Results for 'Melancholie'

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  1.  73
    Melancholy and the Critique of Modernity: Søren Kierkegaard’s Religious Psychology.Harvie Ferguson - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Melancholy and The Critique of Modernity examines the connections between the emergence of modern society and the experience of melancholy. The idea of "sadness without a cause" has played an important part in human self-understanding throughout the development of Western society. But with the emergence of modernity melancholy has become its most pervasive and significant experience. The affinity between melancholy and modernity is examined through a comprehensive re-examination of the writings of Soren Kierkegaard. The whole range of Kierkegaard's work is (...)
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    Melancholy cosmopolitanism: reflections on a genre of European literary fiction.Ian Ellison - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (6):1022-1037.
    This essay considers how various European novels written and published around the turn of the millennium may be grouped together as an historically and geographically contingent literary genre, while also reflecting on the implications of this. In doing so, this essay coins the term ‘melancholy cosmopolitanism’ to best describe this genre of literary works. Ultimately, this genre suggests, first of all, that the sense of melancholy obsolescence articulated by European writers at this time is not confined to discrete national literary (...)
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    Melancholy mapping.Ed Charlton - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 141 (1):14-30.
    Johannesburg has been described variously as an elusive, genre-less, blank, even self-cannibalizing city. Without refusing such rhetorical play, this article seeks to secure a mode of urban analysis that attends to the city’s material losses as well as its conceptual elisions. In so doing, it engages the critical potential, in particular, of melancholy, establishing through this concept not just an affective condition or a psycho-spatial categorization, but a way of mapping the city. Through analysis of Mark Gevisser’s Lost and Found (...)
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    Melancholy and its sisters: transformations of a concept from Homer to Lars von Trier.John Raimo & Dominic E. Delarue - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (6):817-838.
    ABSTRACT This introduction argues for competing diachronic and synchronic accounts of melancholy in European and American culture. Taking the pioneering and yet belated work Saturn and Melancholy (1964) of Erwin Panofsky, Fritz Saxl, and Raymond Klibansky as its starting point, this article situates melancholy as at once its own, often local and non-specialist discourse as well as a conceptual web binding together medical, artistic, and social innovations, competitions, and turmoil. As a subject, melancholy demands interdisciplinary study, as Dürer’s print Melencolia (...)
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  5. Die Melancholie, der Geist des Kapitalismus und die Depression, in Burkard Sievers (ed.), "Sozialanalyse und psychosoziale Dynamik von Organisationen".Marco Solinas - 2015 - In Burkard Sievers (Ed.), Andquot;Sozialanalyse Und Psychosoziale Dynamik von Organisationen", Ausgewählte Beitrage der Zeitschrift "Freie Assoziationen", Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2015, Pp. 77-104:77-104.
    "Der Aufsatz zielt darauf, der Prozess der historischen Überlagerung, Substitution und Verbreitung des theoretischen Paradigmas der Depression gegenüber jenem der Melancholie darzustellen. Im ersten Teil wird versucht, einige der einschneidenden Eigenschaften der Thematisierungen der Melancholie in der Frühen Neuzeit anzugeben, auch im Verhältnis zum Geist des Kapitalismus. Nachdem eine Skizze der Entstehung der moderne Kategorie der Depression, geht es darum, den Verlauf nachzuzeichnen, der im 20. Jahrhundert zu ihrer Transformation in ein weitläufiges theoretisches Paradigma geführt hat, das schließlich (...)
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    Aesthetic Melancholy.Hans Maes - 2023 - Contemporary Aesthetics 21.
    Emily Brady and Arto Haapala (2003) define melancholy as a complex emotion with aspects of both pain and pleasure that draw on a range of emotions — sadness, love and longing — all of which are bound with a reflective, solitary state of mind. Melancholy, they argue, does not just play a role in our encounters with artworks and the natural environment but also invites aesthetic considerations into play in more everyday situations. As such, melancholy can be considered an aesthetic (...)
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  7. Die Melancholie, der Geist des Kapitalismus und die Depression.Marco Solinas - 2010 - Freie Assoziation 13 (4):79-99.
    The essay aims to analyse the gradual historical process of the partial overlap, replacement and expansion of the theoretical paradigm of depression with respect to that of melancholy. The first part is devoted to analysing some of the central features of the multivalent thematizations of melancholy drawn up during modernity, also with relation to the spirit of capitalism (in its Weberian acceptation). This is followed by an overview of the birth of the modern category of depression, and the process that (...)
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  8.  82
    The Nature of Melancholy: From Aristotle to Kristeva.Jennifer Radden (ed.) - 2002 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Spanning 24 centuries, this anthology collects over thirty selections of important Western writing about melancholy and its related conditions by philosophers, doctors, religious and literary figures, and modern psychologists. Truly interdisciplinary, it is the first such anthology. As it traces Western attitudes, it reveals a conversation across centuries and continents as the authors interpret, respond, and build on each other's work. Editor Jennifer Radden provides an extensive, in-depth introduction that draws links and parallels between the selections, and reveals the ambiguous (...)
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    Melancholy.Laszlo F. Foldenyi - 2016 - Yale University Press.
    _A leading European intellectual reflects on the changing concept of melancholy throughout history_ Alberto Manguel praises the Hungarian writer László Földényi as “one of the most brilliant essayists of our time.” Földényi’s extraordinary _Melancholy_, with its profusion of literary, ecclesiastical, artistic, and historical insights, gives proof to such praise. His book, part history of the term _melancholy_ and part analysis of the melancholic disposition, explores many centuries to explore melancholy’s ambiguities. Along the way Földényi discovers the unrecognized role melancholy may (...)
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    Melancholy, gender, and genius in the art of Thomas Eakins.Debra W. Hanson - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (6):974-986.
    ABSTRACT This essay analyses the visual representation of melancholy and related themes in the work of American artist Thomas Eakins (1844–1916). Its particular focus is Home Scene (1870–1871), an intimate portrait of two of the artist’s sisters in the parlour of their family home in Philadelphia. Through a close examination of Home Scene in relation to later portraits by and of the artist, my analysis sheds new light on how and why Eakins reshaped ideations of melancholy based in European art (...)
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    Melancholy as Responding to Reasons.Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (3):331-350.
    This paper explores the nature and value of melancholy and the rationality of being in such a state. I defend a view of melancholy as a highly complex mood-like state. This complexity shows itself...
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  12.  41
    Melancholy and the Therapeutic Language of Moral Philosophy in Seventeenth-Century Thought.Jeremy Schmidt - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (4):583-601.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Melancholy and the Therapeutic Language of Moral Philosophy in Seventeenth-Century ThoughtJeremy SchmidtThe concept of melancholy comprehended a wide range of characteristics and conditions in seventeenth-century European culture, from the brooding introspection of the genius and the scholar to a condition of delirious and delusory madness.1 Its central and most immediately identifiable characteristic, however, was the excessive and unreasonable nature of its symptomologically defining emotions of fear and sorrow. As (...)
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  13.  61
    Melancholy and Nausea: from Destiny as the Basis of Tragic Character to Existential Absurdity.Thiago Rodrigues - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (2):185-196.
    A partir da perspectiva intelectualista grega, na qual o dualismo entre corpo e alma requer o primado do discurso racional [lógos] em detrimento do páthos filosófico, busca-se com este artigo associar a noção de "desmedida" [hybris] com a noção de melancolia. Essa associação ganha ainda mais relevo, quando a aproximamos da interpretação de Simone Weil para o poema épico de Homero, a Ilíada. Se essa aproximação se justifica, então é patente a aproximação entre o caráter trágico que o destino adquire, (...)
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    Melancholy.Tim Wilkinson (ed.) - 2016 - Yale University Press.
    _A leading European intellectual reflects on the changing concept of melancholy throughout history_ Alberto Manguel praises the Hungarian writer László Földényi as “one of the most brilliant essayists of our time.” Földényi’s extraordinary _Melancholy_, with its profusion of literary, ecclesiastical, artistic, and historical insights, gives proof to such praise. His book, part history of the term _melancholy_ and part analysis of the melancholic disposition, explores many centuries to explore melancholy’s ambiguities. Along the way Földényi discovers the unrecognized role melancholy may (...)
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    Melancholy of the Law.Przemyslaw Tacik - 2020 - Law and Critique 33 (1):23-39.
    The paper attempts to construct a theoretical account of what melancholy—in a psychoanalytical and cultural sense—may mean for jurisprudence. It argues that the map of relations and displacements between the object and the subject that is associated with melancholy in different psychoanalytical approaches can be fruitfully adopted for understanding of normativity. Based on a thorough re-reading of Freud’s Trauer und Melancholie, it suggests that there is an irremovable component of melancholy contained in the primordial act of separation of normativity (...)
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  16.  39
    Saturn and Melancholy: Studies in the History of Natural Philosophy, Religion, and Art.Raymond Klibansky, Erwin Panofsky & Fritz Saxl - 1964 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press. Edited by Raymond Klibansky, Erwin Panofsky & Fritz Saxl.
    Saturn and Melancholy remains an iconic text in art history, intellectual history, and the study of culture, despite being long out of print in English. Rooted in the tradition established by Aby Warburg and the Warburg Library, this book has deeply influenced understandings of the interrelations between the humanities disciplines since its first publication in English in 1964. This new edition makes the original English text available for the first time in decades. Saturn and Melancholy offers an unparalleled inquiry into (...)
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  17.  16
    Philosophy and Melancholy: Benjamin's Early Reflections on Theater and Language.Ilit Ferber - 2013 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    This book traces the concept of melancholy in Walter Benjamin's early writings. Rather than focusing on the overtly melancholic subject matter of Benjamin's work or the unhappy circumstances of his own fate, Ferber considers the concept's implications for his philosophy. Informed by Heidegger's discussion of moods and their importance for philosophical thought, she contends that a melancholic mood is the organizing principle or structure of Benjamin's early metaphysics and ontology. Her novel analysis of Benjamin's arguments about theater and language features (...)
  18.  47
    Kant on melancholy: philosophy as a relief to the disgust for life.Serena Feloj - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):123-132.
    Melancholy occupies a privileged place in the Kantian taxonomy of temperaments since the pre- critical phase, but it is in the Nineties that it reveals its philosophical fecundity. Melancholy becomes, in fact, an interesting notion not so much because of its relationship with Kantian biography, nor because of its presence in the description of psychopathies, but because it lies, unique in this, on the borderline between pathology and sanity. Melancholy thus provides an opportunity to show the topicality of Kantian reflection (...)
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  19. A Trilogy of Melancholy: On the bittersweet in Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight.Hans Maes - 2021 - In Hans Maes & Katrien Schaubroeck (eds.), Philosophers on Film: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight. Routledge.
    Melancholy is a central expressive property of the Before films and key to understanding and appreciating the trilogy as a whole. That, in a nutshell, is the thesis I develop in this paper. In the first section, I present a philosophical account of melancholy in general and aesthetic melancholy in particular. Melancholy is understood here as the profound and bittersweet emotional experience that occurs when we vividly grasp a harsh truth about human existence in such a way that we come (...)
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    Melancholy as Disease: Learning about Depression as Disease from Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy.Jennifer Radden - 2018 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 25 (4):225-234.
    Psychiatry has a habit of ignoring its past, which is understandable but, in some instances, a mistake. It is my contention that some of the lacunae about mood disorder in today's psychiatric understanding and treatment may be illuminated by the medical lore captured in Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy (1621). The implications of the present analysis for network based accounts of depression seem to encourage a reconsideration of therapeutic and remedial principles based on those found in Burton's work.
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    The Melancholy Assemblage: Affect and Epistemology in the English Renaissance.Drew Daniel - 2013 - Fordham University Press.
    Placing readings of early modern painting and literature in conversation with psychoanalytic theory and assemblage theory, this book argues that, far from isolating its sufferers, melancholy brings people together.
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  22. Situating Melancholy in Kierkegaard's "The Concept of Anxiety".Hannah Venable - 2014 - Philosophy and Theology 26 (1):39-64.
    In this article, I draw on Kierkegaard’s often over-looked work, The Concept of Anxiety, to gain deeper insight into the tenor of melancholy. We discover that Kierkegaard labels anxiety, due to its connection to hereditary sin, as the source for melancholy. Thus, contrary to the usual interpretation of Kierkegaard, I argue that melancholy is more than an individual’s struggle with existence, but is intimately tied to the historical environment, because it is steeped in an ever-increasing, ever-deepening anxiety. This link be­tween (...)
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  23. Melancholy as an aesthetic emotion.Emily Brady & Arto Haapala - 2003 - Contemporary Aesthetics 1.
    In this article, we want to show the relevance and importance of melancholy as an aesthetic emotion. Melancholy often plays a role in our encounters with art works, and it is also present in some of our aesthetic responses to the natural environment. Melancholy invites aesthetic considerations to come into play not only in well-defined aesthetic contexts but also in everyday situations that give reason for melancholy to arise. But the complexity of melancholy, the fact that it is fascinating in (...)
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  24. Pornography and Melancholy.Hans Maes - forthcoming - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy.
    Section 1 proposes a new philosophical account of melancholy. Section 2 examines the reasons why one might think that pornography and melancholy are incompatible. Section 3 discusses some successful examples of melancholic pornography and makes the case that feminist pornographers are particularly well-placed to produce such material.
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  25.  41
    A melancholy science? On Bergson's appreciation of Lucretius.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 2015 - Pli 27:83.
    Some significant receptions of Epicurean philosophy take place in nineteenth century European thought. For Marx, writing in the 1840s, and in defiance of Hegel’s negative assessment, Epicurus is the ‘greatest representative of the Greek enlightenment’,1 whilst for Jean-Marie Guyau, writing in the 1870s, Epicurus is the original free spirit, ‘Still today it is the spirit of old Epicurus who, combined with new doctrines, works away at and undermines Christianity.’ 2 For Nietzsche, Epicurus is one of the greatest human beings to (...)
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    (1 other version)Melancholy Science? German Idealism and Critical Theory Reconsidered.Wesley Phillips - 2011 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2011 (157):129-147.
    ExcerptResigned and Radical Thought It has been said on numerous occasions that Frankfurt School critical theory is, and always was, a spent force. Its totalizing theory of reification leads to a reification of the theory itself. Famously, Adorno was forced to answer to the “reproach” of “resignation” from his students during the 1960s.1 Adorno had already defined his project as “melancholy science,” and it is not difficult to connect melancholia to resignation.2 In this essay Adorno will be read by way (...)
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  27.  13
    Double melancholy: art, beauty, and the making of a brown queer man.C. E. Gatchalian - 2019 - Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press.
    According to Didier Eribon, melancholy is where it all starts and where it also ends: the lifelong process of mourning that each homosexual experiences, and through which they construct their own identity. In this beguiling book, an introverted, anxious, ambitious, artistically gifted queer Filipino-Canadian boy finds solace, inspiration, and a "syllabus for living" in art--works of literature and music, from the children's literary classic Anne of Green Gables to the music of Maria Callas. But their contribution to his intellectual, emotional, (...)
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  28. Melancholie is een vorm van verzet. W.G. Sebald en de Duits-joodse herinnering.Mark M. Anderson - 2006 - Nexus 46.
    Aan de hand van het werk van de Duitse romancier W.G. Sebald breekt Mark Anderson een lans voor een herwaardering van de melancholie, als enig mogelijke houding om de last van het verleden die we moeten dragen, te kunnen torsen. De kunsten zijn het aangewezen instrument voor deze ‘daad van verzet’ ‘tegen de krachten van vernietiging en vergeten in het menselijk leven’. Het werk van Sebald, achtervolgd door de ‘postmemory’ aan het Duitse oorlogsgeweld dat hij zelf alleen indirect had (...)
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    Melancholie und Acedia: ein Beitrag zu Anthropologie und Ethik Bonaventuras.Rainer Jehl - 1984 - Paderborn: F. Schöningh.
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    Melancholy and the Otherness of God: A Study in the Genealogy, Hermeneutics, and Therapeutics of Depression.Alina N. Feld - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    This probing study of melancholy invites readers to view "depression" genealogically through the history of its interpretation. It plumbs interior depths where psychology, theology, philosophy, and literary creation intersect. Therapies proposed for the dark mood have included work, prayer, care of the self, and deepening awareness of its indispensable role in the development of consciousness of oneself and God. Reflecting on these historical responses and cures can prompt a personal exploration, making this a practical manual for self-knowing and self-transcending, a (...)
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  31.  23
    Melancholy and the Labyrinthine World of Things.Franco Rella & Keala Jane Jewell - 1987 - Substance 16 (2):29.
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    The Anatomy of Melancholy: Volume I.Thomas C. Faulkner, Nicholas K. Kiessling & Rhonda L. Blair (eds.) - 1989 - Clarendon Press.
    Robert Burton's The Anatomy of Melancholy is one of the last great works of English prose to have remained unedited. The present volume inaugurates an authoritative edition of the work, which is being prepared by scholars on both sides of the Atlantic. It will be followed by two further volumes of text with textual apparatus, and two volumes of commentary. Burton concentrated a lifetime of inquiry into the Anatomy, describing and analysing melancholy and its causes - devoting especial attention to (...)
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    Pseudo-intellectualism and Melancholy. The Poetics of Black Bile in Lucian's Lexiphanes.George Kazantzidis - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    In Lucian's highly competitive and exhibitionist world, hyper-Atticism, the use of recondite, archaic words for the sake of impression, has become a sort of plague. In this article, I discuss how Lexiphanes focuses precisely on the literal and metaphorical associations of hyper-Atticism as a disease, by paying particular attention on the medical verdict - articulated in the text by Lucian's authorial double, Lycinus - that the dialogue's eponymous character suffers from melancholia. Rather than constitute a passing reference to the colloquial (...)
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  34. Melancholy and the Act.Slavoj Žižek - 2000 - Critical Inquiry 26 (4):657-681.
  35. The melancholy life world of the university.Alan Blum - 1991 - Dianoia 2 (1):16-42.
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  36. Philosophical Melancholy and Delirium: Hume's Pathology of Philosophy.Marina Frasca-Spada - 2001 - Mind 110 (439):783-789.
  37.  80
    Nausea, Melancholy and the Internal Negation of the Past.Cam Clayton - 2009 - Sartre Studies International 15 (2):1-16.
    In this paper, I argue that temporality, as described in Being and Nothingness , is a central theme in Nausea . In the first section I make the point that one of Sartre's guiding concerns at the time of publishing Nausea is temporality and the temporal nature of freedom. In the second section, the theme of melancholy and its relationship to temporality is explored. The third section explores Sartre's use of this image of being taken 'from behind'. I use this (...)
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    Melancholie und Ethik: eine philosophisch-theologische Auseinandersetzung mit den Grenzen sittlichen Subjektseins im 20. Jahrhundert.Klaus Arntz - 2003 - Regensburg: Pustet.
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  39. Nihilism, Melancholy, and Values: A Theoretical Approach.Pio Colonnello - 2001 - In Matti Häyry & Tuija Takala (eds.), The Future of Value Inquiry. Rodopi. pp. 145--152.
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    The Melancholy of the Philosopher: Hume and Spinoza on Emotions and Wisdom.Willem Lemmens - 2005 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 3 (1):47-65.
  41. The Melancholy of Print: Love's Labour's Lost.Carla Mazzio - 2000 - In Carla Mazzio & Douglas Trevor (eds.), Historicism, psychoanalysis, and early modern culture. New York: Routledge. pp. 186--227.
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    Resilience & melancholy: pop music, feminism, neoliberalism.Robin James - 2014 - Winchester, UK: Zero Books.
    Neoliberalism co-opts noisy riots like feminism and hardcore music--can melancholic siren songs fight back?
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    The Anatomy of Melancholy: Volume I.Robert Burton (ed.) - 1989 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Anatomy of Melancholy is one of the last great works of English prose to have remained unedited. These are the first two volumes of what will be an authoritative edition of the work, currently being prepared by scholars on both sides of the Atlantic.
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    Art between Fetishism and Melancholy in Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory.Rok Benčin - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 68:31-43.
    The article explores Adorno’s understanding of fetishism and melancholy as immanent to the artwork’s autonomous structure. In order to understand the relation between them, the Freudian understanding of fetishism and melancholy has to be considered along with the more explicit reference to the Marxist concept of commodity fetishism. Analysing the implications of Adorno’s claim that commodity fetishism is at the origin of artistic autonomy, the article shows how it should be understood not only as a materialist demystification but also as (...)
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    Philosophical Melancholy and Delirium: Hume's Pathology of Philosophy.Donald W. Livingston - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    Here Donald Livingston traces this distinction through all of Hume's writings and reveals its relevance for contemporary discussion.
  46. Melancholy As Form: Towards An Archaeology Of Modernism.J. Bernstein - 2003 - In John J. Joughin & Simon Malpas (eds.), The New Aestheticism. Manchester University Press. pp. 167--190.
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    Depression/melancholy.SørenHG Kierkegaard - 2013 - In The Quotable Kierkegaard. Princeton University Press. pp. 69-73.
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    : Melancholy Acts: Defeat and Cultural Critique in the Arab World.Karim Mattar - 2025 - Critical Inquiry 51 (2):443-444.
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  49. Melancholy and pessimism : Adorno's critique of Schopenhauer.Brian O'Connor - 2023 - In David Bather Woods & Timothy Stoll (eds.), The Schopenhauerian mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Animal Melancholy: Conceptualizing Depression in Psychiatric and Veterinary Contexts.M. D. Volkova - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (3):57-74.
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