  1.  30
    Dying in dignity.Marcus Knaup - 2020 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 10 (1-2):10-19.
    The question of what might constitute “good dying” is a sensitive subject that is being discussed and is socially and politically controversial. My contribution discusses whether a reference to concepts such as autonomy and dignity in the debate over suicide and euthanasia is in fact convincing. Important impulses for the train of thought stem from Kantian philosophy. I will argue that suicide, as presented by Kant, is not an expression of autonomy, but exactly the opposite: an expression of heteronomy.
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    Approaching Edith Stein´s Philosophical Anthropology.Marcus Knaup - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (1):52-61.
    In the following contribution I would like to present Edith Stein´s Philosophical Anthropology in somewhat more detail. I am going to pursue the issue of being human in Stein, to address fundamental issues and key concepts of her oeuvre, to refer to other approaches, to point out to Stein´s innovative contribution to Philosophical Anthropology under the horizon of phenomenology and classical metaphysics. As a preliminary remark, I would first like to outline a few lines of Stein’s biography. It is of (...)
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    Edith Stein-Lexikon.Marcus Knaup, Harald Seubert & Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz (eds.) - 2017 - Freiburg: Herder.
    Im Anschluss an die Edith Stein-Gesamtausgabe (ESGA) erschliesst das Edith Stein-Lexikon das denkerische Erbe, die philosophiegeschichtliche wie phanomenologische Bedeutung Edith Steins (1891-1942) weiter und macht es im problemgeschichtlichen und systematischen Sinn sichtbar. Die von uber 40 Stein-Forschern aus verschiedenen Landern und Generationen verfassten uber 250 Artikel informieren uber Bedeutung und Genese der fur Edith Stein zentralen Begriffe und Termini. Das Lexikon wendet sich an alle am Denken Edith Steins Interessierte, an Dozierende, Studierende und an alle neugierigen Leser, die ermutigt und (...)
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    Gewachsenes und Gemachtes: Philosophische Grundlegungen und bioethische Perspektiven.Marcus Knaup - 2022 - Baden-Baden: Verlag Karl Alber.
    This study examines the relationship between technology and nature, the artificial and the natural, with the help of the conceptual pair of that which is ‘grown’ and that which is ‘made’. The first part discusses basic questions concerning man's relationship to nature and technology. The second part shows the increasing repercussions in the shifts between what is ‘grown’ and what is ‘made’ on human beings themselves, their relation to the self and the world as well as their sociality. Questions relating (...)
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    Grundbegriffe und -phänomene Edith Steins.Marcus Knaup & Harald Seubert (eds.) - 2018 - Wien: Herder.
    Es gibt ein Ziel, auf das alle philosophische Einzelforschungen hinarbeiten und zu dessen Erreichung sie zusammenwirken: das Ziel, die Welt zu verstehen. (Edith Stein) Edith Stein ist eine Philosophin, die auf Grund der Weite des Horizonts, in dem sie denkt, in kein Raster passt. Die Beitrage dieses Bandes, die auf eine Tagung anlasslich der Prasentation des Edith Stein-Lexikons an der FernUniversitat in Hagen im November 2017 zuruckgehen, machen das systematische und ideengeschichtliche Profil in Steins Denken transparent. Die versammelten namhaften Stein-Forscherinnen (...)
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    Na putu prema novoj vrsti normalnosti?Marcus Knaup - 2022 - Synthesis Philosophica 37 (2):255-275.
    The paper examines the Corona crisis from an ethical-philosophical point of view for the purpose of providing orientation, referring in particular to Aristotle and Kant. Granted, they are not virologists, they are not members of any ethics council, they do not make profits from payments by institutions close to the pharmaceutical industry, and any state institution does not pay them either. Neither of them is suspected of telling anyone what one wants to hear. However, they both provide views that can (...)
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    Peter Singer: Effektiver Altruismus. Eine Anleitung zum ethischen Leben.Marcus Knaup - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (1):020-024.
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    Stefan Lorenz Sorgner: Transhumanismus. „Die gefährlichste Idee der Welt“!?Marcus Knaup - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (1):030-035.
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