Results for 'Martino Pesenti Gritti'

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  1. Nietzsche's Double Binds: Giuseppe Fornari and René Girard on Nietzsche's Thought.Martino Pesenti Gritti - 2013 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 20:141-162.
    Why is it so important to study Nietzsche? Many works about Nietzsche’s thought have been published over the years, from every conceivable position, including analytical philosophy.1 One more essay on Nietzsche may seem a bit repetitive. Yet, as Giuseppe Fornari wrote in the preface of Il Caso Nietzsche (The Nietzsche Case), it is fundamental to analyze Nietzsche deeply, because the most important themes of his works are still hidden among the pages of his books.2 René Girard has made an original (...)
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    La pietra dello scandalo: la sfida antropologica del pensiero di René Girard.Umberto Cocconi & Martino Pesenti Gritti (eds.) - 2013 - Massa: Transeuropa.
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    Inter-mediazioni: estetica e fenomenologia del «tra».Martino Feyles - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 63:130-148.
    La tesi che vorrei discutere in questo saggio può essere sintetizzata nel modo seguente: l'aspetto più significativo dell'intermedialità è legato al suo potenziale di riqualificazione del rapporto tra immagine e realtà. Intendo analizzare questa tesi facendo riferimento alla teoria estetica fenomenologica. La mia ipotesi è che vi sia una relazione essenziale tra i processi di obbiettivazione dell'esperienza intuitiva descritti da Husserl e le strategie di elaborazione intermediale dell'immagine. L'intermedialità può produrre effetti di autenticazione dell'immagine perché interviene su quelle dinamiche di (...)
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    Two Problems of the Biological Philosophy of Technology.Martino Maria Feyles - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-18.
    The aim of this article is to highlight and discuss two problems of the biological philosophy of technology. In particular, I will analyse the work of André Leroi-Gourhan and Gilbert Simondon, and I will show that the meaning of the analogy between technical and natural objects that underlies the approach of the biological philosophy of technology remains problematic and the biological approach to technology is very effective for analysing tools and machines, but is not sufficient to describe the so-called information (...)
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  5. Anima, form and participation, Plato and the Platonic tradition-Report on the May 22-23, 2003 Rome conference.E. Gritti - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 59 (2):595-602.
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    Anima forma partecipazione: Platone e la tradizione platonica.Elena Gritti - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Il vero nel mito: teoria esegetica nel commento di Olimpiodoro Alessandrino al "Gorgia".Elena Gritti - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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    La polizia della mobilità nel theatrum politicum liberale: teoria e storia dell’identificazione in Francia alla fine del XVIII secolo.Martino Sacchi Landriani - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (62).
    How has it been possible that the adoption of the passport – a measure closely associated to the Ancien Régime despotism – was generalized with the French Revolution? The article traces a genealogy of the identification regime that organized the government of mobility from within the liberal conceptual apparatus. The metamorphoses of police apparatus studied by social history are here considered in the light of constitutional debates of the Revolution. The concluding paragraph frames the political-economic implication of the emergence of (...)
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    (1 other version)Phenomenology of the body: the twentieth annual symposium of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center.Daniel J. Martino & Daniel Martino (eds.) - 2003 - Pittsburgh, PA: Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University, Gumberg Library.
  10.  29
    Arzt, Krankheit und Therapie bei Petrarca: Die Kritik an Medizin und Naturwissenschaft im italienischen Fruhhumanismus. Klaus Bergdolt.Tiziana Pesenti - 1994 - Isis 85 (4):690-691.
  11.  34
    Common mistakes about numerical representations.Mauro Pesenti & Michael Andres - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):346-347.
    Cohen Kadosh & Walsh (CK&W) argue that recent findings challenge the hypothesis of abstract numerical representations. Here we show that because, like many other authors in the field, they rely on inaccurate definitions of abstract and non-abstract representations, CK&W fail to provide compelling evidence against the abstract view.
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    Cilium: Origin and 9-fold symmetry.Martino Rizzotti - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (3):227-240.
    How the cilium appeared is still such a poorly defined question that current hypotheses range from a symbiotic spirochaete to a cellular eye. In this paper, the whole question is subdivided into a list of problems which are morphological, physiological and temporal. These problems are examined one by one, in order to analyse the most popular exogenous hypothesis of Margulis as well as other recent exogenous and endogenous hypotheses. To overcome fundamental topological and temporal difficulties, a new endogenous hypothesis is (...)
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  13. The Relationship Between Alexithymia and Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review.Gabriella Martino, Andrea Caputo, Carmelo M. Vicario, Antonino Catalano, Peter Schwarz & Maria C. Quattropani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Husserl and the Question of Animality.Carmine Di Martino - 2014 - Research in Phenomenology 44 (1):50-75.
    Is it possible to speak of a Husserlian phenomenology of the animal? In his phenomenological analyses, Husserl thematizes animals as a case of “abnormality” in order to investigate the subjectivity that constitutes the human world as a normal world. With respect to other perspectives—such as the Heideggerian one—which imply a drastic separation from animality, Husserl’s standpoint has the advantage of keeping a path of communication open between the phenomenological and the scientific investigation of the problem, in the multifarious forms taken (...)
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  15.  36
    Alexithymia and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review.Gabriella Martino, Andrea Caputo, Peter Schwarz, Federica Bellone, Walter Fries, M. C. Quattropani & C. M. Vicario - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  16. Cuestiones en torno a la filosofía de la India. Tendencias académicas en las universidades argentinas y dilemas (meta)filosóficos.Gabriel Martino - 2015 - Journal de Ciencias Sociales, UP 3 (5):38-59.
    In the present paper we discuss different issues concerning the Philosophy of India. We examine, in the first place, the current situation of the area in Argentinean universities and, more specifically, in the programme of the Licenciaturas in Philosophy taught in our country. We assess, with this purpose, the programme of the thirty two degrees in Philosophy offered by national private and public universities. In the second place, we provide a brief discussion of the up-to-date specialized bibliography about the dilemma (...)
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  17.  25
    Finger-based representation of mental arithmetic.Mauro Pesenti & Michael Andres - 2015 - In Roi Cohen Kadosh & Ann Dowker, The Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition. Oxford University Press UK.
    Human beings are permanently required to process the world numerically and, consequently, to perform computations to adapt their behaviour and they have developed various calculation strategies, some of them based on specific manipulations of the fingers. In this chapter, we argue that the way we express physically numerical concepts by raising fingers while counting leads to embodied representations of numbers and calculation procedures in the adult brain. To illustrate this, we focus on number and finger interactions in the context of (...)
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    The family meetings in oncology: some practical guidelines.Paolo Gritti - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    La questione dell'evento nella filosofia contemporanea: atti del ciclo di seminari di "associazionealetheia".Michele Di Martino (ed.) - 2013 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
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    Ipomnesi: la memoria e l'archivio.Martino Feyles - 2013 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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  21.  18
    Aspectos de la exégesis plotiniana de la tradición metafísica del platonismo.Gabriel Martino - 2013 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 39 (1):99-131.
    La tensión entre fidelidad a la tradición e innovación presente en el pensamiento plotiniano se manifiesta de modo patente en su propuesta metafísica. La ontología expuesta en las Enéadas, en efecto, es un claro ejemplo de la labor exegética mediante la cual Plotino toma las concepciones metafísicas platónico-pitagóricas precedentes y las sintetiza infundiendo nueva vitalidad en ideas antiguas. Para llevar a cabo su exégesis utiliza, incluso, conceptos aristotélicos que integra de un modo peculiar a su pensamiento platonizante. En el presente (...)
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    Caracterización pre-clásica del Yoga en la Bhagavad Gita. En Actas del XIV Congreso Internacional de ALADAA. La Plata, Ed. por ALADAA, 2013, pp. 872-882. ISSN 2346-8602.Gabriel Martino - manuscript
    El Yoga constituye uno de los legados de la India a la humanidad que Occidente haadoptado con mayor aceptación y entusiasmo. Conociendo innumerables transformaciones, la práctica del Yoga ha sido incorporada a la vida occidental de diversas maneras, ya sea como profesión, como entretenimiento, como técnica de relajación, como preparación física eincluso, en algunos casos, como técnica de liberación. Pero el carácter mudable o „camaleónico‟, podríamos decir, del Yoga es tan antiguo como el Yoga mismo y ya en la India (...)
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  23. Opus es magnificum" : the image of God and the aesthetics of grace.Martino Rossi Monti - 2010 - In C. Stephen Jaeger, Magnificence and the sublime in Medieval aesthetics: art, architecture, literature, music. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Binding consent or element of presumed consent? – Conceptualization and legal relevance of advance health care directives in the context of multicultural bioethics.Martino Mona - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (3):248-257.
    Erleichtert die Konzeptualisierung der Patientenverfügung als bloßes Indiz für den mutmaßlichen Willen die notwendige Einbeziehung eines relationalen Autonomieverständnisses in eine zunehmend kulturübergreifende Bioethik? Ich lege dar, dass die Berücksichtigung relationaler Autonomiekonzepte kein überzeugendes Argument für die Bestimmung der Patientenverfügung als bloßes Indiz für den mutmaßlichen Willen ist, sondern vielmehr – neben einer Reihe anderer Argumente – für die Patientenverfügung als verbindliche Willensbekundung spricht. Diese erweist sich als flexibel genug, um unterschiedlichen Formen von Autonomie gerecht zu werden.
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    Un rifacimento greco-volgare della vita di S. Basilio scritta da Gregorio asceta.Giuliano Pesenti - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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    PRILJ: an efficient two-step method based on embedding and clustering for the identification of regularities in legal case judgments.Graziella De Martino, Gianvito Pio & Michelangelo Ceci - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 30 (3):359-390.
    In an era characterized by fast technological progress that introduces new unpredictable scenarios every day, working in the law field may appear very difficult, if not supported by the right tools. In this respect, some systems based on Artificial Intelligence methods have been proposed in the literature, to support several tasks in the legal sector. Following this line of research, in this paper we propose a novel method, called PRILJ, that identifies paragraph regularities in legal case judgments, to support legal (...)
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    In Search of a New Ethic for Treating Patients with Chronic Pain: What Can Medical Boards Do?Ann M. Martino - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (4):332-349.
    A decade ago, conventional wisdom in the medical establishment was that physicians treating chronic pain with opioid analgesics were at a substantial risk of being sanctioned for overprescribing by state medical regulatory boards. Dozens of articles written since have alluded to this risk as an obstacle to effective pain re1ief. In the early 1990s, a number of high profile cases in which physicians were disciplined by regulatory boards for overprescribing to patients with chronic pain were reported in the press. Although (...)
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    Modeling sustainability transitions on complex networks.Martino Tran - 2014 - Complexity 19 (5):8-22.
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    Promoting Corporate Responsibility in Private Banking: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Joining the Wolfsberg Initiative Against Money Laundering.Martino Maggetti - 2014 - Business and Society 53 (6):787-819.
    In recent years, the fight against money laundering has emerged as a key issue of financial regulation. The Wolfsberg Group is an important multistakeholder agreement establishing corporate responsibility principles against money laundering in a domain where international coordination remains otherwise difficult. The fact that 10 out of the 25 top private banking institutions joined this initiative opens up an interesting puzzle concerning the conditions for the participation of key industry players in the Wolfsberg Group. The article presents a fuzzy-set analysis (...)
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  30. Il senso comune nella fenomenologia.C. Di Martino - 2004 - In Evandro Agazzi, Valore E Limiti Del Senso Comune. Milano: Milan: Francoangeli.
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    Résumé: Le corps de la liberté.Carmine Di Martino - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:429-430.
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    Fair Chore Division for Climate Change.Martino Traxler - 2002 - Social Theory and Practice 28 (1):101-134.
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    Ethics Incognito: Detecting Ethically Relevant Courses Across Curricula in Higher Education.Martino Ongis, David Kidd & Jess Miner - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (2):269-286.
    As colleges and universities seek to invigorate ethics education, they need methods to identify where and describe how ethics is already present across their curricula. Meeting this need is complicated by the fact that much ethics education occurs in courses not explicitly focused on ethics or morality. In this paper, we review recent methodological advances before presenting a new Ethics Course Identification Tool (ECIT) that combines application of an expert-derived weighted dictionary and natural language processing methods to identify ethics-related courses (...)
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    Alexithymia, Emotional Distress, and Perceived Quality of Life in Patients With Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.Gabriella Martino, Andrea Caputo, Carmelo M. Vicario, Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen, Torquil Watt, Maria C. Quattropani, Salvatore Benvenga & Roberto Vita - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Emotion-processing impairment represents a risk factor for the development of somatic illness, affecting negatively both health-related quality of life and disease management in several chronic diseases. The present pilot study aims at investigating the associations between alexithymia and depression, anxiety, and HRQoL in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis ; examining the association between these three psychological conditions together with HRQoL, and thyroid autoantibodies status as well as thyroid echotexture in patients with HT; and comparing the intensity of all these clinical psychological (...)
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    Heidegger and Contemporary Philosophy: Technology, Living, Society & Science.Carmine Di Martino (ed.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This text illuminates the relevance and importance of Heidegger’s thought today. The chapters address the modern living conditions of intense social transformation intertwined with the continuous and rapid development of technologies that redefine the borders between nations and cultures. Technology globalizes markets, customs, the exchange of information, and economic flows but also – as Heidegger reminds us – revolutionizes the way we relate to bodies, to life, and to earth, by way of introducing both unprecedented opportunities and great dangers.
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    As Time Goes by: Anxiety Negatively Affects the Perceived Quality of Life in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes of Long Duration.Gabriella Martino, Antonino Catalano, Federica Bellone, Giuseppina Tiziana Russo, Carmelo Mario Vicario, Antonino Lasco, Maria Catena Quattropani & Nunziata Morabito - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  37. On moral considerability: An essay on who morally matters.Martino Traxler - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (4):595-598.
    Who or what is morally considerable? That is to say, what merits direct moral consideration—consideration in light of what it is? Mark Bernstein steers a middle course between the extremes he labels “chauvinism” and “deep ecology.” Chauvinists hold that, at most, all human beings are morally considerable. Deep ecologists are either individualists who hold that every living thing is morally considerable or holists who hold that ecosystems but not their constituent parts are considerable in themselves.
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    Abnormal Resting-State Connectivity in a Substantia Nigra-Related Striato-Thalamo-Cortical Network in a Large Sample of First-Episode Drug-Naïve Patients With Schizophrenia.Matteo Martino, Georg Northoff & Timothy Joseph Lane - 2017 - Schizophrenia Bulletin.
    Objective: The dopamine hypothesis is one of the most influential theories of the neurobiological background of schizophrenia (SCZ). However, direct evidence for abnormal dopamine-related subcortical-cortical circuitry disconnectivity is still lacking. The aim of this study was therefore to test dopamine-related substantia nigra (SN)-based striato-thalamo-cortical resting-state functional connectivity (FC) in SCZ. Method: Based on our a priori hypothesis, we analyzed a large sample resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) dataset from first-episode drug-naïve SCZ patients (n = 112) and healthy controls (n (...)
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    Diaphora: spunti di filosofia teoretica e di filosofia morale.Martino Michele Battaglia - 2023 - Cosenza - Italy: Luigi Pellegrini editore.
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    Etica e bioetica: i problemi morali della medicina e della scienza.Giulio De Martino - 2008 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    Riassunto: Il corpo della libertà.Carmine Di Martino - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:430-430.
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    Margini dell' estetica.Martino Feyles - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Recollection and phantasy: The problem of the truth of memory in Husserl’s phenomenology.Martino Feyles - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (4):727-746.
    The epistemological problem of the truth of memory cannot be resolved without establishing a clear distinction between recollection and phantasy. Husserl’s position in this regard is both paradoxical and compelling. It is paradoxical because Husserl repeats his antiskeptical intention many times; but nevertheless in his phenomenology, recollection and phantasy are almost completely identical. Perhaps no philosopher has so radically approached the experience of remembering and the experience of fantasizing as Husserl. But at the same time, the recognition of this fundamental (...)
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    Police of Mobility in the Liberal Theatrum Politicum: Theory and History of Identification in France at the end of the 18th century.Martino Sacchi Landriani - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 31 (62).
    How has it been possible that the adoption of the passport – a measure closely associated to the Ancien Régime despotism – was generalized with the French Revolution? The article traces a genealogy of the identification regime that organized the government of mobility from within the liberal conceptual apparatus. The metamorphoses of police apparatus studied by social history are here considered in the light of constitutional debates of the Revolution. The concluding paragraph frames the political-economic implication of the emergence of (...)
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  45. Creative Subject and Bar Theorem.Enrico Martino - 2018 - In Intuitionistic Proof Versus Classical Truth: The Role of Brouwer’s Creative Subject in Intuitionistic Mathematics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
  46. Francesco Verde, Epicuro.Martino Rossi Monti Vukovara - 2016 - Rhizomata 4 (2).
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    Neuromechanical Assessment of Activated vs. Resting Leg Rigidity Using the Pendulum Test Is Associated With a Fall History in People With Parkinson’s Disease.Giovanni Martino, J. Lucas McKay, Stewart A. Factor & Lena H. Ting - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Leg rigidity is associated with frequent falls in people with Parkinson’s disease, suggesting a potential role in functional balance and gait impairments. Changes in the neural state due to secondary tasks, e.g., activation maneuvers, can exacerbate rigidity, possibly increasing the risk of falls. However, the subjective interpretation and coarse classification of the standard clinical rigidity scale has prohibited the systematic, objective assessment of resting and activated leg rigidity. The pendulum test is an objective diagnostic method that we hypothesized would be (...)
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    Nsoa , dinero, deuda y peonaje: cómo el parentesco fang tejió y destejió la economía colonial de la Guinea española.Enrique Martino Martín - 2016 - Endoxa 37:337.
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    Francesco Verde, Epicuro.Martino Rossi Monti - 2016 - Rhizomata 4 (2):287-292.
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    Editorial: Psychological Factors as Determinants of Medical Conditions.Gabriella Martino, Viviana Langher, Valentina Cazzato & Carmelo Mario Vicario - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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