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Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis [28]M. Mazzocut-mis [3]
  1.  12
    Foreword.Fabrizio Desideri & Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):3-6.
    From picture to photography and back. Tableau vivants, in their gestural synthetic dimension, represent for Diderot the apex of expression that the image can make explicit. Nothing closer to Wall’s poetics. His works show outstanding attention to detail: from scenic design to protagonists’ costumes, from light to actors’ action. And the result is exactly what Diderot saw in the eyes of people observing Chardin’s art: imagination at work.
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  2. Il Secolo dei Lumi e l'oscuro.Piero Giordanetti, Giambattista Gori & Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis (eds.) - 2008 - Mimesis.
  3.  10
    Animalità: idee estetiche sull'anima degli animali.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2003 - Grassina (Firenze): Le Monnier università.
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    Aesthetics, theatricality and performativity: an introduction.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (1):115-122.
    Contemporary theatre allows for a script, a scenario, that is exclusively visual. If action is no longer supported by dialogue, this does not mean that it will disappear. It will undoubtedly return in gestural exchange and in a temporality that is expansive or contracted and condensed. Action becomes an opaque enigma. The interpretation of performative action is a journey that the spectator undertakes in a foreign country, where we are forced to learn a new language. It remains to be seen (...)
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  5. Della felicità. Bonheur, passioni e sentimenti misti.M. Mazzocut-Mis - 2008 - In Piero Giordanetti, Giambattista Gori & Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis (eds.), Il Secolo dei Lumi e l'oscuro. Mimesis. pp. 85--125.
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    Dal gusto al disgusto: l'estetica del pasto.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis (ed.) - 2015 - Milano: Raffaello Cortina editore.
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    Dalla “scala” al “piano”. Appunti per un’indagine interpretativa.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2014 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (2):7-24.
    During the Eighteenth Century – from Bonnet to Robinet, from Maupertuis to Diderot, and up to Buffon – several new topics of discussion were developed concerning materialism, the critique to finalism, the idea of nature as continuous metamorphosis , the advocacy of providentialism, or, to the contrary, of the role of chaos. As a result, scales, prototypes and types have been employed as interpretative hypotheses influencing the main choices and lines of research. In this regard, however, Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire's work (...)
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  8.  8
    Estetica: temi e problemi.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2006 - Grassina (Firenze): Le Monnier Università.
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    Hors-champ de l’estétique : dans la photographie.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2021 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 16.
    The application of financial market criteria to the art world has profoundly changed the reception of works of art. It is channelled through a private circuit of auction houses, galleries and collections, which monopolise the modalities of exhibition to the public and arbitrarily select works and artists, often conforming the taste of the spectators essentially to market criteria. This phenomenon is particularly important in the case of photography, which still remains, especially in some countries, on the fringes of the cultural (...)
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    How far can we go?: pain, excess and the obscene.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. Edited by John Coggan.
    The public does not desire horror, yet enjoys it in art and suffers it in life. When we deal with the monstrous marriage of the abject and the sublime, the consequent thrill of enjoyment is never appeased, always problematic, often unresolved and finally borders on physiological if not pathological narcissism. The public is well acquainted with this 'rhetoric of effects'; rhetoric of extreme effects, which transforms the spectator into voyeur or victim, into an apathetic torturer, whenever cruelty is shown without (...)
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  11.  6
    Il senso del limite: il dolore, l'eccesso, l'osceno.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2009 - Milano: Le Monnier università.
  12.  5
    Il sublime: nuove prospettive di ricerca.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis & Andrea Scanziani - 2024 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 21.
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  13.  18
    La bonne cuisine et le siècle des Lumières.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis & Pietro Allia - 2015 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 14 (2):115-129.
    L’esthétique et la bonne table ont beaucoup de choses en commun. Le xviii e siècle hésite entre besoins physiques et raffinements du goût, entre la faim et l’appétit. Les théories de Dubos, de Voltaire et de Diderot sont ici examinées à la lumière des traités français de la « nouvelle cuisine » du siècle des Lumières, qui doivent beaucoup aux principes du bon goût. La cuisine bourgeoise qui s’est progressivement imposée est moins raffinée que que la cuisine aristocratique, mais le (...)
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  14.  13
    L’importanza di sbagliare. L’educazione all’errore in Denis Diderot.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 19.
    Art, evading the principle of utility, opens up to error. A profitable mistake if it is not stubborn. The artist cautiously accesses the logic of the production of nature which is characterized by continuous mutability. Therefore, “the history of man’s errors does him as much honour as the history of his discoveries”. Recalling the thought of Jean-Baptiste Du Bos, who debates the importance of mistakes that painters and poets can make against their own rules, the essay investigates Denis Diderot’s thought, (...)
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  15.  6
    La forma della passione: linguaggi narrativi e gestuali del Settecento francese.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2014 - Firenze: Le Monnier università.
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  16.  10
    La nascita della teratologia.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 20.
    At the beginning of the 9th century, anatomists aimed at detaching themselves from a mere classifying and descriptive approach to establish a philosophic science studying form patterns and relationships. Organic forms were part of a research program, grounded on how their components were related from a structuralist perspective, as it is for Étienne and Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, founders of teratology. The monster was a subject freed from superstition and subjected to the gaze of the philosopher of nature who, in analyzing (...)
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    L'estetica nella Encyclopédie.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis (ed.) - 2023 - [Sesto San Giovanni]: Aesthetica edizioni.
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    Presentazione.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis, Rita Messori & Salvatore Tedesco - 2014 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (2):3-5.
    Nature doesn’t seem reducible to rigid systems and classifications. Although resorting to metaphors may give rise to contradictions, it allows the elaboration of explanatory models which help us to organize thought and to find orientation in the natural world. Giving form through metaphors stands for seeking the way by which mankind looks for both solutions and new configurations to face nature’s enigmas. The creation of morphological and/or evolutionary metaphors framed in a schematic way what Hugo called “man’s groping in the (...)
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  19. Passion and Perfection in Simon ou des facultés de l'âme.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2005 - In Claudia Melica (ed.), Hemsterhuis: a European philosopher rediscovered. Napoli: Vivarium.
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  20. Racconto/Romanzo.M. Mazzocut-Mis - 2012 - In Paolo D'Angelo (ed.), Forme letterarie della filosofia. Roma: Carocci. pp. 207--243.
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  21.  13
    Souriau’s Animal Aesthetics In Context: Nature, Sensibility, and Form.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis & Andrea Scanziani - 2023 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 15 (2):15-27.
    The work defines three aspects of Souriau’s animal aesthetics by stressing their relevance in the context of early and contemporary ethology: in (1), the concept «biological nature» which is interpreted by Souriau as a realm of appearances and as intrinsically aesthetic; in (2), the concept of animal sensibility, which makes it possible to reframe animals’ artistic behaviours and the sense by which such phenomena establish a meaningful relationship with the environment; in (3), the concept of form, in the description of (...)
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  22.  20
    Tableaux vivants. Da Diderot a Jeff Wall.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):101-113.
    From picture to photography and back. Tableau vivants, in their gestural synthetic dimension, represent for Diderot the apex of expression that the image can make explicit. Nothing closer to Wall’s poetics. His works show outstanding attention to detail: from scenic design to protagonists’ costumes, from light to actors’ action. And the result is exactly what Diderot saw in the eyes of people observing Chardin’s art: imagination at work.
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