Results for 'Mauro L. Baranzini'

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  1.  10
    Resources, Production and Structural Dynamics.Mauro L. Baranzini, Claudia Rotondi & Roberto Scazzieri (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Economists since the First Industrial Revolution have been interested in the links between economic growth and resources, often pointing to resource scarcities as a hindrance to growth. Offering a counter perspective, this volume highlights the positive role that scarcities can play in inducing technical progress and economic growth. It outlines a structural framework for the political economy of scarcity and rents, and offers a novel way of organizing the evidence concerning the role of resources in industrial growth. This book proposes (...)
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    Comments on Thomas Kuhn’s Philosophy of Language.Mauro L. Condé - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):373-378.
    Thomas Kuhn is mostly known for his contributions to the philosophy of science. However, it was chiefly to investigations in philosophy of language that he dedicated the last part of his career. The aim of this paper is to present a systematic view of Kuhn’s main ideas on this subject. I start by describing his theory of concept, in particular what he says about kind terms. Such terms, acquired in blocks that form contrast sets or “taxonomies,” are learned through ostensible (...)
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    What Wittgenstein’s ‘Grammar’ Is Not. On Garver, Baker and Hacker, and Hacker on Wittgenstein on ‘Grammar’.Mauro L. Engelmann - 2011 - Wittgenstein-Studien 2 (1):71-102.
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    The Faces of ‘Necessity’, Perspicuous Representation, and the Irreligious “Cult of the Useful”: The Spenglerian Background to the First Set of Remarks on Frazer.Mauro L. Engelmann - 2016 - In Aidan Seery, Josef G. F. Rothhaupt & Lars Albinus (eds.), Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Frazer: The Text and the Matter. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 129-174.
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  5. L'amicizia come compimento di umanità nel 'De spirituali amicitia' di Aelredo Rievaulx.L. Mauro - 1974 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 66 (1):89.
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  6. Sapienza filosofica e sapienza rivelata nell’«Octavius» di Minucio Felice.L. Mauro - 1975 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 4 (3-4):273-327.
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  7. C. FRANCAVILLA, "Igiene dello spirito".L. Mauro - 1975 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 67:842.
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  8. Die Bedeutung der Philosophie-geschichte: Wilhelm Weischedel als Philosophie-Historiker.L. Mauro - 1994 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 41 (3):546-559.
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  9. Cristo nel pensiero di Spinoza.L. Mauro - 1977 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 6 (4):789-809.
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  10. E. TRAVERSO, "Montaigne e Aristotele".L. Mauro - 1975 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 67:845.
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    Wittgenstein's New Method and Russell's The Analysis of Mind.Mauro L. Engelmann - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37:283-311.
    I argue that Wittgenstein’s engagement with Russell’s The Analysis of Mind was crucial for the development of his new method. First, I show that Wittgenstein’s criticism of the causal theory of meaning (namely: that it generates an infinite regress and that it does not determine the depiction of a fact) is motivated by its incompatibility with the pictorial conception of language. Second, I show that in reacting against that theory he comes to invent the calculus conception of language. Third, I (...)
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  12. Sychnoiton-logon, heuristics and dialectics in plato'gorgia'.L. Mauro - 1984 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 13 (4):429-447.
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    (1 other version)O que é o Big Typescript ?Mauro L. Engelmann - 2009 - Doispontos 6 (1).
    Neste artigo começo por argumentar que devemos ver o Big Typescript como algo muito diferente de um livro planejado para a publicação. Ele deve ser tomado meramente como uma coleção de observações, que expressam a concepção de Wittgenstein de “gramática” por volta de 1932-33, quando as observações foram reunidas. Em seguida, explico a concepção substancial de “gramática” do BT. Espero tornar claro, nesta segunda parte, que o BT e o Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus são próximos no sentido de que partilham a idéia (...)
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  14. Wittgenstein on sentence-hypotheses and certainty.Mauro L. Engelmann - 2018 - In David G. Stern (ed.), Wittgenstein in the 1930s: Between the Tractatus and the Investigations. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Stefano Gattei Thomas Kuhn’s Linguistic Turn and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism: Incommensurability, Rationality, and the Search for Truth. [REVIEW]Mauro L. Condé - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (2):312-320.
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  16. A. CAMPODONICO, "Filosofia dell'esperienza ed epistemologia della fede in Robert Boyle". [REVIEW]L. Mauro - 1980 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 72:384.
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    A Theory of Wealth Distribution and Accumulation.Mauro Baranzini - 1991 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume provides the micro-foundations of a macroeconomic theory of income distribution and of the accumulation and distribution of wealth. Baranzini surveys current literature on the subject, before going on to make his own contribution by presenting a new model. He examines the laws which regulate the accumulation of inter-generational wealth and life-cycle savings of families or dynasties, both in a deterministic and stochastic context. The mechanisms which may lead to the generation and coexistence of different socio-economic classes are (...)
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    The Economic Theory of Structure and Change.Mauro Baranzini & Roberto Scazzieri (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume, first published in 1991, represents a wide-ranging inquiry into the general field of structural economic analysis and provides a thorough appraisal of the method of economic dynamics. It comprises nine original essays by distinguished scholars, all of which assess different aspects of the concept of economic structure. The analytical contribution of the volume is to draw attention to the relationship between 'horizontal' and 'vertical' treatments of economic structure that have characterized economic theory. The former focuses on the circular (...)
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    Contextualiser l’atrocite? Le musee de la memoire et Des droits de l’homme au chili.Mauro Basaure - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):183-207.
    Mauro Basaure Cet article cherche à innover dans le cadre de la controverse sur le musée de la Mémoire et des Droits de l’homme du Chili : devrait-il ou non intégrer dans sa muséographie la période antérieure au 11 septembre 1973, c’est-à-dire le contexte du coup d’État? Je défends la thèse selon laquelle le MMDH peut intégrer une dimension contextuelle sans trahir sa mission, sa vision et sa fonction, tant qu’il répond à une approche de la notion de contexte-sans-causalité. (...)
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    A New Perspective on Objectivity and Conventionalism.Antigone M. Nounou, Mauro Dorato, Sebastian Lutz, Talal A. Debs, Michael L. G. Redhead & Stephan Hartmann - 2010 - Metascience 19 (1):3-27.
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    Franz Brentano et l’« inexistence intentionnelle ».Mauro Antonelli - 2009 - Philosophiques 36 (2):467-487.
    La thèse de l’« inexistence intentionnelle » formulée par Brentano a été traditionnellement interprétée comme une théorie de la « relation intentionnelle », autrement dit de la relation entre l’acte mental et son « objet immanent » ou « intentionnel », c’est-à-dire interne à la conscience. Se fondant sur la lecture du fameux passage sur l’intentionnalité de la Psychologie du point de vue empirique , le présent article démontre que l’interprétation ontologique de la théorie de l’intentionnalité du premier Brentano est (...)
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  22. L'attualismo come progetto culturale. La fondazione e la direzione del "Giornale critico".Mauro Visentin - 2013 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9 (1):201-235.
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    L'età della benevolenza. Compassione e simpatia nel lungo Settecento britannico.Mauro Simonazzi - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    L'analyse de la réception et la recherche sur les médias.Mauro Wolf - 1993 - Hermes 11:275.
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    L'idea di degenerazione nel pensiero di Rousseau.Mauro Simonazzi - 2015 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 70 (1):49-63.
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  26. L'evento dell'11 settembre 2001: quando iniziò il XXI secolo.Mauro Carbone - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Oltre l'infinito: storia della potenza dal sacro alla tecnica.Mauro Magatti - 2018 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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    The incompleteness of each tradition: Toward an ethic of complexity (l'incompiutezza di ogni tradizione: Verso un'etica Della complessita).Mauro Ceruti & Telmo Pievani - 2005 - World Futures 61 (4):291 – 306.
    This article addresses the power of human technologies to wreak destruction on a planetary scale, such as genetic manipulation and weapons of mass destruction. It proposes the need for a new ethic that would be planetary in scale. Its central aim would be to include the great historical and contemporary diversity of human cognitive and epistemological experience. An "ethic of complexity" can weave together the threads of our common heritage. Although humanity's evolutionary past has been shown to be quite diverse, (...)
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  29.  12
    L'empreinte du visuel: Merleau-Ponty et les images aujourd'hui.Mauro Carbone (ed.) - 2013 - Genève: MētisPresses.
    Toujours déjà expressif, habité par la dimension du langage au moment même de l'expérience, le "visuel" est un champ à part entière où se croisent réel et imaginaire, et donc une nouvelle forme de compréhension de notre rapport au monde. En ce sens, les derniers travaux de Merleau-Ponty, par leur réflexion sur la question du visuel, remettent en cause la plupart des catégories par lesquelles nous avons coutume de "nommer" notre rapport au monde. Cette problématique se révèle particulièrement importante aujourd'hui. (...)
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  30. List of Contents: Volume 12, Number 3, June 1999.Jose L. SaÂnchez-GoÂmez, Jesus Unturbe, Ciprian Dariescu, Marina-Aura Dariescu, Rotationally Symmetric, Fabio Cardone, Mauro Francaviglia, Roberto Mignani, Energy-Dependent Phenomenological Metrics & Five-Dimensional Einstein - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (10).
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  31. L'uomo in cammino verso-: l'attesa e la speranza in Gabriel Marcel.Mauro Cozzoli - 1979 - Roma: ABETE.
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    L′Offerta di Plutarco. Teologia e filosofia nel De E apud Delphos.Mauro Bonazzi - 2008 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 152 (2):205-211.
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  33. Bradley, I. 40 Bronfenbrenner, M. 203, 206 Brown, A. 206 Brueckner, AL 168.J. E. Cairnes, A. Assiter, M. Baranzini, P. Bardhan, A. Barten, K. Basu, T. L. Beauchamp, M. Bernal, K. Bharadwaj & M. Black - 1999 - In Steve Fleetwood (ed.), Critical realism in economics: development and debate. New York: Routledge.
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  34. L'eidos européen: une approche transcendantale autour de la question de la construction européenne.Mauro Pedruzzi - 2011 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 109 (1):27-50.
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    Cosa c'entra l'anima con gli atomi?: introduzione alla filosofia della scienza.Mauro Dorato - 2007 - Roma: Laterza.
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    L¿ interpretazione del pensiero patristico e medievale.Letterio Mauro - 2005 - Filosofia Oggi 28 (109):59-72.
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  37. L'Esistenzialismo ieri e oggi.Mauro Trentadue - 2018 - In Emanuele Carini (ed.), L'esistenzialismo ieri e oggi. [Milan]: Farina editore.
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    résumé: Chair: Pour l’histoire d’un malentendu.Mauro Carbone - 2002 - Chiasmi International 4:62-63.
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    Contro l'ideologia del merito.Mauro Boarelli - 2019 - Bari: GLF editori Laterza.
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    Il sensibile e l'eccedente: mondo estetico, arte, pensiero.Mauro Carbone - 1996 - Milano: Guerini studio.
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    La parola e l'enigma: un'interpretazione dell'etica di Aristotele.Mauro Nobile - 2002 - Roma: Carocci.
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    Ripensare l'università nella società della conoscenza.Mauro Ceruti - 2011 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 24 (1):17-26.
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  43. Merleau-Ponty. L'héritage contemporain, Chiasmi International, n° 1.Mauro Carbone & Douglas Low - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (4):459-461.
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    Il sorriso segreto dell'essere: oltre l'illusione dell'io e della ricerca spirituale.Mauro Bergonzi - 2011 - Milano: Oscar Mondadori.
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    Uno spettro informe: Edmund Burke e l'"invenzione" della democrazia.Mauro Lenci - 2018 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Pistorius, l’estetica e il rovesciamento del platonismo.Mauro Carbone - 2008 - Chiasmi International 10:35-44.
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  47. Contro la rappresentazione sensibile: Plutarco tra l'Academia e il platonismo.Mauro Bonazzi - 2004 - Elenchos 25 (1):41-71.
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  48. Gli universali strutturali di Lewis e l'unità della definizione in Aristotele.Mauro Mariani - 2007 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 18:51-69.
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    Disinformazione scientifica e democrazia: la competenza dell'esperto e l'autonomia del cittadino.Mauro Dorato - 2019 - Milano: Raffaello Cortina editore.
  50. L'estetica nel diritto.Mauro Dell'Ambrogio - 1978 - Bellinzona: Edizioni Casagrande.
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