Results for 'Lorenzo Marcolin'

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  1.  31
    Medicine and Philosophy in Classical Antiquity. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Marcolin - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 60 (1):183-185.
  2.  80
    On the Limits of Violence.Giorgio Agamben, Lorenzo Fabbri & Elisabeth Fay - 2009 - Diacritics 39 (4):103-111.
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    Non-reflexivity and Revenge.Julien Murzi & Lorenzo Rossi - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (1):201-218.
    We present a revenge argument for non-reflexive theories of semantic notions – theories which restrict the rule of assumption, or initial sequents of the form φ ⊩ φ. Our strategy follows the general template articulated in Murzi and Rossi [21]: we proceed via the definition of a notion of paradoxicality for non-reflexive theories which in turn breeds paradoxes that standard non-reflexive theories are unable to block.
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    Biología sintética: la ingeniería al asalto de la complejidad biológica.Víctor De Lorenzo - 2014 - Arbor 190 (768):a149.
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    Communication: Where Evolutionary Linguistics Went Wrong.Guillermo Lorenzo & Sergio Balari - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (3):228-239.
    In this article we offer a detailed assessment of current approaches to the origins of language, with a special foots on their historical and theoretical underpinnings. It is a widely accepted view within evolutionary linguistics that an account of the emergence of human language necessarily involves paying special attention to its communicative function and its relation to other animal communication systems. Ever since Darwin, some variant of this view has constituted the mainstream version in evolutionary linguistics; however, it is our (...)
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    El derecho a la vida conyugal en la sociedad contemporánea.Lorenzo Peña - 2010 - Arbor 186 (745):871-899.
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    The invention of market freedom.Lorenzo Sabbadini - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (1):e10-e12.
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    Incompleteness and Fixed Points.Lorenzo Sacchetti - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (1):15-28.
    Our purpose is to present some connections between modal incompleteness andmodal logics related to the Gödel-Löb logic GL. One of our goals is to prove that for all m, n, k, l ∈ ℕ the logic K + equation image□i □jp ↔ p) → equation image□ip is incomplete and does not have the fixed point property. As a consequence we shall obtain that the Boolos logic KH does not have the fixed point property.
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    Philosophy of Street Art: Identity, Value, and the Law.Andrea Lorenzo Baldini - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (9):e12862.
    We are living in the era of street art. Since Nick Riggle’s pivotal work on the definition of street art, several philosophers have addressed issues in the philosophy of street art. The goal of this paper is to summarize the literature. I consider the following matters, which have been at the core of philosophical discussions on street art: demarcation, value, illegality, and the ethical foundation of intellectual property (IP) protection. In answering the question ‘What is street art?,’ philosophers have generally (...)
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    Euclidean Numbers and Numerosities.Vieri Benci & Lorenzo Luperi Baglini - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):112-146.
    Several different versions of the theory of numerosities have been introduced in the literature. Here, we unify these approaches in a consistent frame through the notion of set of labels, relating numerosities with the Kiesler field of Euclidean numbers. This approach allows us to easily introduce, by means of numerosities, ordinals and their natural operations, as well as the Lebesgue measure as a counting measure on the reals.
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    Adorno e il "divieto linguistico" (sprachverbot) beckettiano.Francesca Di Lorenzo Ajello - 2005 - Idee 58:49-62.
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    Spinoza in French Philosophy Today.Lorenzo Vinciguerra - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (4):422-437.
  13.  23
    Kant’s Modal Theory of Assent.Lorenzo Mileti Nardo - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 775-784.
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  14. New Foundations of Dispositionalism - introduction.Andrea Raimondi & Lorenzo Azzano - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-26.
    As Price (2009) famously mused, if a philosopher were to be magically transported, perhaps through means of time travel, from the 1950s to the modern day, they would indeed be shocked by the resurgence of metaphysics in the analytic tradition. Most of all, perhaps, they would be shocked by the popularity of power metaphysics. What a strange item to have in a philosopher’s curriculum, they might think: after all, didn’t David Hume claim that “[t]here are no ideas which can occur (...)
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  15. Leibniz-L' Höpital y el Cálculo diferencial.Javier de Lorenzo Martínez - 2005 - Estudios Filosóficos 54 (155):59-110.
    El presente artículo es un reconocimiento y un homenaje a L'Höpital, de cuya muerte se ha cumplido recientemente el tercer centenario. En él se estudia la correspondencia L'Höpital-Leibniz para analizar el recientemente creado por Leibiz cálculo diferencial e integral y su ontología subyacente, así como la publicación del primer manual sobre la materia escrito por L'Höpital.
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  16. (1 other version)Según Kant Y Tomás de aquino.Lorenzo Vicente-Burgoa - 2009 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 37:161-202.
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    Language Acquisition and EcoDevo Processes: The Case of the Lexicon-Syntax Interface.Sergio Balari, Guillermo Lorenzo & Sonia E. Sultan - 2020 - Biological Theory 15 (3):148-160.
    Ecological developmental biology considers the phenotype as actively produced through an environmentally informed process of individual development, rather than predetermined by the genotype. Accordingly, the genotype is viewed as one among many interactants that contribute formative elements; it is understood to do so no differently from the way other organism-internal and environmental resources do. Although the EcoDevo approach is evidently particularly apt to inform approaches to human development, which mostly takes shape in rich cultural environments, it is remarkable that, at (...)
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    A Nativity Cycle for the Choir Screen of San Marco, Venice.Ludovico V. Geymonat & Lorenzo Lazzarini - 2020 - Convivium 7 (1):80-113.
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  19. Oposición y contradicción en Aristóteles y Tomás de Aquino.Tomás Lorenzo Melendo Granados - 1981 - Anuario Filosófico 14 (1):63-100.
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    Evidence and Open Questions for the Use of Video-Feedback Interventions With Parents of Children With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities.Livio Provenzi, Lorenzo Giusti, Marzia Caglia, Elisa Rosa, Eleonora Mascheroni & Rosario Montirosso - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Interview: Bas van Fraassen.Joshua Babic, Lorenzo Cocco, Michal Hladky & David Lucas Simon Blunier - 2017 - Iphilo - le Journal des Étudiants En Philosophie de l'UNIGE 9:31-41.
    Bas Van Fraassen is a nifty philosopher of science. He received his PhD in Pittsburgh in 1966, under the guidance of Adolf Grünbaum, he taught at Yale University, the university of Toronto, the University of Southern California, he has been McCosh Professor of Philosophy in Princeton, and eventually joined the department of philosophy at San Francisco State University, where he has the title of Distinguished Professor of Philosophy. He first gained attention with his book An Introduction to the Philosophy of (...)
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    Diccionario básico de filosofía.Carlos Lorenzo Lizalde & Andrés Plumed Allueva - 1992 - Zaragoza: Mira Editores. Edited by Andrés Plumed Allueva.
    Voces técnicas mínimas que forman el lenguaje filosófico, extraídas de los libros de Filosofía de Bachillerato, Ética y textos de COU.
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    Dialéctica, lógica y formalización: de Hegel a la filosofía analítica.Lorenzo Peña Gonzalo - 1987 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 14:149-171.
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    Notas para un análisis de la historia político-social paraguaya.B. Livieres & N. Lorenzo - 2009 - Asunción, Paraguay: Arandurã Editorial.
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  25. Estructuras mentales y principios racionales: Sobre el innatismo (incoativo) de los primeros principios según Aristóteles y Tomás de Aquino.Lorenzo Vicente Burgoa - 2000 - Sapientia 55 (208):327-344.
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    Eri Yagi, Tetsu Tsuji, Jan Wolters, Katherina Comoth, Lorenzo Peña.Eri Yagi, Tetsu Tsuji, Jan Wolters, Katherina Comoth & Lorenzo Peña - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:617-617.
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  27. Maria Chiara Pievatolo, La giustizia degli invisibili. L'identificazione del soggetto morale, a ripartire da Kant (Roma: Carocci Editore, 1999). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 1999 - SWIF Recensioni Filosofiche 1 (3).
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  28. John Stuart Mill, Bentham e Coleridge. Due saggi (Napoli: Alfredo Guida Editore, 1999). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2002 - SWIF Recensioni Filosofiche 4 (4).
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    Bernard Williams, Vergogna e necessità (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2007). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia 99 (2):352-54.
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    Michele Di Francesco, L’io e i suoi sé. Identità personale e scienza della mente (Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore, 1998). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (25):636-38.
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    Marco Geuna, Giambattista Gori (eds.), I filosofi e la società senza religione (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2011). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia 104 (1):156-57.
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    Matteo Galletti, Silvia Vida (eds.), Indagine sulla natura umana. Itinerari della filosofia contemporanea (Roma: Carocci, 2011). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia 104 (1):155-56.
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    Mario Ricciardi (ed.), L'ideale di giustizia. Da John Rawls a oggi (Milano: Università Bocconi Editore, 2010). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2012 - Rivista di Filosofia 103 (1):170-71.
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    Philip Pettit, Il repubblicanesimo (Milano: Feltrinelli, 2000). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2001 - Rivista di Filosofia 92 (3):542-43.
  35. Special section: Lorenzo Simpson's The Unfinished Project: Cosmopolitanism, humanism and meaning.Lorenzo C. Simpson - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (3):319-341.
  36.  21
    Sextus Empiricus Against the Arithmeticians: Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by Lorenzo Corti.Lorenzo Corti - 2023 - BRILL.
    This is the first dedicated commentary to Sextus Empiricus’ treatise _Against the Arithmeticians_, dealing with crucial issues in the history of the sceptical, Platonic and Pythagorean traditions and in the ancient philosophy of mathematics.
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  37.  48
    Abductive cognition: the epistemological and eco-cognitive dimensions of hypothetical reasoning.Lorenzo Magnani - 2009 - Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
    Theoretical and manipulative abduction conjectures and manipulations : the extra-theoretical dimension of scientific discovery. -- Non-explanatory and instrumental abduction : plausibility, implausibility, ignorance preservation. -- Semiotic brains and artificial minds : how brains make up material cognitive systems. -- Neuromultimodal abduction : pre-wired brains, embidiment, neurospaces. -- Animal abduction : from mindless organisms to srtifactual mediators. -- Abduction, affordances, and cognitive niches : sharing representations and creating chances through cognitive niche construction. -- Abduction in human and logical agents : hasty (...)
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  38. Renaissance Philosophy New Translations [of] Lorenzo Valla , Paul Cortese , Cajetan , ... [Et Al.].Lorenzo Valla & Leonard A. Kennedy - 1973 - Mouton.
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    Hermeneutics as critique: science, politics, race and culture.Lorenzo Charles Simpson - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This book aims to develop the tradition of philosophical hermeneutics, the theoretical account of interpretive (as opposed to explanatory) understanding--the account of meanings and contexts rather than causes and predictions--usually restricted to the domain of literary and textual analysis, in new directions by exploiting its potential as an instrument of critique. It refutes commonly held claims that hermeneutic analyses are necessarily relativistic, Eurocentric, or critically impotent and demonstrates how hermeneutic procedures can inform analyses of urgent current and cross-cultural issues such (...)
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  40.  15
    Letteratura, arte e conoscenza nel romanticismo. una sintesi.Lorenzo Oropallo - 2012 - Epistemologia 2:329-323.
    Un'indagine dello stato dei saperi artistici e scientifici nell'etŕ moderna deve necessariamente partire dall'epistemologia del primo romanticismo tedesco. Il sistema filosofico di Kant, infatti, analizza l'ambito di applicazione del pensiero umano, rilevando che l'arte, in quanto oggetto che sfugge all'indagine razionale della natura, non fornisce alcun tipo di conoscenza. Partendo da tale premessa, e dal ruolo che quindi Kant assegna preliminarmente all'arte, relegandola nell'ambito dell'estetica che č intesa come branca filosofica autonoma distinta dall'indagine razionale della scienza, Fichte, Schelling e i (...)
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  41.  26
    A Genealogy of State Sovereignty.Lorenzo Zucca - 2015 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 16 (2):399-422.
    A genealogical account of state sovereignty explores the ways in which the concept has emerged, evolved, and is in decline today. Sovereignty has a theological foundation, and is deeply bound up with the idea of God, in particular a voluntarist God, presented as being capable of intervening directly in the world. Religious conflicts in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries forced the separation between religion and politics, and opened the space for the emergence of a national state endowed with sovereignty which (...)
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  42. Ob rogatum meorum sociorum: studi in memoria di Lorenzo Pozzi.Lorenzo Pozzi, Stefano Caroti & Roberto Pinzani (eds.) - 2000 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Constitutional Dilemmas: Conflicts of Fundamental Legal Rights in Europe and the Usa.Lorenzo Zucca - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    The book deals with one of the most important issues of philosophy of law and constitutional thought: how to understand clashes of fundamental rights, such as the conflict between free speech and privacy, and develops a framework for adjudication.
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    Morality in a Technological World: Knowledge as Duty.Lorenzo Magnani - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The technological advances of contemporary society have outpaced our moral understanding of the problems that they create. How will we deal with profound ecological changes, human cloning, hybrid people, and eroding cyberprivacy, just to name a few issues? In this book, Lorenzo Magnani argues that existing moral constructs often cannot be applied to new technology. He proposes an entirely different ethical approach, one that blends epistemology with cognitive science. The resulting moral strategy promises renewed dignity for overlooked populations, both (...)
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  45.  49
    The Idea of God and the Empirical Investigation of Nature in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.Lorenzo Spagnesi - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (2):279-297.
    This article aims to justify the positive role in the empirical investigation of nature that Kant attributes to the idea of God in the Critique of Pure Reason. In particular, I propose to read the Transcendental Ideal section and the Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic together to see whether they can reciprocally illuminate each other. I argue that it is only by looking at the transcendental deduction of the ideas of reason and the resulting analogical conception of God that a (...)
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  46.  65
    Dispositionality, categoricity, and where to find them.Lorenzo Azzano - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2949-2976.
    Discussions about dispositional and categorical properties have become commonplace in metaphysics. Unfortunately, dispositionality and categoricity are disputed notions: usual characterizations are piecemeal and not widely applicable, thus threatening to make agreements and disagreements on the matter merely verbal—and also making it arduous to map a logical space of positions about dispositional and categorical properties in which all parties can comfortably fit. This paper offers a prescription for this important difficulty, or at least an inkling thereof. This will be achieved by (...)
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  47.  28
    The Unfinished Project: Toward a Postmetaphysical Humanism.Lorenzo Charles Simpson - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    As humanity becomes increasingly interconnected through globalization, the question of whether community is possible within culturally diverse societies has returned as a principal concern for contemporary thought. Lorenzo Simpson charges that the current discussion is stuck at an impasse-between postmodernism's fragmented notions of cultural difference and humanism's homogeneous versions of community. Simpson proposes an alternative-one that bridges cultural differences without erasing them. He argues that we must establish common aesthetic and ethical standards incorporating sensitivity to difference if we are (...)
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  48.  25
    Springer Handbook of Model-Based Science.Lorenzo Magnani & Tommaso Bertolotti (eds.) - 2017 - Springer.
    This handbook offers the first comprehensive reference guide to the interdisciplinary field of model-based reasoning. It highlights the role of models as mediators between theory and experimentation, and as educational devices, as well as their relevance in testing hypotheses and explanatory functions. The Springer Handbook merges philosophical, cognitive and epistemological perspectives on models with the more practical needs related to the application of this tool across various disciplines and practices. The result is a unique, reliable source of information that guides (...)
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  49. Two Forms of Functional Reductionism in Physics.Lorenzo Lorenzetti - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2).
    Functional reductionism characterises inter-theoretic reduction as the recovery of the upper-level behaviour described by the reduced theory in terms of the lower-level reducing theory. For instance, finding a statistical mechanical realiser that plays the functional role of thermodynamic entropy allows for establishing a reductive link between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. This view constitutes a unique approach to reduction that enjoys a number of positive features, but has received limited attention in the philosophy of science. -/- This paper aims to clarify (...)
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  50.  67
    A Rule‐based Account of the Regulative Use of Reason in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Lorenzo Spagnesi - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):673-688.
    The aim of this paper is to propose a novel reading of the critical legitimacy of the regulative use of reason in the Transcendental Dialectic of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. After introducing some key terminology of the Dialectic, I analyse the shortcomings of two influential accounts of the regulative use of reason and identify their common problem in their commitment to the descriptivity of the ideas of reason. I then offer my rule‐based account of the regulative use of reason (...)
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