Maria Ulkan [5]M. Ulkan [2]
  1. Reflexionen über die Sprache.N. Chomsky, G. Meggle & M. Ulkan - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (2):341-342.
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    Grices Doppelfehler.Georg Meggle & Maria Ulkan - 1992 - ProtoSociology 2:16-23.
    This paper takes up again Grice’s Basic Model (GBM) for analysing communicative acts. We draw attention to a ’new’ fault in GBM, i.e. a fault not yet noticed in the literature: Grice’s deflniens for CA (= communicative attempt) is not only too weak (as it is not satisfying the reflexivity-condition according to which any CA implies the speaker’s intention of CA’s being understood by the hearer); it is also too strong - and just for the same reason.
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    Concepts of Meaning: Framing an Integrated theory of Linguistic Behavior.G. Preyer, Georg Peter & M. Ulkan (eds.) - 2003 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This work discusses new research in semantics, theory of truth, philosophy of language and theory of communication from a trans-disciplinary perspective.
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    Intention — Bedeutung — Kommunikation: Kognitive und handlungstheoretische Grundlagen der Sprachtheorie.Gerhard Preyer, Maria Ulkan & Alexander Ulfig - 1997 - VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Die Sprachtheorie steht heute vor neuen Herausforderungen. Sie zeichnet sich durch die schnelle Dynamik ihrer Entwicklung und die Öffnung gegenüber anderen Wissenschaften und Forschungsbereichen aus. Ergebnisse der Sprachtheorie sind für die Philosophie, Linguistik und die Sozialwissenschaften, aber auch für andere Bereiche wie z. B. die Kommunikationswissenschaften, von Bedeutung. Von besonderer Relevanz sind daher Untersuchungen, die die neuesten Entwicklungen in einen breiten theoretischen Rahmen setzen und zu fruchtbaren Diskussionen zwischen Wissenschaftlern unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen führen. Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge konzentrieren sich (...)
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    Informations- und Aufforderungshandlungen.Maria Ulkan - 1993 - ProtoSociology 4:63-72.
    Any classification of illocutionary acts to be well-founded has to be based on logical principles characteristic of the different types of these acts; and the relevant principles nave to be couched in terms of general action theory. This approach is specified for informatives and directives, and the essential connections between these two (most basic?) types of illocutionary acts are explicated and diagrammed - showing the primacy of informatives. Discussion of why, in talking about communicative acts, some divergence from ordinary language (...)
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    Kommunikative und illokutionäre Akte.Maria Ulkan - 1993 - ProtoSociology 4:32-52.
    Illocutionary acts are best looked upon as being communicative acts. Reasons are eiven for this thesis) which is quite contrary to what classical Speech Act Theory (SAT) holds to be true. It is proposed to define illocutionary intentions via (some very special sort of) perlocutionary intentions. This is not to deny the importance of this central SAT- aistmction, to the contrary, it is suggested that this distinction be reconcilable with the basic concepts of a theory of communicative actions.
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