Results for 'Melissa Flores'

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  1.  12
    Children's understanding of economic demand: A dissociation between inference and choice.Alexis S. Smith-Flores, Jessica B. Applin, Peter R. Blake & Melissa M. Kibbe - 2021 - Cognition 214 (C):104747.
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    Does Variability Across Events Affect Verb Learning in English, Mandarin, and Korean?Jane B. Childers, Jae H. Paik, Melissa Flores, Gabrielle Lai & Megan Dolan - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S4):808-830.
    Extending new verbs is important in becoming a productive speaker of a language. Prior results show children have difficulty extending verbs when they have seen events with varied agents. This study further examines the impact of variability on verb learning and asks whether variability interacts with event complexity or differs by language. Children in the United States, China, Korea, and Singapore learned verbs linked to simple and complex events. Sets of events included one or three agents, and children were asked (...)
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  3. Resistant beliefs, responsive believers.Carolina Flores - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Beliefs can be resistant to evidence. Nonetheless, the orthodox view in epistemology analyzes beliefs as evidence-responsive attitudes. I address this tension by deploying analytical tools on capacities and masking to show that the cognitive science of evidence-resistance supports rather than undermines the orthodox view. In doing so, I argue for the claim that belief requires the capacity for evidence-responsiveness. More precisely, if a subject believes that p, then they have the capacity to rationally respond to evidence bearing on p. Because (...)
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  4. Delusional Evidence-Responsiveness.Carolina Flores - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6299-6330.
    Delusions are deeply evidence-resistant. Patients with delusions are unmoved by evidence that is in direct conflict with the delusion, often responding to such evidence by offering obvious, and strange, confabulations. As a consequence, the standard view is that delusions are not evidence-responsive. This claim has been used as a key argumentative wedge in debates on the nature of delusions. Some have taken delusions to be beliefs and argued that this implies that belief is not constitutively evidence-responsive. Others hold fixed the (...)
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  5. The Ontogenesis of Trust.Fabrice Clément, Melissa Koenig & Paul Harris - 2004 - Mind and Language 19 (4):360-379.
    Psychologists have emphasized children's acquisition of information through firsthand observation. However, many beliefs are acquired from others' testimony. In two experiments, most 4yearolds displayed sceptical trust in testimony. Having heard informants' accurate or inaccurate testimony, they anticipated that informants would continue to display such differential accuracy and they trusted the hitherto reliable informant. Yet they ignored the testimony of the reliable informant if it conflicted with what they themselves had seen. By contrast, threeyearolds were less selective in trusting a reliable (...)
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  6. Epistemic Styles.Carolina Flores - 2021 - Philosophical Topics 49 (2):35-55.
    Epistemic agents interact with evidence in different ways. This can cause trouble for mutual understanding and for our ability to rationally engage with others. Indeed, it can compromise democratic practices of deliberation. This paper explains these differences by appeal to a new notion: epistemic styles. Epistemic styles are ways of interacting with evidence that express unified sets of epistemic values, preferences, goals, and interests. The paper introduces the notion of epistemic styles and develops a systematic account of their nature. It (...)
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  7. Why think that belief is evidence-responsive?Carolina Flores - forthcoming - In Eric Schwitzgebel & Jonathan Jong (eds.), What is Belief? Oxford University Press.
    The orthodox view in epistemology is that belief is constitutively evidence-responsive. I offer a novel argument for a version of this view, one that appeals to capacities to rationally respond to evidence. I do so by developing the Sellarsian idea that the concept of belief functions to mark the space of reasons in a non-intellectualist and naturalistic direction. The resulting view does justice to the role of belief in social interactions, joint deliberation, and rational persuasion, while including evidence-resistant beliefs and (...)
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  8. Delusion and evidence.Carolina Flores - 2024 - In Ema Sullivan-Bissett (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Delusion. Routledge.
    Delusions are standardly defined as attitudes that are not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence. But what evidence do people with delusion have for and against it? Do delusions really go against their total evidence? How are the answers affected by different conceptions of evidence? -/- This chapter focuses on how delusions relate to evidence. I consider what delusions-relevant evidence people with delusions have. I give some reasons to think that people typically have evidence for their delusions, and (...)
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  9. Epistemic style in OCD.Carolina Flores - 2023 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 30 (2):147-150.
    Commentary on Pablo Hubacher Haerle’s paper “Is OCD Epistemically Irrational?”. I argue for expanding our assessment of rationality in OCD by considering a wider range of epistemic parameters and how they fit together.
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    Decolonial and Ontological Challenges in Social and Anthropological Theory.Jairo I. Fúnez-Flores - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (6):21-41.
    In this article, I examine the conceptual and methodological points of convergence and divergence of two intellectual currents frequently referred to as the decolonial and ontological turns in social and anthropological theory. Salient points considered are the ways both theoretical projects unsettle modernity’s dominant ontological and epistemological foundations by seriously engaging the conceptual potential of thinking with alterity (ethical dimension) and from exteriority (geopolitical dimension). I compare their subversive methodological contributions, examining, in particular, Enrique Dussel’s analectical hermeneutic approach and Eduardo (...)
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    To Disclose or Not to Disclose: The Ironic Effects of the Disclosure of Personal Information About Ethnically Distinct Newcomers to a Team.Bret Crane, Melissa Thomas-Hunt & Selin Kesebir - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):909-921.
    Recently, scholars have argued that disclosure of personal information is an effective mechanism for building high-quality relationships. However, personal information can focus attention on differences in demographically diverse teams. In an experiment using 37 undergraduate teams, we examine how sharing personal information by ethnically similar and ethnically distinct newcomers to a team affects team perceptions, performance, and behavior. Our findings indicate that the disclosure of personal information by ethnically distinct newcomers improves team performance. However, the positive impact on team performance (...)
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  12.  41
    Gene therapy for neurodegenerative disorders and malignant brain tumors.Lan Chiang, Eric P. Flores, Dennis Y. Wen, Walter A. Hall & Walter C. Low - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):52-53.
    Gene therapy approaches have great promise in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders and malignant brain tumors. Neuwelt et al. review available viral-mediated gene therapy methods and their blood-brain-barrier (BBB) disruption delivery technique, briefly mentioning nonviral mediated gene therapy methods. This commentary discussed the BBB disruption delivery technique, viral and nonviral mediated gene therapy approaches to Parkinson's disease, and the potential use of antisense oligo to suppress malignant brain tumors.
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  13.  42
    Demanda Pedro Fausto Canales Bermejo contra España. Informe pericial sobre víctimas del franquismo en la sociedad española contemporánea.Francisco Ferrándiz Martín, Juan Antonio Flores Martos, María García Alonso, Julián López García & Pedro Tomé Martín - 2019 - Endoxa 44:71.
    El siguiente informe pericial se basa en la experiencia de investigación de los firmantes en relación a las exhumaciones de fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil y la postguerra, y al conocido como “movimiento para la recuperación de la memoria histórica” que están teniendo lugar en España desde el año 2000, que ha enfatizado sus demandas sobre la suerte de los desaparecidos y ha puesto en marcha un ciclo de exhumaciones de fosas comunes derivadas de la Guerra Civil y la (...)
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  14. Interpretations of Einstein’s Equation E = mc 2.Francisco Flores - 2005 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 19 (3):245-260.
    Interpretations of Einstein’s equation differ primarily concerning whether E = mc2 entails that mass and energy are the same property of physical systems, and hence whether there is any sense in which mass is ever ‘converted’ into energy. In this paper, I examine six interpretations of Einstein’s equation and argue that all but one fail to satisfy a minimal set of conditions that all interpretations of physical theories ought to satisfy. I argue that we should prefer the interpretation of Einstein’s (...)
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  15.  50
    Causal Generalisations in Policy-oriented Economic Research: An Inferentialist Analysis.François Claveau & Luis Mireles-Flores - 2016 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30 (4):383-398.
    The most common way of analysing the meaning of causal generalisations relies on referentialist semantics. In this article, we instead develop an analysis based on inferentialist semantics. According to this approach, the meaning of a causal generalisation is constituted by the web of inferential connections in which the generalisation participates. We distinguish and discuss five classes of inferential connections that constitute the meaning of causal generalisations produced in policy-oriented economic research. The usefulness of our account is illustrated with the analysis (...)
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  16. Efectos del sexo, escolaridad y tiempo en la relación en la satisfacción marital.A. Beltrán, M. Flores & R. Díaz Loving - 2001 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 2 (2):5-14.
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    Descripción diacrónica de la construcción discursiva de discapacidad: los Censos en México / Diachronic description of the discursive construction of “disability”: The Census in Mexico.Brenda Araceli Bustos García & María Eugenia Flores Treviña - 2013 - Pragmática Sociocultural 1 (2):227-250.
    Resumen Nombrar implica ejercer el poder sobre lo nombrado, involucra coacción y coerción social. La atribución de nombres, adjetivos, designaciones, favorece la taxonomía cognitiva, pero también socio-ideológico-cultural. Cuando una Institución al servicio del Estado nomina, esas denominaciones tienen consecuencias en los sujetos nombrados. En México, a través de las prácticas semiótico- discursivas se llevó a cabo esta edificación del concepto de discapacidad con importantes implicaciones. El objetivo de este artículo es describir la construcción discursiva, a través de la historia de (...)
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    Accounting for variation in and overuse of antibiotics among humans.Martin J. Blaser, Melissa K. Melby, Margaret Lock & Mark Nichter - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (2):2000163.
    Worldwide, antibiotic use is increasing, but many infections against which antibiotics are applied are not even caused by bacteria. Over‐the‐counter and internet sales preclude physician oversight. Regional differences, between and within countries highlight many potential factors influencing antibiotic use. Taking a systems perspective that considers pharmaceutical commodity chains, we examine antibiotic overuse from the vantage point of both sides of the therapeutic relationship. We examine patterns and expectations of practitioners and patients, institutional policies and pressures, the business strategies of pharmaceutical (...)
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  19.  10
    Cratès, la fourmi et l’escarbot : les cyniques et l’exemple animal.Olimar Flores-Júnior - 2005 - Philosophie Antique 5 (5):135-171.
    Through a commentary of a poem by Crates of Thebes, transmitted by Julian (Or. VII, Against Heracleios the Cynic, 9, 213a-214a and Or. XI [VI], Against the ignorant cynics, 17, 199c-200b), this article aims to show that the cynic philosophers borrowed from the animal behavior not only the paradigm of a kata phusin way of life, but also counter-examples of the kinds of attitude men should avoid.
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    Back to live: Returning to in-person engagement with arts and culture in the Liverpool City Region.Antonina Anisimovich, Melissa Chapple, Joanne Worsley, Megan Watkins, Josie Billington & Ekaterina Balabanova - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    On July 19th 2021, the UK government lifted the COVID-19 restrictions that had been in place since March 2020, including wearing masks, social distancing, and all other legal requirements. The return to in-person events has been slow and gradual, showing that audiences are still cautious when they resume engaging in arts and culture. Patterns of audience behavior have also changed, shifting toward local attendance, greater digital and hybrid engagement, and openness to event format changes. As the arts and cultural industry (...)
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  21.  53
    Cultural Production of a Decolonial Imaginary for a Young Chicana: Lessons from Mexican Immigrant Working-Class Woman's Culture.Rosario Carrillo, Melissa Moreno & Jill Zintsmaster - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (5):478-502.
    Chicanas and Mexican women share a history of colonialism that has (a) sustained oppressive constructions of gender roles and sexuality, (b) produced and reproduced them as racially inferior and as able to be silenced, conquered, and dominated physically and mentally, and (c) contributed to the exploitation of their labor. Given that colonialism has also come to shape the way young women of Mexican heritage learn in mainstream US schools, informal education from everyday women's conviviality and solidarity becomes a pivotal context (...)
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    Norms, Minorities, and Collective Choice Online.Henry Farrell & Melissa Schwartzberg - 2008 - Ethics and International Affairs 22 (4):357-367.
    Building on case studies of Wikipedia and the Daily Kos, this essay argues that different kinds of rules shape relations between members of the majority and of the minority in these communities in important and consequential ways.
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  23. Un análisis sobre la obra de Arguedas y el desencuentro de dos mundos.Waldir Flores Navarro - 2022 - Argos 9 (24):69-77.
    Desde la conquista española ha existido una dicotomía constante en la identidad peruana, la cual se refleja en el arte y especialmente en la literatura. Es en ella en la que existe un personaje que representa en sus obras de manera magistral los encuentros y desencuentros generados por la interacción constante de esos dos hemisferios culturales presentes en la peruanidad. Es José María Arguedas, quien no solamente retrata dicha realidad, sino que a través del indigenismo logra representar y revalorizar la (...)
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  24. Hacia una lógica aberrante del aberrante.Tomás Flores Estay - 2022 - Culturas Cientificas 3 (2):67-76.
    Se presenta una visión de la epistemología como lógica del pensar y se la lleva a una elaboración de la práctica clínica como una lógica del padecimiento psíquico. Esto basado en los planteamientos de Deleuze y Guattari. Para ello se toma como punto de partida la noción de los movimientos aberrantes que, leyendo la obra de Deleuze, elaboró David Lapoujade entendiéndolos como movimientos que se producen en la relación entre distintos términos heterogéneos, pero manteniendo su heterogeneidad. Esto es vinculado con (...)
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  25.  16
    Ramsey degrees of ultrafilters, pseudointersection numbers, and the tools of topological Ramsey spaces.Natasha Dobrinen & Sonia Navarro Flores - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (7):1053-1090.
    This paper investigates properties of \(\sigma \) -closed forcings which generate ultrafilters satisfying weak partition relations. The Ramsey degree of an ultrafilter \({\mathcal {U}}\) for _n_-tuples, denoted \(t({\mathcal {U}},n)\), is the smallest number _t_ such that given any \(l\ge 2\) and coloring \(c:[\omega ]^n\rightarrow l\), there is a member \(X\in {\mathcal {U}}\) such that the restriction of _c_ to \([X]^n\) has no more than _t_ colors. Many well-known \(\sigma \) -closed forcings are known to generate ultrafilters with finite Ramsey degrees, (...)
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    Symposium.Richard Avramenko & Melissa Schwartzberg - 2014 - Political Theory 42 (2):188-217.
  27. The Not So Golden Rule.Dan Flores - 2018 - Philosophy Now (125):32-34.
    The Golden Rule is (roughly) as follows: treat others as you would have others treat you. Philosophical reactions to it vary; it has both supporters and detractors. In any case, almost nobody who things critically about morality takes the literal version of the Golden Rule seriously, since there are just too many problems with it. To demonstrate this, I will look at a literal version of the Golden Rule espoused by John C. Maxwell, a well-known and influential motivational speaker, and (...)
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    Staying over-optimistic about the future: Uncovering attentional biases to climate change messages.Geoffrey Beattie, Melissa Marselle, Laura McGuire & Damien Litchfield - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (218):21-64.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 218 Seiten: 21-64.
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    El sermón Dolbeau 26: Teología y pastoral en la predicación de San Agustín.Miguel Santiago Flores Colín - 2006 - Augustinus 51 (202):255-272.
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    Deliberative Democracy in Practice.David Kahane, Melissa Williams & Daniel Weinstock (eds.) - 2010 - Vancouver: UBC Press.
    Deliberative democracy is a dominant paradigm in normative political philosophy. Deliberative democrats want politics to be more than a clash of contending interests, and they believe political decisions should emerge from reasoned dialogue among citizens. But can these ideals be realized in complex and unjust societies? Deliberative Democracy in Practice brings together leading scholars who explore debates in deliberative democratic theory in four areas of practice: education, constitutions and state boundaries, indigenous-settler relations, and citizen participation and public consultation. This dynamic (...)
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  31. Resistance to Evidence, by Mona Simion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024. Pp. xiv + 214. (Review). [REVIEW]Carolina Flores - forthcoming - Mind.
  32. Factores que originan la rotación de personal en las empresas mexicanas (Factors that cause personnel rotation in mexican companies).Roberto Flores, M. H. Badii & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):65-99.
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    Deconstruction and Philosophy: The Texts of Jacques Derrida.Ralph Flores & John Sallis - 1988 - Substance 17 (3):73.
  34. Decentered scientific agendas and decentralized actors and capacities in Patagonian science.Ronald Cancino, Cristina Flores, Elías Barticevic & Hebe Vessuri - 2025 - In Leandro Rodriguez Medina & Sandra G. Harding (eds.), Decentralizing knowledges: essays on distributed agency. Durham: Duke University Press.
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  35.  14
    Formation of socially responsable professionals at the Autonomus University of Mexico State.Diana Castro Ricalde & Díaz Flores - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):238-256.
    Se realizó la revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de que los jóvenes profesionales de la salud conozcan acerca de la historia, origen y significado del distintivo que representa a la Medicina en todos sus campos con un carácter humanista y elevados valores éticos y morales: el emblema de Esculapio, al que se le atribuyen dotes para calmar o apaciguar. Esta imagen del bastón con la serpiente es la que ha quedado como un atributo del dios curativo y ha llegado hasta (...)
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  36. Normalidad y anormalidad: esquemas dicotómicos de la representación social en un grupo de profesionales de la salud mental.F. Flores & Díaz Ja - 2000 - Polis 2000:247-263.
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    Sobre la categoría de “mito político” en la obra de Ernst Cassirer.Pablo Facundo Ríos Flores - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 49 (1):227-245.
    En _El mito del Estado_, publicado póstumamente en 1946, Ernst Cassirer analiza la confluencia entre mito, técnica y política, que se hace manifiesta en el fenómeno nacionalsocialista. Sin embargo, el uso de la categoría de “mito político” por parte del filósofo alemán, ha sido objeto de críticas por algunos intérpretes de su obra. El presente artículo se propone, en primer lugar, reconstruir estas críticas, con el propósito de evaluar, en segundo lugar, los alcances efectivos de dicho cuestionamiento, así como el (...)
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  38. Switches of memory.Fernando Flores Morador (ed.) - 2014 - Lund: Lund University.
    This book studies the technognomies of memory in scripto as in texts, lists, dictionaries and databases and less the technognomies of memory in vivo (as in remembering). There are of course some relations between these two kinds of memories, being memory-in-scripto a development parallel to the development of written language. We notice that the historical presentation is built upon both forms of memory. We notice that the historical explanation is tied to the concrete experience of persons belonging to a culture. (...)
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    Espacio, sociedad y afectos en tres novelas de Valparaíso: Salvador Reyes, Manuel Rojas y Armando Méndez Carrasco.Ximena del Carmen Figueroa Flores & Felipe André González Alfonso - 2021 - Aisthesis 69.
    Las tres novelas escogidas responden a la decadencia económica de Valparaíso a mediados del siglo XX al representar el espacio y la sociedad, así como los afectos predominantes: Valparaíso, puerto de nostalgia de Salvador Reyes, se sitúa en el Plan de la ciudad y fluctúa entre la idealización nostálgica de la burguesía inglesa y la bohemia del presente; Hijo de ladrón de Manuel Rojas y El mundo herido de Armando Méndez Carrasco, privilegian, en cambio, el espacio de los cerros y (...)
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    There is No Teleological Suspension of the Ethical: Kierkegaard’s Logic Against Religious Justification and Moral Exceptionalism.Mélissa Fox-Muraton - 2012 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 23 (1):3-32.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 23 Heft: 1 Seiten: 3-32.
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    Micropaleontología.Fabio Lucas Flores - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 26:35-42.
    La micropaleontología es una especialización reciente de la paleontología, cuyo objeto de estudio son los microfósiles. La bibliografía relacionada con sus aspectos filosóficos y epistemológicos es prácticamente inexistente. Pero esto no significa que tales aspectos y las problemáticas que se desprenden de los mismos no existan. Por este motivo, en el presente trabajo se ofrece una primera aproximación a estas cuestiones. Se verá cómo el cuerpo de conocimientos y la metodología de la micropaleontología se relacionan con el debate que gira (...)
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  42.  20
    Ancient Love of Wisdom and its Medieval Transformation.Juan Carlos Flores - 2022 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 39 (3):217-234.
    Against the ancient background, the paper shows how philosophy, as a form of love, is transformed in the medieval period. Henry of Ghent's view of the aim of contemplation exemplifies this transformation, and indicates how medieval love of wisdom, as the synthesis of reason and revelation, can be an enhancement of the desire that animates ancient philosophy. In this telling case and at a fundamental level, faith and revelation stimulate love of wisdom even as reason endeavors to be reconciled with (...)
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  43.  18
    Motivación y deliberación: ¿cómo se expresa esta relación en la transformación de las opiniones deliberativas?María Fernanda Flores - 2023 - Tópicos 45:e0023.
    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el fenómeno de la motivación en la deliberación, retomando la idea del artículo “Razón práctica y motivaciones para la deliberación pública” (Vidiella, 2017) que sostiene que la teoría deliberativa clásica presenta un “déficit motivacional”. Para ello me centraré en la transformación de las opiniones. Tendré en cuenta cómo se conciben las opiniones desde un punto de vista racionalista, mostrando una alternativa que otorga relevancia al aspecto emocional. Luego argumentaré a favor de la posibilidad (...)
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    (1 other version)Ecological Finitude as Ontological Finitude: Radical Hope in the Anthropocene.F. Flores & B. S. Rousse - 2016 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2016 (177):127-143.
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  45. Partial possible models: An approach to interpret students' physical representation.Fernando Flores Camacho & Leticia Gallegos Cazares - 1998 - Science Education 82 (1):15-29.
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    An Architecture for Privacy in a Networked Health Information Environment.Carol Diamond, Melissa Goldstein, David Lansky & Stefaan Verhulst - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (4):429-440.
    As we move toward the creation of a networked health information environment, the potential of privacy intrusions increases, with potentially devastating impact on quality and access to healthcare. This paper describes the risks we face and proposes a framework to minimize those risks. In particular, it proposes nine principles to protect privacy in an information age.
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  47. Apresentação.Maria Bernadete Ramos Flores, Maria de Fátima Fontes Piazza & Patricia Peterle - 2016 - In Maria Bernardete Ramos Flores, Maria de Fátima Fontes Piazza & Patricia Peterle (eds.), Arte e pensamento: operações historiográficas. São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Rafael Copetti Editor.
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  48. After capitalism, cyborgism.Fernando Flores Morador (ed.) - 2015 - Lund: Lund University.
    This book is a personal answer to the crisis of the left. The author of this text belongs to a generation habituated to live with global explanations. During our youth, the future of the world was the future of democracy and socialism. We belong to a generation of “leftist” that found in Marx and Freud, phenomenology and structuralism the most important answers that made sense of the everyday world. However, the developments of events during the last sixty years showed that (...)
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    A Cristo por Virgilio: Evangelización e inculturación en la Roma del siglo IV : el caso del "Centón" de Proba.Miguel Flores - 2008 - Augustinus 53 (208):65-79.
    El artículo hace un análisis literario y teológico de "Cento Virgilianus", dilucida quién es su autor, desvela los contenidos bíblicos de la obra y sus referencias virgilianas, al tiempo que analiza cómo se hilvanan en el texto todos estos datos.
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    Arte e pensamento: operações historiográficas.Maria Bernardete Ramos Flores, Maria de Fátima Fontes Piazza & Patricia Peterle (eds.) - 2016 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Rafael Copetti Editor.
    "Como pensar hoje na escrita da história? Como enfrentar a página em branco que não se apresenta como um espaço neutro, mas um espaço onde quem escreve - o historiador - deixa rastros do passado e também os seus próprios rastros? Essas são algumas das questões colocadas pelos ensaios que compõem "Arte e pensamento: operações historiográficas". Num primeiro momento, são fornecidos o ritmo, o tom e os compassos por meio de discussões e reflexões sobre uma teoria da experiência para a (...)
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