Results for 'Marjo Sitaoja'

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  1.  29
    Power of Paradox: Grassroots Organizations’ Legitimacy Strategies Over Time.Marjo Siltaoja, Arno Kourula & Rashedur Chowdhury - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):420-453.
    Fringe stakeholders with limited resources, such as grassroots organizations (GROs), are often ignored in business and society literature. We develop a conceptual framework and a set of propositions detailing how GROs strategically gain legitimacy and influence over time. We argue that GROs encounter specific paradoxes over the emergence, development, and resolution of an issue, and they address these paradoxes using cognitive, moral, and pragmatic legitimacy strategies. While cognitive and moral strategies tend to be used consistently, the flexible and paradoxical use (...)
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    From Rationality to Emotionally Embedded Relations: Envy as a Signal of Power in Stakeholder Relations.Marjo Siltaoja & Merja Lähdesmäki - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):837-850.
    Although stakeholder salience theory has received a great deal of scholarly attention in the business ethics and management literature, the theory has been criticized for overemphasizing rationality in managerial perceptions. We argue that it is important to better understand what socially constructed emotions signal in business relations, and we posit the role of envy as a discursive resource used to signal and construct the asymmetrical power relations between small business owner–managers and their stakeholders. Our study is based on a qualitative (...)
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    ‘I Am the Ultimate Challenge’: Accounts of Intersectionality in the Life-Story of a Well-Known Daughter of Moroccan Migrant Workers in the Netherlands.Marjo Buitelaar - 2006 - European Journal of Women's Studies 13 (3):259-276.
    This article aims to demonstrate that the concept of the ‘dialogical self’ is an identity theory that provides useful tools for studying intersectionality. In terms of the dialogical self, the formation of identity is a process of orchestrating voices within the self that speak from different I-positions. Such voices are embedded in field-specific repertoires of practices, characters, discourses and power relations specific to the various groups to which individuals simultaneously belong. By telling one's life-story, the individual intones these voices and (...)
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  4.  33
    Constructing Illegitimacy?: Cartels In Finnish Business Media.Marjo Siltaoja & Meri Vehkaperä - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:2-15.
    During the past decade, any questionable and illegal behavior of businesses has received significant attention in the media. Thus, taking a critical discursive approach, we investigate how the media constructs any questionable business as illegitimate. Our data draws upon articles dealing with cartels and cartel agreements in Finnish business media covering a five year period 2002-2007. Based on our findings, we suggest that regardless of the globalized business world, socio-cultural history plays an important role in constructing the illegitimacy of business (...)
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    Touch and Affect: Analysing the Archive of Touch Biographies.Marjo Kolehmainen & Taina Kinnunen - 2019 - Body and Society 25 (1):29-56.
    This article examines touch and its significance from an affect studies perspective. Touch makes our bodies more-than-one in a very concrete way, yet in body and affect research it has largely remained a philosophical abstraction, with few empirical explorations. Our theoretical deliberations are based on empirical material consisting of ‘touch biographies’ written by people of various backgrounds in the 2010s in Finland. The biographies are embodied-affective data, and our analysis of them offers a novel perspective on the ways touch forms (...)
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  6.  14
    Prenatal Reflective Functioning as a Predictor of Substance-Using Mothers' Treatment Outcome: Comparing Results From Two Different RF Measures.Marjo Flykt, Ritva Belt, Saara Salo, Marjukka Pajulo & Raija-Leena Punamäki - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mothers with prenatal substance use disorder often show broad deficits in their reflective functioning, implying severe risk for the relationship with their baby. Two different types of prenatal maternal RF may be important for parenting: adult attachment-focused-RF, regarding parent's own childhood experiences, and parenting-focused RF regarding their own current process of becoming a parent. However, their inter-relations and potentially different roles for parenting intervention outcomes are not clear. This study examined the associations between mothers' prenatal AAI-RF and pre- and post-natal (...)
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  7. Signs and messages of love in performing Handel's Giulio Cesare.Marjo Suominen - 2014 - In Taina Riikonen & Marjaana Virtanen (eds.), The embodiment of authority: perspectives on performances. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Value Priorities as Combining Core Factors Between CSR and Reputation – A Qualitative Study.Marjo Elisa Siltaoja - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (1):91-111.
    This article explores the nature of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate reputation using qualitative research approach. Specifically, the relationship between CSR and corporate reputation is examined from the viewpoint of value theory. This paper brings up for discussion the various value priorities lying in the background of CSR actions. The aim is to form categories of value priorities around CSR and reputation, based on qualitative research approach. The main concepts in this paper – CSR, reputation and value – are (...)
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  9.  76
    Constructing Illegitimacy? Cartels and Cartel Agreements in Finnish Business Media from Critical Discursive Perspective.Marjo E. Siltaoja & Meri J. Vehkaperä - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (4):493-511.
    During the last decade, any questionable or illegal behaviour on the part of businesses has received considerable attention in the media. Using a critical discursive perspective, we here investigate how the media constructs one type of questionable business as illegitimate. Our data draw upon articles dealing with cartels and cartel agreements in Finnish business media covering the five year period 2002-2007. Our contributions are following: We add to the current literature on CSR and national businesses, suggesting that regardless of globalization (...)
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  10.  55
    Stakeholder Salience for Small Businesses: A Social Proximity Perspective.Merja Lähdesmäki, Marjo Siltaoja & Laura J. Spence - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):373-385.
    This paper advances stakeholder salience theory from the viewpoint of small businesses. It is argued that the stakeholder salience process for small businesses is influenced by their local embeddedness, captured by the idea of social proximity, and characterised by multiple relationships that the owner-manager and stakeholders share beyond the business context. It is further stated that the ethics of care is a valuable ethical lens through which to understand social proximity in small businesses. The contribution of the study conceptualises how (...)
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  11.  15
    Gendered Boundary-work within the Finnish Skepticism Movement.Marjo Kolehmainen & Pia Vuolanto - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (4):789-814.
    As a worldwide social movement, skepticism aims to promote science and critical thinking. However, by analyzing texts published in the magazine of the Finnish skepticism movement between 1988 and 2017, we find that the movement carries out its mission in a way that maintains and produces gendered hierarchies. We identify six forms of gendered boundary-work in the data: science as masculine, questioning women, complementary and alternative medicine as feminine, debating the status of gender studies, gender within the skepticism movement, and (...)
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  12.  17
    Postfeminist Versions of Equality? An Analysis of Relationship and Sex Counseling Practices in Finland.Marjo Kolehmainen - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (1):63-87.
    Relationship and sex counseling are pivotal components of the “therapeutization of society,” which has been identified and widely examined as a key transformation of 21st-century modern Western societies. The particular understandings of gender and sexuality that circulate in those practices contribute to the wider everyday conceptions of intimate life and are thus important to investigate from a feminist perspective. Combining insights from studies on therapeutic cultures, research on intimate relationships, scholarship on postfeminism, and affect theory, this article taps into the (...)
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  13.  22
    Roles of recalled parenting experiences and effortful control in adult daily emotion regulation.Jaakko Tammilehto, Marjo Flykt, Kirsi Peltonen, Peter Kuppens, Guy Bosmans & Jallu Lindblom - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (4):795-817.
    Research suggests that both childhood experiences with one’s parents and individual differences in effortful control contribute to adult emotion regulation (ER). However, it is unclear how they associate with specific ER processes. In this adult study, we examined the roles of recalled parenting experiences and effortful control in daily ER selection and implementation. Using ecological momentary assessment (EMA), we focused on ER strategies of reappraisal, suppression, and rumination. We hypothesized recalled parental warmth, rejection, and overcontrol to predict adult ER selection (...)
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  14.  16
    How they walk the talk: Responsible management education in Finnish business schools.Valtteri Aaltonen & Marjo Siltaoja - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (4):1117-1135.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 4, Page 1117-1135, October 2022.
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  15.  22
    Three Paths to Feeling Just: How Managers Grapple with Justice Conundrums During Organizational Change.Julia Zwank, Marjo-Riitta Diehl & Marion Fortin - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (1):217-236.
    Managers tasked with organizational change often face irreconcilable demands on how to enact justice—situations we call _justice conundrums_. Drawing on interviews held with managers before and after a planned large-scale change, we identify specific conundrums and illustrate how managers grapple with these through three prototypical paths. Among our participants, the paths increasingly diverged over time, culminating in distinct career decisions. Based on our findings, we develop an integrative process model that illustrates how managers grapple with justice conundrums. Our contributions are (...)
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  16.  34
    The Influence of Corporate Elites on Women on Supervisory Boards: Female Directors’ Inclusion in Germany.Jie Huang, Marjo-Riitta Diehl & Sandra Paterlini - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2):347-364.
    Although we can observe noticeable progress in gender diversity on corporate boards, these boards remain far from gender balanced. Our paper builds on social identity theory to examine the impact of corporate elites—men and women who sit on multiple corporate boards—on board diversity. We extend the main argument of social identity theory concerning favouritism based on homophily by suggesting that boards with men with multiple appointments are unwilling to include female board members to protect the monopoly value generated by their (...)
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  17.  20
    Developing Essential Competencies of Sustainability Educators.Patricia Grant, Marjo Lips-Wiersma & Vidayana Soebagio - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 14:241-259.
    Sustainability education entails transforming values and habits as well as developing skills. Much progress has been made in developing the appropriate teaching and learning strategies which not only impart knowledge but shape attitudes and behaviour. However little attention has been given to the education of the educators who often are teaching and learning at the same time. A particularly important but also challenging competency to teach is systems thinking. This paper is based on the teaching and learning experience of two (...)
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  18.  42
    One Rule to Rule Them All? Organisational Sensemaking of Corporate Responsibility.Tiina Onkila & Marjo Siltaoja - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):5-20.
    Corporate responsibility has often been criticised as a decoupled organisational phenomenon: a publicly espoused rule that is not followed in daily organisational practices. We argue that a crucial reason for this criticism arises from the dominant in-house assumption of CR literature, which mitigates tensions and contradictions in organisational life by claiming that integrated rules result in coupled practices. We aim to provide new insights by problematising this in-house assumption and by examining how members of two organisations discursively make sense of (...)
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  19.  20
    The Corporate Samaritan: Advancing Understanding of the Role of Deontic Motive in Justice Enactment.Julia Zwank, Marjo-Riitta Diehl & Mario Gollwitzer - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (3):607-623.
    Although the literature on organizational justice enactment is becoming richer, our understanding of the role of the deontic justice motive remains limited. In this article, we review and discuss theoretical approaches to and evidence of the deontic justice motive and deontic justice enactment. While the prevalent understanding of deontic justice enactment focuses on compliance, we argue that this conceptualization is insufficient to explain behaviors that go beyond the call of duty. We thus consider two further forms of deontic behavior: humanistic (...)
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  20.  32
    Dynamics of Institutional Logics in a Cross-Sector Social Partnership: The Case of Refugee Integration in Germany.Andreas Hesse, Karin Kreutzer & Marjo-Riitta Diehl - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):679-704.
    This study examines how institutional logics interplay in a cross-sector social partnership that manages refugee integration in a rural district in Germany. In an inductive 15-month case study that drew on interviews and observations, we observe the dynamic materialization of institutional logics in day-to-day practices and an increasing contradiction and even rivalry between community- and market-based institutional logics over time. As a result, we delineate a model explaining the interplay of institutional logics along two dimensions: the dominance of one salient (...)
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  21.  10
    Adverse childhood experiences and emotion dynamics in daily life: a two sample study.Kirsi Peltonen, Jaakko Tammilehto, Marjo Flykt, Mervi Vänskä, Peter Kuppens, Guy Bosmans & Jallu Lindblom - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Research suggests that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have life-long consequences on emotional functioning. However, it is unclear how ACEs shape the dynamic features of everyday emotions. In the current preregistered study with two adult ecological momentary assessment samples (Ns = 122 and 121), we examined the linear and curvilinear associations of ACEs with daily emotion dynamic features. We expected ACEs to show linear associations with a higher baseline level, variability, and inertia of negative emotions, as well as a lower (...)
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  22.  20
    Dynamics of attachment and emotion regulation in daily life: uni- and bidirectional associations.Jaakko Tammilehto, Guy Bosmans, Peter Kuppens, Marjo Flykt, Kirsi Peltonen, Kathryn A. Kerns & Jallu Lindblom - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1109-1131.
    Attachment theory proposes that the activation of the attachment system enacts emotion regulation (ER) to maintain security or cope with insecurity. However, the effects of ER on attachment states and their bidirectional influences remain poorly understood. In this ecological momentary assessment study, we examined the dynamics between attachment and ER. We hypothesised that attachment states and ER influence each other through time. Specifically, we hypothesised bidirectional short-term cycles between state attachment security and reappraisal, state attachment anxiety and rumination, and state (...)
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  23.  35
    Ethical Compatibility of GM Crops with Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values of Farmers: A Review.Irene Vanninen, Helena Siipi, Marjo Keskitalo & Maria Erkkila - 2009 - Open Ethics Journal 3 (3):104-117.
  24. From the Editors: Problematizing the Power of Responsibility.Martin Fougere, Gyongyi Kovacs, Jukka Makinen, Marjo Siltaoja & Andre Sobczak - 2011 - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 16 (2):4-5.
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  25.  13
    Lack of Cortical Correlates of Response Inhibition in 6-Year-Olds Born Extremely Preterm – Evidence from a Go/NoGo Task in Magnetoencephalographic Recordings.Elina Pihko, Piia Lönnberg, Leena Lauronen, Elina Wolford, Sture Andersson, Aulikki Lano, Marjo Metsäranta & Päivi Nevalainen - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  26.  9
    (In)vulnerable Managers in an Immigration Context.Marke Kivijärvi, Ida Okkonen & Marjo Siltaoja - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (4):845-859.
    Our study examines managerial vulnerability in a bureaucratic context, namely in Finnish immigration centres. We bring a care ethics perspective to the study of vulnerability and address how managers navigate relationships with vulnerable clients and their own vulnerability. Based on empirical data collected through interviews with immigration centre managers, we show how managers negotiated their (in)vulnerability through two alternating positionalities: (1) professionalism, through which they seek to control negative emotions in order to manage their own experiences of vulnerability and affective (...)
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  27.  13
    Ethical challenges of researching emergent socio-material-technological phenomena: insights from an interdisciplinary mixed-methods project using mobile eye-tracking.Katja Kaufmann, Tabea Bork-Hüffer, Niklas Gudowsky, Marjo Rauhala & Martin Rutzinger - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (3):391-408.
    Purpose This paper aims to discuss research ethics in mixed-methods research and MMR development with a focus on ethical challenges that stem from working with technical instruments such as mobile eye-trackers. Design/methodology/approach The case of an interdisciplinary mixed-methods development study that aimed at researching the impacts of emerging mobile augmented-reality technologies on the perception of public places serves as an example to discuss research-ethical challenges regarding the practical implementation of the study, data processing and management and societal implications of developing (...)
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  28.  15
    Deborah Simonton, Marjo.Natacha Coquery - 2015 - Clio 42:307-307.
    Le livre fait partie d’une série de travaux publiée par un réseau d’historiens urbains qui cherchent à montrer comment l’expérience urbaine européenne, voire la forme même des villes ont été façonnées par le genre, du milieu du xviie au milieu du xxe siècle. Le prisme choisi pour étudier ces liens entre genre et ville est ici le luxe, parce qu’il touche à la fois à la société et à l’économie, à la politique et à la culture urbaines, ouvrant sur une (...)
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  29.  30
    Marjo Kaartinen, Breast Cancer in the Eighteenth Century. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2013. Pp. xii + 181. ISBN 978-1-84893-364-4. £60.00. [REVIEW]Megha Rajaram - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Science 48 (1):177-178.
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    Jaakko Frösén/Antti Arjava/Marjo Lehtinen (eds.), with contributions by Zbigniew T. Fiema/Clement A. Kuehn/Tiina Purola/Tiina Rankinen/Marjaana Vesterinen/Marja Vierros, The Petra Papyri I[REVIEW]Bernhard Palme - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):579-581.
    Im 5. und 6. Jh. n. Chr. war es um Petra, die ehemals blühende Hauptstadt des 106 n. Chr. von den Römern okkupierten Nabatäerreiches, still geworden. Zuvor urbanes Zentrum der Provinz Arabia und Verkehrsknotenpunkt an der Via Nova Traiana, war der Handel seit dem 3. Jh. rückgängig. In den Jahren 363 und 551 von Erdbeben zerstört, begegnet Petra in der frühbyzantinischen Zeit fast nur noch als Verbannungsort von Feinden der Kirche oder des Staates, bevor es zu Beginn des 7. Jh. (...)
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  31.  13
    Peter Berger, Marjo Buitelaar und Kim Knibbe, eds.: Religion as Relation: Studying Religion in Context. The Study of Religion in a Global Context (Sheffield/bristol: Equinox Publishing Limited, 2021), 327 pp., ISBN 978-1-80050-070–9 (Paperback), £27.95 / $35.00. [REVIEW]Ramón Soneira-Martínez - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 31 (2):251-252.
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    Intolerance, polemics, and debate in antiquity: politico-cultural, philosophical, and religious forms of critical conversation.Geurt Hendrik van Kooten (ed.) - 2019 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    In Intolerance, Polemics, and Debate in Antiquity scholars reflect on politico-cultural, philosophical, and religious forms of critical conversation in the ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, Graeco-Roman, and early-Islamic world. They enquire into the boundaries between debate, polemics, and intolerance, and address their manifestations in both philosophy and religion. This cross-cultural and inclusive approach shows that debate and polemics are not so different as often assumed, since polemics may also indicate that ultimate values are at stake. Polemics can also have a positive (...)
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