Results for 'Luis Galárraga'

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    Tà Éndoxa: argumentación y plausabilidad.Luis Vega - 1993 - Endoxa 1 (1):5.
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  2. Non-Agential Permissibility In Epistemology.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (2):389-394.
    Paul Silva has recently argued that doxastic justification does not have a basing requirement. An important part of his argument depends on the assumption that doxastic and moral permissibility have a parallel structure. I here reply to Silva's argument by challenging this assumption. I claim that moral permissibility is an agential notion, while doxastic permissibility is not. I then briefly explore the nature of these notions and briefly consider their implications for praise and blame.
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  3. Sceptical Theism and the Paradox of Evil.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (2):319-333.
    Given plausible assumptions about the nature of evidence and undercutting defeat, many believe that the force of the evidential problem of evil depends on sceptical theism’s being false: if evil is...
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    La apuesta filosófica de Michel Foucaült por la altertdad: vlajes y periodismo como marco explicativo de las reflexiones en torno a la experiencia iraní.Luis Félix Blengino - 2016 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 25:157-184.
    Existe un consenso general en torno a la condena de los textos de Foucault sobre la revolución iraní, a los que se considera un error manifiesto, ya sea debido a que el entusiasmo por la revolución islámica lo habría alejado imprudentemente de sus verdaderos intereses teóricos, ya sea debido a que ellos revelan un trasfondo totalitario, ingenuo y hasta misógino de su filosofía, lo cual, por supuesto, ahorra a los comentadores un trabajo hermenéutico sobre la inserción de tales escritos en (...)
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  5. Deontological evidentialism, wide-scope, and privileged values.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (2):485-506.
    Deontological evidentialism is the claim that we ought to form and maintain our beliefs in accordance with our evidence. In this paper, I criticize two arguments in its defense. I begin by discussing Berit Broogard’s use of the distinction between narrow-scope and wide-scope requirements against W.K. Clifford’s moral defense of. I then use this very distinction against a defense of inspired by Stephen Grimm’s more recent claims about the moral source of epistemic normativity. I use this distinction once again to (...)
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    (1 other version)¿Está presente el problema de las otras mentes en la filosofía de R. Descartes?M. Luis G. Castro - 2017 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 11:47-56.
    The aim of the essay is to analyze the passages of the Cartesian oeuvre which could be related to the problem of other minds. After a brief presentation of the problem and what is known as the argument from analogy, we show that what we will call the automata passage is not an acknowledgement of the problem. Next, we raise a way of generating the problem, to show how it could be approached from Descartes’s works.
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    La configuración de un horizonte contrahegemónico en la región andina.Luis Tapia Mealla - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (53):119-125.
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  8. El hombre. imagen y semejanza de Dios en la literatura judía antigua.Luis Díez Merino - 2001 - Ciencia Tomista 128 (415):277-316.
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    Surface features can deeply affect artificial grammar learning.Luis Jiménez, Helena Mendes Oliveira & Ana Paula Soares - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 80:102919.
  10. Deontological evidentialism and ought implies can.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (10):2567-2582.
    Deontological evidentialism is the claim that S ought to form or maintain S’s beliefs in accordance with S’s evidence. A promising argument for this view turns on the premise that consideration c is a normative reason for S to form or maintain a belief that p only if c is evidence that p is true. In this paper, I discuss the surprising relation between a recently influential argument for this key premise and the principle that ought implies can. I argue (...)
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  11. Ampliative Transmission and Deontological Internalism.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (2):174-185.
    Deontological internalism is the family of views where justification is a positive deontological appraisal of someone's epistemic agency: S is justified, that is, when S is blameless, praiseworthy, or responsible in believing that p. Brian Weatherson discusses very briefly how a plausible principle of ampliative transmission reveals a worry for versions of deontological internalism formulated in terms of epistemic blame. Weatherson denies, however, that similar principles reveal similar worries for other versions. I disagree. In this article, I argue that plausible (...)
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  12. Rossian totalism about intrinsic value.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (8):2069-2086.
    This paper defends a novel account of how to determine the intrinsic value of possible worlds. Section 1 argues that a highly intuitive and widely accepted account leads to undesirable consequences. Section 2 takes the first of two steps towards a novel account by clarifying and defending a view about value-contribution that is based on some of W. D. Ross’ claims about the value of pleasure. Section 3 takes the second step by clarifying and defending a view about value-suppression that (...)
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  13. Institutional cosmopolitanism.Luis Cabrera (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Del componente crítico de la ontología hermenéutica. Reflexiones en torno a la analítica del acontecer del 'Dasein'.Luis Periáñez Llorente - 2019 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 52:117-138.
    Las críticas contra Martin Heidegger por su supuesto suprahistoricismo o el desarraigo empírico de su ontología fundamental han sido abundantes y de diverso tipo. El presente artículo pretende confrontarlas con el estudio minucioso de la analítica del acontecer del Dasein, por cuanto el autor encuentra en ella justo la base teórica de una filosofía consciente de los límites infranqueables de la existencia histórica y de la forma como la realidad empírica articula significados, valores, pautas de comportamiento, narrativas… en definitiva, un (...)
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    Si esto es un cuerpo: de la ontología política a una ética posible.Luis Periáñez Llorente - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (2):507-530.
    The present paper intends to place “Lo que queda de Auschwitz” in the Homo Sacer’s proyect started by Giorgio Agamben in 1995. In order to do so, we must point out, in the first place, the need of understanding this proyect as a political ontology, then the relation between this proyect and the philosophy of language of his youth, along with its ethical claims, and, finally, we must identify some of his fundamental moves, as the formation of ontological categories created (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Notas sobre el nacionalismo de Moulines.Luis Villoro - 2001 - Dianoia 46 (48):150-151.
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    O Conatus em Descartes, Hobbes e Espinosa.Luís César Oliva - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (1).
    Conceito oriundo do debate a respeito do movimento, o conatus, entendido como inclinação ou esforço, será um dos temas centrais da física seiscentista. Este artigo pretende explicitar o contexto de elaboração do conceito de conatus no século XVII, ou pelo menos na obra de três de seus principais filósofos: Descartes, Hobbes e Espinosa. Em Descartes, o conceito de conatus ainda se separa do conceito de movimento propriamente dito. Tal separação desaparece em Hobbes, para quem o conatus será apresentado como um (...)
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  18. Sociología y Alteridad: Un Conocer por Relación.Luis Alarcón & Irey Gómez Sánchez - 2005 - A Parte Rei 42:14.
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    Presentación Anejo VII: Narraciones bíblicas de la creación.Luis Fernando Girón Blanc - forthcoming - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones.
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    Pérez Fernández, Miguel. Midrás Sifra, El comentario rabínico al Levítico, I. Baraita'de R. Yisma el Nédabah.Luis Fernando Girón Blanc - 1997 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 2:281.
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    El atomismo griego.Luis Bouttier - 1936 - Buenos Aires: [Talleres gráficos de Sebastián de Amorrortu].
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    Perspectivas Autorreferenciales en Ciencias Sociales.Luis González Bravo - 2002 - Cinta de Moebio 14.
    The present article review some implications of the second order research in Social Sciences. Through the concepts of ambivalence, otherness and paradox, challenges that the new paradigm demands to the social researcher are discussed.
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  23. Evading the Doxastic Puzzle by Deflating Epistemic Normativity.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2020 - In Scott Stapleford & Kevin McCain (eds.), Epistemic Duties: New Arguments, New Angles. New York: Routledge. pp. 44-62.
    What I call the Doxastic Puzzle, is the impression that while each of these claims seems true, at least one of them must be false: (a) Claims of the form ‘S ought to have doxastic attitude D towards p at t’ are sometimes true at t, (b) If Φ-ing at t is not within S’s effective control at t, then it is false, at t, that ‘S ought to Φ at t’, (c) For all S, p, and t, having doxastic (...)
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    Colonialidad y violencias cognitivas: ensayos político-epistemológicos.Luis Claros - 2011 - La Paz, Bolivia: Muela del Diablo Editores.
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  25. Consideraciones acerca de la teoría platónica de los cuatro elementos: su status epistemológico.Luis Guillermo Coronado - 1985 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 58:143-150.
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  26. Fundamentación bioética de la logoterapia.Luis Fernando Veláquez Córdoba - 2008 - Escritos 16 (37):418-450.
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  27. Cuerpos Formados. Centro de Educación Física Nº 29 Santa Fe.Luis Müller - 1998 - Polis 1 (2):54-58.
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  28. La referencia de los nombres propios.Luis Fernández Moreno - 2007 - Critica 39 (116):99-106.
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    Multinational Oil Companies and the Adoption of Sustainable Development: A Resource-Based and Institutional Theory Interpretation of Adoption Heterogeneity.Luis Fernando Escobar & Harrie Vredenburg - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (1):39-65.
    Sustainable development is often framed as a social issue to which corporations should pay attention because it offers both opportunities and challenges. Through the use of institutional theory and the resource-based view of the firm, we shed some light on why, more than 20 years after sustainable development was first introduced, we see neither the adoption of this business model as dominant nor its converse, that is the total abandonment of the model as unworkable and unprofitable. We focus on multinational (...)
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  30. Dificultades para pensar las sexualidades latinoamericanas desde una mirada queer.Luis Aguayo Barrios - 2018 - In Gloria Elías (ed.), El arte de la dominación: ensayos de filosofías para la emancipación y la liberación. San Salvador de Jujuy, Pcia. de Jujuy, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Jujuy.
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    Obras filosóficas.Luís Pereira Barreto & Roque Spencer Maciel de Barros - 1967 - São Paulo: Editorial Grijalbo. Edited by Roque Spencer Maciel de Barros.
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    On Sayre’s Alternative View of Environmental Ethics.Luis Barreto - 1990 - Environmental Ethics 14 (4):377-377.
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  33. Dissociating components in conscious experience.Luis J. Fuentes - 2000 - European Psychologist 5 (1):13-15.
  34. Clifford, William Kingdon.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2021 - In Stewart Goetz & Charles Taliaferro (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    W.K. Clifford’s famous 1876 essay The Ethics of Belief contains one of the most memorable lines in the history of philosophy: "it is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence." The challenge to religious belief stemming from this moralized version of evidentialism is still widely discussed today.
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  35. Cornell Realism, Explanation, and Natural Properties.Luis R. G. Oliveira & Timothy Perrine - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):1021-1038.
    The claim that ordinary ethical discourse is typically true and that ethical facts are typically knowable seems in tension with the claim that ordinary ethical discourse is about features of reality friendly to a scientific worldview. Cornell Realism attempts to dispel this tension by claiming that ordinary ethical discourse is, in fact, discourse about the same kinds of things that scientific discourse is about: natural properties. We offer two novel arguments in reply. First, we identify a key assumption that we (...)
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    Gibbs, Einstein and the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics.Luis Navarro - 1998 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 53 (2):147-180.
    It is generally accepted that, around the turn of the century, GIBBS and EINSTEIN independently developed two equivalent formulations of statistical mechanics. GIBBS version is taken as genuine and rigorous, while EINSTEINs, despite some features which are characteristic of him, is usually considered a not totally satisfactory attempt.It will be shown in the present work that such a picture is oversimplified and requires further nuancing. In fact, there are significant differences, with important implications which have not been sufficiently examined, between (...)
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  37. Calímaco, Propercio, Montano.Luis Charlo Brea - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  38. Entrevista a Anish Kapoor.Luís Burgos - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 53:27-31.
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  39. María Zambrano y la tradición mística española.Luis Llera Cantero - 1996 - El Basilisco 21:73-75.
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  40. El espíritu no está encadenado.Luis Carballada - 2005 - Ciencia Tomista 132 (428).
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    Actualidad y futuro de la fenomenología. Una perspectiva hispanoamericana.Luis Niel - 2009 - Arbor 185 (736):327-337.
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    Philosophical Explanation.Luis A. Camacho - 1986 - Noûs 20 (3):414-416.
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    A Noção de contemplação no Livro II da Ética de Espinosa.Luís César Oliva - 2008 - Cadernos Espinosanos 19:47.
    O trabalho investiga o conceito de contemplação no livro II da Ética de Espinosa, levantando os usos do termo, bem como seu sentido preciso, nos contextos de cada um dos gêneros de conhecimento propostos pelo filósofo. A análise destes casos indica que Espinosa utiliza o termo para indicar o conhecimento de singulares, seja no terreno da inadequação ou da adequação. As aparições do termo nas proposições sobre o segundo gênero não comprometem a hipótese, pois não visam ao objeto propriamente dito (...)
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    Bondade divina e contingência em Leibniz.Luís César Oliva - 2006 - Cadernos Espinosanos 15:59.
    Em sua correspondência com Arnaud, Leibniz mostra como o recurso à vontade divina é fundamental para garantir o espaço da contingência no interior de uma metafísica que não permite a indeterminação. No entanto, ainda resta perguntar se a bondade divina, uma das perfeições incluídas na noção de Deus, não torna necessário aquilo que Leibniz chamara de contingente. Por isso faremos um exame da concepção leibniziana de vontade divina, sobretudo a distinção entre vontade antecedente e vontade consequente, visando determinar até que (...)
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    Considerações sobre a aposta de Pascal.Luís César Guimarães Oliva - 2019 - Cadernos Espinosanos 40:15-33.
    Este artigo pretende expor a estrutura argumentativa do famoso fragmento pascaliano sobre a aposta, cujo intuito principal é mostrar a maior razoabilidade da vida do cristão em comparação com a do não cristão. Partindo da indemonstrabilidade da existência ou inexistência de Deus, o fragmento desenvolve uma argumentação racionalmente aceitável para justificar que se aposte no incerto, sobretudo quando o infinito está em jogo.
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    (1 other version)Fenômeno e corporalidade em Leibniz.Luis César Guimarães Oliva - 2005 - Doispontos 2 (1).
    O problema da corporalidade em Leibniz se vincula necessariamente à discussão sobre o estatuto da matéria em uma Metafísica cuja base são as mônadas imateriais. Veremos que, neste contexto, o material deverá ser fenomênico, mas nem por isso ilusório. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar como o campo fenomênico, cujo caso exemplar é o corpo, pode ganhar um suporte metafísico e racionalmente justificado, constituindo o que Leibniz chama de fenômenos bem fundados. Para tal, deverá ser feito um exame cuidadoso da (...)
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    Ética, de Baruch de espinosa.Luís César Guimarães Oliva - 2021 - Cadernos Espinosanos 45:287-288.
    Resenha da tradução da Ética, de Baruch de Espinosa, da Editora Relógio d'Água.
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  48. A Violent Evangelism: The Political and Religious Conquest of the Americas.Luis N. Rivera - 1992
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    Multi-Level Semiosis: a Paradigm of Emergent Innovation.Luis Emilio Bruni & Franco Giorgi - 2016 - Biosemiotics 9 (3):307-318.
    In this introductory article to the special issue on Multi-level semiosis we attempt to stage the background for qualifying the notion of “multi-levelness” when considering communication processes and semiosis in all life forms, i.e. from the cellular to the organismic level. While structures are organized hierarchically, communication processes require a kind of processual organization that may be better described as being heterarchical. Theoretically, the challenge arises in the temporal domain, that is, in the developmental and evolutionary dimension of dynamic semiotic (...)
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  50. La lógica en Kant y en George Boole.Luis Camacho - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 44 (111):49-56.
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