Results for 'Mauricio Pilatowski'

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  1.  19
    Walter Benjamin Y su lectura Del futuro a contrapelo.Mauricio Pilatowsky - 2012 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 33 (107).
    El presente artículo pretende mostrar una problemática actual de los medios de comunicación virtuales en donde la información de las personas es utilizada para fines de control y vigilancia y para estudios convenientes en el mercado y la producción. Esta situación es analizada a partir de Walter Benjamin y el Marx de Benjamin. Partiendo del análisis de la categoría de superestructura dentro del capitalismo, y un corto análisis del arte y el cine, se va a mostrar el culto por la (...)
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  2. Sigmund Freud.Mauricio Pilatowsky - 2015 - In Alberto Sucasas, Emmanuel Taub & Luis Ignacio García (eds.), Pensamiento judío contemporáneo. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
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    Hanna Arendt and the Theoretical Elaboration of her own Exile.Mauricio Pilatowsky - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (12):41-68.
    One cannot separate the material exile suffered by Hannah Arendt from the way she transformed it into one of the central themes of her thought. In her specific case, this topic meant a recount of her experiences. The contribution of this exceptional thinker was the outcome of the elaboration of her heartbreaking experience in universal terms. In this paper, we will join her on her journey through different places and moments in order to give sense to her situation as an (...)
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    Reseña de "Concepto y problema de Dios: Una reflexión filosófica" de Francisco Piñón et al. (coords.).Mauricio Pilatowski - 2001 - Signos Filosóficos 5:249-254.
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  5. Memoria, identidad y sujeto. Debate sobre el Moisés de Freud.Mauricio Pilatowsky - 2010 - In María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo (eds.), Claves actuales de pensamiento. Madrid: CSIC/Plaza y Valdés. pp. 93--106.
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    Eric Hobsbawm y su lectura marxista de la historia.Mauricio Pilatowsky - 2014 - Isegoría 50:253-268.
    En este ensayo se presenta un breve estudio de las aportaciones del historiador Eric Hobsbawm en el campo de la historia y de sus posturas marxistas; tanto en su trabajo académico como en su práctica política. El análisis incluye una revisión de su biografía ya que según el autor los investigadores y su manera de investigar responden a las circunstancias que les toca vivir. Desde esta perspectiva se aborda su interpretación de Marx y del marxismo, su forma de entender la (...)
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    Alberto Sucasas, Shoah. El campo fuera de campo. Cine y pensamiento en Claude Lanzmann, Encuadre Shangrila, Madrid, 2018, 459 pp. [REVIEW]Mauricio Pilatowsky Braverman - 2020 - Dianoia 65 (84):201-207.
    Resumen Me propongo aclarar la noción de “fenómeno” de Jean-Luc Marion y su relación con la categoría de “fenómeno saturado”. Para ello discutiré las interpretaciones de algunos comentaristas que advierten tensiones entre la primera y la segunda tópica del fenómeno.I aim to clarify Jean-Luc Marion’s notion of “phenomenon” and its relationship with the category of “saturated phenomenon”. To this end I discuss the interpretations of some commentators who point out tensions between the first and the second topic of the phenomenon (...)
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    The Pursuit of an Implication for the Logics L3A and L3B.Alejandro Hernández-Tello, José Arrazola Ramírez & Mauricio Osorio Galindo - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (4):507-524.
    The authors of Beziau and Franceschetto work with logics that have the property of not satisfying any of the formulations of the principle of non contradiction, Béziau and Franceschetto also analyze, among the three-valued logics, which of these logics satisfy this property. They prove that there exist only four of such logics, but only two of them are worthwhile to study. The language of these logics does not consider implication as a connective. However, the enrichment of a language with an (...)
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    A articulação de contextos curriculares e o uso de tecnologias digitais na construção de uma plataforma de Ciência Aberta.Elizabeth Cardoso, Diana Navas, Fábio Roberto Lucas & Maurício Pedro da Silva - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (4):e62282p.
    ABSTRACT This article1 reports an ongoing experience involving the application of research to teaching that articulates various disciplines and curricular contexts within a Post-graduate Program in Literature and Literary Criticism. Through the use of active teaching-learning methodologies and digital information and communication technologies, we seek to put some core dilemmas of literary studies into dialogue with notions and practices of open science. Throughout this process, we laid the groundwork for a digital platform that would bring together the results of research (...)
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    Salut gnostique et métaphysique plotinienne.Jean-Marc Narbonne, Francis Lacroix, Mauricio Pagotto Marsola & Zeke Mazur - 2022 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Le recueil Salut gnostique et métaphysique plotinienne contient cinq études portant sur les relations entre Plotin et différents courants gnostiques, plus particulièrement celui des séthiens platonisants. L’ouvrage est le résultat de rencontres et de discussions intervenues entre les auteurs, mais aussi de la volonté de poursuivre la réflexion entamée par Zeke Mazur sur ce sujet à la suite de son décès en 2016. Les articles de ce recueil cherchent à relier entre elles plusieurs idées de même nature que l’on découvre (...)
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    Diversidad e Inclusión: Experiencias Biográficas y Cuestionamiento a la Formación Inicial Docente.Roberto Leiva, Constanza Herrera, Mauricio Núñez & Camila Gallego - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-17.
    La formación inicial docente resulta clave para una educación inclusiva. Sin embargo, esta formación suele orientarse por estándares de la política y estar desvinculada de las experiencias de sus actores. Mediante un estudio de caso de un programa de Pedagogía en Artes Visuales chileno, se interrogan las propuestas formativas a partir de experiencias biográficas de formadores y profesores en formación. Se describen aspectos no considerados sobre la concepción de diversidad e inclusión, la corporalidad, la identidad y la autonomía docente. Asimismo, (...)
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  12. An inferential conception of scientific representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):767-779.
    This paper defends an inferential conception of scientific representation. It approaches the notion of representation in a deflationary spirit, and minimally characterizes the concept as it appears in science by means of two necessary conditions: its essential directionality and its capacity to allow surrogate reasoning and inference. The conception is defended by showing that it successfully meets the objections that make its competitors, such as isomorphism and similarity, untenable. In addition the inferential conception captures the objectivity of the cognitive representations (...)
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    Neoliberalism, the Financial Crisis and the End of the Liberal State.Mauricio Lazzarato - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):67-83.
    The article turns to Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of state capitalism and their theorization of money and debt in their critique of capitalism to develop an analysis of the governmental management of the current crisis determined by ordo- and neoliberalism. The paper argues that analyses which fail to properly recognize the power of capital to determine both state apparatuses and economic policy thereby fail to grasp the real functioning of money, debt and the Euro in the crisis and end up (...)
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    A note on ontology localization.Philipp Cimiano, Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Paul Buitelaar, Mauricio Espinoza & Asunción Gómez-Pérez - 2010 - Applied ontology 5 (2):127-137.
    We revisit the notion of ontology localization, propose a new definition and clearly specify the layers of an ontology that can be affected by the process of localizing it. We also work out a numbe...
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  15. Control de un sistema arco-esfera mediante sistemas difusos.Alfonso Alzate Gómez, Andrés Escobar Mejía & Mauricio Holguín Londoño - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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    Algoritmo de búsqueda tabú aplicado a la solución del problema de corte bidimensional guillotinado.Toro Ocampo, Eliana Mirledy, Augusto César Rueda Medina & Mauricio Granada Echeverri - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Aplicación de redes neuronales probabilísticas en la detección de fallas incipientes en transformadores.Sandra Milena Pérez Londoño, Juan Mauricio Cadena & Juan Andrés Cadena - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  18. Science without Laws.Mauricio Suárez - 2002 - Mind 111 (441):111-114.
    1Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol, 9 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TB, UKScience Without Laws Ronald Giere Chicago, IL University of Chicago Press 1999 x + 285 Hardback£17.50.
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    Philosophy of Probability and Statistical Modelling.Mauricio Suárez - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element has two main aims. The first one is an historically informed review of the philosophy of probability. It describes recent historiography, lays out the distinction between subjective and objective notions, and concludes by applying the historical lessons to the main interpretations of probability. The second aim focuses entirely on objective probability, and advances a number of novel theses regarding its role in scientific practice. A distinction is drawn between traditional attempts to interpret chance, and a novel methodological study (...)
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    The role of models in the application of scientific theories: epistemological implications.Mauricio Suárez - 1999 - In Mary S. Morgan & Margaret Morrison (eds.), Models as Mediators: Perspectives on Natural and Social Science. Cambridge University Press.
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  21. (1 other version)Scientific representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (1):91-101.
    Scientific representation is a currently booming topic, both in analytical philosophy and in history and philosophy of science. The analytical inquiry attempts to come to terms with the relation between theory and world; while historians and philosophers of science aim to develop an account of the practice of model building in the sciences. This article provides a review of recent work within both traditions, and ultimately argues for a practice-based account of the means employed by scientists to effectively achieve representation (...)
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  22.  15
    El Principio de Cierre Lógico Del Conocimiento y El Escepticismo.Mauricio Zuluaga Cardona - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 35:99-112.
    Los desarrollos actuales del escepticismo moderno han representado unresurgimiento de algunas de los problemas presentados por Descartes en laPrimera Meditación. Dentro de estos desarrollos son de especial interés lasreconstrucciones del escepticismo cartesiano apoyadas en el principio decierre lógico bajo implicación conocida del concepto. Estas reconstruccionespermiten desembarazar al escepticismo cartesiano de presupuestosontológicos y metafísicos y permiten, además, ver cierta continuidad conel escepticismo pirrónico. El objetivo de este artículo es el de ofrecer unareconstrucción del escepticismo cartesiano de la Primera Meditaciónapoyado en el (...)
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  23. La narración en la enseñanza de la ética.Mauricio Zabala Hernández & Milton Fernando Dionicio Lozano - 2024 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36 (2):430-443.
    El presente texto tiene por objetivo cuestionar el modo habitual en el que se enseña la ética, y apoyar el uso de las narraciones como una herramienta pedagógica importante en la formación moral. Dado que la ética busca menos la adquisición de unos conocimientos y más una disposición a la acción, bien pudiera servirse de formatos narrativos para desarrollar la sensibilidad debida para la construcción de ciudadanos reflexivos, críticos y empáticos. Al fin y al cabo, la naturaleza antropológica de los (...)
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    The role of models in the application of scientific theories: epistemological implications.Mauricio Suárez - 1999 - In Mary S. Morgan & Margaret Morrison (eds.), Models as Mediators: Perspectives on Natural and Social Science. Cambridge University Press.
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  25. Scientific representation: Against similarity and isomorphism.Mauricio Suárez - 2003 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 17 (3):225-244.
    I argue against theories that attempt to reduce scientific representation to similarity or isomorphism. These reductive theories aim to radically naturalize the notion of representation, since they treat scientist's purposes and intentions as non-essential to representation. I distinguish between the means and the constituents of representation, and I argue that similarity and isomorphism are common but not universal means of representation. I then present four other arguments to show that similarity and isomorphism are not the constituents of scientific representation. I (...)
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  26. The many Metaphysics within Physics. Essay review of 'The Metaphysics within Physics' by Tim Maudlin.Mauricio Suárez - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (3):273-276.
    Essay Review of Tim Maudlin's "The Metaphysics within Physics", Oxford University Press, 2007.
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  27. Review. Norton M Wise (ed). The values of precision.Mauricio Suárez - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (3):483-486.
  28. Quantum propensities.Mauricio Suárez - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (2):418-438.
    This paper reviews four attempts throughout the history of quantum mechanics to explicitly employ dispositional notions in order to solve the quantum paradoxes, namely: Margenau's latencies, Heisenberg's potentialities, Maxwell's propensitons, and the recent selective propensities interpretation of quantum mechanics. Difficulties and challenges are raised for all of them, and it is concluded that the selective propensities approach nicely encompasses the virtues of its predecessors. Finally, some strategies are discussed for reading similar dispositional notions into two other well-known interpretations of quantum (...)
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  29. Propensities and Pragmatism.Mauricio Suárez - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (2):61-92.
    : This paper outlines a genuinely pragmatist conception of propensity, and defends it against common objections to the propensity interpretation of probability, prominently Humphreys’ paradox. The paper reviews the paradox and identifies one of its key assumptions, the identity thesis, according to which propensities are probabilities. The identity thesis is also involved in empiricist propensity interpretations deriving from Popper’s influential original proposal, and makes such interpretations untenable. As an alternative, I urge a return to Charles Peirce’s original insights on probabilistic (...)
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    Informative Models: Idealization and Abstraction.Mauricio Suárez & Agnes Bolinska - 2021 - In Alejandro Cassini & Juan Redmond (eds.), Models and Idealizations in Science: Artifactual and Fictional Approaches. Springer Verlag. pp. 71-85.
    Mauricio Suárez and Agnes Bolinska apply the tools of communication theory to scientific modeling in order to characterize the informational content of a scientific model. They argue that when represented as a communication channel, a model source conveys information about its target, and that such representations are therefore appropriate whenever modeling is employed for informational gain. They then extract two consequences. First, the introduction of idealizations is akin in informational terms to the introduction of noise in a signal; for (...)
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  31. Deflationary representation, inference, and practice.Mauricio Suárez - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 49 (C):36-47.
    This paper defends the deflationary character of two recent views regarding scientific representation, namely RIG Hughes’ DDI model and the inferential conception. It is first argued that these views’ deflationism is akin to the homonymous position in discussions regarding the nature of truth. There, we are invited to consider the platitudes that the predicate “true” obeys at the level of practice, disregarding any deeper, or more substantive, account of its nature. More generally, for any concept X, a deflationary approach is (...)
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  32. Causal inference in quantum mechanics: A reassessment.Mauricio Suárez - 2007 - In Federica Russo & Jon Williamson (eds.), Causality and Probability in the Sciences. College Publications. pp. 65-106.
    There has been an intense discussion, albeit largely an implicit one, concerning the inference of causal hypotheses from statistical correlations in quantum mechanics ever since John Bell’s first statement of his notorious theorem in 1966. As is well known, its focus has mainly been the so-called Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (“EPR”) thought experiment, and the ensuing observed correlations in real EPR like experiments. But although implicitly the discussion goes as far back as Bell’s work, it is only in the last two decades that (...)
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    Intentionality in John Poinsot.Mauricio Beuchot - 1994 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 68 (3):279-296.
  34. Theories: Tools versus models.Mauricio Suárez & Nancy Cartwright - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (1):62-81.
    In “The Toolbox of Science” (1995) together with Towfic Shomar we advocated a form of instrumentalism about scientific theories. We separately developed this view further in a number of subsequent works. Steven French, James Ladyman, Otavio Bueno and Newton Da Costa (FLBD) have since written at least eight papers and a book criticising our work. Here we defend ourselves. First we explain what we mean in denying that models derive from theory – and why their failure to do so should (...)
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    (1 other version)El fundamento de los derechos humanos en Bartolome de las Casas.Mauricio Beuchot - 1993 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 5 (1-2):4-13.
    El autor intenta mostrar que en la filosofía cristiana de Bartolomé de las Casas sobresalen la afirmación de la dignidad del hombre y la fundamentación que en ella reciben los derechosnaturales o humanos. Las Casas reconoce esa dignidad en los indios tanto por motivos escolásticos como renacentistas y toda su labor en la defensa de los derechos de los indios y de los españoles era en realidad una labor dedicada a la teorización y defensa práctica de los derechos del hombre. (...)
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  36. Bohmian dispositions.Mauricio Suárez - 2015 - Synthese 192 (10):3203-3228.
    This paper argues for a broadly dispositionalist approach to the ontology of Bohmian mechanics . It first distinguishes the ‘minimal’ and the ‘causal’ versions of Bohm’s theory, and then briefly reviews some of the claims advanced on behalf of the ‘causal’ version by its proponents. A number of ontological or interpretive accounts of the wave function in BM are then addressed in detail, including configuration space, multi-field, nomological, and dispositional approaches. The main objection to each account is reviewed, namely the (...)
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  37. Quantum Selections, Propensities and the Problem of Measurement.Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (2):219-255.
    This paper expands on, and provides a qualified defence of, Arthur Fine's selective interactions solution to the measurement problem. Fine's approach must be understood against the background of the insolubility proof of the quantum measurement. I first defend the proof as an appropriate formal representation of the quantum measurement problem. The nature of selective interactions, and more generally selections, is then clarified, and three arguments in their favour are offered. First, selections provide the only known solution to the measurement problem (...)
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  38. Scientific fictions as rules of inference.Mauricio Suárez - 2008 - In Mauricio Suárez (ed.), Fictions in Science: Philosophical Essays on Modeling and Idealization. New York: Routledge. pp. 158--178.
  39. Fictions, inference and realism.Mauricio Suárez - 2010 - In John Woods (ed.), Fictions and Models: New Essays. Philosophia.
    Abstract: It is often assumed without argument that fictionalism in the philosophy of science contradicts scientific realism. This paper is a critical analysis of this assumption. The kind of fictionalism that is at present discussed in philosophy of science is characterised, and distinguished from fictionalism in other areas. A distinction is then drawn between forms of fictional representation, and two competing accounts of fiction in science are discussed. I then outline explicitly what I take to be the argument for the (...)
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  40. (1 other version)On the analogy between cognitive representation and truth.Mauricio Suárez & Albert Solé - 2006 - Theoria 21 (1):39-48.
    In this paper we claim that the notion of cognitive representation (and scientific representation in particular) is irreducibly plural. By means of an analogy with the minimalist conception of truth, we show thatthis pluralism is compatible with a generally deflationary attitude towards representation. We then explore the extent and nature of representational pluralism by discussing the positive and negative analogies between the inferential conception of representation advocated by one of us and the minimalist conception of truth.
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    Chemical Reactivity: The Propensity View.Mauricio Suárez & Pedro J. Sánchez-Gómez - unknown
    We argue for an account of chemical reactivities as chancy propensities, in accordance with the ‘complex nexus of chance’ defended by one of us in the past (Suárez, 2017, 2020). Reactivities are typically quantified as proportions, and an expression such as “A + B → C” does not entail that under the right conditions some amounts of A and B react to give the amount of C that theoretically would correspond to the stoichiometry of the reaction. Instead, what is produced (...)
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  42. Depersonalization: A selective impairment of self-awareness.Mauricio Sierra & Anthony S. David - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (1):99-108.
    Depersonalization is characterised by a profound disruption of self-awareness mainly characterised by feelings of disembodiment and subjective emotional numbing.It has been proposed that depersonalization is caused by a fronto-limbic suppressive mechanism – presumably mediated via attention – which manifests subjectively as emotional numbing, and disables the process by which perception and cognition normally become emotionally coloured, giving rise to a subjective feeling of ‘unreality’.Our functional neuroimaging and psychophysiological studies support the above model and indicate that, compared with normal and clinical (...)
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  43. The ample modelling mind.Mauricio Suárez - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (1):213-217.
  44. The Representational Semantic Conception.Mauricio Suárez & Francesca Pero - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (2):344-365.
    This paper argues for a representational semantic conception of scientific theories, which respects the bare claim of any semantic view, namely that theories can be characterised as sets of models. RSC must be sharply distinguished from structural versions that assume a further identity of ‘models’ and ‘structures’, which we reject. The practice-turn in the recent philosophical literature suggests instead that modelling must be understood in a deflationary spirit, in terms of the diverse representational practices in the sciences. These insights are (...)
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  45. On quantum propensities: Two arguments revisited.Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (1):1-16.
    Peter Milne and Neal Grossman have argued against Popper's propensity interpretation of quantum mechanics, by appeal to the two-slit experiment and to the distinction between mixtures and superpositions, respectively. In this paper I show that a different propensity interpretation successfully meets their objections. According to this interpretation, the possession of a quantum propensity by a quantum system is independent of the experimental set-ups designed to test it, even though its manifestations are not.
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    Ecos sobre o Fim e a Terra Nenhuma como destino próximo: Resenha de um Quase Manifesto.Maurício Fernandes - 2020 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 11 (24):226-230.
    Resenha do livro: OLIVEIRA, Jelson; VASCONCELOS, Thiago; FROGNEUX, Nathalie. Terra Nenhuma: Ecopornografia e Responsabilidade. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS, 2020, pp. 64.
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    El laboratorio de Foucault: descifrar y ordenar.Mauricio Jalón - 1994 - Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
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    What Is Wrong with Laughing? Faulty Laughter as a Case of Negligent Omission.Mauricio Lecón - 2022 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 3 (1):209-222.
    In most academic works laughter is praised because of its social, religious, and psychological benefits. However, when laughter’s morality has been historically discussed it usually has been condemned. To assign human responsibility to the act of laughing, it must be acknowledged as voluntary. However, studies indicate that laughter is not a voluntary action, but rather a neurophysiological reaction. If this is so, there is no basis on which to ground the moral relevance of laughter. In this article, I will put (...)
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    De la abolición de la esclavitud a la prohibición de drogas. Historia de una paradoja.Mauricio Gómez Sañudo - 2020 - Revista Filosofía Uis 20 (1):113-131.
    En el presente ensayo se aborda la relación existente entre la causa internacional por la abolición de la esclavitud que fuera liderada por el imperio británico en el siglo XIX y la lucha mundial contra las drogas promovida por los EE.UU. desde el siglo XX, puesto que en cada caso estas dos naciones pudieron imponer al resto del mundo su liderazgo moral y su agenda geopolítica. Además se destaca la forma en la que se asimila la adicción a las drogas (...)
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    Van Fraassen's long journey from isomorphism to use.Mauricio Suárez - unknown
    Review of Bas Van Fraassen, Scientific Representation, Oxford University Press, 2008.
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