Results for 'Manfred Thaller'

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  1. The origins of telicity.Manfred Krifka - manuscript
    The distinction between telic and atelic predicates has been described in terms of the algebraic properties of their meaning since the early days of model-theoretic semantics. This perspective was inspired by Aristotle’s discussion of types of actions that do or do not take time to be completed1 which was taken up and turned into a linguistic discussion of action-denoting predicates by Vendler (1957). The algebraic notion that seemed to be most conducive to express the Aristotelian distinction appeared to be the (...)
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  2. Quantifying into Question Acts.Manfred Krifka - 2001 - Natural Language Semantics 9 (1):1-40.
    Quantified NPs in questions may lead to an interpretation in which the NP quantifies into the question. Which dish did every guest bring? can be understood as: 'For every guest x: which dish did x bring?'. After a review of previous approaches that tried to capture this quantification formally or to explain it away, it is argued that such readings involve quantification into speech acts. As the algebra of speech acts is more limited than a Boolean algebra – it only (...)
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  3. Four Thousand Ships Passed through the Lock: Object-Induced Measure Functions on Events.Manfred Krifka - 1990 - Linguistics and Philosophy 13 (5):487 - 520.
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    Be brief and vague! And how bidirectional optimality theory allows for verbosity and precision.Manfred Krifka - manuscript
    Given the beginnings of the United States of America, its sympathy with the French revolution and its rationalist attitude towards the institutions of society, one would have expected that it would have been one of the first nations to adopt the new metric system that was introduced in France in 1800. But the history of the attempts to do so is decidedly mixed. American Congress authorized the use of the metric system in 1866. In 1959, American measurements were defined in (...)
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  5. Parametrized sum individuals for plural anaphora.Manfred Krifka - 1996 - Linguistics and Philosophy 19 (6):555 - 598.
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    Representations and algorithms for cognitive learning.Manfred Kochen - 1974 - Artificial Intelligence 5 (3):199-216.
  7. The Semantics of Questions and the Focusation of Answers.Manfred Krifka - 2004 - In Topic and Focus: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 139-151.
    In Krifka (2001) I argued that three distinct phenomena of question semantics – alternative questions like Did it rain or not?, multiple constituent questions with pair-list readings like Who bought what? and the focus patterns of answers to constituent questions – cannot be dealt with adequately within the framework of Alternative Semantics. In Krifka (to appear) I argue that Alternative Semantics also is problematic as a framework for focus semantics in general; in particular, it makes wrong predictions in case focus (...)
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  8. Manner in dative alternation.Manfred Krifka - manuscript
    There are a number of well-known restrictions for the Dative Alternation (cf. Green (1974), Oehrle (1976), Gropen, Pinker, Hollander, & Goldberg (1989), Pinker (1989), Pesetsky (1992), Levin (1993). I will show that several of the low-level semantic restrictions are consequences of a more general one involving the incorporation of a manner component into the meaning of the verb. These restrictions can be explained by assuming two distinct representations of verbs participating in the Dative Alternation: The PO frame expresses movement of (...)
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    Sacred law reconsidered.Manfred Sing - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (1):97-121.
    People everywhere search for answers by using the resources of their traditions. They wish to do so in a legitimate way, and so they consult official institutions, specialists, and skilled individuals for their opinions; regardless of religious or cultural contexts, the common aim of these experts is to produce security, unity, and trust. Therefore, the norm-finding processes in Islamic and Western contexts share fundamental similarities: the problem of finding a final ground for judgment, the strategies of constructing coherence and of (...)
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  10. Prinzip Subjektivität: Allgemeine Theorie. Zweiter Halbband: Natur, Gesellschaft, konkrete Subjektivität.Manfred Wetzel - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (2):431-432.
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  11. Schelling’s Critique of Hegel and the Beginnings of Marxian Dialectics.Manfred Frank - 1989 - Idealistic Studies 19 (3):251-268.
    The history of western philosophy provides many occasions for verifying a general experience: theoretical innovations gain immediate appreciation only if they do not demand too much of the ability of contemporaries to integrate them into their worldview. If they emerge hastily and lack clear connection to their epoch’s expectations about meaning, they will be dismissed as an “untimely growth.” This is, of course, easy enough to understand. What is remarkable, though, is that even subsequent generations that have come to accept (...)
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  12. Aenesidemus oder über die Fundamente der von dem Herrn Professor Reinhold in Jena gelieferten Elementar-Philosophie. Nebst einer Verteidigung des Skeptizismus gegen die Anmaßungen der Vernunftkritik.Gottlob Ernst Schulze & Manfred Frank - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):352-355.
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    The controversy over Friedrich Pollock’s state capitalism.Manfred Gangl - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (2):23-41.
    The critique of capitalism is the bedrock on which rests the reputation of Frankfurt School critical theory. Though critical theory has often been heralded – or criticized and rejected – as a reformulation of Marxian theory for our times, its relation with the critique of political economy, and in particular the economic treatises, has barely been studied. Friedrich Pollock, who was Max Horkheimer’s lifelong friend and close associate at the Institute for Social Research, was responsible for all administrative and financial (...)
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    Selbstgefühl: eine historisch-systematische Erkundung.Manfred Frank - 2002 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  15.  10
    8. Anhang: Quellenübersicht.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter. pp. 329-334.
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    3. Diskussion der Literatur.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter. pp. 59-73.
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    (1 other version)Frontmatter.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter.
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    Kant, ein Atheist? Ein Strawson-Schüler liest das Opus postumum.Manfred Gawlina - 2004 - Kant Studien 95 (2):235-237.
  19. Paulus und Plato: prosopon gegen idea.Manfred Gawlina - 2005 - Theologie Und Philosophie 80 (1).
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    10. Register der Personenamen.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter. pp. 343-350.
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    2. These und Verfahren.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter. pp. 42-58.
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    Vorwort.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter.
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    Aufklärung: das europäische Projekt.Manfred Geier - 2012 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
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    (1 other version)Linguistisches Apriori und angeborene Ideen. Kommentar zu den Kantischen Grundlagen einer generativ-transformationellen Sprachtheorie.Manfred Geier - 1981 - Kant Studien 72 (1-4):68-87.
  25.  26
    The Quest for Happiness: Traces of Ancient Life Wisdom Within the Moral Philosophical Context of the Vienna Circle.Manfred Geier - 1994 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 2:13-21.
    There is presently a real boom in ethics. Never, it seems, has there been more published on fundamental moral claims to validity and on the ethical foundations of philosophical statements than today. One can note a sort of moral low, a tendential decline in human values accompanied by a real boom in publications with a bewildering array of moral philosophical arguments and theories. Ethics has paradoxically succumbed to ever greater confusion, ever since it has become subjected to the more rigorous (...)
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    Hume's Antinomies.Manfred Kuehn - 1983 - Hume Studies 9 (1):25-45.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:25. HUME'S ANTINOMIES I There are many contradictions in Hume. So much is readily admitted by all Hume scholars. But there is little agreement on what these contradictions show about Hume's thought in general. Many interpretations are based upon the view that Hume's contradictions are signs of his carelessness or lack of thoroughness. He is seen either as having lost all interest in giving a comprehensive or consistent account (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant's Transcendental Deduction of God's Existence as a Postulate of Pure Practical Reason.Manfred Kuehn - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (1-4):152-169.
  28. (2 other versions)Verschränkung und Nicht-Lokalität: EPR, Bell und die Folgen.Paul Näger & Manfred Stöckler - 2015 - In Cord Friebe, Meinard Kuhlmann, Holger Lyre, Paul Näger, Oliver Passon & Manfred Stöckler (eds.), Philosophie der Quantenphysik. Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum. pp. 113-176.
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  29. Topic and Focus: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective.Manfred Krifka - 2004 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Zur Kapitulation vor des Novalis »Philosophischem Werk«.Manfred Frank - 2014 - Philosophische Rundschau 61 (2):91-107.
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    Apokalypse oder Umkehr?: Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft : von der Überlebenskrise der Menschheit.Manfred Köhler - 2000 - Marburg: Tectum Verlag DE.
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  32. Oskar Goldberg: der mythische Experimentalwissenschaftler: ein verdrängtes Kapitel jüdischer Geschichte.Manfred Voigts - 1992 - Berlin: Agora.
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    Zukunft in der Vergangenheit?: Über Ursprung und Sinn von Blochs Geschichtsdialektik.Manfred Riedel - 1992 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 40 (12):1373-1390.
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    David Hume and Moses Mendelssohn.Manfred Kuehn - 1995 - Hume Studies 21 (2):197-220.
  35. Gefühl, Begehren und Wollen in Kants praktischer Philosophie.Manfred Baum - 2006 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 14.
    Der Beitrag handelt vom Verhältnis der Kantischen Ethik zur empirischen Psychologie seiner Zeit. Einerseits spricht Kant der empirischen Psychologie jede Bedeutung für seine reine praktische Philosophie ab. Andererseits bewegt sich seine Ethik wie selbstverständlich im Bezugsrahmen der Baumgartenschen Dreivermögenslehre. In ersten Teil wird Wolffs und Baumgartens psychologisches Fundament ihrer Moralphilosophie erörtert, im zweiten wird der Einfluß Hutchesons auf Kants praktische Anthropologie beleuchtet, im dritten und vierten Teil werden Kants Lehre von Wille und Willkür in ihrem Verhältnis zu Gefühl und Begehren (...)
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  36. Semantische und konzeptuelle Repräsentation lexikalischer Einheiten.Manfred Bierwisch - 1982 - In Rudolf Růžička & Wolfgang Motsch (eds.), Untersuchungen zur Semantik. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  37. Normkonformität und staatliche Kriminalitätskontrolle.Manfred Brusten - 1986 - In Anke Wiegand-Kanzaki & Shinʼichi Minamiōji (eds.), Gewissen und soziale Kontrolle in Deutschland und Japan. Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    Oratio Philippica Secunda: Zweite Philippische Rede.Manfred Fuhrmann & Marcus Tullius Cicero - 2011 - In Manfred Fuhrmann & Marcus Tullius Cicero (eds.), Die Philippischen Reden: Lateinisch – Deutsch. Akademie Verlag.
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    9. Literaturverzeichnis.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter. pp. 335-342.
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    6. Leibniz und Kant.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter. pp. 292-322.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Manfred Hinz - 1985 - In Manfred Hinz & Manfred O. Hinz (eds.), Die Zukunft der Katastrophe: mythische und rationalistische Geschichtstheorie im italienischen Futurismus. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 263-282.
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  42. "Critica della ragion pura" e linguaggio. Il problema delle categorie in Kant.Manfred Riedel - 1982 - Rivista di Filosofia 24:297.
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    Fra mito e scienza: lʼinizio della filosofia greca.Manfred Riedel - 1986 - Guida (Napoli).
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    Vernünftiges Denken: Studien Zur Praktischen Philosophie Und Wissenschaftstheorie.Manfred Riedel & Jürgen Mittelstraß (eds.) - 1977 - New York: De Gruyter.
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    Organismus der Sprachidee: H. Steinthals Weg von Humboldt zu Humboldt.Manfred Ringmacher - 1996 - Paderborn: Brill Schoningh.
    Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Freie Universitèat Berlin.
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    Irren ist unmenschlich: Kritik der reinen und praktischen Unvernunft.Manfred Schlapp - 1987 - Berlin: Arcus.
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    Lebenswelt und Zeitbewusstsein.Manfred Sommer - 1990 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Präsenz und Distanz: von diesem Verhältnis handelt die Phänomenologie, wenn sie sich, behutsam beschreibend, der Lebenswelt und dem Zeitbewußtsein zuwendet. Lebensweltliches Leben ist unmittelbare Anschauung am Anfang des Übergangs zu begrifflichem Denken und symbolischen Repräsentanten, ist ursprüngliche Einheit und beginnendes Auseinander von subjektivem Erlebnis und objektiver Realität. All unsere Erlebnisse aber kommen und gehen in der Zeit des Bewußtseins. Sie ist die Form eines Fließens, in dem uns der Augenblick der Gegenwart erst nachträglich faßbar wird; er erweist sich als der (...)
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    Functional similarities between bimanual coordination and topic/comment structure.Manfred Krifka - manuscript
    While language is presumably unique to humans, there are possible pre-linguistic features that developed in the course of human evolution which predate features of language, and might have even been essential for its evolution. A number of such possible preadaptations for human language have been discussed, like the permanent lowering of the larynx, the ability to control one’s breath, or the inclination of humans to imitate. In this paper I would like to point out another candidate for a preadaptation, namely (...)
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    Performative updates and the modeling of speech acts.Manfred Krifka - 2024 - Synthese 203 (1):1-31.
    This paper develops a way to model performative speech acts within a framework of dynamic semantics. It introduces a distinction between performative and informative updates, where informative updates filter out indices of context sets (cf. Stalnaker, Cole (ed), Pragmatics, Academic Press, 1978), whereas performative updates change their indices (cf. Szabolcsi, Kiefer (ed), Hungarian linguistics, John Benjamins, 1982). The notion of index change is investigated in detail, identifying implementations by a function or by a relation. Declarations like _the meeting is (hereby) (...)
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    Kant and Cicero.Manfred Kühn - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 270-278.
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