Results for 'Luigi Missaglia'

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  1. Il padre Angel Antón, esegeta del concilio Vaticano II.Luigi Missaglia - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (1):27-51.
    The present article studies the theological work of Angel Antón . The author researches into the writings of the Gregorian University ecclesiologist, to survey the main points of his ecclesiology. Above all, he focuses on Antón's attention to the post-conciliar period, when the Jesuit theologian entered into the debate about the reception of Vatican II, forthrightly revealing his position regarding an ecclesiology of communion. The result is a new portrait of an exegete of the Council, engaged in renewing the ecclesiology (...)
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  2. Taking stock of legal ontologies: a feature-based comparative analysis.Valentina Leone, Luigi Di Caro & Serena Villata - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (2):207-235.
    Ontologies represent the standard way to model the knowledge about specific domains. This holds also for the legal domain where several ontologies have been put forward to model specific kinds of legal knowledge. Both for standard users and for law scholars, it is often difficult to have an overall view on the existing alternatives, their main features and their interlinking with the other ontologies. To answer this need, in this paper, we address an analysis of the state-of-the-art in legal ontologies (...)
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    Bergomum. Nomi indigeni e forme d’integrazione nell’epigrafia locale.Davide Luigi Pironi - 2024 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 76 (1-2):183-197.
    L’articolo affronta il problema delle interazioni fra cittadini romani e indigeni nel territorio di Bergomum, municipium della regio xi - Transpadana, attraverso l’esame delle formule onomastiche riscontrabili in alcune iscrizioni. In particolare, l’analisi della documentazione epigrafica agirà su un doppio binario, prendendo in considerazione sia formule di onomastica idionimica – tipicamente indigene e presenti anche dopo la concessione della cittadinanza romana alla Transpadana alla metà del I secolo a.C. – sia formule fedeli al modello romano dei tria nomina, che testimoniano (...)
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    The Relationship Between George Evelyn Hutchinson and Vladimir Ivanovic Vernadsky: Roots and Consequences of a Biogeochemical Approach.Pier Luigi Pireddu - 2023 - Journal of the History of Biology 56 (2):339-363.
    Focusing on the relationship between two important scientists in the development of ecological thought during the first half of the twentieth century, this paper argues that Yale limnologist G. E. Hutchinson's adoption of the biogeochemical approach in the late 1930s builds on the 1920s work of the Russian scientist V. I. Vernadsky. An analysis of Hutchinson’s scientific publications shows that he first referred to Vernadsky in 1940, on two different occasions. This article analyzes the dynamics of Hutchinson’s formulation of the (...)
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    A Biogeographical Debate at the Origins of Limnology in Switzerland and Italy: The Issue over Pelagic Fauna Between Pietro Pavesi and François-Alphonse Forel.Pier Luigi Pireddu - 2024 - Journal of the History of Biology 57 (4):507-532.
    This article explores the early biogeographical debates that shaped the beginning of limnology, focusing on the differences of opinion concerning the origins of pelagic fauna between two pioneering scientists: Pietro Pavesi and François-Alphonse Forel. The study examines how Pavesi’s hypothesis of a marine origin for pelagic fauna contrasts with Forel’s theory of passive distribution, situating their arguments within a broader Darwinian framework. The first part of the paper provides a historical overview of Italian limnology, highlighting Pavesi’s contributions and interpreting Forel’s (...)
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    RecensioniReviews.Roberto Poli, Luigi Dappiano, Sandro Bertoni & Vincenzo Fano - 1993 - Axiomathes 4 (1):141-154.
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    Psicoanalisi e potere.Jole Baldaro Verde, Luigi Longhin & Franca Mazzei Maisetti (eds.) - 1991 - Roma-Bari: Laterza.
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  8. La obra de Roberto Busa SJ: espacios abiertos entre la informática y la hermeneútica.Giancarlo Bolognesi, Luigi Dadda, Adriano de Maio & Tullio Gregory - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico 39 (86):465-476.
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    Il pensiero e l'impegno politico di don Miguel De Unamuno.Carmine Luigi Ferraro - 1994 - Idee 26:273-282.
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    Recenti studi su Unamuno in Italia.Carmine Luigi Ferraro - 1996 - Idee 31:233-246.
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    COVID-19 Pandemic and Physical Exercise: Lessons Learnt for Confined Communities.Amine Ghram, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, Walid Briki, Yaser Jenab, Mehdi Khaled, Monoem Haddad & Karim Chamari - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The novel pandemic called “Coronavirus Disease 2019”, as a global public health emergency and global threat, has affected many countries in unpredictable ways and impacted on physical activity behaviors to various extents. Specific populations including refugees, asylum seekers, and prisoners, are vulnerable groups with multiple complex health needs and worse health outcomes with respect to the general population worldwide and at high risk of death from the “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-related Coronavirus type 2”. Governments around the world have been implementing (...)
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    Preliminary Validation of the CI-FRA Checklist: A Simple Screening Tool for Measuring the Early Signs of Reading and Spelling Disorders in Italian Primary Students.Sara Giovagnoli, Luigi Marotta, Sara Magri, Michela Muccinelli, Alessandra Albani, Giulia Casu, Sara Garofalo & Mariagrazia Benassi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Monoteismo plurale: teo-logia ed ecclesiologia in Schelling.Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli - 2019 - Trapani: Il pozzo di Giacobbe.
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    Corso di filosofia del diritto.Luigi Lombardi Vallauri - 1981 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Il potere sulla vita: etica o economia della cura?Mattia Pontarollo & Luigi Tarca (eds.) - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  16. L'altro mondo.Luigi Quarto di Palo - 1947 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    I paradossi della "Wertfreiheit". Giulio Preti e le fortune epistemologiche dell'ideale weberiano.Pier Luigi Lecis - 2010 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 23 (3):491-512.
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    Noi e loro. Un approccio comunicativo.Pier Luigi Lecis - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 56:65-85.
    In this essay I examine the figure of the Other according to the theory of communicative action. I will not consider the contrast between Habermas and post-modern criticism in the lessons Der philosophische Diskurs der Moderne. I will instead analyse, in the first part, the German philosopher’s stance on the contrast between Putnam and Rorty as regards ethnocentrism and relativism, focusing on the essays contained in the collection Nachmetaphysiches Denken. In the second part I will examine subsequent writings in order (...)
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    As the methods.Luigi Mastroianni Jr - 2009 - In Vardit Ravitsky, Autumn Fiester & Arthur L. Caplan (eds.), The Penn Center Guide to Bioethics. Springer Publishing Company.
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    (1 other version)Recensioni.Jan Woleński, Massimiliano Carrara, Roberto Poli, Luigi Dappiano & Sandro Bertoni - 1994 - Axiomathes 5 (2-3):465-468.
  21. Luigi Knapp e la sua filosofia del diritto.Luigi Secco - 1936 - Padova,: R. Zannoni.
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    Opere di Luigi Scaravelli.Luigi Scaravelli & Mario Corsi - 1968 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia. Edited by Mario Corsi.
    1. Critica de capire e altri scritti. 2. Scritti kantiani. 3. L'analitica trascendentale. 4. Il problema della scienza e il giudizio storico.
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    Luigi Giussani, the Church, and Youth in the 1950's.Luigi Giussani - 2007 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 10 (4):131-150.
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    Giovanni Duns Scoto metafisico e teologo: le tematiche fondamentali della sua filosofia e teologia.Luigi Iammarrone - 1999 - Roma: Miscellanea Francescana.
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  25. The possible and the impossible according to Descartes.Giovanni Missaglia - 1992 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 47 (3):527-553.
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    Botero e la 'Ragion di Stato': atti del convegno in memoria di Luigi Firpo (Torino 8-10 marzo 1990).Luigi Firpo & Artemio Enzo Baldini (eds.) - 1992 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Alla ricerca della sovranità: persona, Chiesa e Stato nel pensiero di Luigi Sturzo.Luigi Barbieri - 2011 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino. Edited by Luigi Sturzo.
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    Un progetto di Stato perfetto: "la monarchie aristodemocratique" di Turquet de Mayerne, 1611.Luigi Gambino - 2000 - Torino: G. Giappichelli.
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    (1 other version)Patrimônio iconográfico: um olhar para as pinturas de Pedro Weingärtner como lugar da memória e identidade.Cyanna Missaglia de Fochesatto - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (2):74.
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    La divinità e il mondo.Luigi Sesti - 1977 - Roma: L. Lucarini.
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    The Risk of Education: Discovering Our Ultimate Destiny.Luigi Giussani - 2019 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Luigi Giussani, a high school religion teacher throughout the 1950s and 1960s, grounded his teachings in the vast body of experience to be found in Christianity's two-thousand-year history. He told his students, “I'm not here to make you adopt the ideas I will give you as your own, but to teach you a method for judging the things I will say.” Throughout his life, education was one of Giussani's primary intellectual interests. He believed that effective education required an adequate (...)
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  32. On the role of simplicity in science.Luigi Scorzato - 2013 - Synthese 190 (14):2867-2895.
    Simple assumptions represent a decisive reason to prefer one theory to another in everyday scientific praxis. But this praxis has little philosophical justification, since there exist many notions of simplicity, and those that can be defined precisely strongly depend on the language in which the theory is formulated. The language dependence is a natural feature—to some extent—but it is also believed to be a fatal problem, because, according to a common general argument, the simplicity of a theory is always trivial (...)
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    Come l'araba fenice, che vi sia ciascun lo dice, dove sia nessun lo sa.Luigi Spinelli - 2004 - Doctor Virtualis 3:89-98.
    La piega critica del realismo filosofico di Tommaso rivela una realtà inaferrabile dischiudendo al soggetto nuove possibilità conoscitive, che ci restituiscono un Tommaso un po' meno tomista.
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    Diritti fondamentali: un dibattito teorico.Luigi Ferrajoli & Ermanno Vitale - 2001 - Roma: Laterza. Edited by Ermanno Vitale.
    A fronte di rapide trasformazioni geo-politiche globali, il tema dei diritti fondamentali - quale sia la loro struttura, quali debbano considerarsi tali, in qual modo li si possa garantire, quale il rapporto con la cittadinanza e la democrazia - acquista sempre maggiore rilevanza nella discussione pubblica. Luigi Ferraioli propone su questi problemi un'originale e innovativa riflessione, suscitando un dibattito in cui si coniugano rigore scientifico e passione civile.
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    Quantum Markov model for data from Shafir-Tversky experiments in cognitive psychology.Luigi Accardi, Andrei Khrennikov & Masanori Ohya - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski (ed.), Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--04.
  36. La dinamica Della Vita trinitaria Nel B. Giovanni duns scoto E in alcuni teologi contemporanei.Luigi Iammarrone - 2008 - Miscellanea Francescana 108 (1-2):40-82.
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  37. Riflessioni su alcune massime e sul carisma della scienza delle realtà soprannaturali in S. Giuseppe da Copertino: San Guiseppe da Copertino.Luigi Iammarrone - 2003 - Miscellanea Francescana 103 (1-2):9-20.
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  38. Struttura della vita trinitaria come amore in S. Bonaventura e nella teologia contemporanea.Luigi Iammarrone - 2001 - Miscellanea Francescana 101 (1-2):145-195.
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    Roger Scruton: vita, opere e pensiero di un conservatore.Luigi Iannone & Gennaro Malgieri (eds.) - 2021 - Roma: Giubilei Regnani.
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    Note su Galileo barocco.Luigi Ingaliso - 2009 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 22:147-156.
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    Estetica: teoria della formatività.Luigi Pareyson - 2002 - Zanichelli.
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  42. Estetica.Luigi Pareyson - 1974 - Firenze,: Firenze, Sansoni.
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  43. Luigi Pirandello and Miguel de Unamuno:" Identity" and" creation of persona".Carmine Luigi Ferraro - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (2):297-326.
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  44. Foreseeable applications of gene therapy into somatic and germinal cells.Luigi D. Notarangelo, Fabio Candotti SilviaGiliani & G. Alberto - 1994 - Primum Non Nocere Today: A Symposium on Pediatric Bioethics: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pediatric Bioethics, Pavia, 26-28 May 1994 1071:127.
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    Dostoevskij: filosofia, romanzo ed esperienza religiosa.Luigi Pareyson - 1993 - Einaudi.
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  46. (1 other version)Inizi e caraterri del pensiero di Santino Caramella.Luigi Pareyson - 1979 - Giornale di Metafisica. Nuova Serie Torino 1 (2):305-330.
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    Neoestetica: un archetipo disciplinare.Luigi Russo - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 47:197-209.
    The paper focuses on Du Bos’ contribution to the birth of aesthetics. Du Bos elaborates – in an anticlassicistical tone – three central notions: 1) that of “artificial passion”, 2) of the taste of “the public” (which is in turn linked to a peculiar conception of “feeling”) and 3) of “artistic genius”. The main tenet will be that such an approach does lead to a “philosophy of fine arts” (or of “artistic beauty”), i.e. the discipline with which modern aesthetics ends (...)
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  48. Esistenzialismo ateo ed esistenzialismo teistico, esposizione e critica costruttiva. — In appendice : L'estetica dell' esistenzialismo.Luigi Stefanini - 1953 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 58 (4):447-447.
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  49. Itnéraires Métaphysiques.Luigi Stefanini - 1953 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 9 (3):335-335.
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    Art Gallery Theorems.Luigi Togliani - 2018 - Science and Philosophy 6 (2):187-196.
    Some important results about art gallery theorems are proposed, starting from Chvátal’s essay, using also polygon triangulations and orthogonal polygons.
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