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  1.  71
    On the interpretation of the relativistic quantum mechanics with invariant evolution parameter.Matej Pavšič - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (9):1005-1019.
    The relativistic quantum mechanics with Lorentz-invariant evolution parameter and indefinite mass is a very elegant theory. But it cannot be derived by quantizing the usual classical relativity in which there is the mass-shell constraint. In this paper the classical theory is modified so that it remains Lorentz invariant, but the constraint disappears; mass is no longer fixed—it is an arbitrary constant of motion. The quantization of this unconstrained theory gives the relativistic quantum mechanics in which wave functions are localized and (...)
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  2.  96
    On the resolution of time problem in quantum gravity induced from unconstrained membranes.Matej Pavšič - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (2):159-195.
    The relativistic theory of unconstrained p-dimensional membranes (p-branes) is further developed and then applied to the embedding model of induced gravity. Space-time is considered as a 4-dimensional unconstrained membrane evolving in an N-dimensional embedding space. The parameter of evolution or the evolution time τ is a distinct concept from the coordinate time t=x0. Quantization of the theory is also discussed. A covariant functional Schrödinger equation has a solution for the wave functional such that it is sharply localized in a certain (...)
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  3. Clifford-Algebra Based Polydimensional Relativity and Relativistic Dynamics.Matej Pavšič - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (8):1185-1209.
    Starting from the geometric calculus based on Clifford algebra, the idea that physical quantities are Clifford aggregates (“polyvectors”) is explored. A generalized point particle action (“polyvector action”) is proposed. It is shown that the polyvector action, because of the presence of a scalar (more precisely a pseudoscalar) variable, can be reduced to the well known, unconstrained, Stueckelberg action which involves an invariant evolution parameter. It is pointed out that, starting from a different direction, DeWitt and Rovelli postulated the existence of (...)
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  4.  88
    The embedding model of induced gravity with bosonic sources.Matej Pavšic - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (11):1495-1518.
    We consider a theory in which spacetime is a 4-dimensional manifold V4 embedded in an N-dimensional space VN. The dynamics is given by a first-order action which is a straightforward generalization of the well-known Nambu-Gotto string action. Instead of the latter action we then consider an equivalent action, a generalization of the Howe-Tucker action, which is a functional of the (extrinsic) embedding variables ηa(x) and of the (intrinsic) induced metric gυv (x) on V4. In the quantized theory we can define (...)
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  5.  62
    Formulation of a Relativistic Theory without Constraints.Matej Pavšič - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (9):1443-1451.
    A relativistic, i.e., Lorentz co-variant theory without constraints is formulated. This is possible if we allow the dynamical variables to depend on an invariant parameter τ. Thus we obtain a dynamical theory in spacetime, called relativistic dynamics. First the case of a point particle, and then of extended objects such as membranes of arbitrary dimensions are considered.
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  6.  64
    Parametrized Field Theory.Matej Pavšič - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (9):1453-1464.
    A theory is presented in which a field depends not only on spacetime coordinates xμ, but also on a Lorentz-invariant parameter τ. Such a theory is conceptually and technically simple and manifestly covariant at every step. The generator of evolution and the generator of spacetime translations and Lorentz transformations are obtained in a straightforward way. In the quantized theory the Heisenberg equation of motion is written in a covariant form and is equivalent to the field equation. The equal τ commutator (...)
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  7.  44
    Quantum Gravity Induced from Unconstrained Membranes.Matej Pavšič - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (9):1465-1477.
    The theory of unconstrained membranes of arbitrary dimension is presented. Their relativistic dynamics is described by an action which is a generalization of the Stueckelberg point-particle action. In the quantum version of the theory, the evolution of a membrane's state is governed by the relativistic Schrödinger equation. Particular stationary solutions correspond to the conventional, constrained membranes. Contrary to the usual practice, our spacetime is identified, not with the embedding space (which brings the problem of compactification), but with a membrane of (...)
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  8.  34
    Rigid Particle and its Spin Revisited.Matej Pavšič - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (1):40-79.
    The arguments by Pandres that the double valued spherical harmonics provide a basis for the irreducible spinor representation of the three dimensional rotation group are further developed and justified. The usual arguments against the inadmissibility of such functions, concerning hermiticity, orthogonality, behaviour under rotations, etc., are all shown to be related to the unsuitable choice of functions representing the states with opposite projections of angular momentum. By a correct choice of functions and definition of inner product those difficulties do not (...)
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  9.  65
    Clifford Space as a Generalization of Spacetime: Prospects for QFT of Point Particles and Strings. [REVIEW]Matej Pavšič - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (9):1617-1642.
    The idea that spacetime has to be replaced by Clifford space (C-space) is explored. Quantum field theory (QFT) and string theory are generalized to C-space. It is shown how one can solve the cosmological constant problem and formulate string theory without central terms in the Virasoro algebra by exploiting the peculiar pseudo-Euclidean signature of C-space and the Jackiw definition of the vacuum state. As an introduction into the subject, a toy model of the harmonic oscillator in pseudo-Euclidean space is studied.
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