Results for 'Mark Berlin'

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  1.  11
    Interrogation and Torture: Integrating Efficacy with Law and Morality, Steven J. Barela, Mark Fallon, Gloria Gaggioli, and Jens David Ohlin, eds. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020), 624 pp., cloth $99, eBook $79.99. [REVIEW]Mark Berlin - 2021 - Ethics and International Affairs 35 (1):159-161.
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  2. The Making of British Socialism by Mark Bevir, and: Karl Marx: A Nineteenth-Century Lifeby Jonathan Sperber (review).Mark Allison - 2014 - Utopian Studies 25 (1):221-226.
    In the twenty-four years since the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, a body of high-quality scholarship on socialism has slowly accumulated. Here I discuss two superb additions to this incipient post–Cold War canon, Mark Bevir’s The Making of British Socialism and Jonathan Sperber’s Karl Marx: A Nineteenth Century Life. Both authors take it as axiomatic that the socialist utopia, with its quasi-eschatological promise of complete human emancipation, is an idea whose time has passed. But Bevir and, to a (...)
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  3.  27
    Karl Reichl, ed., Medieval Oral Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012. Pp. xxi, 743. €239. ISBN: 978-3-11-018934-6.Mark C. Amodio - 2015 - Speculum 90 (1):294-296.
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    Balbo, Andrea, and Jaewon Ahn, eds., Confucius and Cicero: Old Ideas for a New World, New Ideas for an Old World: Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2019, 216 pages.Mark Kevin S. Cabural - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (4):695-698.
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    Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas (Second Edition).IsaiahHG Berlin - 2013 - Princeton University Press.
    In this outstanding collection of essays, Isaiah Berlin, one of the great thinkers of the twentieth century, discusses the importance of dissenters in the history of ideas--among them Machiavelli, Vico, Montesquieu, Herzen, and Sorel. With his unusual powers of imaginative re-creation, Berlin brings to life original minds that swam against the current of their times--and still challenge conventional wisdom. In a new foreword to this corrected edition, which also includes a new appendix of letters in which Berlin (...)
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    Book Review: Michael P. DeJonge, Bonhoeffer’s Theological Formation: Berlin, Barth, and Protestant Theology. [REVIEW]Mark Thiessen Nation - 2013 - Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (2):232-235.
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    Everything is What it is, and Not Another Thing: Knowledge and Freedom in Isaiah Berlin's Political Thought.Mark Bode - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2):305-326.
    Although Isaiah Berlin's critique of positive liberty has achieved canonical status, its place within his wider political philosophy remains obscure. However, the re-publication of one of his most important philosophical essays, From Hope and Fear Set Free, as part of a new edition of Four Essays on Liberty, simply entitled Liberty, has opened the door to a re-evaluation of Berlin's political project. At the heart of Berlin's argument, which gains its fullest expression in From Hope and Fear (...)
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  8.  7
    The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy’s View of History - Second Edition.Isaiah Berlin - 2013 - Princeton University Press.
    "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." This ancient Greek aphorism, preserved in a fragment from the poet Archilochus, describes the central thesis of Isaiah Berlin's masterly essay on Leo Tolstoy and the philosophy of history, the subject of the epilogue to War and Peace. Although there have been many interpretations of the adage, Berlin uses it to mark a fundamental distinction between human beings who are fascinated by the infinite variety of (...)
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    "Forschungsstelle D": Der Schweizer Ingenieur Walter Dallenbach , die AEG, und die Entwicklung kernphysikalischer Grossgerate im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland. Burghard WeissGrossforschung in Berlin: Geschichte des Hahn-Meitner-Instituts. Burghard Weiss.Mark Walker - 1998 - Isis 89 (1):155-156.
  10.  12
    Liberalism, neoliberalism, social democracy: thin communitarian perspectives on political philosophy and education.Mark Olssen - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction: Beyond neoliberalism -- Friedrich A. Hayek : markets, planning, and the rule of law -- The politics of utopia and the liberal theory of totalitarianism : Karl Popper and Michael Foucault -- Pluralism and positive freedom : toward a critique of Isaiah Berlin -- From the Crick report to the Parekh report : multiculturalism, cultural difference and democracy -- Foucault, liberal education and the issue of autonomy -- Saving Martha Nussbaum from herself : help from friends she didn't (...)
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  11. The pursuit of the riemann hypothesis.Mark Colyvan - unknown
    With Fermat’s Last Theorem finally disposed of by Andrew Wiles in 1994, it’s only natural that popular attention should turn to arguably the most outstanding unsolved problem in mathematics: the Riemann Hypothesis. Unlike Fermat’s Last Theorem, however, the Riemann Hypothesis requires quite a bit of mathematical background to even understand what it says. And of course both require a great deal of background in order to understand their significance. The Riemann Hypothesis was first articulated by Bernhard Riemann in an address (...)
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  12.  57
    The Silvae (M.) Rühl Literatur gewordener Augenblick. Die Silven des Statius im Kontext literarischer und sozialer Bedingungen von Dichtung. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 81.) Pp. x + 421. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. Cased, €118, US$159.30. ISBN: 978-3-11-019112-. [REVIEW]Mark Masterson - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (2):483-.
  13.  40
    Book Reviews : Claude J. Galipeau, Isaiah Berlin's Liberalism, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994. [REVIEW]Mark S. Cladis - 1995 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 25 (2):258-261.
  14. The Tanner Lectures on Human Values: Volume 31.Mark Matheson (ed.) - 2012 - University of Utah Press.
    The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, founded July 1, 1978, at Clare Hall, Cambridge University, was established by the American scholar, industrialist, and philanthropist Obert Clark Tanner. Lectureships are awarded to outstanding scholars or leaders in broadly defined fields of human values and transcend ethnic, national, religious, or ideological distinctions. Volume 31 features lectures given during the academic year 2010–2011 at Yale University, The University of Utah, The University of Michigan, Stanford University, Princeton University, and Harvard University. _Contributors: __Rebecca Goldstein, (...)
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  15.  10
    Christof Windgätter, Wissenschaft als Marke, Berlin: Brinkmann & Bose 2016. 352 S., 250 vierfarbige Abb., € 44,00. ISBN 978‐3‐940048‐27‐1. [REVIEW]Michael Hagner - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (2):192-193.
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    The City of God (C.) Tornau Zwischen Rhetorik und Philosophie. Augustins Argumentationstechnik in De civitate Dei und ihr bildungsgeschichtlicher Hintergrund. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 82.) Pp. viii + 466. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. Cased, €98, US$132.30. ISBN: 978-3-11-019130-. [REVIEW]Mark Vessey - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):163-.
  17.  38
    Barwise Jon. Admissible sets and structures. An approach to definability theory. Perspectives in mathematical logic. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1975, XIV + 394 pp. [REVIEW]Mark Nadel - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (1):139-144.
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  18.  8
    Het orakel van Napels: de alternatieve waarheid van Giambattista Vico (1668-1744).Mark Blaisse - 2018 - Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans.
    Na een ongeluk met hersenletsel wist hij precies hoe de mens zich, eenmaal van God los, zou moeten bevrijden van allerlei mythen en angsten om eindelijk een onafhankelijk individu te worden. Maar de gedachten van deze eigenzinnige Napolitaanse filosoof druisten lijnrecht in tegen de gevestigde orde en stuitten op onbegrip en hoongelach. Want Vico vertrouwde eerder op poëzie, leugens en verbeelding dan op het 'meten is weten' van Descartes.0En niemand kon vermoeden dat juist hij veel later de inspiratie zou worden (...)
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  19.  34
    Mark and Paul: Comparative Essays Part II, For and Against Pauline Influence on Mark (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft vol 199). Edited by Eve‐MarieBecker, TroelsEngberg‐Pedersenand MogensMüller. Pp. viii, 330, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 2014, $105.48. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Turner - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (4):731-732.
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  20.  72
    Associations of prostate cancer risk variants with disease aggressiveness: results of the NCI-SPORE Genetics Working Group analysis of 18,343 cases. [REVIEW]Brian T. Helfand, Kimberly A. Roehl, Phillip R. Cooper, Barry B. McGuire, Liesel M. Fitzgerald, Geraldine Cancel-Tassin, Jean-Nicolas Cornu, Scott Bauer, Erin L. Van Blarigan, Xin Chen, David Duggan, Elaine A. Ostrander, Mary Gwo-Shu, Zuo-Feng Zhang, Shen-Chih Chang, Somee Jeong, Elizabeth T. H. Fontham, Gary Smith, James L. Mohler, Sonja I. Berndt, Shannon K. McDonnell, Rick Kittles, Benjamin A. Rybicki, Matthew Freedman, Philip W. Kantoff, Mark Pomerantz, Joan P. Breyer, Jeffrey R. Smith, Timothy R. Rebbeck, Dan Mercola, William B. Isaacs, Fredrick Wiklund, Olivier Cussenot, Stephen N. Thibodeau, Daniel J. Schaid, Lisa Cannon-Albright, Kathleen A. Cooney, Stephen J. Chanock, Janet L. Stanford, June M. Chan, John Witte, Jianfeng Xu, Jeannette T. Bensen, Jack A. Taylor & William J. Catalona - unknown
    © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.Genetic studies have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with the risk of prostate cancer. It remains unclear whether such genetic variants are associated with disease aggressiveness. The NCI-SPORE Genetics Working Group retrospectively collected clinicopathologic information and genotype data for 36 SNPs which at the time had been validated to be associated with PC risk from 25,674 cases with PC. Cases were grouped according to race, Gleason score and aggressiveness. Statistical analyses were used to compare the (...)
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  21.  31
    Mark and Paul: Comparative Essays Part II, For and Against Pauline Influence on Mark . Edited by Eve‐Marie Becker, Troels Engberg‐Pedersen and Mogens Müller. Pp. viii, 330, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 2014, $92.33. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Turner - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (2):315-316.
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  22.  34
    Isaiah Berlin's counter-Enlightenment.Joseph Mali & Robert Wokler (eds.) - 2003 - Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society.
    7 What Ss Counter- Enlightenment? Mark Cilia i. The critique of the modern age is as old as the age itself. Ever since men began seeking distinction by ...
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  23.  38
    Quellenstudien zu Philo von Alexandria, von Hans von Arnim. Berlin. Weidmann. 1888. 8vo. pp. 140. 4 Marks.C. Bigg - 1888 - The Classical Review 2 (10):320-321.
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    Scholia in Euripidem. Ed. Eduardus Schwartz. Vol. II. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1891. Price 9 Marks.F. B. Tarbell - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (03):119-120.
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  25.  15
    From lgical positivism to 'metaphysical rationalism': Isaiah Berlin on the 'fallacy of reduction'.Jamie Reed - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (1):109-131.
    Isaiah Berlin's (1909-97) standing in twentieth-century intellectual history rests primarily upon his post-Second World War writings in political theory and the history of ideas. Berlin's investigations into the antagonistic traditions of Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment thought, and his advocacy of liberal responses to the conflicts between values, which, he believed, were an unavoidable feature of the human condition, have been the subject of extensive discussion. Less has been written, however, about Berlin's formative experiences of analytic philosophy during the (...)
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  26.  59
    A History of the Roman Empire Geschichte der römischen Kaiserzeit. Von Hermann Dessau. Erster Band. Bis zum ersten Thronwechsel. One vol. Pp. 585. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1924. 18 Marks. [REVIEW]J. G. C. Anderson - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (7-8):190-192.
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    Scholia in Euripidem. Ed. E. Schwartz. Vol. I. Scholia in Hecubam Orestem Phoenissas. (Reimner: Berlin. Price, 9 Mark.).John B. Bury - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (09):272-273.
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  28.  20
    Zwischen Berlin und Paris.Philipp Lenhard - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 73 (1):1-20.
    For Hegel’s German-Jewish disciples, the French Revolution marked the starting point of a history of freedom, which was to include legal and political emancipation. In many cases, however, the experiences of German-Jewish migrants in Paris were disappointing. The philosophical idea of “France” was not to be confused with its political reality. Nevertheless, the image of France served as a critical antithesis to the political situation in Germany throughout the 1820 and 1830s. The article discusses the impact of France on the (...)
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  29.  30
    The Hasta Donatica Zur Geschichte der hasta donatica. W. Helbig. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1908. Pp. 46. Two plates and 9 cuts. Price 7 marks. [REVIEW]Warwick Wroth - 1910 - The Classical Review 24 (01):28-29.
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  30.  36
    Untersuchungen zur Chronologie der ersten Ptolemäer auf Grund der Papyri. By Ernst Meyer. One vol. Pp. viii + 90. Leipzig and Berlin : Teubner, 1925. 6 gold Marks. [REVIEW]W. W. Tarn - 1926 - The Classical Review 40 (2):86-87.
  31.  62
    P. Cornelii Taciti de Vita et Moribus Cn. Jul. Agricolae Liber erklärt von A. Gudeman. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhaadlung. Preis I Mark 40 Pf. [REVIEW]Franklin T. Richards - 1903 - The Classical Review 17 (05):265-.
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  32.  54
    Un troisième concept de liberté au-delà d'Isaiah Berlin et du libéralisme anglais.Quentin Skinner - 2002 - Actuel Marx 32 (2):15-49.
    Isaiah Berlin, English Liberalism and a Third Concept of Liberty. Isaiah Berlin is celebrated for having defended the claim that there are two distinct concepts of liberty. According to the more familiar view, liberty is a « negative » concept. The presence of liberty is said to be marked, that is, by the absence of something, and specifically by the absence of inteference with an agent’s capacity to pursue some chosen end. According to Berlin, however, this concept (...)
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  33.  41
    Tacitus Germania herausgegeben und erläutert. By Wilhelm Reeb. Pp. vi + 173; 2 plates (42 figures) and 1 map. Leipzig and Berlin: Teubner, 1930. Paper, 6 marks; cloth, 7.60 marks. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (06):244-.
  34.  89
    The significance of Isaiah Berlin’s Counter-Enlightenment.Bernard Yack - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (1):49-60.
    This paper takes a close look at Berlin’s claim that the emergence of Counter-Enlightenment pluralism marks a momentous historical watershed. It concludes that Berlin is right to draw our attention to the importance of this event, but that he seriously misinterprets its significance. He has good reason, in particular, to treat Herder as ‘the most formidable adversary of the French philosophes and their German disciples’, but not because Herder put a stop to the ancient creed of monism on (...)
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  35.  72
    (1 other version)Jon Barwise and John Schlipf. On recursively saturated models of arithmetic. Model theory and algebra, A memorial tribute to Abraham Robinson, edited by D. H. Saracino and V. B. Weispfenning, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 498, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1975, pp. 42–55. - Patrick Cegielski, Kenneth McAloon, and George Wilmers. Modèles récursivement saturés de l'addition et de la multiplication des entiers naturels. Logic Colloquium '80, Papers intended for the European summer meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, edited by D. van Dalen, D. Lascar, and T. J. Smiley, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 108, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, New York, and London, 1982, pp. 57–68. - Julia F. Knight. Theories whose resplendent models are homogeneous. Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 42 , pp. 151–161. - Julia Knight and Mark Nadel. Expansions of models and Turing degrees. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 47 , pp. 58. [REVIEW]J. -P. Ressayre - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (1):279-284.
  36.  37
    Two Books on Lucian - Lucian, Tike Syrian Satirist. by Lieut,-Col H. W. L. Hime. Pp. 95. (Longmans, 1900). 7s. 6 d. - Lucianus. Recognovit Julius Sommerbrodt. Pp. 306. Vol. III. (Berlin, Weidmann, 1899). 6 Marks. [REVIEW]Franklin T. Richards - 1900 - The Classical Review 14 (09):455-456.
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  37.  52
    Einleitung in die Altertumswissenschaft. Herausgegeben A. von Gercke und E. Norden. 3. Auflage. 1. Band. 2. Heft. Textkritik, von P. Maas; pp. 18. Supplement; pp. xvi + 36. Leipzig and Berlin: Teubner, 1927. Kartonniert, 1.20 and 2.40 marks. [REVIEW] E. Harrison - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (1):43-44.
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  38.  11
    The book of Isaiah: personal impressions of Isaiah Berlin.Henry Hardy (ed.) - 2009 - Oxford: In association with Wolfson College.
    This collection of pen-portraits of the renowned public intellectual Isaiah Berlin, published to mark the centenary of his birth, brings him vividly to life from many vantage-points: essential reading for all who seek to understand the full range of his impact.
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  39.  41
    Das Ptolemäergeld: Eine Entwicklungsge-schichte des ägyptischen Münzwesens unter Berücksichtigung der Verhältnisse von Kyrene. By Dr Walther Giesecke. Pp. iv+98; 4 collotype plates. Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1930. Price 12 marks (unbound, 10). [REVIEW]E. S. G. Robinson - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (2):87-87.
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  40.  34
    Überlegungen zu Hans Kelsens “allgemeine theorie der normen” by Kazimierz Opalek. “Schriftenreihe Des Hans Kelsen-instituts,” volume 4. vienna: Manz verlag, 1980., And untersuchungen zur stufenbaulehre Adolf merkls und Hans Kelsen. By Jürgen behrend. “Schriften zur rilchtstheorie,” volume 65. Berlin: Duncker & humblot, 1977. [REVIEW]Stanley L. Paulson - 1982 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 27 (1):159-165.
    In jurisprudential circles the year 1981 might well be dubbed the year of Hans Kelsen, with no fewer than three symposia celebrating the hundredth anniversary of his birth. The Association for Legal and Social Philosophy in the United Kingdom held a conference on Kelsen in Edinburgh in April, giving special attention to “legal epistemology” in the Pure Theory of Law. A symposium of the Austrian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy, held in the Schloss Retzhof near Graz in May, was (...)
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  41.  46
    Essay review The editor in the republic of letters Eric G. Forbes, Lesley Murdin and Francis Willmoth(eds.), The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, First Astronomer Royal. Volume 1: 1666–1682. Bristol and Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing, 1995. Pp. xlix+955. ISBN 0-7503-0147-3. £140.00, $280.00. Heinz-Jurgen Hess, James G. O'Hara and Herbert Breger(eds.), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe. Dritte Reihe, Mathematischer, naturwissenschaftlicher und technischer Briefwechsel: Volume 3, 1680–1683; Volume 4, 1683–1690. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1991, 1995. Pp. lxx+895; lxvi+747. ISBN 3-05-000766-4, DM 490.00 (Volume 3); 3-05-002602-2, DM 490.00 (Volume 4) (series ISBN: 3-05-000075-9). Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann(ed.), Samuel Pufendorf. Gesammelte Werke, Band 1: Briefwechsel(ed. Detlef Döring). Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1996. Pp. xxix+453. ISBN 3-05-001920-4. DM 298.00. [REVIEW]Michael Hunter & Malcolm De Mowbray - 1997 - British Journal for the History of Science 30 (2):221-225.
    The editing of the correspondence of major figures in intellectual history is an essential scholarly activity. Yet in this country in recent years it has neither been the priority it should be, nor has it received the support that it deserves. Of course there have been exceptions to this, perhaps notably – for the early modern period – the epic one-man effort of Esmond de Beer in his later years in producing The Correspondence of John Locke (though this regrettably, and (...)
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  42.  23
    German Idealism and Tragic Maturity.Shterna Friedman - 2020 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 32 (4):458-492.
    Isaiah Berlin viewed value conflict as tragic, as it requires the sacrifice of some values for others. It is a mark of maturity, he thought, to accept this tragic truth. This view raises certain conceptual problems that can be attributed to Berlin’s subtle departures from the German authors (Kant, Schelling, and Hegel) who originated the doctrine of tragic maturity—figures who had, in turn, transformed the earlier idea that enlightenment is a natural and morally neutral process of maturation. (...)
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  43.  19
    O diálogo nas Tradições Judaica e Cristã. A Igreja Católica e os Judeus, um diálogo em construção.Alberto Milkewitz - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (13):91-102.
    The author presents his views on the factors that led the Church to dialogue with Jews, after a history marked by Catholic rule and persecution of the Jewish people. Also exposes some biblical Jewish contribution to the topic such as technic of discussion / study called pilpul and the content of extensive discussions found in the Talmud, that demonstrate the central role that dialogue and philosophical inquiry have in Judaism. It also adds the contemporary Jewish contributions to the universal thought (...)
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  44.  24
    Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory.Enzo Traverso - 2016 - Columbia University Press.
    The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of the Cold War but also the rise of a melancholic vision of history as a series of losses. For the political left, the cause lost was communism, and this trauma determined how leftists wrote the next chapter in their political struggle and how they have thought about their past since. Throughout the twentieth century, argues Left-Wing Melancholia, from classical Marxism to psychoanalysis to the advent of critical theory, a culture (...)
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  45. Form Without Matter: Empedocles and Aristotle on Color Perception.Mark Eli Kalderon - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Mark Eli Kalderon presents an original study of perception, taking as its starting point a puzzle in Empedocles' theory of vision: if perception is a mode of material assimilation, how can we perceive colors at a distance? Kalderon argues that the theory of perception offered by Aristotle in answer to the puzzle is both attractive and defensible.
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    The Idea of Communism.Tariq Ali - 2009 - Seagull Books.
    November 9, 2009 will mark 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the monumental event that signaled the beginning of the end of Communism in the former Soviet Union. Yet, why was this collapse of Communism considered final, but the many failures of capitalism are considered temporary and episodic? In _The Idea of Communism_, Tariq Ali addresses this very question. The idea of Communism, argues Ali, was simple and noble. _The Communist Manifesto_, which advocated the creation (...)
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    Über das Deuten von Übertragungen.Thomas Kurz - 2024 - Psyche 78 (1):1-33.
    Auf dem Berliner IPV-Kongress lud Freud 1922 die psychoanalytische Gemeinschaft in Form eines Preisausschreibens ein, sich mit Problemen der psychoanalytischen Technik auseinanderzusetzen. Fokussiert auf die Frage der Deutung von inner- und außeranalytischen Übertragungen wird das Schicksal dieser Aufforderung nachgezeichnet, der 1924 als erste Otto Rank und Sándor Ferenczi nachkamen, 1927 gefolgt von Wilhelm Reich und – auf dem Gebiet der Kinderanalyse – Anna Freud und Melanie Klein. Der Streifzug durch die Geschichte der Technik zeigt, wie sich die 1927 auf dem (...)
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  48. Talk about Beliefs.Mark Crimmins - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (3):420-421.
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  49. Theological voluntarism.Mark Murphy - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2019.
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  50. Externalism: Putting Mind and World Back Together Again.Mark Rowlands - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 72 (2):487-490.
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