Results for 'Marcelo Galván'

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  1.  17
    Confinement effects on the spin potential of first row transition metal cations.Mayra Lozano-Espinosa, Jorge Garza & Marcelo Galván - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-14.
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    Culture moderates the relationship between self-control ability and free will beliefs in childhood.Xin Zhao, Adrienne Wente, María Fernández Flecha, Denise Segovia Galvan, Alison Gopnik & Tamar Kushnir - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104609.
    We investigate individual, developmental, and cultural differences in self-control in relation to children's changing belief in “free will” – the possibility of acting against and inhibiting strong desires. In three studies, 4- to 8-year-olds in the U.S., China, Singapore, and Peru (N = 441) answered questions to gauge their belief in free will and completed a series of self-control and inhibitory control tasks. Children across all four cultures showed predictable age-related improvements in self-control, as well as changes in their free (...)
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  3.  16
    The Role of Subjective and Objective Social Status in the Generation of Envy.Henrietta Bolló, Dzsenifer Roxána Háger, Manuel Galvan & Gábor Orosz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Envy is a negative emotion experienced in response to another person’s higher status. However, little is known about the composition of its most important element: status. The present research investigates the two main forms of social status in the generation of envy. In Study 1, participants recounted real-life situations when they felt envious; in Study 2 we examined whether the effect was the same in a controlled situation. We consistently found that those who were the most respected in the eyes (...)
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  4.  30
    Homoplasy as an Evolutionary Process: An Optimistic View on the Recurrence of Similarity in Evolution.Marcelo Domingos de Santis - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (4):267-278.
    In the cladistic literature, there is a recurrent perspective that considers homoplasy as something undesirable. Homoplasy, according to this view, is believed to obscure homologies that may lead to synapomorphies. Some cladists often call homoplasies an ad hoc hypothesis or an “error in our preliminary assignment of homology.” Consequently, homoplasy is generally regarded negatively, hindering further investigations, because it matters little whether a character subject to homoplasy is a convergence, a parallelism, or a reversal, since they all fall within the (...)
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  5. Revista de Filosofia e Psicanálise.Maria Lucia Toledo Moraes Amiralian & Gabriela Bruno Galván - 2009 - Natureza Humana 11 (1):67-80.
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  6. Ações, razões e causas.D. Davidson & Marcelo Fischborn - 2012 - Critica:NA.
    Qual é a relação entre uma razão e uma ação quando a razão explica a ação, dando a razão do agente para fazer o que fez? Podemos chamar tais explicações de racionalizações, e dizer que a razão racionaliza a ação. Neste artigo quero defender a posição antiga — e de senso comum — de que a racionalização é uma espécie de explicação causal b. A defesa sem dúvida exige alguma reelaboração, mas não parece necessário abandonar a posição, como muitos autores (...)
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  7.  14
    Understanding Multiple Perspectives on Social Value in Business: An Integrative Review and Typology.Marcelo F. de la Cruz Jara & Jelena Spanjol - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-29.
    Although the concept of _social value_ has been present in business literature for over a century, it lacks definitional consensus, is often imprecise, and has not been sufficiently theorized. With social value becoming more prevalent across business scholarship domains, the lack of conceptual clarity and consistency hampers substantive research progress. We conduct an integrative review of 288 articles drawn from 60 peer-reviewed journals covering a wide spectrum of business domains. We synthesize the review findings into a polythetic typology that identifies (...)
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    Modules in the category of sheaves over quantales.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Francisco Miraglia - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 108 (1-3):103-136.
    In this paper we develop the elementary theory of modules in the category Sh of sheaves over right-sided idempotent quantales. The main ingredient is the construction of a logic sound for Sh . As an application we prove that in Sh , a finitely generated projective module is free , a result that is relevant to the study of representation of non-commutative C ∗ -algebras.
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  9. La respuesta brasileña al VIH y los avances en el combate de la epidemia de SIDA.Luiz Mello & Marcelo Perilo - 2008 - Critica 58 (953):58-61.
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    Exploring the Potential of Concept Associations for the Creative Generation of Linguistic Artifacts: A Case Study With Riddles and Rhetorical Figures.Virginia Francisco, Raquel Hervás, Gonzalo Méndez & Paloma Galván - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  11. Conditionals.Georg Meggle, Kuno Lorenz, Dietfried Gerhardus & Marcelo Dascal - 1992 - In Marcelo Dascal, Dietfried Gerhardus, Kuno Lorenz & Georg Meggle (eds.), Sprachphilosophie: Ein Internationales Handbuch Zeitgenössischer Forschung. Walter de Gruyter.
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  12. Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.).Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté - 1996 - Novara: De Agostini.
    One 1120 pages volume, with 4000 entries covering - Western philosophy: authors, schools, concepts and terminology; - religions, cultural anthropology, eastern philosophies; - Psychology and psychoanalysis; - linguistics and semiotics; - sociology and political theory.
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  13. Enciclopedia Filosofica.Virgilio Melchiorre, Paul Gilbert, Michele Lenoci, Antonio Pieretti, Massimo Marassi, Francesco Botturi, Francesco Viola, Elena Bartolini, Sergio Cremaschi, Sergio Givone, Carmelo Vigna, Alfredo Cadorna, Giuseppe Forzani, Mario Piantelli, Alberto Ventura, Mario Gennari, Guido Cimino, Mauro Fornaro, Paolo Volonté, Enrico Berti, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Gregorio Piaia, Claudio Ciancio, Marco Maria Olivetti, Roberto Maiocchi, Maria Vittoria Cerutti & Sergio Galvan (eds.) - 2006 - Milan: Bompiani.
    The 'Enciclopedia Filosofica' is an encyclopaedia of philosophical topics promoted by the Centre for Philosophical Studies of Gallarate and published, in its third and last edition in 2006, by the Bompiani publishing house in Milan. The first edition of the 'Enciclopedia Filosofica' was promoted by the Centre for Philosophical Studies of Gallarate in the 1950s, seeing the light in 1957-58. A second edition, published by the Sansoni publishing house in Florence, was published in 1968-69 and reprinted in 1979. The third (...)
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    Paulo Freire em debate.Célia Maria Rodrigues da Costa Pereira, Marcelo Sabbatini & Rita Ribeiro Voss (eds.) - 2013 - Recife: Editora Universitária UFPE.
    Aspectos biográficos -- Aspectos epistemológicos e conceituais -- Diálogos com outros autores -- Aplicação da pedagogia freireana.
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    La nozione di altro nella teoria kierkegaardiana degli stadi esistenziali.João Marcelo Crubellate - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (1):81-102.
    ... From the notion of self as a relation's relating itself to itself, I discuss the concept of the other in relation to the self in each of the Kierkegaardian life stages: the esthetic, the ethical, and the religious. First of all, I describe the notion of self in Kierkegaardian philosophy as it appears in Sickness unto Death, and the problem of the human being as a conscience in the world. After that, I describe the esthetic notion of the other, (...)
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  16.  30
    Filosofía, filosofía de las ciencias Y la cuestión Del realismo.Marcelo Díaz Soto - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 46:199-214.
    Resumen El artículo se estructura en torno a dos ejes: la concepción de la filosofía como una actividad extremadamente recursiva en su aplicación al saber científico, a la ética y a la pedagogía; la discusión en torno al realismo y al papel que le cabe a las representaciones en la explicación de la cognición. Se pone énfasis en mostrar la plausibilidad de los enfoques antirrepresentacionistas o constructivistas en las ciencias cognitivas, en la medida que estos enfoques pretenden superar las limitaciones (...)
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  17.  35
    Berkeley's Paradox: External world skepticism and the problem of epistemic justification.Marcelo de Araujo - 2014 - Dissertatio 39:103-119.
    Como posso estar certo de que existe qualquer coisa de externa aos meus próprios pensamentos? Muitos filósofos procuraram ou apresentar uma prova da existência do mundo externo, ou rejeitar a inteligibilidade da própria ideia de uma “prova” nesse contexto. O objetivo desse artigo é mostrar que o denominado “problema do mundo externo” decorre de uma má compreensão acerca do que seja justificativa epistêmica. Apresento o que denomino “paradoxo de Berkeley” de modo a mostrar que o uso ordinário da linguagem não (...)
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  18.  10
    Gründe und normativität.Marcelo de Araujo - 2008 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 7 (2):115-122.
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  19.  28
    Human Rights and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): A Contractarian Approach.Marcelo de Araujo - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (3):192-201.
    Que sont les droits de l’homme? Existent-ils? Je me propose de répondre à ces questions en proposant un compte-rendu contractuel des droits de l’homme. Je me concentre sur le droit de fonder une famille et d’avoir des enfants. Je montre également comment l’approche contractuelle des droits de l’homme peut expliquer la pertinence actuelle des droits reproductifs dans le discours sur les droits de l’homme, et comment l’émergence des TRA (technologies de reproduction assistée) a contribué à ce changement. Le compte rendu (...)
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  20.  19
    Ética nos esportes: revisitando a questão do doping à luz do debate sobre aprimoramento humano.Marcelo de Araújo - 2016 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 9 (20).
    O uso de certas drogas e de certos procedimentos para fins de melhoramento do desempenho nos esportes é banido pelas autoridades esportivas. Mas como pretendo mostrar neste artigo, alguns dos principais argumentos contra o uso de tecnologias para aprimoramento nos esportes são problemáticos. Autores como, por exemplo, Michael Sandel se comprometem com uma concepção metafísica de natureza humana na defesa da manutenção das regras que proíbem o uso de doping. Essa concepção de natureza humana, como procuro mostrar no artigo, é (...)
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  21.  73
    Urban development on the basis of autonomy: A politico-philosophical and ethical framework for urban planning and management.Marcelo Lopes De Souza - 2000 - Ethics, Place and Environment 3 (2):187 – 201.
    Urban development is seen in this paper as the process of achieving more social justice in the city through changes both in social relations and in spatiality. Autonomy, in the sense used by Cornelius Castoriadis, is here regarded as the main parameter for the evaluation of processes and strategies for positive social change. Nevertheless, the Castoriadian philosophical notion of autonomy must first be made operational before it can be reasonably applied in empirical research or policy evaluations. The aim of the (...)
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  22.  19
    Management of knowledge and competence through human resource information system—A structured review.Khalid Rasheed Memon, Bilqees Ghani, Syed Irfan Hyder, Heesup Han, Muhammad Zada, Antonio Ariza-Montes & Marcelo Arraño-Muñoz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The fourth industrial revolution will be ushered in by future high technology, and as a result, the world will face new difficulties relating to people, the environment, and profitability. Accordingly, the competitive edge and long-term viability of businesses would depend on the knowledge workers who could overcome these excruciatingly difficult obstacles and have the knowledge and competency to influence the overall performance of any type of company. But managing knowledge workers falls under the purview of human resources, and only effective (...)
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  23.  41
    O místico e o feiticeiro. Contrapontos entre imagem técnica e narrativa seqüencial em Alan Moore e Vilém Flusser.Marcelo Bolshaw Gomes - 2013 - Flusser Studies 15 (1).
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  24. Visiones teóricas acerca de la ciudadanía social.Laura Garcés, Marcelo Lucero, Fernanda Estévez, Moira Icazzati, Carina Sabeti & C. de Los Río - 2006 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 10 (18):1-11.
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    Pragmatismo ou pragmaticismo? Considerações sobre O conceito de pragmatismo a partir da análise do artigo O que é O pragmatismo.Me Marcelo Silvano Madeira - 2012 - Revista de Teologia 6 (10):p. 61-69.
    Charles S. Peirce é considerado o pai do pragmatismo, doutrina filosófica cujo propósito inicial era aliar o conhecimento racional com ação racional. Entretanto, essa doutrina foi amplamente difundida de maneira desvirtuada em sua época, de tal maneira que não havia mais o pragmatismo, mas “pragmatismos”, obrigando o seu criador a manifestar-se contra essa miríade de doutrinas que pouco ou nada tinham haver com a sua doutrina. Dessa manifestação surgiu o artigo O que é o Pragmatismo, publicado em 1905 no periódico (...)
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    The Effect of Noisy Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation on Learning of Functional Mobility and Manual Control Nulling Sensorimotor Tasks.Esther J. Putman, Raquel C. Galvan-Garza & Torin K. Clark - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Galvanic vestibular stimulation is a non-invasive method of electrically stimulating the vestibular system. We investigated whether the application of GVS can alter the learning of new functional mobility and manual control tasks and whether learning can be retained following GVS application. In a between-subjects experiment design, 36 healthy subjects performed repeated trials, capturing the learning of either a functional mobility task, navigating an obstacle course on a compliant surface with degraded visual cues or a manual control task, using a joystick (...)
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  27. Knowledge and Politics: Case Studies in the Relationship Between Epistemology and Political Philosophy. Edited by Marcelo Dascal & Ora Gruengardand.Marcelo Dascal, Ora Gruengard, Jean-Louis Labarrière, Jean Hampton, Don Herzog, Sergio Cremaschi, Richard H. Popkin, Stephen Holmes, Myriam Bienenstock, Robert Paul Wolff, John Elster, Gideon Freudenthal, Alastair Hannay, James E. Bohman, Harry Redner & Istvàn M. Fehér - 1989 - Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  28. Claves fundamentales para "crear una cultura vocacional" a la luz de los Mensajes de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud del papa Benedicto XV (2006-2010). [REVIEW]Aldo Marcelo Cáceres Roldán - 2011 - Revista Agustiniana 52 (159):577-598.
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    FABRI, Marcelo. Desencantando a ontologia - subjetividade e sentido ético em Levinas. Porto Alegre, EDIPUCRS, 1997.Marcelo L. Pelizzoli - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (2):439-494.
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  30.  8
    La virtud cívica republicana en las sociedades contemporáneas. Resumen de Tesis de Doctorado en Filosofía de Marcelo Fernández Pavlovich.Marcelo Fernández Pavlovich - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 54 (1):e105.
    Resumen de tesis de Doctorado en Filosofía: La virtud cívica republicana en las sociedades contemporáneas de Marcelo Fernández Pavlovich.Directora: Dra. Graciela Vidiella. Fecha de defensa: 13 de setiembre de 2023.
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  31.  59
    (1 other version)Reforming responsibility practices without skepticism.Marcelo Fischborn - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology (NA):1-17.
    Derk Pereboom and Gregg Caruso argue that humans are never morally responsible for their actions and take that thesis as a starting point for a project whose ultimate goal is the reform of responsibility practices, which include expressions of praise, blame, and the institution of legal punishment. This paper shares the skeptical concern that current responsibility practices can be suboptimal and in need of change, but argues that a non-skeptical pursuit of those changes is viable and more promising. The main (...)
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  32.  70
    Reconnaissance, critique sociale et politique: Entretien de Gonçalo Marcelo avec Emmanuel Renault.Gonçalo Marcelo & Emmanuel Renault - 2011 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 2 (1):134-149.
    Au cours de cet entretien, Emmanuel Renault nous offre un aperçu de la manière dont la thématique de la reconnaissance est traitée en France aujourd’hui, notamment à travers le renouveau des études sur Hegel et Marx. Il explique la façon dont la reconnaissance a pu s’ériger en paradigme (en dépit de ses usages multiples et variés en France comme ailleurs), au cours de la dernière décennie et le rôle joué par Axel Honneth dans ce procès. Finalement, il explicite sa manière (...)
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  33.  17
    Evolutionary physiology at 30+: Has the promise been fulfilled?Ismael Galván, Tonia S. Schwartz & Theodore Garland - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100167.
    Three decades ago, interactions between evolutionary biology and physiology gave rise to evolutionary physiology. This caused comparative physiologists to improve their research methods by incorporating evolutionary thinking. Simultaneously, evolutionary biologists began focusing more on physiological mechanisms that may help to explain constraints on and trade‐offs during microevolutionary processes, as well as macroevolutionary patterns in physiological diversity. Here we argue that evolutionary physiology has yet to reach its full potential, and propose new avenues that may lead to unexpected advances. Viewing physiological (...)
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  34.  37
    Sprachphilosophie: Ein Internationales Handbuch Zeitgenössischer Forschung.Marcelo Dascal, Dietfried Gerhardus, Kuno Lorenz & Georg Meggle (eds.) - 1992 - Walter de Gruyter.
  35. Nihil sine ratione à blandior ratio.Marcelo Dascal - unknown
    blandior ratio : C, 34). I will first survey how extensive, albeit usually overlooked, is Leibniz’s concern with these “weaker” forms of reasoning, and how crucial they are for many of his practical and theoretical endeavors. I will then trace back this acute need of Leibniz´s brand of rationalism to the peculiar nature of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR), as opposed to the other basic principle of his philosophy, the Principle of Contradiction (PC). I will present here only the (...)
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  36. Semantics of Non-deterministic Character for LFIs.Marcelo Coniglio & Walter Carnielli - 2016 - In Walter Carnielli & Marcelo Esteban Coniglio (eds.), Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
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  37.  12
    Platão não estava doente.Marcelo Perine (ed.) - 2014 - São Paulo, Brazil: Edições Loyola.
    “Platão, creio, estava doente” (Fédon 59 B). Esta famosa frase do Fédon, a que alude o título desta obra, traduz uma estratégia de ocultamento, pela qual Platão sinaliza claramente que sua obra escrita não pretende se apresentar como um conjunto de documentos históricos, testemunho de diálogos efetivamente ocorridos, ao mesmo tempo em que lhe permite fazer do condutor dos diálogos, na maioria deles Sócrates, uma dramatis persona de si mesmo. Assim como na tradição direta dos escritos Platão esconde-se deliberadamente, mas (...)
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  38. Cultural Relativism and Philosophy: North and Latin American Perspectives.Marcelo Dascal (ed.) - 1991 - E.J. Brill.
    To what extent does cultural diversity affect the activity and the products of philosophizing?
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  39.  24
    O rádio que respira e floresce nas bordas das indústrias midiáticas.Marcelo Kischinhevsky & Sonia Virgínia Moreira - 2017 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 24 (1).
    A ideia de uma crise do rádio consolidou-se no imaginário coletivo nas últimas décadas, a despeito de não haver ancoragem na realidade. Se muitas rádios tradicionais AM e FM saem do ar, vendidas a igrejas eletrônicas ou novos grupos empresariais, multiplica-se a oferta de conteúdos no contexto de um rádio expandido, que transborda para novas plataformas e é consumido nos mais diversos dispositivos. O rádio vai bem, obrigado, embora algumas emissoras de rádio em ondas hertzianas estejam mal das pernas, lamentando-se (...)
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  40. Metaphysical Presuppositions of Argument from Design.Sergio Galvan - unknown
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  41. Razionalità del volere e inferenza pratica.Sergio Galvan - 2008 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 26 (3).
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    Por um rádio de vanguarda política e estética.Marcelo Kischinhevsky & Sonia Virgínia Moreira - 2017 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 24 (1).
    Entrevista com o professor Mauro Rêgo Sá Costa para o dossiê Rádio nas Bordas.
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  43. Entre ética e dialética: defronte a Platão e Gadamer.Marcelo Perine - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (2).
    From Gadamer's Habilitation thesis, “Plato’s dialectical ethics. Phenomenological Interpretations Relating to the Philebus” (1928), this article seeks to highlight the fundamental lines of Plato’s image, outlined in that author’s first philosophical publication (1931). The confrontation with the themes of ethics and dialectic, in the current state of Platonic studies, indicates that in Plato’s image drawn in the early confrontation with the Philebus, clearly influenced by the phenomenological notion of Dasein, one already finds the fundamental features of what will become Gadamer's (...)
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  44.  20
    Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Emotional Education Program: Effects on Academic Performance.María-José Mira-Galvañ & Raquel Gilar-Corbi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: In recent decades, the amount of research on social and emotional learning programs in schools has increased significantly, showing a great number of positive student outcomes, including greater ability to perceive, understand and manage emotions, better attitudes about self and others, less aggressive and/or disruptive behavior, higher levels of psychological well-being and improvement in academic performance among others. The purpose of this research was the design and implementation of the OKAPI emotional education program. A multidimensional program based on cooperative (...)
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  45.  18
    Aristotle on the Modes of Mimesis.Luis Galván - 2024 - Hermes 152 (1):40-56.
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  46. Many-valued logics and Suszko's thesis revisited.Marcelo Tsuji - 1998 - Studia Logica 60 (2):299-309.
    Suszko's Thesis maintains that many-valued logics do not exist at all. In order to support it, R. Suszko offered a method for providing any structural abstract logic with a complete set of bivaluations. G. Malinowski challenged Suszko's Thesis by constructing a new class of logics (called q-logics by him) for which Suszko's method fails. He argued that the key for logical two-valuedness was the "bivalent" partition of the Lindenbaum bundle associated with all structural abstract logics, while his q-logics were generated (...)
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    Hilbert-style Presentations of Two Logics Associated to Tetravalent Modal Algebras.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Martín Figallo - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (3):525-539.
    We analyze the variety of A. Monteiro’s tetravalent modal algebras under the perspective of two logic systems naturally associated to it. Taking profit of the contrapositive implication introduced by A. Figallo and P. Landini, sound and complete Hilbert-style calculi for these logics are presented.
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    Isotope effects on radical pair performance in cryptochrome: A new hypothesis for the evolution of animal migration.Ismael Galván, Abbas Hassasfar, Betony Adams & Francesco Petruccione - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (1):2300152.
    Mechanisms occurring at the atomic level are now known to drive processes essential for life, as revealed by quantum effects on biochemical reactions. Some macroscopic characteristics of organisms may thus show an atomic imprint, which may be transferred across organisms and affect their evolution. This possibility is considered here for the first time, with the aim of elucidating the appearance of an animal innovation with an unclear evolutionary origin: migratory behaviour. This trait may be mediated by a radical pair (RP) (...)
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    Mundo circundante en Heidegger: Índices teóricos para una aproximación a una idea de “habitar” en la hiperconectividad digital.Marcelo Raffo Tironi - 2022 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12 (2).
    With the massification of digital communication networks, a powerful and intense digital transformation of everyday life has been taking place. This transformation intensifies in the common sense of our domestic life the idea of immediacy and simultaneity: the factual possibility that "we are" contemporary and everyday together with the global passing. In this context catalyzed by a phenomenon that we will call digital hyperconnectivity, the concept of “inhabiting” acquires special interest due to the possible transformations that its supposed escalation implies (...)
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    Fanatical, Rational, Mystical.Hector Galván - 2023 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (1):79-93.
    In the following article, I introduce three forms of spirituality elucidated by Santayana in his Reason in Religion, viz. the Fanatical, the Rational, and the Mystical. First, I explore what kinds of spiritual practices and ideologies are considered fanatical or devoted to escaping worldliness via establishing a single, essentially arbitrary, interest. Second, I explore what kinds of spiritual practices and ideologies are considered mystical or devoted to escaping worldliness via abstention and surrender. Third, I explore what kinds of spiritual practices (...)
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