  1. O expertech a lidech: spasitelské lhaní v časech pandemie [Of Experts and Men: White Lies in the Times of a Pandemic].Petr Špecián & Marek Hudík - 2021 - In Petr Špecián & Marek Hudík (eds.), Dedičstvo koronakrízy: Ako lepšie zvládnuť ďalšiu pandémiu. Bratislava, Slovensko: pp. 53-74.
    Krize spojená s příchodem pandemie koronaviru ukázala, že užitečné expertní vědění sice podle všeho existuje, ale ne každému, kdo se představí jako expert, bychom měli věřit. Slovy doktora House: „Všichni lžou.“ Lžou i odborníci. Kapitola se zaměřuje na situace, kdy odborník lže takříkajíc „s dobrým úmyslem,“ neboť se domnívá, že pravda by veřejnost vedla k chování, které není společensky žádoucí. V takovém případě se jedná o lhaní paternalistické, protože má ochránit veřejnost před ní samotnou. Ukážeme příklady, kdy k němu dochází, (...)
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    Nash meets Samuelson: the comparative-statics interpretation of Nash equilibrium.Marek Hudik - 2022 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (2):122-134.
    This paper suggests that Nash equilibrium can be interpreted as a conceptual tool for addressing comparative-statics issues on an aggregate level. Together with additional assumptions, Nash equilibrium helps generate testable predictions about changes or differences of behavior induced by changes or differences of exogenous variables. However, Nash-equilibrium behavior, as such, is not subject to empirical testing. Instead, widespread and persistent behavior is modeled as a Nash equilibrium by assumption. The paper argues that this interpretation is in line with the traditional (...)
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    Equilibrium as compatibility of plans.Marek Hudik - 2020 - Theory and Decision 89 (3):349-368.
    This paper uses a game-theoretic framework to formalize the Hayekian notion of equilibrium as the compatibility of plans. To do so, it imposes more structure on the conventional model of strategic games. For each player, it introduces goals, goal-oriented strategies, and the goals’ probabilities of success, from which players’ payoffs are derived. The differences between the compatibility of plans and Nash equilibrium are identified and discussed. Furthermore, it is shown that the notion of compatibility of plans, in general, differs from (...)
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    From Marginal Utility to Revealed Preference.Marek Hudík - 2013 - E-Logos 20 (1):1-19.
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    Prediction in economics: Wenceslao J. Gonzales: Philosophico-methodological analysis of prediction and its role in economics. Springer, 2015, 366pp, 129.99 € HB.Marek Hudik - 2017 - Metascience 26 (1):71-74.
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    Schumpeter a budoucnost kapitalismu.Marek Hudík - 2004 - E-Logos 11 (1):1-7.
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  7. Dedičstvo koronakrízy: Ako lepšie zvládnuť ďalšiu pandémiu.Petr Špecián & Marek Hudík (eds.) - 2021 - Bratislava, Slovensko:
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