Results for 'Lutz Kaufmann'

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  1.  81
    Social Sustainability in Selecting Emerging Economy Suppliers.Matthias Ehrgott, Felix Reimann, Lutz Kaufmann & Craig R. Carter - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (1):99-119.
    Despite the growing public awareness of social sustainability issues, little is known about what drives firms to emphasize social criteria in their supplier management practices and what the precise benefits of such efforts are. This is especially true for relationships with international suppliers from the world's emerging economies in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. Building on stakeholder theory, we address the issue by examining how pressures from customers, the government, and employees as primary constituencies of the firm determine the (...)
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    MNE Subsidiaries’ Strategic Commitment to CSR in Emerging Economies: The Role of Administrative Distance, Subsidiary Size, and Experience in the Host Country.Felix Reimann, Johan Rauer & Lutz Kaufmann - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (4):845-857.
    Multinational enterprises venturing into emerging economies operate in relatively unfamiliar environments that, compared with their home countries, often display a high degree of administrative distance. At the same time, many MNEs face the question of how intensely to commit to corporate social responsibility in emerging economies, given the often relatively lower social standards in those countries. This research addresses the question of how administrative distance, MNE subsidiary size, and experience in the host country relate to the extent to which MNEs (...)
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    The "Social": The Global Career of an Idea.Lutz Leisering - 2013 - International Journal of Social Quality 3 (2):1-15.
    This special issue assembles contributions from the global North and South to inquire into the future of the “social” from an interdisciplinary perspective, drawing on sociology, political science and law. What does “social” mean, and do social policy and the welfare state have a future in a global age? The issue is published on the occasion of the eightieth birthday of Franz-Xaver Kaufmann, who is considered the doyen of the sociology of social policy in Germany.
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    Can you remember silence? Epigenetic memory and reversibility as a site of intervention.Stephanie Lloyd, Pierre-Eric Lutz & Chani Bonventre - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (7):2300019.
    Just over 20 years ago, molecular biologists Leonie Ringrose and Renato Paro published an article with a provocative title, “Remembering Silence”, in BioEssays. The article focused on how epigenetic elements could return to their silent state, operationally defined as their epigenetic status before their modulation by experimental or environmental factors. Though Ringrose and Paro's article was on fruit flies and factors affecting embryological growth, the article asked a question of considerable importance to rapidly expanding research in neuroepigenetics on the correlation (...)
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    Acting without Central Agent—Considerations for a Self-Model at the Cellular Level.Stefan Kippenberger, Johannes Kleemann, Roland Kaufmann & Markus Meissner - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  6.  24
    Leiden und Gerechtigkeit: Studien zu Theologie und Textgeschichte des Sirachsbuches.James L. Crenshaw & Lutz Schrader - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):77.
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    A Correspondence between Temporal Description Logics.Alessandro Artale & Carsten Lutz - 2004 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 14 (1-2):209-233.
    In this paper, we investigate the relationship between two decidable interval-based temporal description logics that have been proposed in the literature, T L-ALCF and ALCF. Although many aspects of these two logics are quite similar, the two logics suggest two rather different paradigms for representing temporal conceptual knowledge. In this paper, we exhibit a reduction from T L-ALCF concepts to ALCF concepts that serves two purposes: first, it nicely illustrates the relationship between the two knowledge representation paradigms; and second, it (...)
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    Love, Truth, and Justice: commentaries on Benedict XVI’s Caritas in Veritate.Ron Beadle & Christopher Lutz - unknown
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    Ibn al-Māristānīya: The Career of a Ḥanbalite Intellectual in Sixth/Twelfth Century BaghdadIbn al-Maristaniya: The Career of a Hanbalite Intellectual in Sixth/Twelfth Century Baghdad.Lutz Richter-Bernburg - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (2):265.
  10.  19
    Linguistic Shuʿūbīya and Early Neo-Persian Prose.Lutz Richter-Bernburg - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (1):55.
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  11. Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist.Walter Arnold Kaufmann - 1950 - Princeton: Princeton University Press. Edited by Alexander Nehamas.
    This classic is the benchmark against which all modern books about Nietzsche are measured. When Walter Kaufmann wrote it in the immediate aftermath of World War II, most scholars outside Germany viewed Nietzsche as part madman, part proto-Nazi, and almost wholly unphilosophical. Kaufmann rehabilitated Nietzsche nearly single-handedly, presenting his works as one of the great achievements of Western philosophy. Responding to the powerful myths and countermyths that had sprung up around Nietzsche, Kaufmann offered a patient, evenhanded account (...)
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    An Essay on Man: An Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture.Fritz Kaufmann - 1947 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (2):283-287.
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  13. The Gay Science with a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs. Translated, with Commentary, by Walter Kaufmann. --.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Walter Arnold Kaufmann - 1974 - Random House.
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  14. (1 other version)Nietzsche : Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist.Walter A. Kaufmann - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 144:467-469.
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    A Critique of Kaufmann's Hegel.Stephen D. Crites & Walter Kaufmann - 1966 - Journal of the History of Ideas 27 (2):296-307.
  16. The Origin of Mass of Elementary Particles.Lutz Castell - 1980 - In A. R. Marlow, Quantum theory and gravitation. New York: Academic Press. pp. 1--147.
  17.  10
    Begriffe, Metaphern und Imaginationen in Philosophie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.Lutz Danneberg, Carlos Spoerhase & Dirk Werle (eds.) - 2009 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
    Aus dem Inhalt: I. BegriffeG. Gabriel, Begriff - Metapher - Katachrese. Zum Abschluss des Historischen Worterbuchs der PhilosophieH. Huhn, Unterscheidungswissen. Begriffsexplikation und BegriffsgeschichteC. Spoerhase, Prosodien des Wissens. Uber den gelehrten "Ton", 1794-1797 II. MetaphernP. Gehring, Das Bild vom Sprachbild. Die Metapher und das VisuelleD. Werle, Methodenmetaphern. Metaphorologie und ihre Nutzlichkeit fur die philologisch-historische MethodologieA. Ruth, Metaphern in der GeschichteR. Klausnitzer, Unsichtbare Faden, unsichtbare Hand. Ideengeschichte und Figuration eines MetaphernkomplexesR. Kany, Palimpsest. Konjunkturen einer EdelmetapherJ. de Salas, Communication and Metaphor in OrtegaIII. (...)
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    Ordnen und Verstehen – Die Zeichnungen des Villard de Honnecourt in einem diagrammatischen Denkmodell.Anja Rathmann-Lutz - 2017 - Das Mittelalter 22 (2):377-391.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Das Mittelalter Jahrgang: 22 Heft: 2 Seiten: 377-391.
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    Bernoulli Semantics and Ordinal Semantics for Conditionals.Stefan Kaufmann - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (1):199-220.
    Conditionals with conditional constituents pose challenges for _the Thesis_, the idea that the probability of a conditional is the corresponding conditional probability. This note is concerned with two proposals for overcoming those challenges, both inspired by early work of van Fraassen: the _Bernoulli Semantics_ associated with Stalnaker and Jeffrey, and augmented with a mechanism for obtaining “local probabilities” by Kaufmann; and a proposal by Bacon which I dub _Ordinal Semantics_. Despite differences in mathematical details and emphasis of presentation, both (...)
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    Background beliefs and plausibility thresholds: defending explanationist evidentialism.Matt Lutz - 2020 - Synthese 197 (6):2631-2647.
    In a recent paper, Appley and Stoutenburg present two new objections to Explanationist Evidentialism : the Regress Objection and the Threshold Objection. In this paper, I develop a version of EE that is independently plausible and empirically grounded, and show that it can meet Appley and Stoutenburg’s objections.
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  21.  24
    Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Country Multinationals: Identifying Company and Country-Level Influences.Lutz Preuss, Ralf Barkemeyer & Ante Glavas - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (3):347-378.
    ABSTRACT:The extant literature on cross-national differences in approaches to corporate social responsibility (CSR) has mostly focused on developed countries. Instead, we offer two inter-related studies into corporate codes of conduct issued by developing country multinational enterprises (DMNEs). First, we analyse code adoption rates and code content through a mixed methods design. Second, we use multilevel analyses to examine country-level drivers of differences in code content—specifically, elements of a country’s National Business System (NBS). We find that DMNEs are much more likely (...)
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  22.  65
    Slipstreaming the Larger Boats: Social Responsibility in Medium-Sized Businesses.Lutz Preuss & Jack Perschke - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (4):531-551.
    Studies into corporate social responsibility (CSR) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have suggested that small businesses are different to the large companies on which CSR research usually focusses. Extending this argument, this article raises the question what differences in approaches to CSR there are within the SME category. Analysing the CSR strategy and performance of a medium-sized fashion retailer in the United Kingdom through manager interviews as well as customer and employee surveys, the article develops an analytical framework of (...)
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  23.  24
    The faith of a heretic.Walter Arnold Kaufmann - 1961 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday. Edited by Stanley Corngold.
    In a quest for honesty, Kaufmann argues against organized religion and presents his own views on the meaning of faith, morality, theology, suffering, and death.
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  24. Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre.Walter Kaufmann - 1957 - New York,: Meridian Books.
    This volume provides basic writings of Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Rilke, Kafka, Ortega, Jaspers, Heidegger, Sartre, and Camus, including some not previously translated, along with an invaluable introductory essay by Walter Kaufmann.
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  25.  29
    Nietzsches Kritik der bürgerlichen Moral „Jenseits von Gut und Böse“ und „Der Wille zur Macht“: Der neue Nietzsche-Kommentar (2): Jochen Schmidt: Der Mythos „Wille zur Macht“: Nietzsches Gesamtwerk und der Nietzsche-Kult. Eine historische Kritik (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016), X, 191 S., ISBN 978-3-11-047437-4, € 109,95. Sarah Scheibenberger: Kommentar zu Nietzsches „Ueber Wahrheit und Lüge im ausser­morali­schen Sinne“ (Nietzsche-Kommentar 1,3, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016), XVI, 137 S., ISBN 978-3-11-045873-2, € 69.95. [Werkkürzel WL]. Jochen Schmidt: Kommentar zu Nietzsches „Morgenröthe“.Sebastian Kaufmann: Kommentar zu Nietzsches „Idyllen von Messina“. (Nietzsche-Kommentar 3,1, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015). xiv, 611 S., ISBN 978-3-11-029303-6, € 69.95. [Werkkürzel Mo und IM]. Andreas Urs Sommer: Kommentar zu Nietzsches „Jenseits von Gut und Böse“. (Historischer und kritischer Kommentar zu Friedrich Nietzsches Werken 5,1, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016), xviii, 939 S., ISBN 978-3-11-029307-4, € 69,9. [REVIEW]Sebastian Kaufmann - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 26 (2):381-385.
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  26. Attention regulation and monitoring in meditation.and Richard J. Davidson Antoine Lutz, Heleen A. Slagter, John D. Dunne - 2008 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12 (4):163.
  27. Theurgie, Imagination und aitherischer Seelenleib : Aspekte visionärer, ritueller Dichtung bei Henry More?Lutz Bergemann - 2018 - In Verena Olejniczak Lobsien, Bernd Roling, Lutz Bergemann & Bettina Bohle, Vom Seelengefährt zum Glorienleib: Formen aitherischer Leiblichkeit. Berlin: Edition Topoi.
  28. Der 'intentionale Fehlschluß': ein Dogma? Systematischer Forschungsbericht zur Kontroverse um eine intentionalistische Konzeption in den Textwissenschaften. Teil II.Lutz Danneberg & Hans-Harald Müller - 1983 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 14 (2):376-411.
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    Heideggers Testament: der Philosoph, der Spiegel und die SS.Lutz Hachmeister - 2014 - Berlin: Propyläen.
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  30. Neues vom südwestdeutschen Neukantianismus?Lutz Herrschaft - 1993 - Philosophische Rundschau 40 (1-2):57-69.
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    Pädagogik und Ästhetik.Lutz Koch, Winfried Marotzki, Helmut Peukert & Stephanie Hellekamps (eds.) - 1994 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
  32.  9
    Gerhard Trosien : Ökonomie der Sportspiele.Lutz Thieme - 2012 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 9 (3):304-308.
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    Die Musik des Mittelalters in der Kursstufe.Lutz Warzok - 2017 - Das Mittelalter 22 (1):183-196.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Das Mittelalter Jahrgang: 22 Heft: 1 Seiten: 183-196.
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    Kommentar Zu Nietzsches ›Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft‹.Sebastian Kaufmann - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Hiermit liegt der Kommentar zu Nietzsches Werk Die fröhliche Wissenschaft vor, das 1882 in erster und 1887 in stark erweiterter zweiter Auflage mit dem neuen Untertitel la gaya scienza erschienen ist. Die fröhliche Wissenschaft gehört zu Nietzsches bekanntesten Schriften und gilt als besonders "ausgewogenes" Werk.
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  35.  33
    Conflict in Political Liberalism: Judith Shklar’s Liberalism of Fear.Katharina Kaufmann - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (4):577-595.
    Realists and non-ideal theorists currently criticise Rawlsian mainstream liberalism for its inability to address injustice and political conflict, as a result of the subordination of political philosophy to moral theory, as well as an idealising and abstract methodology. Seeing that liberalism emerged as a theory for the protection of the individual from conflict and injustice, these criticisms aim at the very core of liberalism as a theory of the political and therefore deserve close analysis. I will defend Judith N. Shklar’s (...)
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  36. What Makes Evolution a Defeater?Matt Lutz - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (6):1105-1126.
    Evolutionary Debunking Arguments purport to show that our moral beliefs do not amount to knowledge because these beliefs are “debunked” by the fact that our moral beliefs are, in some way, the product of evolutionary forces. But there is a substantial gap in this argument between its main evolutionary premise and the skeptical conclusion. What is it, exactly, about the evolutionary origins of moral beliefs that would create problems for realist views in metaethics? I argue that evolutionary debunking arguments are (...)
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  37. Guiding the study of brain dynamics by using first- person data: Synchrony patterns correlate with ongoing conscious states during a simple visual task.Antoine Lutz, Jacques Martinerie, Jean-Philippe Lachaux & Francisco J. Varela - 2002 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Usa 99 (3):1586-1591.
    Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie Ce´re´brale (LENA), Hoˆpital de La Salpeˆtrie`re, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
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  38. The Reliability Challenge in Moral Epistemology.Matt Lutz - 2020 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 15:284-308.
    The Reliability Challenge to moral non-naturalism has received substantial attention recently in the literature on moral epistemology. While the popularity of this particular challenge is a recent development, the challenge has a long history, as the form of this challenge can be traced back to a skeptical challenge in the philosophy of mathematics raised by Paul Benacerraf. The current Reliability Challenge is widely regarded as the most sophisticated way to develop this skeptical line of thinking, making the Reliability Challenge the (...)
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    Citation concept analysis (CCA): a new form of citation analysis revealing the usefulness of concepts for other researchers illustrated by exemplary case studies including classic books by Thomas S. Kuhn and Karl R. Popper.Lutz Bornmann, K. Brad Wray & Robin Haunschild - 2020 - Scientometrics 122 (2):1051-1074.
    In recent years, the full text of papers are increasingly available electronically which opens up the possibility of quantitatively investigating citation contexts in more detail. In this study, we introduce a new form of citation analysis, which we call citation concept analysis (CCA). CCA is intended to reveal the cognitive impact certain concepts—published in a highly-cited landmark publication—have on the citing authors. It counts the number of times the concepts are mentioned (cited) in the citation context of citing publications. We (...)
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    Regulation of the Neural Circuitry of Emotion by Compassion Meditation: Effects of Meditative Expertise.Antoine Lutz, Julie Brefczynski-Lewis & Richard J. Davidson - unknown
    Recent brain imaging studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have implicated insula and anterior cingulate cortices in the empathic response to another’s pain. However, virtually nothing is known about the impact of the voluntary generation of compassion on this network. To investigate these questions we assessed brain activity using fMRI while novice and expert meditation practitioners generated a loving-kindness-compassion meditation state. To probe affective reactivity, we presented emotional and neutral sounds during the meditation and comparison periods. Our main hypothesis (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Mental training affects distribution of limited brain resources.Lutz Antoine, H. A. Slagter, L. L. Greischar, A. D. Francis, S. Nieuwenhuis, J. M. Davis & R. J. Davidson - manuscript
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    Integrating the Emic with the Etic —A Case of Squaring the Circle or for Adopting a Culture Inclusive Action Theory Perspective.Lutz H. Eckensberger - 2015 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 45 (1):108-140.
    The dualism of emic and etic plays a crucial role in the emergence of three culturally informed approaches of psychology: cross-cultural psychology , cultural psychology and indigenous psychologies , a distinction largely accepted nowadays. Similarities and/or differences between these positions are usually discussed either on the level of phenomena or theory. In this paper, however, the discussion takes place on a meta-theoretical or epistemological level, which is also emerging elsewhere. In following several earlier papers of the author, first, four perspectives (...)
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  43. (2 other versions)Meditation and the Neuroscience of Consciousness: An Introduction.A. Lutz, J. D. Dunne & R. J. Davidson - 2006 - In A. Lutz, J. D. Dunne & R. J. Davidson, The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness. Cambridge University Press. pp. 497-549.
  44. Kaufmann, Paulus (2018). Ogyū Sorai and the End of Philosophy. In: Steineck, Raji C; Weber, Ralph; Gassmann, Robert; Lange, Elena L. Concepts of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic world (Vol. 1: China and Japan). Leiden: Brill, 607-629.Paulus Kaufmann, Raji C. Steineck, Ralph Weber, Robert Gassmann & Elena L. Lange (eds.) - 2018
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    Tradition in the Ethics of Alasdair Macintyre: Relativism, Thomism, and Philosophy.Christopher Stephen Lutz - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    Tradition in the Ethics of Alasdair MacIntyre presents a stimulating intellectual history and expertly reasoned defense of this towering figure in contemporary American philosophy. Drawing on interviews and published works, Christopher Lutz traces MacIntyre’s philosophical development and refutes the criticisms of the major thinkers—including Martha Nussbaum and Thomas Nagel—who have most vocally attacked him. Permanently shifting the debate on MacIntyre’s oeuvre, Lutz convincingly demonstrates how MacIntyre’s neo-Aristotelian ethical thought provides an essential corrective to the contemporary discussions of relativism (...)
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  46. Meditation and the neuroscience of consciousness.Antoine Lutz, John D. Dunne & Richard J. Davidson - 2007 - In Morris Moscovitch, Philip Zelazo & Evan Thompson, Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 19--497.
    in Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness edited by Zelazo P., Moscovitch M. and Thompson E. (2007).
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  47. On a Straw Man in the Philosophy of Science - A Defense of the Received View.Sebastian Lutz - 2012 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 2 (1):77–120.
    I defend the Received View on scientific theories as developed by Carnap, Hempel, and Feigl against a number of criticisms based on misconceptions. First, I dispute the claim that the Received View demands axiomatizations in first order logic, and the further claim that these axiomatizations must include axioms for the mathematics used in the scientific theories. Next, I contend that models are important according to the Received View. Finally, I argue against the claim that the Received View is intended to (...)
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  48. Ordinary Language Philosophy and Ideal Language Philosophy.Sebastian Lutz - forthcoming - In Marcus Rossberg, The Cambridge Companion to Analytic Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    According to ordinary language philosophy (OLP), philosophical problems can be solved by investigating ordinary language, often because the problems stem from its misuse. According to ideal language philosophy (ILP), on the other hand, philosophical problems exist because ordinary language is flawed and has to be improved or replaced by constructed languages that do not exhibit these flaws. OLP and ILP together make up linguistic philosophy, the view that philosophical problems are problems of language. Linguistic philosophy is opposed to what may (...)
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    Mental Training Enhances Attentional Stability: Neural and Behavioral Evidence.Antoine Lutz - unknown
    The capacity to stabilize the content of attention over time varies among individuals, and its impairment is a hallmark of several mental illnesses. Impairments in sustained attention in patients with attention disorders have been associated with increased trial-to-trial variability in reaction time and event-related potential deficits during attention tasks. At present, it is unclear whether the ability to sustain attention and its underlying brain circuitry are transformable through training. Here, we show, with dichotic listening task performance and electroencephalography, that training (...)
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    Johannes Bisselius: Deliciae Veris - Frühlingsfreuden: Lateinischer Text, Übersetzung, Einführungen Und Kommentar.Lutz Claren, Jost Eickmeyer, Wilhelm Kühlmann & Hermann Wiegand (eds.) - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    In 1638, the Jesuit, poet, preacher, and historianJohannes Bisselius published the first volume of his seasonal poem Deliciae Veris, Pleasures of Spring. The subtly composed, stylistically unique cycle is presented here for the first time in a modern edition with a German translation and insightful commentary, including an introduction to each poem.".
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