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  1. Le «deux-en-un» : les racines platoniciennes de la «banalité du mal».Marie-josée Lavallée - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (2019, 1):107-124.
    ABSTRACT: The concept of the “banality of evil,” put forward by Hannah Arendt to describe the psychological profile of the Nazi criminal in Eichmann in Jerusalem, is intimately tied to her reading of Plato. In Arendt’s examination of the question of evil, she found some support in Kant’s philosophy. However, the problem of guilt under Nazism ultimately goes back to an inability to think. The two-in-one, a concept which describes the activity of thinking, is based on Plato’s dialogues. An examination (...)
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    Marcusean resources to think coloniality.Marie-Josée Lavallée - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    The article aims to take a stand in the debates surrounding the potential contribution of the theoreticians of the first generation of the Frankfurt School to postcolonial/decolonial theory, by showing that Herbert Marcuse, in his work, has outlined coloniality as later authors have defined it. Marcuse denounced the neocolonialism and neoimperialism of which the Global South populations were prey at the time of decolonizations. He showed that the welfare state and the affluent society in contemporary Western societies largely fed themselves (...)
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    Utopies, fictions et satires politiques. De l’Antiquité à l''ge classique. Cahiers Verbatim, volume II.Marc Angenot, Jérémie Peer-Brie, Jean-Marc Narbonne, Marie-Josée Lavallée & Marc Voyer (eds.) - 2018 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
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    Eric Voegelin. Philosopher of history Eugene Webb seattle/londres, university of Washington press, 2014, 320 P. [REVIEW]Marie-josée Lavallée - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (3):541-545.
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    Platon et l’utopie. L’être et l’existence Jean-Yves Lacroix Paris, Vrin, 2014 , 424 P. [REVIEW]Marie-josée Lavallée - 2016 - Dialogue 55 (1):203-207.
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