Results for 'Matea Maslov'

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  1.  33
    Glazbene preferencije učenika prema narodnoj glazbi.Snježana Dobrota & Matea Maslov - 2015 - Metodicki Ogledi 22 (1):9-22.
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    Theory of Deductive Systems and Its Applications.S. Iu Maslov, Michael Gelfond & Vladimir Lifschitz - 1987 - MIT Press (MA).
    In a fluent, clear, and lively style this translation by two of Maslov's junior colleagues brings the work of the late Soviet scientist S. Yu. Maslov to a wider audience. Maslov was considered by his peers to be a man of genius who was making fundamental contributions in the fields of automatic theorem proving and computational logic. He published little, and those few papers were regarded as notoriously difficult. This book, however, was written for a broad audience (...)
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    ‘Neither class, nor party’: Paradoxes and transformations of the Russian and Soviet scientific intelligentsia.Kirill Maslov - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (2):111-127.
    The Russian intelligentsia emerged and existed in diversity due to specific political and social conditions within Russian society. The intelligentsia was (and is) more than just a class or group of educated people. The present article is an attempt to give a retrospective interpretation of the Russian intelligentsia and its transformation into the Soviet one in the 1920s, when Vygotsky also was an engaged actor in different programmes. At that time the political was as sharp and critical as the scientific, (...)
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    Reflections on education in John Dewey's philosophy.Matea Subotić & Aleksandra Golubović - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):11-33.
    The question of education is as old as life itself, and its elements, which have been questioned throughout history, still occupy the minds of many pedagogues, psychologists, philosophers and sociologists today. There are many different experts dealing with education, but one name is particularly important, the name that links the notion of contemporary education and education reform – John Dewey. The aim of this paper is to present his theory and its application in the domain of the philosophy of education, (...)
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    Toward an Interpretation of the Symbolism of the Oedipus Myth. Averintsev & Maslov - 2021 - Arion 29 (2):99.
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  6. Perceptual experience and its contents.Josefa Toribio Matea - 2002 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 23 (4):375-392.
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    Critique of the testimonial knowledge from the outsider's point of view: the luck argument and the problem of disagreement.Denis Maslov - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 53 (3):76-82.
    The article considers John Greco's conception of testimonial knowledge that aims to overthrow three sceptical arguments against religious knowledge. Prof. Greco presupposes that a religious community already possesses a true religious belief and its reliability is justified exclusively by means of the reliability of transmission. The author puts this conception into question and presents some sceptical arguments regarding the initial origination of a religious belief and verifying the truth-ness of a religious belief in front of epistemic disagreement problem. In particular, (...)
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    Taĭnyĭ Kod Konfut︠s︡ii︠a︡: chto pytalsi︠a︡ peredatʹ velikiĭ uchitelʹ? = Secret code of Confucius: what great teacher wanted to transmite?A. A. Maslov - 2005 - Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks.
  9.  36
    Epistemic Autonomy, Authority and Trust: In Defense of Zagzebski’s Theory.Denis K. Maslov - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (3):134-148.
    Epistemic authority, according to L. Zagzebski’s theory, is essentially based on deliberative or first-personal reasons, which originate from epistemic admiration. In what follows, I shortly reconstruct her theory and try to defend it against two critical arguments. The first argument calls attention to circular relation of epistemic autonomy and authority. In order to determine the authoritative person for me, I always have to possess epistemic autonomy, which is understood as knowledge in the given domain. Thus I myself have to have (...)
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  10.  15
    Mechanical Proof-Search and the Theory of Logical Deduction in the Ussr.S. J. Maslov, G. E. Mints & V. P. Orevkov - 1971 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 25 (4=98):575-584.
    A survey of works on automatic theorem-proving in the ussr 1964-1970. the philosophical problems are not touched.
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    Republican Liberty and the Pindaric Genealogy of Modern Abstractions.Boris Maslov - 2019 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 14 (1):42-65.
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  12. ""Is there an" Ought" in belief?Josefa Toribio Mateas - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):75-90.
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  13.  30
    Laclau i Mouffe o (ne)mogućnosti društva.Gordan Maslov - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (1):179-190.
    Ovaj tekst ima za svoj cilj teoretski uvod u rad dvoje postmarksističkih teoretičara politike, Ernesta Laclaua i Chantal Mouffe. Fokus je na njihovu zajedničkom radu Hegemonija i socijalistička strategija, pomoću čije se teze o temeljnoj »nemogućnosti društva« stvaraju epistemološke mogućnosti za lakanovsko promišljanje pojmova ideologije, kao i samog pojma ‘Političkog’ ili pojma i definicije ‘Društva’. Autori pokušavaju kroz koncept hegemonije Antonia Gramscija definirati ključno polje za konstrukciju političke zajednice. Njihova se teorija tako stavlja u kontekst i psihoanalitičkog diskursa, no i (...)
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  14.  50
    The Semantics of άοιδός and Related Compounds: Towards a Historical Poetics of Solo Performance in Archaic Greece.Boris Maslov - 2009 - Classical Antiquity 28 (1):1-38.
    The article shows that in the Archaic period the Greeks did not possess a term equivalent to Classical ποιητής “poet-composer.” The principal meaning of the word άοιδός, often claimed to correspond to ποιητής and modern English poet, was “tuneful” or “singer” . The secondary meaning “poet working in the hexameter medium” is limited to the post-Iliadic hexameter corpus. It is furthermore possible to show that the simplex άοιδός was backderived from a compound. More specifically, following Hermann Koller, I propose that (...)
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    The Notions of Will and Action.Denis K. Maslov - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (1):51-57.
    In his response, D. Maslov (1) presents a sketch of a comparative analysis of the notion of ‘will’ in Wittgenstein and Hegel as a response to the initial article by K. Rodin. Despite apparent (but in some ways only seeming) differences, both philosophers show similar anti-metaphysical attitude in their respective analysis. Both regard will not as a metaphysical entity, but in its concrete expression in actions and intentions and conclude that acts of will and intentions can be understood by (...)
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    Eden, A., Bowman, N., & Grizzard, M. (2019). Media entertainment. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. 250 pp. [REVIEW]Matea Mustafaj - 2021 - Communications 46 (2):317-319.
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    Computable approximations of a chainable continuum with a computable endpoint.Zvonko Iljazović & Matea Jelić - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (1):181-201.
    It is known that a semicomputable continuum S in a computable topological space can be approximated by a computable subcontinuum by any given precision under condition that S is chainable and decomposable. In this paper we show that decomposability can be replaced by the assumption that S is chainable from a to b, where a is a computable point.
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    Features of Social Interactions in the Age of Real Virtuality from a Sociological Perspective.Krešimir Peračković, Matea Milak & Luka Strmotić Kuhar - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (2):235-251.
    The aim of this paper is primarily to consider some basic concepts and their meanings related to contemporary social interactions, starting from the classical sociological concepts of social relationship and social interaction, and to see what is changing and what remains the same in the age of networking and “moving” to virtual space. In other words, we want to re-examine their form and content in an age without the necessity of the spatial dimension for a relationship, in which new forms (...)
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  19.  22
    Individual Dispositions and Situational Stressors in Competitive Sport: The Role of Stress Mindset in the Cognitive Appraisals Processes.Dajana Čopec, Matea Karlović Vragolov & Vesna Buško - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Personality has widely been documented to play an important role in the cognitive appraisal and stress processes. Emerging studies highlight the stress mindset as a new concept that could add to the understanding of individual differences in stress experiences. This study aimed to examine the relative contribution of Big Five personality dimensions and stress mindset in accounting for measures of cognitive appraisals of stress among the competing athletes. The study was conducted on a sample of 125 collegiate athletes of both (...)
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    »Sreća je kad tata i ja igramo nogomet« ili o dječjem izricanju emocija.Jelena Vignjević & Matea Brandt - 2017 - Metodicki Ogledi 24 (2):85-106.
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    Invertible sequential variant of constructive predicate calculus.S. Yu Maslov - 1969 - In A. O. Slisenko, Studies in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic. New York,: Consultants Bureau. pp. 36--42.
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    Macroevolution as deduction process.S. Yu Maslov - 1978 - Synthese 39 (3):417 - 434.
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  23. Telesnostʹ cheloveka: ontologicheskiĭ i aksiologicheskiĭ aspekty.R. V. Maslov - 2003 - Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta. Edited by S. F. Martynovich.
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  24. Teorii︠a︡ deduktivnykh sistem i ee primenenii︠a︡.S. I︠U︡ Maslov - 1986 - Moskva: "Radio i svi︠a︡zʹ".
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    Poni︠a︡tii︠a︡, idei, konstrukt︠s︡ii: ocherki sravnitelʹnoĭ istoricheskoĭ semantiki.I︠U︡. I. Kagarlit︠s︡kiĭ, Dmitriĭ Kalugin & B. A. Maslov (eds.) - 2019 - Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
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  26. Slozhnostʹ vychisleniĭ i algoritmov.V. A. Kozmidiadi, [From Old Catalog], A. N. Maslov & N. V. Petri (eds.) - 1974
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    Maslov's inverse method and decidable classes.N. K. Zamov - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 42 (2):165-194.
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    Random models and the Maslov class.Warren Goldfarb - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (2):460-466.
  29.  13
    (1 other version)Maslov S. Ú.. Préobrazovanié proizvol′nyh kanoničéskih isčislénij v kanoničéskié isčisléniá spécial′nyh tipov. Doklady Akadémii Nauk SSSR, vol. 147 , pp. 779–782.Maslov S. Ju.. Transformation of arbitrary canonical calculi into canonical calculi of special types. English translation of the preceding by Gdss R. N.. Soviet mathematics, vol. 3 no. 6 , pp. 1708–1711. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):527-527.
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    S. Ú. Maslov. Téoriá déduktivnyh sistém i éé priménéniá. Russian original of the preceding. Kibérnétika. Radio i Savz', Moscow1986, 135 pp. - K. D. Stroyan and José Manuel Bayod. Foundations of infinitesimal stochastic analysis. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 119. North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1986, xii + 478 pp. [REVIEW]Nigel Cutland - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1261-1262.
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    S. Ú. Maslov, G. É. Minc, and V. P. Orévkov. Nérazréšimost′ ν konstruktivnom isčislénii prédikatov nékotoryh klassov formul, sodéržaščih tol′ko odnoméstnyé prédikatnyé péréménnyé. Doklady Akadémii Nauk, vol. 163 , pp. 295–297. - S. Ju. Maslov, G. E. Minc, and V. P. Orevkov. Unsolvability in the constructive predicate calculus of certain classes of formulas containing only monadic predicate variables. Translation of the preceding by E. Mendelson. Soviet mathematics, vol. 6 , pp. 918–920. [REVIEW]Georg Kreisel - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):143-144.
  32.  91
    S. Ú. Maslov. Ponátié strogoj prédstavimosti v obščej téorii isčislénij . Problémy konstruktivnogo napravléniá v matématiké, 4, Sbornik rabot, edited by V. P. Orévkov and N. A. Šanin, Trudy Matématičéskogo Instituta iméni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 93, Izdatél'stvo “Nauka,” Leningrad1967, pp. 3–42. [REVIEW]Robert A. DiPaola - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (1):188-188.
  33.  18
    Review: S. U. Maslov, V. P. Orevkov, N. A. Sanin, The Concept of Strong Representability in the General Theory of Calculi. [REVIEW]Robert A. DiPaola - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (1):187-188.
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    S. Ú. Maslov. O nékotoryh sposobah zadaniá množéstv v bazisah poroždéniá. Doklady Akadémii Nauk SSSR, Vol. 153 , pp. 266–269. - S. Ju. Maslov. Some methods for the definition of sets in generating bases. English translation of the preceding by Avner Falk. Soviet mathematics, vol. 4 no. 6 , pp. 1649–1652. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (3):392-393.
  35.  18
    Pindar and the Emergence of Literature by Boris Maslov.Anna Novokhatko - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (4):583-585.
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    S. Yu. Maslov. Theory of deductive systems and its applications. English translation by Michael Gelfond and Vladimir Lifschitz of Téoriá déduktivnyh sistém i éé priménéniá. Foundations of computing. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1987, x + 151 pp. [REVIEW]Daniel J. Dougherty - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1260-1261.
  37. The finite controllability of the Maslov case.Stål Aanderaa & Warren D. Goldfarb - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (3):509-518.
  38.  9
    Pindar and the Emergence of Literature by Boris Maslov.Chris Eckerman - 2016 - American Journal of Philology 137 (3):541-545.
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    (1 other version)S. Ú. Maslov. O “Tag”-problémé E. L. Posta . Problémy konstruktivnogo napravléniá v matématiké, 3, Sbornik rabot, edited by N. A. Šanin, Trudy Matématičéskogo Instituta iméni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 72, Izdatél′stvo “Nauka,”Moscow and Leningrad1964, pp. 57–68. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):526-527.
  40.  25
    (1 other version)S. Ú. Maslov. Nékotoryé svojstva apparata kanoničéskih isčislénij E. L. Posta . Problémy konstruktivnogo napravléniá v matématiké, 3, Sbornik rabot, edited by N. A. Šanin, Trudy Matématičéskogo Instituta iméni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 72, Izdatél′stvo “Nauka,”Moscow and Leningrad1964, pp. 5–56. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):524-526.
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    S. Ú. Maslov. О strogoj prédstavimosti množéstv isčisléniámi. Doklady Akadémii Nauk SSSR, Vol. 152 , pp. 272–274. - S. Ju. Maslov. Strong representability of sets by calculi. English translation of the preceding by Elliott Mendelson. Soviet mathematics, vol. 4 no. 5 , pp. 1292–1295. [REVIEW]E. M. Fels - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (3):391-392.
  42.  6
    Banach space and russian-ukrainian-polish relations (using the example of my biography).Виктор Маслов - 2023 - Philosophical Anthropology 9 (1):160-176.
    The article is one of the last reflections of the outstanding mathematician, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Nikolaevich Maslov, who passed away in August 2023. In it, in a free manner, the motives of personal biography are combined and easily turn into wise judgments about acute social conflicts of our time, it is shown that the real history of people and events found compromises and mutual understanding between seemingly irreconcilable ideas and positions. The Polish roots of (...)
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  43. Proof theory in the USSR 1925–1969.Grigori Mints - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (2):385-424.
    We present a survey of proof theory in the USSR beginning with the paper by Kolmogorov [1925] and ending (mostly) in 1969; the last two sections deal with work done by A. A. Markov and N. A. Shanin in the early seventies, providing a kind of effective interpretation of negative arithmetic formulas. The material is arranged in chronological order and subdivided according to topics of investigation. The exposition is more detailed when the work is little known in the West or (...)
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    Reply to critics.John Greco - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 53 (3):83-91.
    The author addresses his replies to the issues raised in the comments by Professors Berestov, Butakov, Gaginsky and Maslov. This includes some general points about methodology for skeptical arguments, and a related point about the scope of John Greco's project. Some more specific issues raised by my commentators are then considered.
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  45.  30
    On the Discussion of Mannerheim's Role in the War with the USSR.Виктор Маслов - 2020 - Philosophical Anthropology 6 (2):62-70.
    The article is written in the form of an essay. It examines what value for the course of the Great Patriotic War of 1941‑1945, in particular for the defense of Leningrad, had neutral-restrained position of Mannerheim and Finland as a state, expressed in relative distancing from Nazi Germany: non-participation in the storming and bombing of Leningrad, refusal to provide the German army the territory of Finland for hitting the city, to block the "Road of Life" on the lake Ladoga. It (...)
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  46.  11
    Five papers on logic and foundations.G. S. Ceitin (ed.) - 1971 - Providence, R.I.,: American Mathematical Society.
    Markov, A. A. On constructive mathematics.--Ceĭtin, G. S. Mean value theorems in constructive analysis.--Zaslavskiĭ, I. D. and Ceĭtlin, G. S. On singular coverings and properties of constructive functions connected with them.--Maslov, S. Ju. Certain properties of E. L. Post's apparatus of canonical calculi.--Zaslavskiĭ, I. D. Graph schemes with memory.
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    Resolution calculus for the first order linear logic.Grigori Mints - 1993 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2 (1):59-83.
    This paper presents a formulation and completeness proof of the resolution-type calculi for the first order fragment of Girard's linear logic by a general method which provides the general scheme of transforming a cutfree Gentzen-type system into a resolution type system, preserving the structure of derivations. This is a direct extension of the method introduced by Maslov for classical predicate logic. Ideas of the author and Zamov are used to avoid skolomization. Completeness of strategies is first established for the (...)
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  48. Completeness of a first-order temporal logic with time-gaps.Matthias Baaz, Alexander Leitsch & Richard Zach - 1996 - Theoretical Computer Science 160 (1-2):241-270.
    The first-order temporal logics with □ and ○ of time structures isomorphic to ω (discrete linear time) and trees of ω-segments (linear time with branching gaps) and some of its fragments are compared: the first is not recursively axiomatizable. For the second, a cut-free complete sequent calculus is given, and from this, a resolution system is derived by the method of Maslov.
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