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  1.  32
    How to handle nanomaterials? The re-entry of individuals into the philosophy of chemistry.Mariana Córdoba & Alfio Zambon - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 19 (3):185-196.
    In this paper we will argue that the categories of physical individuals and chemical stuff are not sufficient to face the chemical ontology if nanomaterials are taken into account. From a perspective that considers ontological questions and wonders which the items involved in science are, we will argue that the domain of nanoscience must be considered as populated by entities that are neither individuals, as those of physics, nor stuff, as those items of macro-chemistry. This discussion, in virtue of the (...)
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  2.  33
    Nanomaterials and Intertheoretical Relations: Macro and Nanochemistry as Emergent Levels.Alfio Zambon & Mariana Córdoba - 2021 - Foundations of Science 26 (2):355-370.
    The purpose of this work is to discuss which relation can be established between molecular chemistry, on the one hand, and macrochemistry and nanochemistry, on the other hand. In order to do this, we will consider molecular chemistry as an underlying level, and macrochemistry and nanochemistry as emergent levels. Emergence is characterized in very different ways in the philosophical literature; we will not discuss those differences. We will address a distinction between inter-domain emergence and intra-domain emergence. It is our purpose (...)
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  3.  36
    Identidades que importan. Trans e intersex, la ley argentina y la irrupción de la ciencia.Mariana Córdoba - 2020 - Dianoia 65 (84):31-58.
    Resumen Como resultado de las luchas de las disidencias sexogenéricas se han aprobado leyes en todo el mundo que garantizan el reconocimiento de las identidades generizadas. La Ley de Identidad de Género argentina ofrece una definición de “identidad de género” opuesta a los enfoques biológicos y a la patologización y que respeta la voluntad individual y niega todo lugar a los refrendos de terceros “autorizados”. Esta ley regula el acceso a prácticas médicas para intervenir libremente los cuerpos. Ahora bien, los (...)
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  4.  20
    La identidad como potencia: Del fracaso metafísico de lo biológico a la resistencia política de la restitución.Mariana Córdoba - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía 45 (2):203-225.
    Se cuestiona que la restitución de hijos/as de desaparecidos/as durante la última dictadura argentina exalta una concepción biológica, conservadora de la identidad personal. Argumentaré que el problema de esta noción no radica en la apelación a lo biológico, sino en la adopción de dos supuestos metafísicos: una ontología de individuos sustanciales y un esencialismo actualista. Propondré una concepción de la identidad relacional y como potencia o locus de poder, que permitirá re-significar lo biológico de la identidad y apoyar el fenómeno (...)
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  5.  8
    Identity in the nanoworld: processes and contextuality.Mariana Córdoba, Fiorela Alassia & Alfio Zambon - 2024 - Foundations of Chemistry 26 (3):413-428.
    In this paper we will argue that the identity of the entities that inhabit the nanoworld is a contextual identity. To defend that, we will analyse the so-called “biological” identity and the “synthetic” identity of nanomaterials. From this analysis, we will claim that nano-individuals (entities that show an intermediate nature between individuals and stuff), can be adequately understood from the perspective of a processual ontology. With that, we intend to contribute to the philosophical understanding of the ontology of the nano-domain.
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  6.  11
    Process Ontology of Illness and Personal Identity.Mariana Cordoba, Fiorela Alassia & Gonzalo Pérez-Marc - 2024 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 70:35-59.
    In this paper, it is our purpose to argue for a processual conception of ill-person- identity. To do so, we will review some of the main answers that philosophy has given to the question of personal identity. We will review certain proposals on how to conceive illness and ill-person-identity, as well. Within the frame of a processual approach to ontology, we will focus on a non-dualistic processual-relational interpretation of biological organisms.
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  7.  13
    Fenomenología, Marxismo y prácticas de autoconciencia feminista.Danila Suárez Tomé & Mariana Córdoba - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 81.
    El propósito del presente trabajo consiste en analizar la conexión existente entre feminismo, fenomenología y marxismo, por medio de la exploración de las prácticas de autoconciencia y la teoría del punto de vista feminista. Sostenemos que las prácticas de autoconciencia feminista y su sucedánea teoría del punto de vista feminista se apartaron de sus raíces fenomenológicas y marxistas. Esto contribuyó a la reapropiación de cierta retórica perteneciente a estas prácticas por parte de la ideología capitalista dominante, con un contenido y (...)
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  8.  24
    Monismo versus pluralismo: límites y alcances del pluralismo en la filosofía de la ciencia contemporánea.Hernán Lucas Accorinti, Mariana Córdoba & Cristian López - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):203-236.
    Scientific pluralism has gained supporters in philosophy of science during the last decades, since it seems to accurately account for the plural and varied development of science. Arguments in defense of robust, non-merely epistemic pluralistic positions can be found in several contemporary philosophical works. According to these positions, to hold pluralism does not suppose to assume an epistemic position regarding truth and a non-realistic view on scientific theories. Monism can be thought as the “natural” opponent of scientific pluralism. In this (...)
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  9. Lectura derridiana sobre otras lecturas acerca del duelo y la melancolía.Mariana Córdoba - 2009 - A Parte Rei 62:3.
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  10.  71
    Los orbitales cuánticos y la autonomía del mundo químico.Mariana Córdoba & Juan Camilo Martínez - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (2):261.
    The analysis of the concept of orbital allows us to argue that—in opposition to a recent position in philosophy of science—it is impossible to defend the autonomy of the chemical reality in regard to physical reality, appealing to the idea that there is a conceptual rupture among a chemical interpretation and a quantuminterpretation of the concept. This is the case because there are not two different interpretations of the concept of orbital. On the contrary, the concept involved in structural chemistry (...)
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  11.  26
    Neo-reduccionismo interteórico y sus implicaciones ontológicas.Mariana Córdoba - 2012 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 68 (3):547-568.
    Resumo O propósito deste trabalho consiste em analisar criticamente uma recente proposta formulada por Needham no âmbito da Filosofia da Química. Este autor toma como essencialmente apropriado o modelo clássico de redução Nageliano. O objetivo fundamental deste trabalho consiste em avaliar certas implicações ontológicas desta tese neorreducionista. Em particular, a autora argumentará que a tese da redução interteórica formulada por Needham apresenta certas limitações, que advêm de uma atenção insuficiente a problemas ontológicos fundamentais. Sendo que estes emergem de uma análise (...)
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  12.  82
    ¿Relatividad ontológica o radicalidad ontológica? La respuesta estructuralista de Shapiro al problema de la identificación y la obstinación por el realismo.Mariana Córdoba - 2013 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 38 (1):7-28.
    In this paper I will analyze some philosophically relevant aspects involved in the dissolution of Benacerraf’s problem of fixing the identity of natural numbers by Shapiro’s structuralism. My fundamental aim is to present three criticisms to Shapiro’s position –to his conception of language, to his characterization of structures as ante rem, and to his dramatic conception of ontology. Some of these criticisms will also be directed to Benacerraf’s identification problem.
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  13.  32
    Determinismo en física: la dimensión de lo posible.Olimpia Lombardi & Mariana Córdoba - 2013 - Anuario Filosófico 46 (2):311-345.
    En el presente artículo abordaremos la cuestión del determinismo ontológico en física. Proponemos una elucidación del concepto de posibilidad que resulte útil para tratar el problema del determinismo ontológico en física, y mediante la cual pueda interpretarse el concepto de probabilidad de un modo signifi cativo para la práctica de la física teórica. Finalmente, los conceptos previamente elucidados se aplican a un caso paradigmático de la física, el de los sistemas altamente inestables, argumentando que en este ámbito determinismo e indeterminismo (...)
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  14. ¿Desarrollo progresivo de la ciencia sin continuidad referencial? Acerca del realismo de Psillos y la teoría del germoplasma de Weismann. [REVIEW]Mariana Córdoba - 2010 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 14 (3):335-348.
    In this paper I argue for the idea that, throughout the history of science, there are some cases of theory change that would show how science develops with no referential continuity. For this purpose, I analyze Psillos’ proposal of a theory of reference used to account for referential continuity in conceptual transitions. This kind of continuity is requested by Psillos —as by other philosophers— in his defense of scientific realism. By means of a historical case, the theory of germplasm of (...)
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  15.  43
    The Biological Turn on Personal Identity: The Role of Science as a Response to Children’s Appropriation in Argentinian Dictatorship (1976–1983). [REVIEW]Mariana Córdoba - 2019 - Foundations of Science 26 (2):405-427.
    The philosophical problem of personal identity has been widely discussed in contemporary analytic philosophy. The disputes over identity throughout time abound in references to thought experiments, excluding any connection to practical problems or to scientific knowledge and biotechnological practices. Nevertheless, some real cases challenge the pure metaphysical formulation of the problem and also show how science has an indubitable impact on the issue of identity. I will discuss the case of approximately 500 children who were appropriated during the most recent (...)
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