Results for 'Meditation Hinduism.'

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  1.  17
    Contemplative Studies and Hinduism: Meditation, Devotion, Prayer, and Worship.Rita DasGupta Sherma & Purushottama Bilimoria - 2020 - Routledge India.
    This book is one of the first wide-ranging academic surveys of the major types and categories of Hindu contemplative praxis. It explores diverse spiritual and religious practices within the Hindu traditions and Indic hermeneutical perspectives to understand the intricate culture of meditative communion and contemplation, devotion, spiritual formation, prayer, ritual, and worship. The volume extends and expands the conceptual reach of the fields of Contemplative Studies and Hindu Studies. The chapters in the volume cover themes in Hindu contemplative experience from (...)
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    Meditation according to yoga-Vedānta.Swami Siddheswarananda - 1966 - Puranattukara: Trichur Dt., Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama.
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    Meditations: Yogas, Gods, religions.Ram Swarup - 2000 - New Delhi: Voice of India.
  4.  7
    Mastering the Art of Meditation.Don Giles - 2015 - Pure Land.
    Mastering the Art of Meditation is an instructional guide to various forms of meditation, representing several spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Shamanism. Readers are led through the three aspects of meditation: Concentrative, Receptive, and Expressive. Techniques include: Breathing, Imaging, Icon, Mandala, Shamanic Nature Gazing, Music, Mantra, Sacred Words, Centering Prayer, Body Awareness, Movement, Koans, Compassion, Samatha, Vipassana, Zazen, Tapas, Kundalini, Chi, and Tonglen. Dr. Don Giles, the author, spent over a decade learning these practices from (...)
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  5. Buddhist meditation and consciousness of time.P. Novak - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (3):267-77.
    This paper first reviews key Buddhist concepts of time anicca , khanavada and uji and then describes the way in which a particular form of Bhuddist meditation, vipassana, may be thought to actualize them in human experience. The chief aim of the paper is to present a heuristic model of how vipassana meditation, by eroding dispositional tendencies rooted in the body-unconscious alters psychological time, transforming our felt-experience of time from a binding to a liberating force.
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    Méditation et dévotion dans la tradition Radhasoami.Diana Dimitrova - 2020 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 76 (1):31-39.
    This article explores the notion of meditation and devotionalism in the Radhasoami tradition of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, a tradition of reform that questions and transcends traditional Hinduism in many ways. In the following, we study several texts and ritual practices of the Radhasoami tradition, in the example of the elaborate meditation called surat śabda yoga (yoga of the sound of the inner current). Our goal is to explore the complex interactions between meditation and devotion. (...)
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    Meditation as spiritual culmination: Yoga aphorisms of Patanjali.Swami Sarvagatananda - 2005 - Kolkata: Advaita Ashrama, Publication Dept.. Edited by Patañjali.
    One hundred and thirty two lectures delivered at Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of Massachusetts, in Boston between September 1977 and June 1981 ; includes complete Sanskrit text of Yogasutra of Patañjali with English translation.
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    The 'Fifth Veda' of Hinduism: poetry, philosophy and devotion in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa.Ithamar Theodor - 2016 - London: I.B. Tauris.
    The Bhagavata Purana is one of the most important, central and popular scriptures of Hinduism. A medieval Sanskrit text, its influence as a religious book has been comparable only to that of the great Hindu epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Ithamar Theodor here offers the first analysis for twenty years of the Bhagavata Purana often called the (Fifth Veda) and its different layers of meaning. He addresses its lyrical meditations on the activities of Krishna (avatar of Lord Vishnu), the (...)
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    Asian Traditions of Meditation.Halvor Eifring (ed.) - 2016 - University of Hawaii Press.
    Meditation has flourished in different parts of the world ever since the foundations of the great civilizations were laid. It played a vital role in the formation of Asian cultures that trace much of their heritage to ancient India and China. This volume brings together for the first time studies of the major traditions of Asian meditation as well as material on scientific approaches to meditation. It delves deeply into the individual traditions while viewing each of them (...)
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  10. Sādhanā se siddhi. Brahmavarcas - 1991 - Mathurā: Yuga Nirmāṇa Yojanā.
    Significance of meditation for spiritual enlightenment.
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    God as an alternative?: the meditative process of Īśvarapraṇidhāna in the Yogasūtras of Patañjali and the commentaries on them.Albertina Nugteren - 1991 - Leuven: Garant.
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    Gorakṣasamhitā. Gorakhanātha, Janārdana Śāstrī Pāṇḍeya & Gangadhar Panda - 1976 - Vārāṇasī: Sampūrṇānanda Saṃskr̥ta Viśvavidyālaya. Edited by Janārdana Śāstrī Pāṇḍeya.
    Sanskrit treatise on Yoga and meditation according to the fundamentals of Nātha sect.
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    An offering to Ramanachala.Sadashivrao Raghunathrao - 1974 - Poona: Vanita Publication.
    Writings on the teachings of Ramana, 1879-1950, and Jiddu Krishnamurti, b. 1895, Indian philosophers.
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  14. Der Guru als Seelenführer.Friso Melzer - 1963 - Wuppertal,: R. Brockhaus.
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  15. Nādabrahmōpāsana.Madhusūdana Sarasvati - 1991 - Kēśvapaṭnaṃ, Karīnngar Jillā: Prāptisthānamu, Svāmi Madhusūdana Sarasvati.
    On musical patterns and meditation towards realization of Nada Brahman.
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    Yoga en meditatie.Ton Alberts - 1974 - [Haarlem]: Het Boekenfonds Stichting Yoga Nederland [Welgelegenstraat 15.
    Theorie en de praktijk, geënt op filosofieën en mediatatie-methoden uit Zen-kloosters en Hindoe-ashrams.
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    Bhāratīya dharma evaṃ darśana meṃ yoga.EnaKe Tivārī - 2012 - Naī Dillī: Yūnivarsiṭī Pablikeśana. Edited by Anitā Tivārī.
    On significance of yoga in Indian philosophy and religion.
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  18. Bauddha tathā anya Bhāratīya yoga-sādhanā.Jagannātha Upādhyāya & Rāmaśaṅkara Tripāṭhī (eds.) - 1981 - Vārāṇsī: Sampūrṇānanda Saṃskr̥ta Viśvavidyālaya.
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    (2 other versions)Amanaska yoga. Gorakhanātha - 1967 - Pūnā: Sidhha Sāhitya Saṃśodhana Prakāśana Maṇḍala. Edited by Yoganātha.
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  20. Pātañjala yoga para Bauddha dharma kā prabhāva.Brahma Mitra Awasthi - 1978 - Dillī: Indu Prakāśana.
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    Pātañjala Yoga philosophy: with reference to Buddhism.Koichi Yamashita - 1994 - Calcutta: Firma KLM.
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  22. Yoga dalam tindak pe[r]mulaan.Sri Krishna Prem - 1962 - Surakarta: Swastika. Edited by Acharya Sariputra.
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  23. Ārādhanāsamuccayaṃ; Yogasārasaṅgrahaśca.Munīndra Ravicandra - 1967 - Edited by Ā. Ne Upādhye & Gurudāsa.
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  24. Nirvāṇa ṣaṭkam.Dayananda Saraswati - 2023 - Chennai: Arsha Vidya Research and Publication Trust. Edited by Śaṅkarācārya.
    On Nivāṇaṣaṭka, work on Self-realization by Śaṅkarācārya; includes Sanskrit text.
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    The Dev shastra.Satyānanda Agnihotrī - 1975 - New Delhi: Dev Samaj Prakashan.
    pt. 1. Philosophy of nature.--pt. 2. The philosophy of truth & falsehood.-- pt. 4. Study of & infra-human relationships.
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    The secrets of mind-control.Swami Narayanananda - 1970 - Rishikesh,: University Press, Narayanananda Universal Yoga Trust.
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  27. Pr̲abōdhasudhākaraṃ. Śaṅkarācārya - 1968 - Kālaṭi: Śr̲īrāmakr̥ṣṇa Advaitāśr̲amaṃ. Edited by A. Śaṅkaraśarmma.
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  28. Original Tao: Inward Training (Nei-yeh) and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism.Harold David Roth (ed.) - 1999 - Columbia University Press.
    Revolutionizing received opinion of Taoism's origins in light of historic new discoveries, Harold D. Roth has uncovered China's oldest mystical text--the original expression of Taoist philosophy--and presents it here with a complete translation and commentary. Over the past twenty-five years, documents recovered from the tombs of China's ancient elite have sparked a revolution in scholarship about early Chinese thought, in particular the origins of Taoist philosophy and religion. In _Original Tao,_ Harold D. Roth exhumes the seminal text of Taoism--_Inward Training (...)
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    Philosophy of Hindu sādhanā.Nalinīkānta Brahma - 1932 - Delhi: Book Faith India.
    The Book Presents The Practical Side Of Hindu Philosophy As Manifested In The Different Religiouns Systems Of The Hindus. It Shows The Essential Connection Between Theory And Practice, And To Point Out The True Significance Of The Course Of Discipline Prescribed By The Different Religious Systems For The Attainment Of Spiritual Realisation. A Highly Inteteresting And Important Work To The Literature Of Hindu Thought And Religion. Condition Good.
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    The Upanishads: a new translation.Vernon Katz & Thomas Egenes (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA).
    This new translation of The Upanishads is at once delightfully simple and rigorously learned, providing today's readers with an accurate, accessible rendering of the core work of ancient Indian philosophy. The Upanishads are often considered the most important literature from ancient India. Yet many academic translators fail to capture the work's philosophical and spiritual subtlety, while others convey its poetry at the cost of literal meaning. This new translation by Vernon Katz and Thomas Egenes fills the need for an Upanishads (...)
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  31. Philosophy of Hindu sādhanā.Nalini Kanta Brahma - 1932 - Delhi: Book Faith India.
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    Yoga and the sacred fire: self-realization and planetary transformation.David Frawley - 2004 - Twin Lakes, Wis.: Lotus Press.
    Explores the evolution of life and consciousness according to the cosmology and psychology of fire, viewing fire not only as a material but also as a spiritual principle.
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    Dance your way to god: a darshan diary. Osho - 1978 - Poona: Rajneesh Foundation. Edited by Ma Prem Maneesha.
    Discourses by an Indian sectarian religious leader, July 28-August 20, 1976.
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    Climbing Jacob's ladder: one man's rediscovery of a Jewish spiritual tradition.E. Alan Morinis - 2002 - New York: Broadway Books.
    Jewish by birth, though from a secular family, Alan Morinis took a deep journey into Hinduism and Buddhism as a young man. He received a doctorate for his study of Hindu pilgrimage, learned yoga in India with B. K. S. Iyengar, and attended his first Buddhist meditation course in the Himalayas in 1974. But in 1997, when his film career went off track and he reached for some spiritual oxygen, he felt inspired to explore his Jewish heritage. In his (...)
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    I Didn’t Like It, but I Recommend It: An Undergraduate Reflects on Contemplation in the Classroom.Lauren Rodgers - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:119-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:I Didn’t Like It, but I Recommend It: An Undergraduate Reflects on Contemplation in the ClassroomLauren RodgersWhile taking Introduction to World Religions as a first-year college student, I became acutely aware that my preconceived notions about religions were often wrong, and I had been oblivious to the diversity and complexity of the traditions I began to study. During subsequent semesters, I studied Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism, and during the (...)
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    Bede Griffiths, Mystical Knowing, and the Unity of Religions.Judson B. Trapnell - 1993 - Philosophy and Theology 7 (4):355-379.
    Strict constructivist philosophers conclude that no truth claims can be verified on the basis of mystical exploration due to the thoroughly conditioned character of such experiences. In response, Bede Griffiths’s life of dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism suggests that mystical knowing incorporates both conditioned and unconditioned elements. In the cross-culturally identifiable experience of self-transcendence in meditation, the relationship between the conditioned subject and the unconditioned sacred “object” is transformed, resulting in an intuitive knowledge for which different criteria of verifiability (...)
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    Asian and feminist philosophies in dialogue: liberating traditions.Jennifer McWeeny & Ashby Butnor (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    In this collection of original essays, international scholars put Asian traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism, into conversation with one or more contemporary feminist philosophies, founding a new mode of inquiry that attends to diverse voices and the complex global relationships that define our world. -/- These cross-cultural meditations focus on the liberation of persons from suffering, oppression, illusion, harmful conventions and desires, and other impediments to full personhood by deploying a methodology that traverses multiple philosophical styles, historical (...)
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    Introducing the Study of Life and Death Education to Support the Importance of Positive Psychology: An Integrated Model of Philosophical Beliefs, Religious Faith, and Spirituality.Huy P. Phan, Bing H. Ngu, Si Chi Chen, Lijuing Wu, Wei-Wen Lin & Chao-Sheng Hsu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Life education, also known as life and death education, is an important subject in Taiwan with institutions offering degree programs and courses that focus on quality learning and implementation of life education. What is interesting from the perspective of Taiwanese Education is that the teaching of life education also incorporates a number of Eastern-derived and conceptualized tenets, for example, Buddhist teaching and the importance of spiritual wisdom. This premise contends then that life education in Taiwan, in general, is concerned with (...)
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    The Ramayana: a new retelling of Valmiki's ancient epic--complete and comprehensive.Linda Egenes - 2016 - New York, New York: A TarcherPerigee Book. Edited by Kumuda Reddy & Vālmīki.
    A delightfully straightforward and lyrical retelling of the ancient Indian epic of loyalty, betrayal, redemption, and insight into the true nature of life -- one of history's most sacred ethical works, rendered with completeness and sterling accuracy for the modern reader. Here is one of the world's most hallowed works of sacred literature, the grand, sweeping epic of the divine bowman and warrior Rama and his struggles with evil, power, duplicity, and avarice. The Ramayana is one of the foundations of (...)
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    Talking God: philosophers on belief.Gary Gutting (ed.) - 2016 - New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
    Through interviews with twelve distinguished philosophers—including atheists, agnostics, and believers—Talking God works toward a philosophical understanding and evaluation of religion. Along the way, Gary Gutting and his interviewees challenge many common assumptions about religious beliefs. As tensions simmer, and often explode, between the secular and the religious forces in modern life, the big questions about human belief press ever more urgently. Where does belief, or its lack, originate? How can we understand and appreciate religious traditions different from our own? Featuring (...)
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    Daoism and Environmental Philosophy: Nourishing Life by Eric S. Nelson.Dawid Rogacz - 2021 - Ethics and the Environment 26 (1):141-147.
    It is widely observed that Asian traditions of thought contain the conceptual resources for environmental ethics. Most studies have been devoted to Buddhist environmental ethics, but there have also been monographs that examined its presence in Hinduism, Jainism, and Neo-Confucianism. Quite surprisingly, prior to 2020, there had been no book that explored the most radical and consistently non-anthropocentric form of Asian environmental ethics, namely that of the Daoists. Previous studies analyzed Daoist ecology in general and focused on its manifestation in (...)
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  42.  16
    A Handbook of Yoga-Nidrā.Kamakhya Kumar - 2013 - D.K. Printworld.
  43.  38
    Subverting Hatred: The Challenge of Nonviolence in Religious Traditions (review).Lonnie Valentine - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):292-296.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 292-296 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Subverting Hatred: The Challenge of Nonviolence in Religious Traditions Subverting Hatred: The Challenge of Nonviolence in Religious Traditions. Edited by Daniel L. Smith-Christopher. Cambridge, MA: Boston Research Center for the Twenty-first Century, 1998. 177 pp. This work raises the challenge of peacemaking to all religious traditions from within each of these traditions. Touching on primary texts, personalities, theologies, (...)
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  44.  19
    Philosophy and theistic mysticism of the Āl̲vārs.Srinivasa Chari & M. S. - 1997 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
    The Buddhist monk Upagupta, who preached and taught meditative practices in Northwest India over two thousand years ago, is venerated today by the laity in ...
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    Christianity in the Crucible of East-West Dialogue: A Critical Look at Catholic Participation; and, God, Zen, and the Intuition of Being (review).C. Cornille - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):165-167.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 165-167 [Access article in PDF] Christianity in the Crucible of East-West Dialogue: A Critical Lookat Catholic Participation; And God, Zen, and the Intuition Of Being. By James Arraj. Chiloquin, Ore: Inner Growth Books, 2001. 335 pp. This book combines an original book-length essay, Critical Look at the Catholic Participation in the East-West Dialogue, and a new edition of the 1988 work God, Zen, and the (...)
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    Dreaming Me: An African American Woman's Spiritual Journey (review).Roger Corless - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):234-236.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 234-236 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Dreaming Me: An African American Woman's Spiritual Journey Dreaming Me: An African American Woman's Spiritual Journey. By Jan Willis. New York: Riverhead Books, 2001. 321 pp. This book invites comparison with Diana Eck's Encountering God: A Spiritual Journey from Bozeman to Banaras(Boston: Beacon Press, 1993). Both are by prominent women scholars, both have "spiritual journey" in the subtitle, (...)
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    Will I Find My Guru in India?Kieran McManus - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff & Liz Stillwaggon Swan, Yoga ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 15–23.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Winding Road to India Many Masters, Many Roads Spiritual Boot Camp Breaking Through A New Day.
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    Von Metaphysik zur Moralität: die Leibphänomenologie des Advaita und des Tantra.Kiran Desai-Breun - 2019 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Das Denken des Advaita und des Tantra führt auf je eigenem Wege zur Wahrheit vom Eins-Seienden und zielt damit auf jene Einsicht ab, die den Menschen dazu befähigt, aus ihr heraus zu handeln. Getragen wird der Erkenntnisweg vom individuellen Leib. Der Leib rückt ins Zentrum als Mittel zur Einsicht sowie als unmittelbarer Bezugspunkt des Handelns des Individuums: Metaphysik steht in0enger Beziehung mit Moralität. Man darf, mit anderen Worten, von "embodied cognition" reden, die jedoch auf einem kontrollierbaren Weg, den die (...) vorgibt, zu vollziehen ist. Dieser Gedankengang wird in Auseinandersetzung mit den Vorsokratikern, Platon und Aristoteles entwickelt."-Back cover. (shrink)
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    Ph ilosophi cal abstracts.Meditations Leibnitziennes, Meaning Vagueness & Haig Absurdity - 1965 - American Philosophical Quarterly 2 (2).
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    Philosophy one and two, Ermanno Bencivenga.Bergmannian Meditations - 1987 - Philosophical Quarterly 37 (146).
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