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Marcos Eduardo Melo dos Santos [6]Marcos Santos [2]Marcos Melo dos Santos [1]
  1.  37
    A Filosofia do Amor em Tomás de Aquino. O Amor Humano enquanto Paixão na Suma Teológica.Valeriano Costa, Marcos Santos & Susana Silva - 2016 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 72 (1):219-236.
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  2.  24
    Ex 5,22-6,1: A oração de Moisés e a resposta divina.Marcos Eduardo Melo dos Santos - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):71-83.
    Ex 5,22-6.1 presents Moses appealing to the Lord and God's answer to the prophet. Moses' prayer is configured as a cry of despair stemming from a bewilderment of his vocation as a promoter of liberty, subdued by human conditions. The prophet of failure is paradoxical, since it reveals both as a personal and divine failure. For these reasons, Moses has faith put to the test. His reaction shown by a fiery prayer and full of fervor. God responds with the renewal (...)
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  3.  34
    Exegese do Salmo 117: caracteres e motivações do louvor a Deus na poética bíblica.Marcos Eduardo Melo dos Santos - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):128-147.
    A análise literária do Sl 117, a menor unidade do saltério hebraico, revela um conteúdo teológico-espiritual de caráter messiânico de relevância e atualidade para o cristianismo e o judaísmo. O estudo do texto hebraico em sua forma final – sem excluir, contudo, informações de índole diacrônica – apresenta sob a forma típica da poética hebraica elementos que ressaltam as características do louvor a Deus. O salmo propõe uma relação espiritual “carinhosa” no louvor para com o Deus de Israel; fornece explicitamente (...)
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  4.  40
    Igreja Nossa Senhora da Consolação por Maximilian Emil Hehl : ecletismo na arquitetura sacra paulistana com predomin'ncia do neorrom'nico.Marcos Eduardo Melo dos Santos & Susana Aparecida da Silva - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (16):151-159.
    This article presents the recent literature about the church Nossa Senhora da Consolação, considered through the prism of the study of sacred art. After a historical overview about the neighborhood and the ancient temple of Consolation, will be highlighted some most relevant artistic aspects of architecture and works of art gathered in the sacred building, designed by German engineer Maximilian Emil Hehl, whose inspiration reports to the formal and stylistic features of Romanesque architecture as well as the influences of eclecticism (...)
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  5.  35
    The rise of reimbursement-based medicine: the case of bone metastasis radiation treatment.Marcos Santos, Jan Helge Solbakk & Volnei Garrafa - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (3):171-173.
    It has been hypothesised that the reimbursement system pertaining to radiotherapy is influencing prescription practices for patients with cancer with bone metastases. In this paper, we present and discuss the results of an empirical study that was undertaken on patient records, referred to radiotherapy for the treatment of bone metastases, in a medium-size city, in southern Brazil, during the period of March 2006 to March 2014. Our findings seem to confirm this hypothesis: after a change in the reimbursement method, radiation (...)
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  6.  56
    A Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo por Maximilian Emil Hehl : História, arte e ecletismo na arquitetura sacra paulistana. [REVIEW]Marcos Eduardo Melo dos Santos - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (13):4-15.
    This article presents the recent literature about Cathedral of See considered from the History of Arts perspective in São Paulo. After highlight some functional, stylistic and historical data about the building idealized by Brazilian Archbishop Dom Duarte Leopoldo e Silva and designed by German engineer Maximilian Emil Hehl , will be highlighted the most important artistic aspects of architecture and Works of Art gathered in the paulist sacred buildings. The article also highlights the Cathedral in its connection with the history (...)
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