Results for 'Makoto Nishi'

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  1. Ōnishi Hajime Ikuko shokanshū: tsuketari Ōnishi Hajime ate shokan.Hajime Ōnishi - 1993 - Tōkyō: Kyōbunkan. Edited by Ikuko Ōnishi, Keizō Ishizeki & Toshirō Kōno.
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    Nishi Amane, Katō Hiroyuki.Amane Nishi - 1972 - Edited by Michiari Uete.
  3. Doxastic deliberation.Nishi Shah & J. David Velleman - 2005 - Philosophical Review 114 (4):497-534.
    Believing that p, assuming that p, and imagining that p involve regarding p as true—or, as we shall call it, accepting p. What distinguishes belief from the other modes of acceptance? We claim that conceiving of an attitude as a belief, rather than an assumption or an instance of imagining, entails conceiving of it as an acceptance that is regulated for truth, while also applying to it the standard of being correct if and only if it is true. We argue (...)
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  4. Nishi Amane zenshū.Amane Nishi & Toshiaki Okubo - 1960 - Munetaka Shobo. Edited by Toshiaki Ōkubo.
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  5. Seiyō tetsugakushi: Ōnishi Hajime ikō.Hajime Ōnishi - 1900 - [Tokyo]: Tōkyō Senmon Gakkō Shuppanbu.
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  6. How truth governs belief.Nishi Shah - 2003 - Philosophical Review 112 (4):447-482.
    Why, when asking oneself whether to believe that p, must one immediately recognize that this question is settled by, and only by, answering the question whether p is true? Truth is not an optional end for first-personal doxastic deliberation, providing an instrumental or extrinsic reason that an agent may take or leave at will. Otherwise there would be an inferential step between discovering the truth with respect to p and determining whether to believe that p, involving a bridge premise that (...)
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  7. Why Censorship is Self-Undermining: John Stuart Mill’s Neglected Argument for Free Speech.Nishi Shah - 2021 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 95 (1):71-96.
    Two prejudices have hampered our understanding of John Stuart Mill’s central argument for free speech. One prejudice is that arguments for free speech can only be made in terms of values or rights. This prejudice causes us to miss the depth of Mill’s argument. He does not argue that silencing speech is harmful or violates rights, but instead that silencing speech is a uniquely self-undermining act; it undermines the ground upon which it is based. But even if we overcome this (...)
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  8. A new argument for evidentialism.Nishi Shah - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (225):481–498.
    When we deliberate whether to believe some proposition, we feel immediately compelled to look for evidence of its truth. Philosophers have labelled this feature of doxastic deliberation 'transparency'. I argue that resolving the disagreement in the ethics of belief between evidentialists and pragmatists turns on the correct explanation of transparency. My hypothesis is that it reflects a conceptual truth about belief: a belief that p is correct if and only if p. This normative truth entails that only evidence can be (...)
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    Platon et la question des images.Makoto Sekimura - 2010 - Bruxelles: Ousia.
  10. How Action Governs Intention.Nishi Shah - 2008 - Philosophers' Imprint 8:1-19.
    Why can't deliberation conclude in an intention except by considering whether to perform the intended action? I argue that the answer to this question entails that reasons for intention are determined by reasons for action. Understanding this feature of practical deliberation thus allows us to solve the toxin puzzle.
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  11. Why we reason the way we do.Nishi Shah - 2013 - Philosophical Issues 23 (1):311-325.
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  12. XV-The Limits of Normative Detachment.Nishi Shah - 2010 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 110 (3pt3):347-371.
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    Refining the arithmetical hierarchy of classical principles.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (3):318-345.
    We refine the arithmetical hierarchy of various classical principles by finely investigating the derivability relations between these principles over Heyting arithmetic. We mainly investigate some restricted versions of the law of excluded middle, De Morgan's law, the double negation elimination, the collection principle and the constant domain axiom.
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    Interrelation between weak fragments of double negation shift and related principles.Makoto Fujiwara & Ulrich Kohlenbach - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (3):991-1012.
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  15. The Normativity of Belief and Self-Fulfilling Normative Beliefs.Nishi Shah - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 35 (S1):189-212.
    As Descartes famously pointed out in theSecond Meditation,the thought that someone is thinking is true anytime anyone thinks it. Furthermore, thinking it makes it true. Conversely, anytime anyone thinks that it is not the case that someone is thinking, this thought is false, and thinking it makes it false.l will argue that the propositions ‘There is at least one true normative proposition’ and ‘There are no true normative propositions’ have very similar properties. The proposition ‘There is at least one true (...)
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  16. Clearing Space For Doxastic Voluntarism.Nishi Shah - 2002 - The Monist 85 (3):436-445.
    It is common for philosophers to claim that doxastic voluntarism, the view that an agent can form beliefs voluntarily, is false, and therefore that agents do not have the kind of control over their beliefs required for a straightforward application of deontological concepts such as obligation or duty in the domain of epistemology. The role that the denial of doxastic voluntarism plays in an argument to the effect that agents do not have obligations with respect to belief is simply this.
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  17. Can reasons for belief be debunked?Nishi Shah - 2011 - In Andrew Reisner & Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen, Reasons for Belief. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Robust combinatorial auction protocol against false-name bids.Makoto Yokoo, Yuko Sakurai & Shigeo Matsubara - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 130 (2):167-181.
  19. Reasoning in Stages.Nishi Shah & Matthew Silverstein - 2013 - Ethics 124 (1):101-113.
    Mark Schroeder has recently presented apparent counterexamples to the standard account of the distinction between the right and the wrong kinds of reasons. We argue that these examples appear to refute the standard account only because they blur the distinction between two kinds of reasoning: reasoning about whether to intend or believe that p and reasoning about whether to take up the question of whether to intend or believe that p.
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    Impact of COVID-19 on the Income of Entrepreneurs Who Borrowed from SHG.Nishi Malhotra & Pankaj Kumar Baag - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (2):153-167.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world. After liberalization in 1991, microfinance became a panacea for poor people without collateral and information asymmetry. The higher cost of microfinance and debt traps highlighted the need for the state to intervene in resource redistribution. In addition, national lockdowns and COVID-19 restrictions have made it difficult for emerging economies like India to achieve this sustainable development goal. The Reserve Bank of India introduced self-help group (SHG) bank linkage to ensure the financial inclusion of (...)
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  21. Weak vs. strong Readings of donkey sentences and monotonicity inference in a dynamic setting.Makoto Kanazawa - 1994 - Linguistics and Philosophy 17 (2):109 - 158.
    In this paper, I show that the availability of what some authors have called the weak reading and the strong reading of donkey sentences with relative clauses is systematically related to monotonicity properties of the determiner. The correlation is different from what has been observed in the literature in that it concerns not only right monotonicity, but also left monotonicity (persistence/antipersistence). I claim that the reading selected by a donkey sentence with a double monotone determiner is in fact the one (...)
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    Prenex normalization and the hierarchical classification of formulas.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (3):391-403.
    Akama et al. [1] introduced a hierarchical classification of first-order formulas for a hierarchical prenex normal form theorem in semi-classical arithmetic. In this paper, we give a justification for the hierarchical classification in a general context of first-order theories. To this end, we first formalize the standard transformation procedure for prenex normalization. Then we show that the classes $$\textrm{E}_k$$ and $$\textrm{U}_k$$ introduced in [1] are exactly the classes induced by $$\Sigma _k$$ and $$\Pi _k$$ respectively via the transformation procedure in (...)
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    Characterising Brouwer’s continuity by bar recursion on moduli of continuity.Makoto Fujiwara & Tatsuji Kawai - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (1):241-263.
    We identify bar recursion on moduli of continuity as a fundamental notion of constructive mathematics. We show that continuous functions from the Baire space \ to the natural numbers \ which have moduli of continuity with bar recursors are exactly those functions induced by Brouwer operations. The connection between Brouwer operations and bar induction allows us to formulate several continuity principles on the Baire space stated in terms of bar recursion on continuous moduli which naturally characterise some variants of bar (...)
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  24. Kindai shisō kōza.Makoto Hori, Giichi Kamo & Toshio Kamba (eds.) - 1948
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    Ming-Ch'ing Studies in Japan: 1982.Ueda Makoto & Shigaku Zasshi - 1984 - Chinese Studies in History 18 (1-2):138-155.
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    Political Economy of Money, Credit and Finance in Contemporary Capitalism: Remarks on Lapavitsas and Dymski.Makoto Itoh - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (1):97-112.
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    Domestic Violence Research: Expanding Understandings but Limited Perspective.Nishi Mitra - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1_suppl):e62-e78.
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  28. Ronrigaku.Hajime Ōnishi - 1926
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    Relation Dynamique entre Image et Forme dans la Pensée de Platon.Makoto Sekimura - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 12:71-77.
    On sait que Platon fait grand cas des êtres intelligibles en instaurant la théorie des Idées. Mais il n’est pas approprié de le considérer comme penseur qui néglige le rôle de l’apparence sensible. Ce philosophe demeure très sensible à la modalité par laquelle les phénomènes apparaissent dans le champ de notreperception. En distinguant deux types d’apparence : image et simulacre, il donne à l’image le rôle d’intermédiaire actif entre le sensible et l’intelligible. L’examen des modalités des actions humaines qui reçoivent (...)
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  30. Seishin bunseki to Bukkyō.Makoto Takeda - 1990 - Tōkyō: Shinchōsha.
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    Global Justice: From Responsibility to Rights.Makoto Usami - 2013 - Discussion Paper, No. 2013–02, Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology:1-12.
    In the past decade, a growing number of authors, notably Thomas Pogge, have maintained that citizens in economically advanced societies are responsible for extreme and extensive poverty in the developing world. Iris Marion Young proposed the social connection model of responsibility, which asserts that these citizens participate in networks that give rise to global structural injustices. While Pogge’s argument for the existence of citizens’ responsibility has been the subject of widespread debate, few efforts have been made to scrutinise the solidity (...)
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    Prenex normal form theorems in semi-classical arithmetic.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):1124-1153.
    Akama et al. [1] systematically studied an arithmetical hierarchy of the law of excluded middle and related principles in the context of first-order arithmetic. In that paper, they first provide a prenex normal form theorem as a justification of their semi-classical principles restricted to prenex formulas. However, there are some errors in their proof. In this paper, we provide a simple counterexample of their prenex normal form theorem [1, Theorem 2.7], then modify it in an appropriate way which still serves (...)
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    König's lemma, weak König's lemma, and the decidable fan theorem.Makoto Fujiwara - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (2):241-257.
    We provide a fine‐grained analysis on the relation between König's lemma, weak König's lemma, and the decidable fan theorem in the context of constructive reverse mathematics. In particular, we show that double negated variants of König's lemma and weak König's lemma are equivalent to double negated variants of the general decidable fan theorem and the binary decidable fan theorem, respectively, over a nearly intuitionistic system containing a weak countable choice only. This implies that the general decidable fan theorem is not (...)
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    Decidable fan theorem and uniform continuity theorem with continuous moduli.Makoto Fujiwara & Tatsuji Kawai - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (1):116-130.
    The uniform continuity theorem states that every pointwise continuous real‐valued function on the unit interval is uniformly continuous. In constructive mathematics, is strictly stronger than the decidable fan theorem, but Loeb [17] has shown that the two principles become equivalent by encoding continuous real‐valued functions as type‐one functions. However, the precise relation between such type‐one functions and continuous real‐valued functions (usually described as type‐two objects) has been unknown. In this paper, we introduce an appropriate notion of continuity for a modulus (...)
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  35. Welfare and Rational Care.Nishi Shah - 2004 - Philosophical Review 113 (4):577-582.
    George, feeling stressed and anxious about the criminal investigation into his firm’s accounting practices, decides that it would do him good to get away and take a long, relaxing vacation in Bermuda. According to popular informed-desire accounts of a person’s good, if George would desire to take a vacation to Bermuda upon being made fully aware of what his experience of the vacation would be like and of all the consequences therein, then this course of action would benefit him. This (...)
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    Conservation Theorems on Semi-Classical Arithmetic.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1469-1496.
    We systematically study conservation theorems on theories of semi-classical arithmetic, which lie in-between classical arithmetic $\mathsf {PA}$ and intuitionistic arithmetic $\mathsf {HA}$. Using a generalized negative translation, we first provide a structured proof of the fact that $\mathsf {PA}$ is $\Pi _{k+2}$ -conservative over $\mathsf {HA} + {\Sigma _k}\text {-}\mathrm {LEM}$ where ${\Sigma _k}\text {-}\mathrm {LEM}$ is the axiom scheme of the law-of-excluded-middle restricted to formulas in $\Sigma _k$. In addition, we show that this conservation theorem is optimal in the (...)
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    Illusory models of peano arithmetic.Makoto Kikuchi & Taishi Kurahashi - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (3):1163-1175.
    By using a provability predicate of PA, we define ThmPA(M) as the set of theorems of PA in a modelMof PA. We say a modelMof PA is (1) illusory if ThmPA(M) ⊈ ThmPA(ℕ), (2) heterodox if ThmPA(M) ⊈ TA, (3) sane ifM⊨ ConPA, and insane if it is not sane, (4) maximally sane if it is sane and ThmPA(M) ⊆ ThmPA(N) implies ThmPA(M) = ThmPA(N) for every sane modelNof PA. We firstly show thatMis heterodox if and only if it is (...)
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    Three Short Stories around Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems.Makoto Kikuchi & Taishi Kurahashi - 2011 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 38 (2):75-80.
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    On the strength of marriage theorems and uniformity.Makoto Fujiwara, Kojiro Higuchi & Takayuki Kihara - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (3):136-153.
    Kierstead showed that every computable marriage problem has a computable matching under the assumption of computable expanding Hall condition and computable local finiteness for boys and girls. The strength of the marriage theorem reaches or if computable expanding Hall condition or computable local finiteness for girls is weakened. In contrast, the provability of the marriage theorem is maintained in even if local finiteness for boys is completely removed. Using these conditions, we classify the strength of variants of marriage theorems in (...)
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    Joint turn construction through language and the body: Notes on embodiment in coordinated participation in situated activities.Makoto Hayashi - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (156):21-53.
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    Singular donkey pronouns are semantically singular.Makoto Kanazawa - 2001 - Linguistics and Philosophy 24 (3):383-403.
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    Extended Frames and Separations of Logical Principles.Makoto Fujiwara, Hajime Ishihara, Takako Nemoto, Nobu-Yuki Suzuki & Keita Yokoyama - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (3):311-353.
    We aim at developing a systematic method of separating omniscience principles by constructing Kripke models for intuitionistic predicate logic $\mathbf {IQC}$ and first-order arithmetic $\mathbf {HA}$ from a Kripke model for intuitionistic propositional logic $\mathbf {IPC}$. To this end, we introduce the notion of an extended frame, and show that each IPC-Kripke model generates an extended frame. By using the extended frame generated by an IPC-Kripke model, we give a separation theorem of a schema from a set of schemata in (...)
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    Introduction to the philosophy of Tanabe: according to the English translation of the seventh chapter of the demonstratio of Christianity.Makoto Ozaki - 1990 - Atlanta, GA: Rodopi. Edited by Hajime Tanabe.
    Translated text is chapt. 7, pt. 2 of Kirisutokyō no benshō.
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    Kolmogorov complexity and the second incompleteness theorem.Makoto Kikuchi - 1997 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 36 (6):437-443.
    We shall prove the second incompleteness theorem via Kolmogorov complexity.
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    A strategic justification of the constrained equal awards rule through a procedurally fair multilateral bargaining game.Makoto Hagiwara & Shunsuke Hanato - 2020 - Theory and Decision 90 (2):233-243.
    We propose a new game to strategically justify the constrained equal awards rule in claims problems. Our game is “procedurally fair” and “multilateral”. In addition, even if claimants cannot reach an agreement in any period, they can renegotiate in the next period. We show that, for each claims problem, the awards vector chosen by the constrained equal awards rule achieved at period 1 is the unique subgame perfect equilibrium outcome of the game.
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    Some principles weaker than Markov’s principle.Makoto Fujiwara, Hajime Ishihara & Takako Nemoto - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (7-8):861-870.
    We systematically study several principles and give a principle which is weaker than disjunctive Markov’s principle. We also show that the principle is underivable and strictly weaker than MP∨ in certain extensions of the system EL of elementary analysis.
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  47. The Metaethics of Belief: An Expressivist Reading of “The Will to Believe”.Nishi Shah & Jeffrey Kasser - 2006 - Social Epistemology 20 (1):1-17.
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    On the Essence of Substance as the Individual.Makoto Ozaki - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 7:185-189.
    Hajime Tanabe (1885-1962), the Kyoto- School philosopher of modern Japan, attempts to interpret Aristotle's ontology as being involved in the logic of self-identical being without self-negative conversion in action from his own dialectical perspective. For Tanabe, the eternal essence or Form is to be mediated by the dynamic character of matter, i.e., the temporality pertinent to the changing movement. For Aristotle, however, the essence or pure activity as the principle of being is devoid of such a dynamic mediation, but is (...)
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    Hirano Tomoharu. Die kontradiklorische Logik. Tôkyô Buturigakkô-zassi, vol. 45 , pp. 261–264.Makoto Itô - 1938 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 3 (2):90-90.
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    (1 other version)Eguchi Shintaro. Keidenki kairomô no kôsei ni tuite . Denki-tûsin Gakkai zassi , vol. 41 no. 4 , pp. 5, 475–481.Makoto Itoh - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (3):302-302.
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