - Contrastes: Revue de l'Association Pour le Developpement des Études Contrastives.
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  37. Sources of Cartesian doubt. Aristotle's perplexity becomes Descartes's doubt: Metaphysics 3, 1 and methodical doubt in Benito Pereira and René Descartes.Constance Blackwell - 2009 - In Maia Neto, José Raimundo, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen, Skepticism in the modern age: building on the work of Richard Popkin. Boston: Brill. pp. 231-248.
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    “Deconstruction” in the Framework of Traditional Methodical Hermeneutics.Thomas M. Seebohm - 1986 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 17 (3):275-288.
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    About the main differences of the Indian science of methodical rationality from the Western logical tradition.А. В Парибок - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (1):73-83.
    It is neither historically nor essentionally correct to designate Indian traditions of metho­dical rationality (nyaya etc.) as “Indian logic”. The logic as invented by Aristotle is a complex, structural discipline with its own object and a number of rules. Nothing com­plex could have been invented twice in the history of thought in the same way. The most important differences between the Indian version of methodological rationality and West­ern logic are named and illustrated. 1. The distinction between using the mind for (...)
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    The Excessive Meaning of the Imaginal and Indirect Communication in Methodical Philosophy.S. J. McGrath - 2007 - In David S. Liptay & John J. Liptay, The Importance of Insight: Essays in Honour of Michael Vertin. University of Toronto Press. pp. 64-82.
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    From the Jewish Question to the Muslim Question. Republican Rigorism, Culturalist Differentialism and Antinomies of Enforced Emancipation.Sara R. Farris - 2014 - Constellations 21 (2):296-307.
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  42. Biblische hermeneutik und historische erklärung.Lodewuk Meyer Und Benedikt de Spinoza, Über Norm & Methode Und Ergebnis Wissenschaftlicher - 1995 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 11:227.
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  43. Introduction: Shifting perspectives from universalism to cross-culturalism.Bradford F. Lewis & Glen S. Aikenhead - 2001 - Science Education 85 (1):3-5.
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    Review: P. Lorenzen, Methodical Thinking. [REVIEW]Hans Hermes - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (4):618-618.
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    Categorial Differences: Plessner’s Philosophy Far from Reductive Naturalism and from Idealistic Culturalism.Volker Schürmann - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (1):31-45.
    Plessner’s philosophical anthropology is presented as a non-naturalistic philosophy of nature. Such a position is attractive and indispensable, for instance, to all debates concerning personhood and human dignity. Plessner’s work rests on a conception of philosophy that distinguishes without exception the contents of possible experiences from their conditions of possibility. Thus, Plessner’s anthropology is a theory of categorial contents, but not in the aprioric sense according to which they would be assumed to be prior to all experience. Plessner avoids such (...)
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    Modern Norms? Honneth and the Diagnosing of Culturalism.Erik Hallstensson - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):391-397.
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  47. Empirical Research and Normative Theory – Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Two Methodical Traditions Between Separation and Interdependence.Alexander Max Bauer & Malte Meyerhuber (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    Two questions often shape our view of the world. On the one hand, we ask what there is, on the other hand, we ask what there ought to be. Empirical research and normative theory, the methodological traditions concerned with these questions, entered a difficult relationship, from at least as early as around the time of the advent of modern sciences. To this day, there remains a strong separation between the two domains, with both tending to neglect discourses and results from (...)
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    The Theory of Buddhist Practice As the Methodical Principle of Cultivating Mind.Mi-Jong Lee - 2009 - The Journal of Moral Education 20 (2):123.
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    Fazlur Rahman and the Koran: the methodical research of the author’s intention.Selami Varlik - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    L’herméneutique coranique de Fazlur Rahman (1919-1988) repose sur la recherche méthodique du sens objectif du texte. Inspiré par l’herméneutique romantique, telle qu’on peut la trouver chez E. Betti et qui nécessite pour le lecteur d’établir un lien intérieur avec l’esprit de l’auteur, Rahman considère que c’est l’intention divine qui est garante de l’objectivité du sens du Coran. L’empathie avec l’auteur est rendue possible par une conception historique de la révélation, selon laquelle la parole, qui est amenée par un Esprit intérieur (...)
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    (1 other version)Karine Chemla and Evelyn Fox Keller: Cultures Without Culturalism: The Making of Scientific Knowledge.Alfred Freeborn - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (4):587-592.
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