Results for 'Luigi Sala'

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  1.  39
    Conceptualising moral resilience for nursing practice.Tiziana M. L. Sala Defilippis, Katherine Curtis & Ann Gallagher - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12291.
    The term ‘moral resilience’ has been gaining momentum in the nursing ethics literature. This may be due to it representing a potential response to moral problems such as moral distress. Moral resilience has been conceptualised as a factor that inhibits immoral actions, as a favourable outcome and as an ability to bounce back after a morally distressing situation. In this article, the philosophical analysis of moral resilience is developed by challenging these conceptualisations and highlighting the risks of such limiting perspectives. (...)
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    A new food security approach? Continuity and novelty in the European Union’s turn to preparedness.Luigi Pellizzoni, Laura Centemeri, Maura Benegiamo & Carla Panico - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
    Preparedness is an anticipatory approach developed in the military and health sectors in response to unforeseen and unforeseeable crises and emergencies. It has recently entered the debate over the resilience and sustainability of European food systems. The paper seeks to shed light on the implications of the European Union's adoption of preparedness in its food security policy, particularly focusing on the preparatory phase and the early activity the European Food Security Crisis Preparedness and Response Mechanism (EFSCM), a consultative body launched (...)
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    Autonomy, Responsibility and the Italian Code of Deontology for Nurses.Gaia Barazzetti, Stefania Radaelli & Roberta Sala - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (1):83-98.
    This article is a first assessment of the Italian Code of deontology for nurses (revised in 1999) on the basis of data collected from focus groups with nurses taking part in the Ethical Codes in Nursing (ECN) project. We illustrate the professional context in which the Code was introduced and explain why the 1999 revision was necessary in the light of changes affecting the Italian nursing profession. The most remarkable findings concern professional autonomy and responsibility, and how the Code is (...)
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    Verità e interpretazione.Luigi Pareyson - 2005 - Ugo Mursia Editore.
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    Reflexive Modernization and Beyond.Luigi Pellizzoni - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (4):99-125.
    The relationship between knowledge and values, experts and lay people, represents a major issue of the debate involving environment and technology. There is a growing awareness that the connection between value commitments and technical solutions, scientific expertise and lay competence, is much more entangled than once was believed. The article deals with this issue by analysing Robert Dahl's `minipopulus' and Silvio Funtowicz and Jerry Ravetz's `extended peer communities' arguments. They are subsequently inserted into the sociological debate which is, at present, (...)
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    Verità e interpretazione.Luigi Pareyson - 2012 - Sententiae 26 (1):166-182.
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    Framing tomorrow’s ethics education: Two steps back and three steps forward.Settimio Monteverde & Tiziana Sala Defilippis - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (2):131-132.
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    Life stories in the pastoral planning method see-judge-act.Luigi Pellegrino - 2017 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 36:113-133.
    Es bien conocido el aprecio que desde hace tiempo tiene la Iglesia por el método ver-juzgar-actuar, sin embargo, las reflexiones de la filosofía y la sociología hacen considerar hoy la necesidad de enriquecer el momento del ver, con unos elementos fenomenológicos y hermenéuticos que lo hagan más histórico y menos objetivista y de lograr además una mayor interacción entre los tres momentos. En este sentido, la investigación propone la inserción de las historias de vida de las personas y las comunidades (...)
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    Exemplar similarity and rule application.Ulrike Hahn, Mercè Prat-Sala, Emmanuel M. Pothos & Duncan P. Brumby - 2010 - Cognition 114 (1):1-18.
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    al-Ārāʼ al-kalāmīyah li-Ibn Ḥazm al-Ẓāhirī.Saʻd ʻAbd al-Salām - 2018 - ʻAmmān: Dār Ward al-Urdunīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  11.  10
    al-Simyūlisānīyāt wa-falsafat al-lughah: baḥth fī tadāwulīyāt al-maʻná wa-al-tajāwuz al-dalālī.ʻAbd al-Salām Ismāʻīlī ʻAlawī - 2017 - ʻAmmān: Dār Kunūz al-Maʻrifah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  12. How Can You Be Sure? Epistemic Feelings as a Monitoring System for Cognitive Contents.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2019 - In Matthieu Fontaine, Cristina Barés-Gómez, Francisco Salguero-Lamillar, Lorenzo Magnani & Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández (eds.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Inferential Models for Logic, Language, Cognition and Computation. Springer Verlag.
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    Kant Und Die Frage Nach Gott: Gottesbeweise Und Gottesbeweiskritik in den Schriften Kants.Giovanni B. Sala - 1989 - De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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  14. La filosofia dell'esistenza e Carlo Jaspers.Luigi Pareyson - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52:219.
  15.  29
    The China Model. Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy.Luigi Caranti - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 7 (1).
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    What Went Wrong with Saman’s Story? Cultural Practice, Individual Rights, Gender, and Political Polarization.A. Elisabetta Galeotti & Roberta Sala - 2023 - Res Publica 29 (4):629-646.
    In this paper the authors deal with the story of Saman Abbas, an 18-year-old girl of Pakistani origin, who disappeared in Italy and was killed by her family after she refused an arranged marriage. The case raised a public debate between right-wing parties, who accused the left-wing parties of being culpably blind to the danger of Islam and too tolerant towards illiberal cultures, and left-wing politicians who responded equating Saman’s murder with the domestic killing of Italian women. We argue that (...)
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  17. La sofferenza inutile in Dostoevskij.Luigi Pareyson - 1982 - Giornale di Metafisica 4 (1):123.
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  18. The philosopher and the Artist: Wittgenstein and Paolozzi.Diego Mantoan & Luigi Perissinotto - 2019 - Palgrave Macmillan.
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    Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology.Giovanni B. Sala - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (2):469-499.
    Fr. Sala attempts in this article to provide readers and students of Lonergan with a clear, precise, and condensed presentation of his conception of method in theology in today’s context. He does this by sketching the most important stages in the evolution of Lonergan’s thought. The core of this presentation is the analysis of the “human subject in its subjectivity.” Lonergan deals primarily not with the content of theological science but with the operations theologians perform in constructing theology. He (...)
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    Side Effects or Symptoms? The Feeling of Self-Estrangement in DBS Patients.Luigi Pastore, Giuseppe Saracino, Marco Innamorati & Sara Dellantonio - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (4):58-60.
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  21.  23
    Healthcare students’ moral concerns and distress during the pandemic.Tiziana M. L. Sala Defilippis, Annia Prati & Luca Scascighini - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (6):832-843.
    Background During the first wave of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the sudden increase in hospitalised patients put medical facilities in southern Switzerland under severe pressure. During this time, bachelor’s degree programs in nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy were disrupted, and students in their second year were displaced. Students experienced the continuous reorganisation of their traineeship as healthcare facilities adapted to a climate of uncertainty. Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the degree of moral distress and the (...)
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  22.  19
    A different kind of emancipation? From lifestyle to form-of-life.Luigi Pellizzoni - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (1):155-171.
    The modern outlook on emancipation has made its quest inseparable from a quest for endless enhancement, based on an ever-more intensive exploitation of the biophysical world. This accounts for how unsustainable ways of living are reiterated worldwide, in spite of evidence of their deleterious effects. The underpinnings of unsustainability, and a major impediment to conceiving alternatives, come from an account of the human as ontologically indeterminate, crushed on doing, both vulnerable and powerful towards the world. The impasse of such ambivalence (...)
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  23.  10
    Cavalcare l'ingovernabile: natura, neoliberalismo e nuovi materialismi.Luigi Pellizzoni - 2023 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  24.  13
    Dalla biblioteca medievale del Sacro Convento di Assisi alla Franciscan Institute Library: Storia di un codice e di una biblioteca.Luigi Pellegrini - 2007 - Franciscan Studies 65 (1):405-417.
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  25. Hegel.Luigi Pelloux - 1945 - Brescia,: "La Scuola".
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    Il concetto di esperienza in Aristotele.Luigi Pelloux - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 12:96-100.
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    Nature, neoliberalism, and new materialisms: riding the ungovernable.Luigi Pellizzoni - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores the blurred boundaries between language and matter, cognition and thing, living and inanimate, technology and nature, which is the neoliberal way of governing the unpredictable. Adorno and the concept of form of life provide a way to claim the irreducibility of reality to its description and of nature to mere environment.
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  28. Plotino.Luigi Pelloux - 1945 - Brescia,: "La Scuola" editrice.
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  29.  18
    Science et métaphysique dans la méthode de E. Meyerson.Luigi Pelloux - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 5:161-165.
    La méthode de Meyerson est une méthode logique ; appliquée d’une façon différente soit à l’étude de la pensée qui se dirige vers l’élaboration de la science, soit à son exercice spontané. Cette méthode logique comporte des conclusions qui empêchent la connaissance d’atteindre le réel dans son intégrité. Il s’en suit l’impossibilité d’arriver à une unification complète de ce réel même.. Une vraie métaphysique manque à Meyerson. 11 est nécessaire, pour y parvenir, de dépasser les présupposés phénoménistes de Meyerson, et (...)
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  30.  50
    Strong Will in a Messy World. Ethics and the Government of Technoscience.Luigi Pellizzoni - 2012 - NanoEthics 6 (3):257-272.
    Two features characterize new and emerging technosciences. The first one is the production of peculiar ontologies. The human agent is confronted with a biophysical world the contingent, indeterminate character of which does not hamper but expands the scope of purposeful action. Uncertainty is increasingly regarded as a resource for an expanding will rather than a drawback for a disoriented agent. The second feature is that ethics is increasingly considered as the core regulatory means of this messy, ever-changing world. The ambivalences (...)
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    Protein dynamics: Complex by itself.Luigi Leonardo Palese - 2013 - Complexity 18 (3):48-56.
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  32.  4
    Aristotelismo veneto e scienza moderna: atti del 25o anno accademico del Centro per la Storia della Tradizione Aristotelica nel Veneto.Luigi Olivieri (ed.) - 1983 - Padova: Antenore.
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  33. Galileo Galilei e la tradizione aristotelica.Luigi Olivieri - 1978 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 7 (2):147-166.
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    Pietro d'Abano e il pensiero neolatino: filosofia, scienza e ricerca dell'Aristotele greco tra i secoli XIII e XIV.Luigi Olivieri - 1988 - Padova: Antenore.
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  35. Teoria aristotelica dell'opinione e scienza politica in Marsilio da Padova.Luigi Olivieri - 1979 - Medioevo 5:223-235.
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    Andronikos Kallistos: A Byzantine Scholar and His Manuscripts in Italian Humanism.Luigi Orlandi - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The interest in Andronikos Kallistos, a leading personality among the Greek émigrés who participated in Italian Humanism, arose at the end of the nineteenth century within the frame of the studies on Byzantine scholars of the Renaissance. Researchers have only glimpsed the depth of Kallistos' erudite personality. To date, nearly 130 manuscripts have been found bearing evidence of his work as a copyist and philologist. However, research into both his scribal and scholarly activity remains fragmented into many isolated contributions, mainly (...)
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  37.  8
    Cercatori di Dio: sulle tracce dell'ascetismo pagano, ebraico e cristiano dei primi secoli.Luigi Padovese - 2002 - Milano: Mondadori.
  38.  30
    La figura femminile nella vita e nelle opere di Teodoreto di Cirro.Luigi Padovese - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (2):715-728.
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    La filosofia de Francesco Acri.Luigi Paggiaro - 1953 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    The Patenting of Biological Materials in the United States: A State of Policy Confusion.Luigi Palombi - 2015 - Perspectives on Science 23 (1):35-65.
    This paper discusses the genesis of human DNA patents and the legal confusion and ramifications that ensued. Beginning in the mid-1970s with policymakers and lawmakers in the United States, confronted with an economy impacted by an oil crisis, inflation, growing and persistent unemployment and the fledgling biotechnology industry, this paper tracks the development of the practice until its banning in the US Supreme Court in June 2013. The paper raises serious questions regarding the relevance of a patent system—a system that, (...)
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  41. Arte e storia.Luigi Pareyson - 1959 - Rivista di Estetica 4:340.
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  42. (1 other version)Inizi e caraterri del pensiero di Santino Caramella.Luigi Pareyson - 1979 - Giornale di Metafisica. Nuova Serie Torino 1 (2):305-330.
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  43. Lettura, interpretazione e critica dell' opera d'arte.Luigi Pareyson - 1953 - Filosofia 4 (4):529.
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  44. L'iniziativa morale.Luigi Pareyson - 1969 - Torino,: G. Giappichelli.
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  45. La nuova edizione storico-critica di Schelling.Luigi Pareyson - 1979 - Filosofia 30 (1):45.
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  46. L'arte nella vita spirituale.Luigi Pareyson - 1955 - Filosofia 6 (1):47.
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    Lesning og utførelse.Luigi Pareyson - 2008 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 26 (4):35-55.
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  48. La prima estetica classica di Goethe.Luigi Pareyson - 1971 - Rivista di Estetica 1:5-67.
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  49. Le regole secondo Valéry.Luigi Pareyson - 1962 - Rivista di Estetica 7:229.
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  50. La regola secondo Valery.Luigi Pareyson - 1964 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 154:383-384.
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