Results for 'Ludmiła Jankowska'

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  1.  19
    Experiencia, cuerpo y montaje: una lectura sobre la subjetividad como problema semejante entre la filosofía de Walter Benjamin y el teatro-danza de Pina Bausch. Resumen de Tesis de doctorado en Filosofía de Ludmila Hlebovich.Ludmila Hlebovich - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 53 (1):e075.
    Experiencia, cuerpo y montaje: una lectura sobre la subjetividad como problema semejante entre la filosofía de Walter Benjamin y el teatro-danza de Pina Bausch. Resumen de Tesis de doctorado en Filosofía de Ludmila Hlebovich.
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    Exploring the Creative Process: Integrating Psychometric and Eye-Tracking Approaches.Dorota M. Jankowska, Marta Czerwonka, Izabela Lebuda & Maciej Karwowski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:399258.
    This exploratory study aims at integrating the psychometric approach to studying creativity with an eye-tracking methodology and thinking-aloud protocols to potentially untangle the nuances of the creative process. Wearing eye-tracking glasses, one hundred adults solved a drawing creativity test – The Test of Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP) – and provided spontaneous comments during this process. Indices of visual activity collected during the eye-tracking phase explained a substantial amount of variance in psychometric scores obtained in the test. More importantly, however, clear (...)
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    Folding of a peptide continuum: Semiotic approach to protein folding.Ľudmila Lacková - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (233):77-90.
    In this paper I attempt to study the notion of “folding of a semiotic continuum” in a direction of a possible application to the biological processes. More specifically, the process of obtaining protein structures is compared in this paper to the folding of a semiotic continuum. Consequently, peptide chain is presented as a continuous line potential to be formed in order to create functional units. The functional units are protein structures having certain function in the cell or organism. Moreover, protein (...)
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    Towards a Processual Approach in Protein Studies.Ľudmila Lacková - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (3):469-480.
    The present paper attempts to demonstrate semiotic arguments against the sequence → structure → function paradigm in protein studies. The unidirectional deterministic thinking in biological processes has been challenged by several disciplines of life sciences and philosophy. Biosemiotics comprehends living organisms as actively participating in their present and somehow creating or shaping their future, having a plurality of options for acting. Determinism and unidirectionality are in contradiction with a biosemiotic approach towards life, mostly when considering Peirce’s triadic concept of semiosis. (...)
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    Marksizm a filozofia sprawiedliwości: perswazyjna definicja sprawiedliwości a praktyka społeczna.Anna Jankowska - 1981 - Etyka 19:7-19.
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    Critically Queen: analizy prasy gejowskiej między studiami kulturowymi a socjolingwistyką.Ludmiła Janion - forthcoming - Etyka.
    Słowo „ciot(k)a” to przede wszystkim obelga kierowana w stronę homoseksualnych mężczyzn, która jest jednak stopniowo rekontekstulizowana i odzyskiwana w języku, kulturze i aktywizmie osób LGBT. Zakres i chronologia tego odzyskiwania pozostają sporne wśród badaczy. Artykuł rekonstruuje bieżące debaty wokół tego, jak kategoria „cioty” była używana w latach dziewięćdziesiątych w prasie dla homoseksualnych mężczyzn. Po omówieniu różnic między wnioskami z trzech badań, z których jedno jest mojego autorstwa, zastanawiam się nad możliwymi przyczynami rozbieżności. Omawiane czynniki to różnice metodologiczne między analizą mediów (...)
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  7.  29
    Christian Wolff and Immanuel Kant on the Existence of God.Ludmila E. Kryshtop - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (4):7-37.
    The positions of Christian Wolff and Im­manuel Kant on the possibility of proving the existence of God require some examination. Wolff’s critique of the physical-theological proof and his proposed ways of improving it are here analysed. God is central to Wolff’s philosophical system and the fundamental prerequisite of his theoretical and practical philosophy. Although Wolff insists that the natural law is inherent in human nature and can therefore be comprehended by human reason without turning to divine revelation, in reality God (...)
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  8.  26
    Making up exploitation: direct selling, cosmetics and forms of precarious labour in modern Brazil.Ludmila Costhek Abílio - 2012 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 6 (1/2):59.
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    Between Mars and Venus: genre of dance among the Italian dance-masters of 15th century.Ludmila Acone - 2017 - Clio 46:135-148.
    Dans les cours italiennes du xve siècle, la danse et le combat, essentiels dans l’éducation du noble, participent à la définition de la place et du comportement des femmes et des hommes. Les maîtres à danser du Quattrocento, construisent et définissent la théorie et la pratique d’une danse savante et produisent un discours conforme à des normes politiques, sociales et genrées. Guillaume le Juif, définit précisément le rôle et la place de la femme qui danse. Antonio Corazzino, également homme d’armes, (...)
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    L'icône russe.Ludmila Bejenaru & Vladlen Babcinetchi - 2005 - Cultura 2 (2):91-100.
    The Russian icon was always related to the soul of the Russian painter, his anxiety and his emotions. Through the icon the russian has always expressed his faith and mentained the bundle with God. The icon has been considered by the russian people a bridge between human and divinity. The Russian people belive into an russian Christ. The Russian icon embodys the russian nature, his strength of creation and of adaption, but especially the russian soul. It is been capitalized the (...)
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    Leibniz, Kant, and the Doctrine of a Complete Concept.Ludmila L. Guenova - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 335-346.
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    Fenomen pięknego życia.Małgorzata Jankowska & Sergiusz Niziński (eds.) - 2011 - Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
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    Inter-generation social mobility modifies framingham risk score in polish middle-aged men, but not in women.Ewa Anita Jankowska, Alicja Szklarska, Anna Lipowicz, Monika Łopuszańska, Sławomir Koziel & Tadeusz Bielicki - 2008 - Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (3):401-412.
  14.  23
    Postulaty w filozofii Kanta.Kryshtop Ludmila - 2013 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 4 (1):69-84.
    The article concerns one of the principal and most important concepts of Kant’s philosophy, namely the concept of postulate. Kant’s understanding of this term differs from the previous tradition. For Kant, postulates are originally subjective propositions necessarily supposed as objective ones. Otherwise, systematic theoretical cognition and compliance with the moral law become impossible. However, this peculiarity of Kant’s terminology is often ignored, which causes misunderstanding of the role and functions of Kant’s doctrine of postulates as a whole.
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    Foundational Plot of Russian Culture as a Context for Administrative Decision-Making.Ludmila Logunova - 2019 - Researcher. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (2):47-56.
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    Quine: Nejen Gavagai.Ludmila Dostálová–Tomáš Marvan - 2008 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 15 (3):399-403.
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    Understanding patient satisfaction with family doctor care.Ludmila Marcinowicz, Slawomir Chlabicz & Ryszard Grebowski - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (4):712-715.
  18.  14
    Central civil service management structures as brokers of de-politicization and evidence based civil service management: A typology.Ľudmila Staňová - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (3):307-324.
    This article provides a methodological tool for studying central civil service management structures (CCSMS) and their role in de-politicizing the civil service, thereby contributing to evidence-based civil service management. This tool can be used in comparative studies of CCSMS across, but also within countries, since civil service management functions are often split between several central organizations in one country. The comparative study of CCSMS is particularly useful for contemporary policy makers in EU member states, who currently face the challenge of (...)
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    Dyskurs rozestetyzowany: w stronę (trans)filozofii obraz.Mariola Sułkowska-Jankowska - 2014 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 26:241-252.
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  20.  42
    Measuring creative imagery abilities.Dorota M. Jankowska & Maciej Karwowski - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Abortion, Church and Politics in Poland.Hanna Jankowska - 1991 - Feminist Review 39 (1):174-181.
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  22.  8
    Ідентичність, визнання та справедливість у сучасній політичній антропології.Ludmila Sytnichenko - 2018 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:3-18.
    У статті досліджено принципово важливу для сучасної філософії ідею про сутнісний зв’язок справедливості, визнання та ідентичності.Доведено, що справедливість соціальних взаємин зумовлена не так способом розподілу матеріальних благ, як процесами суспільного та індивідуального визнання. Із цієї точки зору, яку обстоюють Ю.Габермас, А.Гонет, Ч.Тейлор, З.Форс, випливає, що саме люди,яким властива гідність, можуть стати не лише об’єктами, а й суб’єктами справедливості, тобто громадянами. Завдяки подоланнюполітичного патерналізму та існуванню індивіда як суб’єкта політичної дії відбувається глибинне переакцентування ідентичності із завузького поля міжособистісного спілкування і формування (...)
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  23.  27
    A Biosemiotic Encyclopedia: an Encyclopedic Model for Evolution.Ľudmila Lacková - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (2):307-322.
    New discoveries in the life sciences have affirmed that the virtual script as well as its context-dependent reading and interpretation determine the final living creature. An extended understanding of Darwinian Theory is crucial for understanding life as semiosis in terms of Peirce and Eco’s semiotic models. The semiosis of living systems is potentially unlimited. Genes are not static and unchangeable scripts, but can always be reinterpreted by new interpretants that illuminate them from different points of view, depending on which properties (...)
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  24.  8
    Danza, prostitución y montaje en la Obra de los pasajes de Benjamin.Ludmila Hlebovich - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0093.
    En el presente trabajo propongo reconstruir y analizar críticamente las referencias a la danza que se encuentran en relación con la figura de la prostituta en la Obra de los pasajes [Das Passagen-Werk] de Walter Benjamin. Para ello tengo en consideración, por un lado, la cuestión de la relación entre filosofía y danza y, por otro lado, dos de las interpretaciones más revisitadas en torno a la figura de la prostituta: la de Buck-Morss, quien enfatiza que Benjamin relega a la (...)
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  25.  19
    Structural semiology, Peirce, and biolinguistics.Ľudmila Lacková - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (253):1-21.
    Peirce’s sign model is introduced as incompatible with structural semiology in the majority of semiotics textbooks. In this paper, I would like to argue against this general polarization of the semiotic discipline. I focus on compatibilities between Lucien Tesnière’s syntactic theory (verbal valency) and Peirce’s logic of relatives. My main argument is that structural linguistics is not necessarily dyadic, and that Peirce’s sign doctrine is perfectly structural. To define the structural approach in Peirce, I analyze the notions of form (structure) (...)
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    Aristotle on language paralogisms.Ludmila Dostalova - 2006 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 13 (2):170-180.
    Contributed paper concerns the misleading ways of argumentation caused by ambiguity of natural language as Aristotle describes them in his writing On Sophistical Refutations. It will be shown that traditional and generally accepted interpretation of these paralogisms is inappropriate and new solution will be proposed.
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  27. Yoga pe înțelesul tuturor.Ludmila Galin - 1976 - București: Editura Medicală. Edited by Filaret Ropceanu.
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    Ideia do espaço (Vorstellung vom Raume).Ludmila Aster Souza Gomes & Pedro Bravo - 2024 - Filosofia Unisinos 25 (3):1-5.
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    Vygotsky’s Crisis: Argument, context, relevance.Ludmila Hyman - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2):473-482.
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    O niektórych gnozeologicznych problemach moralności.Ludmiła Konowałowa - 1974 - Etyka 13:27-41.
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    The Aesthetics of “The World of Art”.Ludmila S. Kosheleva - 2015 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 53 (1):72-86.
    The essay focuses on the aesthetic ideas of the informal association of the Russian artists known as “the World of Art”. The members of this association shared those clearly pronounced trends of aestheticism that had manifested in contemporaneous Europe as Art Nouveau, Secession, and Jugendstil. The main representatives and ideologists of the association, such artists as A. Benois, K. Somov, and M. Dobuzhinsky, sought to show, through both their art and their theoretical ideas, that most important in art is not (...)
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    Contemporaneous Teenager’s Family Form.Ludmila Nabatnikova - 2018 - Researcher. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 (1):73-83.
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    Inferential Costs of Trait Centrality in Impression Formation: Organization in Memory and Misremembering.D. Nunes Ludmila, Garcia-Marques Leonel, B. Ferreira Mário & Ramos Tânia - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    L'évolution du discours de l'Ancien régime: Vers le discours de 1789?Ludmila Pimenova - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):95-100.
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    Social Uterus as a Metaphor for the Family.Ludmila Trapková & Vladislav Chvála - 2002 - Human Affairs 12 (1):88-102.
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    Teologia, biologia i moralność (Paul Chauchard, Biologia i moralność).Ludmiła Żuk - 1969 - Etyka 5:179-182.
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    Sobre a unidade da cultura: diálogos entre Cassirer, Medviédev, Volóchinov e Bakhtin.Ludmila Kemiac - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (3):e60006.
    ABSTRACT Many studies have focused on the contributions and/or convergences among the ideas of Bakhtin, Vološinov and Medvedev, and other authors. Brazilian and foreign researchers have shown convergences between the thought of the German philosopher Ernst Cassirer and the aforementioned Russian thinkers. Cassirer problematizes what would give unity to culture, and this is a problem with which Bakhtin, Vološinov and Medvedev are also concerned. Thus, this article analyzes how this question (“what gives unity to culture?”) was answered, seeking convergences among (...)
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  38.  17
    Засади та принципи політичної антропології Штефана Ґосепата.Ludmila Sytnichenko - 2018 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:69-84.
    Автор статті виходить з того, що саме пошуки засад справедливого рівного розподілу актуалізує питання про особливу роль рівності та її межі в царині справедливості, які й стали предметом особливої уваги відомого німецького філософа Ш.Ґосепата. Аналіз основних засад та принципів його політичної антропології свідчить про те, що осмислення справедливості як важливої засади моралі і права, Ґосепат розпочинає з дослідження проблеми людської гідності та можливості обгрунтування соціальних прав людини за допомогою принципу справедливості соціального розподілу. У статті виокремлено також сенс тлумачення Ґосепатом, у (...)
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    Emotional Labour and Indirectly Measured Attitude Towards Occupation in Explaining Employee Well-Being.Aleksandra Fila–Jankowska & Sylwiusz Retowski - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (2):165-175.
    Drawing on the model of Grandey, it was proposed that the attitude towards occupation could buffer the negative effects of emotional labour. A total of 173 teachers participated in the study. Attitudes towards occupation, surface acting, emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction were estimated. The indirect measure of the attitude towards occupation was assessed using the Approaching-Avoidance Simulation Method. Confirmatory Factor Analysis proved the validity and reliability of the indirect measurement, which is based on uncontrolled reactions of the respondents towards stimuli (...)
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    Towards a framework for psychological resilience in children and adolescents with Borderline Intellectual Functioning.Anna Jankowska - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (3):289-299.
    Psychological well-being is one of the greatest concerns in children and adolescents with Borderline Intellectual Functioning. Those youths are frequently exposed to stress and social inequality, and they are particularly prone to developing mental health issues which persist through adolescence and into adult life. The purpose of this article is to introduce a framework for promoting psychological resilience in children and adolescents with BIF. Three interrelated and complementary factors require professional attention and efforts to improve resilience in children with borderline (...)
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  41.  14
    Aesthetic And Historical Framework of Russian Manor as a Genre.Ludmila Molodkina - 2009 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Existence, historical fabulation, destiny. Springer Verlag. pp. 107--112.
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  42. Phenomenology of utilitarian-aesthetic dynamics of nature.Ludmila Molodkina - 2010 - Analecta Husserliana 105:323-338.
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  43. Problemy z przeszłością - o niektórych zagadnieniach sporu o realizm semantyczny.Ludmiła Olszewska - 2003 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 48 (4):21-36.
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    Can quantitative approaches develop bio/semiotic theory?Ľudmila Lacková & Dan Faltýnek - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-4.
    This special issue addresses question about the place of quantitative methods in the field of biosemiotics. Many standpoints have been taken by contributing authors to demonstrate that the answer to this question is not straightforward. Considering quantitative methods in biosemiotics is necessarily related to inclusion of other scientific fields and interdisciplinary dialogue.
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  45. A aplicação dos princípios do entendimento puro aos objetos da experiência.Ludmila Aster Souza Gomes - 2023 - Kant E-Prints 17 (2):71-93.
    O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar como Kant aplicou uma estrutura cognitiva mais abstrata aos objetos da experiência. É possível observar, a partir de um exemplo _in concreto,_ a aplicação dos princípios do entendimento puro, desenvolvidos e estruturados na_ Crítica da Razão Pura_, aos objetos da experiência, neste caso, as proposições empíricas da mecânica newtoniana. Assim, apresentamos a configuração dos argumentos kantianos, sustentando que há uma relação explícita entre os princípios do entendimento puro, e os princípios metafísicos da ciência da (...)
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    Kant's Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of Critical Philosophy.Ludmila Guenova - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):202-205.
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    Walter Benjamin y Aby Warburg: de la imagen dialéctica a la imagen espectral.Ludmila Fuks - 2023 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 8 (1):1-15.
    En las notas preparatorias de las tesis Sobre el concepto de historia [1940] (2009), Walter Benjamin señala que el materialista histórico debe, al recorrer la “estructura de la historia”, realizar un “análisis espectral” [Spektralanalyse]. Más allá de la familiaridad que Benjamin haya tenido con el método físico del análisis espectral, partimos de aquí para desprender un tema central, que es el de la epistemología de la imagen para un modelo de historia ya dialectizado con la naturaleza, en este caso, el (...)
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    Berdiaev about the Faustic Fate of Culture.Ludmila Bejenaru - 2006 - Cultura 3 (2):42-48.
    Since the first degrees of musicality of mankind, the music became a sphere of investigation for naturalists (Darwin), economists (Karl Bücher), philosophers (Spencer, Schopenhauer, Cioran), who tried to explain, through their theories, the process of the beginning and settlement of this phenomenon as well as its influence on the human being.Schopenhauer will consider art, and especially music, as the only liberating form from delusion and suffering, from the omnipotence will to live. Making a strange parallelism between music and the will (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Music at Schopenhauer and Cioran.Ludmila Bejenaru - 2006 - Cultura 3 (1):35-40.
    Since the first degrees of musicality of mankind, the music became a sphere of investigation for naturalists (Darwin), economists (Karl Bücher), philosophers (Spencer, Schopenhauer, Cioran), who tried to explain, through their theories, the process of the beginning and settlement of this phenomenon as well as its influence on the human being.Schopenhauer will consider art, and especially music, as the only liberating form from delusion and suffering, from the omnipotence will to live. Making a strange parallelism between music and the will (...)
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    Islamic political philosophy: prophecy, revelation, and the divine law.Ludmila Bîrsan - 2011 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 2 (1):85-92.
    This paper examines the issue of Islamic political philosophy in terms of prophecy, revelation and divine law. It is important to note that philosophy, and Islamic politics are in a good relation with religion. In the present study I have developed this connection through the philosophical theories of the medieval philosopher Al-Farabi. What are the differences and similarities between philosophy and divine law, or between a philosopher and prophet? What are Al-Farabi’s most important political theories and what are the concepts (...)
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