Results for 'Małgorzata Sady'

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    On the Benefits of Studying Elzenberg’s Axiology and Ethics.Lesław Hostyński & Małgorzata Sady - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (8-9):63-72.
    The article takes up some fundamental topics of Henryk Elzenberg’s axiological and ethical thought, whose philosophical attitude was called a religion of values. Author focuses his attention especially on Elzenberg’s recognizing value as a process of giving life meaning and importance and the role of reason in intuitive cognition of value, on attempt to gain insight into world of negative values, on effort of ordering of relative values, on the process of displacing imperative function of ethics by advisory and recommending (...)
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    Situating moral distress within relational ethics.Sadie Deschenes & Diane Kunyk - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):767-777.
    Nurses may, and often do, experience moral distress in their careers. This is related to the complicated work environment and the complex nature of ethical situations in everyday nursing practice. The outcomes of moral distress may include psychological and physical symptoms, reduced job satisfaction and even inadequate or inappropriate nursing care. Moral distress can also impact retention of nurses. Although research has grown considerably over the past few decades, there is still a great deal about this topic that we do (...)
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    Moral distress: A concept clarification.Sadie Deschenes, Michelle Gagnon, Tanya Park & Diane Kunyk - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):1127-1146.
    Background Over the past few decades, moral distress has been examined in the nursing literature. It is thought to occur when an individual has made a moral decision but is unable to act on it, often attributable to constraints, internal or external. Varying definitions can be found throughout the healthcare literature. This lack of cohesion has led to complications for study of the phenomenon, along with its effects to nursing practice, education and targeted policy development. Objectives The aim of this (...)
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    Ludwik Fleck.Wojciech Sady - unknown - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Editorial — Non omnis moriar.Małgorzata Czarnocka - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (3):5-8.
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  6. On Self-evidency.Abas Ahmadi Sadi - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (1):137-152.
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    Człowiek w przestrzeni publicznej w filozofii Hannah Arendt.Małgorzata Augustyniak - 2011 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 17:243-258.
    Powrót do filozofii starożytnej Grecji pozwala przypomnieć etyczny wymiar politycznej aktywności, w którym umiejętność łączenia dobra własnego z dobrem ogółu postrzegano jako świadectwo rozumnej natury człowieka wolnego i odpowiedzialnego zarazem. Republikański ideał życia zostaje przez Arendt skonfrontowany z dominującymi tendencjami politycznymi oraz ekonomicznymi, które rozwinęły się w nowożytnej kulturze europejskiej. Etyczne zdeprecjonowanie sfery publicznej prowadziło do postrzegania jej w kategoriach przymusu i przemocy, stanowiących zagrożenie indywidualnej wolności. Na znaczeniu zyskała natomiast sfera indywidualnej aktywności, związanej zwłaszcza z pracą wytwórczą, zarobkowaniem oraz (...)
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    Grzegorz Bialkowski-Science and Its Subject.Malgorzata Czarnocka - 2001 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 74:233-240.
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  9. Obserwacja bezpośrednia.Małgorzata Czarnocka - 1990 - Studia Filozoficzne 290 (1).
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    Morales et politiques postmodernes.Małgorzata Kowalska (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    Les auteurs contribuant à ce recueil réfléchissent sur notre condition postmoderne, non pas tant sur les sens différents qu'a pris le terme du postmoderne que sur l'heure qu'il est. La réflexion se déroule dans l'horizon de la pensée des classiques du postmodernisme et dans l'horizon des questions qui y sont, explicitement ou implicitement, posées.
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    Czy się porozumiemy? Etyka w dobie różnorodności.Małgorzata Maciejewska - 2006 - Etyka 39:87-98.
    Tekst stawia pytania, czy i jak możliwe jest porozumienie między ludźmi wyznającymi odmienne wartości, oraz jaka powinna być etyka otwarta na takie porozumienie, a zarazem umożliwiająca walkę z dyskryminacją. Wychodząc od dyskusji R. Rorty’ego i C. Geertza, wykazuję, że powinniśmy odrzucić używane tam pojęcia etnocentryzmu i relatywizmu, gdyż są wieloznaczne, a istotny podział biegnie pomiędzy ich różnymi znaczeniami. Oparta na empatii i uznaniu etyka D. T. Meyers pozwala rozwiązać problemy wynikające z różnorodności, zarówno wewnątrz–, jak i zewnątrzkulturowej. Jej konsekwencją jest (...)
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    The development of memory maintenance strategies: training cumulative rehearsal and interactive imagery in children aged between 5 and 9.Sadie Miller, Samantha McCulloch & Christopher Jarrold - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:128596.
    The current study explored the extent to which children above and below the age of 7 years are able to benefit from either training in cumulative rehearsal or in the use of interactive imagery when carrying out working memory tasks. Twenty-four 5- to 6-year-olds and 24 8- to 9-year olds were each assigned to one of three training groups who either received cumulative rehearsal, interactive imagery, or passive labelling training. Participants’ ability to maintain material during a filled delay was then (...)
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  13. Rousseau i Fichte: dwie koncepcje kultury.Małgorzata Łukasiewicz - 1986 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 30.
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  14. pt. 2. Literary, visual and cultural representation.Sadie Wearing - 2014 - In Mary Evans, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Sumi Madhok, Ania Plomien & Sadie Wearing (eds.), The SAGE handbook of feminist theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE reference.
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    Muhammed b. Ahmed el-Harizmî’nin Mef'tîhu’l-‘Ulûm Adlı Eserinde Felsefe.Sadi Yilmaz & Mehmet Sami Baga - 2019 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 5 (2):975-992.
    Ansiklopedik tarzda kaleme alınan eserler, yazıldıkları dönemindeki ilmi seviyeyi göstermek ve muhataplarının ihtiyaç duydukları pratik bilgileri bir araya getirmek bakımından büyük öneme sahiptir. Zira bu tür eserlerin, hem müellifin çeşitli ilim dallarına vukufiyetini ortaya koyma hem de eserden istifade edecek kesimlerin ihtiyaç duyduğu bilgi birikimini tespit etme noktasında kıymetli veri kaynakları oldukları aşikârdır. İslam dünyasında erken dönemde kaleme alınan bu türdeki eserlerden biri de müellifin tek eseri olarak günümüze gelmiş ve şöhreti ile müellifini geride bırakmış olan Muhammed b. Ahmed el-Hârizmî’nin (...)
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    The fourth dimension of art.Malgorzata Zurakowska - 2003 - Analecta Husserliana 78:219-226.
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    Moral Distress and Nursing Education: Curricular and Pedagogical Strategies for a Complex Phenomenon.Sadie Deschenes & Cathryn van Kessel - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 32 (1):63-72.
    Moral distress is a common phenomenon among nurses and is related to the complicated work environments and complex nature of ethical situations in day-to-day nursing practice. Moral distress impacts nurses as well as patient care and the health care system. Few strategies have been identified for instructors to effectively engage with learners when communicating about moral distress. We discuss two key curricular and pedagogical strategies that should be utilized when learning about moral distress: difficult knowledge’ and ‘terror management theory’. Whether (...)
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    Mitigating Moral Distress: Pediatric Critical Care Nurses’ Recommendations.Sadie Deschenes, Shannon D. Scott & Diane Kunyk - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (3):341-361.
    In pediatric critical care, nurses are the primary caregivers for critically ill children and are particularly vulnerable to moral distress. There is limited evidence on what approaches are effective to minimize moral distress among these nurses. To identify intervention attributes that critical care nurses with moral distress histories deem important to develop a moral distress intervention. We used a qualitative description approach. Participants were recruited using purposive sampling between October 2020 to May 2021 from pediatric critical care units in a (...)
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    Sztuka Inna. O sztuce prymitywnej, naiwnej i surowej.Małgorzata Bogaczyk - 2006 - Filo-Sofija 6 (1(6)):239-256.
    Author: Bogaczyk Małgorzata Title: THE DIFFERENT ART. ON THE PRIMITIVE ART, NAÏVE ART AND ART BRUT (Sztuka Inna. O sztuce prymitywnej, naiwnej i surowej) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2006, vol:.6, number: 2006/1, pages: 239-256 Keywords: DIFFERENT ART, PRIMITIVE ART, ART BRUT, NAÏVE ART Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail:In the sketch I show some similarities in the artist’s way of perceiving the work of art, the process of artistic creativity, and the (...)
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    ‘Can women have it all?’ Transitions in media representations of Jacinda Ardern’s leadership and identity by a global newsroom.Małgorzata Chałupnik, Jai Mackenzie, Louise Mullany & Sara Vilar-Lluch - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    The paper examines changing media representations of Jacinda Ardern, former Aotearoa New Zealand Prime Minister, from the global broadcaster, BBC News Online, across three key milestones in the politician’s career: her appointment, re-election and resignation. Our socio-semantic analysis of this representation demonstrates how the media intersect her professional identity with age, gender, social class, and later, her identity as a mother. Whilst earlier coverage of Ardern’s career praises her successfully reconciling these aspects of her personal, social and professional identities, later (...)
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    Types of Anxiety and Depression: Theoretical Assumptions and Development of the Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire.Małgorzata Fajkowska, Ewa Domaradzka & Agata Wytykowska - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Typy idealne panowania: założenia epistemologiczne i metodologiczne.Małgorzata Augustyniak - 2010 - Olsztyn: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warnińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie. Edited by Paweł Polaczuk.
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    Is Conflict a Form of Connection?Sadie Bauer - 2024 - Questions 24:72-73.
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  24. Fenomenologia jako filozofia pierwsza.Małgorzata Bogaczyk - 2007 - Principia.
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  25. Teoria Niklasa Luhmanna w systemie nauki. Obserwacje odniesień.Małgorzata Burnecka - 2009 - Nowa Krytyka 22.
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    A path to a conception of symbolic truth.Malgorzata Czarnocka - 2017 - New York: Peter Lang EDITION.
    This book deals with correspondence truth. It critically analyses selected known correspondence truth theories and proposes - as an alternative - the symbolic truth conception in which correspondence is a symbolisation and not copying.
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    Koncepcje podmiotu poznania we współczesnej filozofii.Małgorzata Czarnocka - 2017 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
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  28. Problem samouchwytności ciała – Husserl i Sartre.Katarzyna Gurczyńska-Sady - 2009 - Diametros 21:14-29.
    The topic of the article is the way in which a human being can grasp its own body. The confrontation between Husserl's and Sartre's philosophy about meeting Another is my way of showing the radical change in our understanding of the problem of how we know our own body. According to Husserl both our psyche and body are given to us immediately. The body of Another is given to us by means of our own body. The psyche of Another is (...)
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    Space, Dwelling, and (Be)longingness.Małgorzata Hołda - 2022 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):181-200.
    The supple and ever-present search for the possibilities offered by the narrative form in fictional writing corresponds to the use of the narrative as a mode of understanding and explaining our being-in-the-world in philosophy. The intimate liaison between the realm of fictional imagination and that of human everydayness inspires writers to seek ways to tackle issues of temporality, the conflicting character of human drives, and the ultimately unresolvable tension between finitude and infinitude. As a literary and philosophical category, the narrative (...)
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  30. Życie w zgodzie z naturą a \"homo praedatorius\". Studium relacji człowiek-natura.Małgorzata Kaczmarek - 2008 - Estetyka I Krytyka 1 (1):103-116.
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    Positive mood boosts the expression of a dispositional need for closure.Małgorzata Kossowska & Yoram Bar-Tal - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (7):1181-1201.
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    Dialektyka poza dialektyką: od Bataille'a do Derridy.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2000 - Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.
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  33. Pojęcia bytu i nicości w filozofii J. P. Sartre'a.Małgorzata Kowalska - 1991 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 36.
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  34. Qui parle?Małgorzata Kwietniewska - 2004 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 6:43-54.
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  35. Theatre Can Not Teach Us Anything... A Few Remarks on the Polish Theatre of the Last Decade.Małgorzata Leyko - 1999 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 1:141-150.
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  36. Ekologiczna estetyka przyrody Gernota Böhmego (G. Böhme: \"Filozofia i estetyka przyrody w dobie kryzysu środowiska naturalnego\").Małgorzata Liszewska - 2003 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 9.
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  37. Estetyka, natura, ekologia (M. Gołaszewska: \\\"Święto wiosny. Ekoestetyka - nauka o pięknie natury\\\", Kraków 2000).Małgorzata Liszewska - 2000 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 6.
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    The Emergence of Kharijite and the Interpretation of Kharijite in Ib'zî Understanding.Sadi Ölmez - 2022 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 10 (17):93-118.
    Although it has been claimed that the Kharijite understanding emerged as a result of a booty division in the Prophet's time, their emergence as a sect was in the Battle of Siffin. This formation, which gained fame with the motto "The Judgment belongs only to Allah" in the arbitration issue between Hazrat Ali and Muawiya, came to the fore enough to leave Muaviye's rebellion against Hazrat Ali behind. So much so that when the battle of Siffin is mentioned, researchers focus (...)
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  39. O przyjaźni i sprawiedliwości.Małgorzata Matuszak - 2004 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 16 (16).
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    Défis de l’éducation européenne : intégrer le monde, habiter l’Europe, être bien chez soi.Małgorzata Piasecka - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (2):60-71.
    The authoress focuses her attention on three major issues. She starts her deliberations by referring to the roots of philosophical and pedagogical ides of Europeanism. Then, she describes contemporary Europe from the perspective: of the world (external) and Europe itself (internal) creating a perspective for further analyses. Assuming that education is a screen of culture, the authoress points out interpretative bridges aimed at portraying education holistically understood as: being in the world, in Europe, “at home”. Ultimately, she shows the challenging (...)
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  41. O trzech sensach, w jakich metodologia Lakatosa jest metodologią normatywną.Wojciech Sady - 1987 - Colloquia Communia 32 (3-4):33-56.
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  42. Jak(im) być mężczyzną we współczesnym świecie? Rozważania na temat zagubienia mężczyzn we współczesności.Małgorzata Skóra - 2005 - Colloquia Communia 78 (1-2):171-187.
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  43. Evaluating Musical Works: Bewteen Qualities, Values and Judgments with Roman Ingarden.Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2017 - Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology 8 (17):34-45.
    The practice of evaluating music and music works is widespread. That practice must depend on recognition of values and/or qualities in those works. However this be true it isn't always clear what these values and qualities are and how are the believes entrenched in theory and practice of evaluating musical works. In the aesthetics the most celebrated types of values are aesthetic values and qualities. Author of this paper reexamines the theory of aesthetic values as existing independently from artistic values (...)
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    Developing an evidence-and ethics-informed intervention for moral distress.Sadie Deschenes, Diane Kunyk & Shannon D. Scott - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (1):156-169.
    The global pandemic has intensified the risk of moral distress due to increased demands on already limited human resources and uncertainty of the pandemic’s trajectory. Nurses commonly experience moral distress: a conflict between the morally correct action and what they are required or capable of doing. Effective moral distress interventions are rare. For this reason, our team conducted a multi-phase research study to develop a moral distress intervention for pediatric critical care nurses. In this article, we discuss our multi-phase approach (...)
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    The Structure of Character Strengths: Variable- and Person-Centered Approaches.Małgorzata Najderska & Jan Cieciuch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  46. Contested Concept of Sustainability.Małgorzata A. Dereniowska - 2012 - Environment, Space, Place 4 (2):25-62.
    This article argues that sustainability is essentially a contested concept that not only cannot be sufficiently defined in a one-forall blueprint, but requires a new mode of self-actualization of human potential in dialogical, cooperative learning processes. Inherent aporias and their ethical implications are illustrated by an analysis of the mainstream interpretation of the sustainability concept in the context of the relationship between the logic of accumulation and improvement and insatiable human desires as off-springs of a deeper ontological transformation of modernity. (...)
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    Ludwik Fleck-Thought Collectives and Thought Styles.Wojciech Sady - 2001 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 74:197-206.
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    Sacrilegious Theft in First-Millennium BCE Babylonia.Małgorzata Sandowicz - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (4):739-763.
    Scholars have long wrestled with the question of why the Laws of Hammurabi provide two different sanctions for the theft of temple (and palace) property: the death penalty (§6) and thirtyfold restitution (§8). While reviewing Neo- and Late Babylonian evidence on sacrilegious theft, this paper argues that Babylonian law neatly distinguished between the theft of sacred objects and the theft of nonsacred temple property, which incurred different penalties, corresponding to those that §6 and §8 of the Laws of Hammurabi impose. (...)
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    Quanta appeared not in Max Planck’s mind, but on paper.Wojciech Sady - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (3):521-529.
    If our thinking is socially conditioned, then how, at the end of 1900, did Max Planck, whose thinking was shaped by classical mechanics, manage to think that energy is quantized? After all, the idea was incommensurable with the principles of Newton’s mechanics. My thesis is that Planck did not intend to think about it. Trying to reconcile the time reversibility of the laws of mechanics with the time irreversibility of the laws of classical thermodynamics, he was constantly thinking according to (...)
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  50. Modele semantyczne w filozofii nauk empirycznych po pół wieku. Cz. I. Filozoficzne wątpliwości.Małgorzata Czarnocka - 2010 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 46 (184):205-230.
    W artykule analizowane są z filozoficznej perspektywy niezdaniowe semantyczne koncepcje nauk empirycznych, głównie ich najnowsza, to jest strukturalistyczna wersja. Dowodzi się, że strukturaliści wielorako interpretują swe fundamentalne kategorie: modelu, teorii empirycznej oraz relacji spełniania, przy czym niektóre interpretacje są niespójne ze swą wyjściową bazą, to jest logiczną teorią modeli. Konstruując koncepcję teorii empirycznej, strukturaliści dokonują szczególnie rozumianej transgresji logicznej teorii modeli.
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