Results for 'Mariko Hara'

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  1. Ōhara Yūgaku zenshū.Yūgaku Ōhara - 1943
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  2. Neural bases of focusing attention in working memory: an fMRI study based on individual differences.Mariko Osaka & Osaka & Naoyuki - 2007 - In Naoyuki Osaka, Robert H. Logie & Mark D'Esposito (eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory. Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)Mathematical Logic.Mariko Yasugi - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (3):438-440.
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  4. Conversations about the moon with prospective teachers in Japan.Mariko Suzuki - 2003 - Science Education 87 (6):892-910.
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    Nursing knowledge: A middle ground exploration.Mariko Liette Sakamoto - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (3):e12209.
    The discipline of nursing has long maintained that is has a unique contribution to make within the health care arena. This assertion of uniqueness lies in great part in the discipline's claim to a distinct body of knowledge. Nursing knowledge is characterized by diverse and multiple forms of knowing and underpins the work of all nurses, regardless of field of practice. Unfortunately, it has been challenging for the discipline to take full ownership of its epistemological diversity, largely due to factors (...)
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  6. Hito no genten o kangaeru: shinka seibutsu gakusha no gendai shakairon 100-wa.Mariko Hasegawa - 2023 - Tōkyō-to Meguro-ku: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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    Initiating side-sequenced vocabulary lessons.Kotani Mariko - 2017 - Latest Issue of Pragmatics and Society 8 (2):254-280.
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    A One-to-One Bias and Fast Mapping Support Preschoolers' Learning About Faces and Voices.Mariko Moher, Lisa Feigenson & Justin Halberda - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (5):719-751.
    A multimodal person representation contains information about what a person looks like and what a person sounds like. However, little is known about how children form these face-voice mappings. Here, we explored the possibility that two cognitive tools that guide word learning, a one-to-one mapping bias and fast mapping, also guide children’s learning about faces and voices. We taught 4- and 5-year-olds mappings between three individual faces and voices, then presented them with new faces and voices. In Experiment 1, we (...)
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    Working memory and the peak alpha frequency shift on magnetoencephalography (MEG)'.Mariko Osaka - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta (eds.), No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins. pp. 33--341.
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    Is Sadness Only One Emotion? Psychological and Physiological Responses to Sadness Induced by Two Different Situations: “Loss of Someone” and “Failure to Achieve a Goal”.Mariko Shirai & Naoto Suzuki - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  11. 7.1. Ethical Guidelines for Clinical Genetics in Japan.Mariko Tamai - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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    Issues on Nibbāna with Special Reference to Verse No. 1074 of the Upasīvamāṇavapucchā in the Suttanipāta.Mariko Tomita - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (2):377-391.
    This paper discusses verse 1074 of the Suttanipāta’s Upasīvamāṇavapucchā. While various interpretations of the verse are possible due to a lack of textual sources to draw from for interpretation, I attempt to understand this verse—which describes the state of nibbāna using the metaphor of an extinguished fire—through a philological examination of the text itself and other contemporary ones. Specifically, I focus on whether the verse implies that nibbāna takes place in the present life or at and after the end of (...)
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    Information-Extraction Through Reduction Methods In Some Formal Systems.Mariko Yasugi - 1986 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 7 (1):33-46.
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    The effective sequence of uniformities and its limit: as a methodology in computable analysis.Mariko Yasugi, Takakazu Mori & Yoshiki Tsujii - 2007 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 15 (2):99-121.
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    Population thinking and tree thinking in systematics.Robert J. O'Hara - 1997 - Zoologica Scripta 26 (4): 323–329.
    Two new modes of thinking have spread through systematics in the twentieth century. Both have deep historical roots, but they have been widely accepted only during this century. Population thinking overtook the field in the early part of the century, culminating in the full development of population systematics in the 1930s and 1940s, and the subsequent growth of the entire field of population biology. Population thinking rejects the idea that each species has a natural type (as the earlier essentialist view (...)
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    Representations of the Natural System in the Nineteenth Century.Robert J. O' Hara - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (2):255.
    ‘The Natural System’ is the abstract notion of the order in living diversity. The richness and complexity of this notion is revealed by the diversity of representations of the Natural System drawn by ornithologists in the Nineteenth Century. These representations varied in overall form from stars, to circles, to maps, to evolutionary trees and cross-sections through trees. They differed in their depiction of affinity, analogy, continuity, directionality, symmetry, reticulation and branching, evolution, and morphological convergence and divergence. Some representations were two-dimensional, (...)
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    Language-independent working memory as measured by Japanese and English reading span tests.Mariko Osaka & Naoyuki Osaka - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (4):287-289.
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    Avoiding Omnidoxasticity in Logics of Belief: A Reply to MacPherson.Kieron O'Hara, Han Reichgelt & Nigel Shadbolt - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (3):475-495.
    In recent work MacPherson argues that the standard method of modeling belief logically, as a necessity operator in a modal logic, is doomed to fail. The problem with normal modal logics as logics of belief is that they treat believers as "ideal" in unrealistic ways (i.e., as omnidoxastic); however, similar problems re-emerge for candidate non-normal logics. The authors argue that logics used to model belief in artificial intelligence (AI) are also flawed in this way. But for AI systems, omnidoxasticity is (...)
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    Detecting emotion in speech expressing incongruent emotional cues through voice and content: investigation on dominant modality and language.Mariko Kikutani & Machiko Ikemoto - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (3):492-511.
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    Joseph Conrad Today.Kieron O'Hara - 2007 - Imprint Academic.
    This book argues that the novelist Joseph Conrad's work speaks directly to us in a way that none of his contemporaries can. Conrad’s scepticism, pessimism, emphasis on the importance and fragility of community, and the difficulties of escaping our history are important tools for understanding the political world in which we live. He is prepared to face a future where progress is not inevitable, where actions have unintended consequences, and where we cannot know the contexts in which we act. _Heart (...)
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    The Shakado figurines and Middle Jomon ritual in the Kofu basin.Mariko Yamagata & 山形真理子 - 1992 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 19 (2/3):129-38.
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    A Framework for the Extended Notion of Computation Implied by the Limiting Recursive Functions.Mariko Yasugi - 2015 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 42 (2):97-104.
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    Conservatism, Epistemology, and Value.Kieron O’Hara - 2016 - The Monist 99 (4):423-440.
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  24.  24
    Diagrammatic classifications of birds, 1819–1901: views of the natural system in 19th-century British ornithology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1988 - Acta XIX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici: pp. 2746–2759.
    Classifications of animals and plants have long been represented by hierarchical lists of taxa, but occasional authors have drawn diagrammatic versions of their classifications in an attempt to better depict the "natural relationships" of their organisms. Ornithologists in 19th-century Britain produced and pioneered many types of classificatory diagrams, and these fall into three groups: (a) the quinarian systems of Vigors and Swainson (1820s and 1830s); (b) the "maps" of Strickland and Wallace (1840s and 1850s); and (c) the evolutionary diagrams of (...)
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    Homage to Clio, or, toward an historical philosophy for evolutionary biology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1988 - Systematic Zoology 37 (2): 142–155.
    Discussions of the theory and practice of systematics and evolutionary biology have heretofore revolved around the views of philosophers of science. I reexamine these issues from the different perspective of the philosophy of history. Just as philosophers of history distinguish between chronicle (non-interpretive or non-explanatory writing) and narrative history (interpretive or explanatory writing), I distinguish between evolutionary chronicle (cladograms, broadly construed) and narrative evolutionary history. Systematics is the discipline which estimates the evolutionary chronicle. ¶ Explanations of the events described in (...)
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  26. Chūgoku shisō genryū no kōsatsu.Tomio Hara - 1979 - Tōkyō: Asahi Shuppansha.
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  27. Ch-uka shisō no kontai to jugaku no yūi.Tomio Hara - 1947
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  28. Shiron.Tomio Hara - 1977 - Daimeido.
  29. Sentetsuzōden. Kinsei kijinden. Hyakka kikōden.Tokusai Hara - 1917 - Tōkyō: Yūhōdō. Edited by Kōkei Ban & Gogaku Yajima.
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  30. The Person and the Body: Roman Rhetors and Greek Naturalists.Mary L. O' Hara - 1977 - Apeiron 11 (1):43.
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    The Emergence of a Phoneme-Sized Unit in L2 Speech Production: Evidence from Japanese–English Bilinguals.Mariko Nakayama, Sachiko Kinoshita & Rinus G. Verdonschot - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  32. A therapeutics of the image.Michael O'Hara - 2021 - In Noel Fitzpatrick, Néill O’Dwyer & Michael O’Hara (eds.), Aesthetics, digital studies and Bernard Stiegler. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  33. Orpheus turning : the reader to come in Camera Lucida.Daniel T. O'Hara - 2023 - In Jeffrey R. Di Leo & Zahi Anbra Zalloua (eds.), Understanding Žižek, understanding modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  34. Orpheus turning : the reader to come in Camera Lucida.Daniel T. O'Hara - 2023 - In Jeffrey R. Di Leo & Zahi Anbra Zalloua (eds.), Understanding Žižek, understanding modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Sceptical overkill: On two recent arguments against scepticism.Kieron O'Hara - 1993 - Mind 102 (406):315-327.
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  36. St. Peter’s Creek, 23 July.T. O’Hara - 2009 - Arion 17 (2).
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    Effect of memory set size on visual evoked potential for digit and figure stimuli.Mariko Osaka & Naoyuki Osaka - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (4):275-277.
  38.  19
    Verbal to visual code switching improves working memory in older adults: an fMRI study.Mariko Osaka, Yuki Otsuka & Naoyuki Osaka - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  39.  19
    Viewpoints on formalism" seen in 'Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science.Mariko Yasugi - 2016 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 43 (1-2):17-30.
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    Voluntary self-touch increases body ownership.Masayuki Hara, Polona Pozeg, Giulio Rognini, Takahiro Higuchi, Kazunobu Fukuhara, Akio Yamamoto, Toshiro Higuchi, Olaf Blanke & Roy Salomon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Language-independent working memory: Evidence from German and French reading span tests.Mariko Osaka, Naoyuki Osaka & Rudolf Groner - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (2):117-118.
  42. Telling the tree: narrative representation and the study of evolutionary history.Robert J. O'Hara - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (2): 135–160.
    Accounts of the evolutionary past have as much in common with works of narrative history as they do with works of science. Awareness of the narrative character of evolutionary writing leads to the discovery of a host of fascinating and hitherto unrecognized problems in the representation of evolutionary history, problems associated with the writing of narrative. These problems include selective attention, narrative perspective, foregrounding and backgrounding, differential resolution, and the establishment of a canon of important events. The narrative aspects of (...)
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  43. Ethical Response to Climate Change.Dennis Patrick O'Hara & Alan Abelsohn - 2011 - Ethics and the Environment 16 (1):25-50.
    The same attitudes that allowed a significant increase in the anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations that are causing climate change are the same attitudes that are retarding an adequate ethical response to the impact that climate change is having on both human populations and the rest of the planet. The industrialized nations of the West paid little attention during the past three centuries to the impacts that their economies and cultures were having on the environment, both locally and globally. There (...)
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    An Ecological Theory of Rational Interpretation.Saku Hara - 2005 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 13 (2):87-104.
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    A Note on the Rākṣasa Form of MarriageA Note on the Raksasa Form of Marriage.Minoru Hara - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (3):296.
  46. Tetsugaku nyūmon.Kazunari Kōhara - 1948
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    Ninomiya Kinjirō no kōfukuron: unmei o takameru 55 no kingen.Mariko Nakagiri - 2013 - Tōkyō-to Shibuya-ku: Chichi Shuppansha.
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    Democracy and the Internet.Kieron O'Hara - 2000 - Ends and Means 4 (3).
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    French Canada and the Council.J. Martin O’Hara - 1962 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 37 (3):325-329.
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    Publications of Stephen Toulmin: A Working Bibliography.Robert J. O'Hara - 2006 - SSRN Electronic Journal 2542900.
    Stephen Edelston Toulmin has been one of the most wide-ranging scholars of the twentieth century. He has written extensively on the history and philosophy of the physical, biological, and historical sciences, as well as on logic, ethics, and rhetoric. This listing of more than 100 publications by and about Toulmin is intended to encourage those scholars who may have come to Toulmin's work from only one direction to explore the full range of his research and writing across many different disciplines.
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