Results for 'Martine Turgeon'

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  1. Pseudonormal vision.Martine Nida -Rümelin - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 82 (2):145-157.
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    Ethical Aspects of the Economics of Prevention.Martine Bungener - 1985 - In Spyros Doxiadis (ed.), Ethical issues in preventive medicine. Hingham, MA: Distributors for United States and Canada. pp. 42--45.
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    Susan Martha Kahn, Reproducing Jews : A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in Israel.Martine Gross - 2016 - Clio 44:323-325.
    Susan Kahn rend compte dans cet ouvrage d’une recherche ethnographique menée en Israël sur l’usage des nouvelles techniques de reproduction et sur les interrogations qu’elles soulèvent concernant la parenté, la paternité, la maternité et la fabrique de citoyens juifs. Son travail s’appuie sur des entretiens avec des Israéliennes non mariées qui ont eu recours à une insémination artificielle, des rabbins et des juifs orthodoxes, ainsi que sur une observation participante dans une clinique de...
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  4. Koulechov: de l'experience à l'effet.Martine Joly & Marc Nicolas - 1986 - Iris 4:69.
  5. Acción.Martine Leibovici - 2020 - In Á. Lorena Fuster (ed.), Palabras clave: reflexiones para Fina Birulés. Barcelona: Icaria.
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    The Association between Motivation, Affect, and Self-regulated Learning When Solving Problems.Baars Martine, Wijnia Lisette & Paas Fred - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  7. Queer Nations: Marginal Sexualities in the Maghreb.Martine Antle & Jarrod Hayes - 2004 - Substance 33 (2):159.
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    Réflexions concernant le recours aux fiches réflexives en ergothérapie visant le développement de la démarche réflexive des stagiaires.Martine Brousseau - 2019 - Revue Phronesis 8 (1-2):22-34.
    An adaptation of an occupational therapy journal has been set up to support trainees in the development of their reflective competencies. A suggestion had been made to write a reflexive statement during their clinical experience. However, the implementation of this pedagogical reflexive approach proved difficult to implement given that it depended on the student’s initiative or the supervisor’s willingness to use them. Following this observation, an evaluation of the project was carried out. This article presents the results of this evaluation (...)
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    L'étiologie dans la pensée antique.Martine Chassignet (ed.) - 2008 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
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    Grégoire d’Elvire et le Commentaire sur la Genèse de Victorin de Poetovio.Martine Dulaey - 1993 - Augustinus 38 (149-151):203-219.
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    From Typical Areas to Random Sampling: Sampling Methods in Russia from 1875 to 1930.Martine Mespoulet - 2002 - Science in Context 15 (3):411-425.
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    Signification et langage dans l'Essai de Condillac.Martine Pécharman - 1999 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1:81-103.
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    Actualités des recherches et des pratiques.Martine Spiess - 2009 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):105-113.
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    Le vacillement des femmes en début de grossesse.Martine Spiess - 2002 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 157 (3):42.
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    A Feast of Chestertonian Philosophy.Martine Thompson - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (3/4):838-840.
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    Kenelm Digby on Quantity as Divisibility.Martine Pécharman - 2020 - Vivarium 58 (3):191-218.
    Kenelm Digby’s Two Treatises, of the Nature of Bodies and of the Nature of Mans Soule defends quite an idiosyncratic approach to mind-body dualism. In his use of the divisibility argument to prove that the human soul cannot be a material substance, Digby takes an uncompromising stand for merely potential material parts. In his Treatise of Bodies the present article focuses on the mode of construction of the definition of quantity as divisibility and on its links to two distinct fundamental (...)
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    Cudworth on Self-Consciousness and the I Myself.Martine Pécharman - 2014 - Vivarium 52 (3-4):287-314.
    In the last two decades, Ralph Cudworth has been acknowledged as one of the paramount figures in the history of theories of consciousness. This paper discusses the interpretation defended by Udo Thiel and Vili Lähteenmäki. Both contend that, for Cudworth, the reflexivity defining consciousness does not constitute self-consciousness, which, they say, requires self-determination for practical ends. On the contrary, I argue that for Cudworth any degree of consciousness implies a species of self-perception that must be considered a degree of self-consciousness. (...)
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    On facing one's students: The relevance of Emmanuel Levinas to teaching in times of Covid‐19.Martine Berenpas - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):649-664.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    To scan a memory: On Anouk De Clercq’s LiDAR film Thing.Martine Beugnet - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):135-151.
    LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology. It needs no ambient light, nor the guidance of the human eye to capture and reproduce a likeness of the world around us. Although LiDAR generates a constant stream of technical literature, LiDAR images, once envisaged for their aesthetic and expressive value, seem to call for alternative modes of analysis. How do we approach the fast-expanding archive of scanner images? How do we adequately describe the intriguing, spectral visualizations that its (...)
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  20. La libido et les pulsions dans la conception freudienne de la sexualité.Martine Chifflot - 2024 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 74 (4):27-38.
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    Dichtung und Wahrheit: Jacques Derrida and the Untranslatability of Testimony.Martine Delvaux - 2003 - Studies in Practical Philosophy 3 (2):40-56.
  22. La vulnérabilité de l'humain et la tension vers l'universel. Simone Weil depuis les éthiques du care.Martine Leibovici - 2019 - In Robert Chenavier & Thomas G. Pavel (eds.), Simone Weil, réception et transposition. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Les notions de machine et de mécanisme : conditions et possibilités des métaphores de la machine dans la pensée de l’'ge classique.Jean-Luc Martine - 2006 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 25:1.
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    Was Nietzsche Ever a True Wagnerian? Nietzsche’s Late Turn to and Early Doubt About Richard Wagner.Martine Prange - 2011 - Nietzsche Studien 40 (1):43-71.
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    Increasing Returns and Economic Efficiency.Martine Quinzii - 1992 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Increasing returns to scale is an area in economics that has recently become the focus of much attention. While most firms operate under constant or decreasing return to scale on their relevant range of production, some firms produce goods or services with a technology which exhibits increasing returns to scale at levels of production which are large relative to the market. These goods are an important component of economic activity in a modern economy and are typically commodities produced either by (...)
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    Signes et significations du « crétin » et de l’« idiot » dans la clinique médicopédagogique et psychopédagogique en Suisse.Martine Ruchat - 2011 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 5 (2):59-68.
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    Exploring Students’ Use of a Mobile Application to Support Their Self-Regulated Learning Processes.Martine Baars, Sanyogita Khare & Léonie Ridderstap - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Being able to self-regulate one’s learning is essential for academic success but is also very difficult for students. Especially first year students can be overwhelmed with the high study load and autonomy in higher education. To face this challenge, students’ monitoring and self-regulated learning processes are crucial. Yet, often students are not aware of effective SRL strategies or how to use them. In this study, the use of a mobile application with gamification elements to support first-year university students’ SRL processes (...)
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    Sens et textualite.Martine Leonard & Francois Rastier - 1994 - Substance 23 (1):145.
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    Charles Le Blanc, Le complexe d’Hermès. Regards philosophiques sur la traduction.Martine Béland - 2011 - PhaenEx 6 (1):155-166.
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    Faire l’expérience de soi. Note de lecture sur Wolfgang Iser, L’appel du texte. L’indétermination comme condition d’effet esthétique de la prose littéraire.Martine Béland - 2013 - PhaenEx 8 (2):375.
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    La libération selon le Yoga et le Védānta.Martine Chifflot - 2022 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 72 (4):35-46.
    Le thème de la libération (délivrance ou isolement libérateur) constitue un idéal prépondérant dans la littérature philosophique hindoue, qui a su engendrer les métaphysiques associées. Dans un sens très différent de celui que l’Occident accorde à l’idée de liberté ou de libération, les penseurs hindous ont su forger des concepts opératoires en vue d’un affranchissement intérieur extrayant le sujet des vicissitudes de l’existence pour l’immerger dans la Plénitude. Si le Yoga et le Védānta ne proposent pas tout à fait le (...)
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    The human development process from the biomatrix perspective—requirements and obstructions.Martine Dodds & Gyorgy Jaros - 1994 - World Futures 41 (4):163-190.
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  33. Deuxième partie. État des lieux. Le cinéma.Martine Chaudron et Nathalie Heinich - 2012 - In Nathalie Heinich, Roberta Shapiro & François Brunet (eds.), De l'artification: enquêtes sur le passage à l'art. [Paris]: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
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    Images de Trobairitz.Martine Jullian - 2007 - Clio 25.
    La tradition manuscrite de la lyrique occitane nous a transmis quatre recueils, tous réalisés en Vénétie à la fin du xiiie siècle, qui sont décorés de miniatures évoquant chaque troubadour en tête des poèmes qui lui sont attribués. Parmi eux se sont glissées quelques femmes trobairitz. Huit d’entre elles sont ainsi représentées en train de chanter, mais dénuées de tout caractère individuel. À défaut de pouvoir révéler qui ont été ces poétesses-musiciennes dont l’identité souvent incertaine laisse planer un doute quant (...)
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    Mediation, Immediacy, and Time.Brian John Martine - 1987 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 1 (4):270 - 279.
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  36. (1 other version)Valuation and Revaluation of the Idyll: Schillerian Traces in Nietzsche’s Early Musical Aesthetics.Martine Prange - 2006 - Nietzscheforschung 13:269-278.
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  37. Le socialisme naturalisé dans l'espirit de la ruche.Martine Renouprez - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 116:141-158.
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  38. Phenomenal presence and perceptual awareness: A subjectivist account of perceptual openness to the world1.Martine Nida-Rümelin - 2011 - Philosophical Issues 21 (1):352-383.
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  39. The terasem mind uploading experiment.Martine Rothblatt - 2012 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4 (01):141-158.
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    Mind is Deeper Than Matter.Martine Rothblatt - 2013 - In Max More & Natasha Vita-More (eds.), The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 317-326.
    One's gender is merely an important subset of choosing one's form. By “form” I mean that which encloses our beingness – flesh for the life we are accustomed to, plastic for the robots of science fiction, mere data for the avatars taking over our computer screens.
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  41. Intonation.Martine Grice - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 5--778.
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    The Path of Compassion: The Bodhisattva Precepts.Martine Batchelor (ed.) - 2010 - Yale University Press.
    This new and moving translation of the Brahma's Net Sutra also includes translations of ancillary materials not previously available. Translated and introduced by the well-known teacher and author Martine Batchelor, this should become a classic for all those who aspire to the compassion of the Buddha. "The Buddha gave clear instructions about how a boddhisattva should preserve and nurture the altruistic aspiration to enlightenment that are contained in the scriptures of the various Mahayana traditions. The Boddhisattva Precepts found in (...)
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    The Influence of Schopenhauer’s and Wagner’s Theories of Dreams, Clairvoyance, and Ghost-Seeing on Nietzsche’s Aesthetics of the Creative Genius.Martine Prange - 2012 - In Jutta Georg & Claus Zittel (eds.), Nietzsches Philosophie des Unbewussten. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 127-136.
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    Chronique d’un figement annoncé : les traductions vers le latin au XVIe siècle.Martine Furno - 2017 - Astérion. Philosophie, Histoire des Idées, Pensée Politique 16.
    Le XVIe siècle voit l’émergence des vernaculaires comme langues de pensée, et le maintien en parallèle du latin comme langue savante de communication et de réflexion. Ce double mouvement, l’un de conquête et l’autre de résistance, a souvent été étudié du point de vue du vernaculaire, pour en marquer la progression tant pour la structuration des langues que pour le terrain gagné sur le latin dans le domaine des textes de fiction autant que d’argumentation. Le petit dossier présenté ici, issu (...)
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    From fight to debate: Machiavelli and the revolt of the ciompi.Martine Leibovici - 2002 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 (6):647-660.
    In A History of Florence, Machiavelli recounts revolts, especially of the Ciompi of 1378, which display the repeated surfacings of the desire for freedom navigating ceaselessly between the desire to abolish freedom through the recourse to absolute power and moments when virtue triumphs over fortuna and achieves an order that, while fragile, makes the antagonisms fit in such a way that instead of fights they become debates. For Machiavelli, the speeches made in these situations serve to both analyze the circumstances (...)
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  46. Reflective equilibrium and empirical data: Third person moral experiences in empirical medical ethics.Evert Leeuwen Martine de Vrievans - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    In ethics, the use of empirical data has become more and more popular, leading to a distinct form of applied ethics, namely empirical ethics. This 'empirical turn' is especially visible in bioethics. There are various ways of combining empirical research and ethical reflection. In this paper we discuss the use of empirical data in a special form of Reflective Equilibrium (RE), namely the Network Model with Third Person Moral Experiences. In this model, the empirical data consist of the moral experiences (...)
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    La déprise de soi chez Maître Eckhart.Martine Méheut - 2023 - Paris: Éditions des Crépuscules.
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    Nietzsche, Nach-Wahrheit und Medienkritik.Martine Prange - 2023 - In Renate Reschke & Knut Ebeling (eds.), Nietzsche, die Medien und die Künste im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. De Gruyter. pp. 63-88.
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    (1 other version)Les syndicats féminins libres de l'Isère 1906-1936.Martine Ratto & Andrée Gautier - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:7-7.
    Les syndicats libres féminins s'inspirent du catholicisme social, et ils reprennent à leur compte les idées développées par Léon XIII dans l'encyclique Rerum novarum. Par exemple, la recherche d'une collaboration de classe se concrétise dans la participation d'ouvrières et de bourgeoises à la vie syndicale, les premières étant sollicitées et encadrées par les secondes. Si ces organisations se donnent pour but de défendre les intérêts spécifiques des salariées, présence et action syndicales ne trouvent en fait leur plénitude et leur sens (...)
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    Is Critical Naturalism Necessary?Martine Prange, Ties Van Gemert, Willem van der Deijl-Kloeg & Paolo Santori - 2023 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 43 (1):106-109.
    The prior issue of Krisis (42:1) published Critical Naturalism: A Manifesto, with the aim to instigate a debate of the issues raised in this manifesto – the necessary re-thinking of the role (and the concept) of nature in critical theory in relation to questions of ecology, health, and inequality. Since Krisis considers itself a place for philosophical debates that take contemporary struggles as starting point, it issued an open call and solicited responses to the manifesto. This is one of the (...)
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