  1.  9
    Amerikaanse, Canadese en Engelse politiek-wetenschappelijke publikaties over België.Luc Huyse - 1987 - Res Publica 29 (2):193-206.
    Ten years after the first effort, this second article compares a number of english political science publications about Belgium. Twenty-five contributions are questioned on two grounds. First, what is their information value for a non-Belgian audience. Except for a few striking factual errors, the quality of the books and articles ranges from reasonable toexcellent. The second question, on the surplus value for Belgians themselves, provides a less optimistic image. There is evidence of very little theory building activities in this last (...)
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  2.  10
    De repressie en de politieke agenda : September 1944 - november 1952.Luc Huyse - 1990 - Res Publica 32 (4):415-425.
    From September 1944 on the military courts that handled matters of wartime collaboration had to scrutinize 350. 000 charges and prosecute 57. 000 suspects white political authorities, parties, the media and public opinion kept a close watch. The aim of this article is to study the place the issue of the purge of the Belgian collaborators took on the political agenda of that time. It was found that the topic in question seldom received a top priority position and that when (...)
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  3.  10
    Justitiebeleid in de jaren zeventig.Luc Huyse, Lode Van Outrive, Cyriel Fynaut, Lieven Dupont & Tony Peters - 1979 - Res Publica 21 (2):343-369.
    The authors discuss «judicial» policy-making in the seventies by such various actors as police authorities, local and national government, the Bar associations, legal aid agencies, the judiciary, and prison authorities. They stress the quasi-absence of reliable statistical information, of good annual reports, and of the minimum goodwill of the authorities that would open this area for social science research. They also analyse some of the major decisions that have been made by the Belgian department of justice in the last ten (...)
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  4.  7
    Vijftien Angelsaksische auteurs over politiek, verzuiling en compromisvorming in België.Luc Huyse - 1975 - Res Publica 17 (3):413-431.
    Political science in the West has long dealt quasi-exclusively with the experiences of the stable two-party systems of the Anglo-American type and the so-called continental European polities.The smaller European democracies have been neglected. Belgium too was terra incognita to most political scientists.In the late sixties the tide has turned. A vast literature on the political processes of countries such as Belgium has come into being. This article deals with studies on Belgian politics which have been published in the United States (...)
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  5.  8
    1944-1949 : Repressie zonder maat of einde? : Een interimverslag over een onderzoek naar de berechting in België van collaborateurs. [REVIEW]Steven Dhondt & Luc Huyse - 1987 - Res Publica 29 (4):617-634.
    The purge of Second World War collaborators in Belgium has not been the subject of many serious scientific research sofar. However, progress in theorizing and in data handling make it now possible to clear away the major impediments to such scientific research.After the war, extracts of the judgements of the military courts, which were responsible for the trial of collaborators, were published in the government gazette, « Het Belgisch Staatsblad ». These extracts provide the empirical basis of the project, which (...)
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