Results for 'Ljubiša Rakić'

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  1.  37
    Compulsory administration of oxytocin does not result in genuine moral enhancement.Vojin Rakić - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (3):291-297.
    The question will be raised whether oxytocin can serve as an effective moral enhancer. Different types of moral enhancement will be addressed, one of them being compulsory moral enhancement. It will be argued that oxytocin cannot serve as an effective moral enhancer if its use is being made compulsory. Hence, compulsory administration of oxytocin does not result in genuine moral enhancement. In order to demonstrate this, a stipulation of the main potentially beneficial outcomes of using oxytocin as a moral enhancer (...)
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    The Ultimate Enhancement of Morality.Vojin Rakić - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book deals with good, evil, happiness and morally enhanced post-humans. It offers a succinct historical elaboration of philosophical stances towards morality and happiness, focusing on Kant's ideas in particular. Human augmented ethical maturity in a futuristic version of Kant’s Ethical Commonwealth implies, among else, voluntary moral bio-enhancement ; consequently, more happiness – as morality and happiness are in a circularly supportive relationship; ultimate morality. UM is in its own way a universal morality. In line with the contention that Kant’s (...)
  3.  50
    We Must Create Beings with Moral Standing Superior to Our Own.Vojin Rakić - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (1):58-65.
    :Several lines of reasoning have been employed to both approve and disapprove two of Nicholas Agar’s positions: his argument that the creation of postpersons is imaginable and possible and his inductive argument disfavoring the creation of postpersons. This article discusses a number of these lines of reasoning, arguing that1)The creation of postpersons is imaginable if they are envisaged as morally enhanced beings.2)The creation of postpersons is justified, subject to the condition that we create morally enhanced postpersons.The reason given for the (...)
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    State vs. anti-vaxxers: Analysis of Covid-19 echo chambers in Serbia.Ljubisa Bojic, Nemanja Nikolic & Lana Tucakovic - 2023 - Communications 48 (2):273-291.
    Times of uncertainty and fear were brought on by Covid-19. The ongoing pandemic is a fruitful ground for fake news, as citizens try to find explanations that fit into their worldviews. This process polarizes society and creates echo chambers amplified by recommender systems. Our main goal is to detect anti-vaxxer echo chambers in Serbia by analyzing online reactions to the recent detention of prominent anti-vaxxer Dr. Jovana Stojkovic. A content analysis of online comments is deployed in anti-regime left-leaning, anti-regime right-leaning, (...)
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    Voluntary Moral Bioenhancement Is a Solution to Sparrow's Concerns.Vojin Rakić - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (4):37-38.
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    Sociologija demokratije: Slobodan Jovanovich kao afirmator političke sociologije.Ljubiša Despotović - 2001 - Novi Sad: Stylos.
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    Cortical localization of working memory.Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch, Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press. pp. 285--298.
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    Arthur C. Danto, Nasilje nad ljepotom: estetika i pojam umjetnosti.Ljubiša Prica - 2010 - Prolegomena 9 (1):135-139.
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  9. Cortical development and evolution.P. Rakiç - forthcoming - Brain and Mind: Evolutionary Perspectives.
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  10. Putokaz za Evropu: Preporuke za buduci razvoj srpske javne uprave.Vojin Rakic - 2003 - UNDP and the Government of Serbia.
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  11. Slobodan pristup informacijama i javna uprava.Vojin Rakic - 2005 - Yucom.
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  12.  24
    From cognitive to moral enhancement: A possible reconciliation of religious outlooks and the biotechnological creation of a better human.Rakić Vojin - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):113-128.
  13.  61
    Moral Bioenhancement and Free Will: Continuing the Debate.Vojin Rakić - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (3):384-393.
    :This article continues and expands differences I have with Ingmar Persson and Julian Savulescu concerning issues of moral bioenhancement and free will. They have criticized my conception of voluntary moral bioenhancement, claiming that it ignores the extent to which freedom is a matter of degree. Here, I argue that freedom as a political concept is indeed scalar in nature, but that freedom of the will is to be understood as a threshold concept and therefore not as subject to degree. Consequently, (...)
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    Working memory dysfunction in schizophrenia.Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic, S. P. Salloway, P. F. Malloy & J. D. Duffy - 2001 - In Stephen Salloway, Paul Malloy & James D. Duffy, The Frontal Lobes and Neuropsychiatric Illness. American Psychiatric Press.
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  15.  35
    Genome Editing for Involuntary Moral Enhancement.Vojin Rakić - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (1):46-54.
  16. and Habermas on International Relations: Political Morality as Moral Politics.Vojin Rakic - 2009 - Filozofski Godišnjak 22:21-35.
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    A theory of the normative will.Vojin Rakić - 2010 - Belgrade: Faculty of Economics and Political Science.
  18. Converge or not Converge: The European Union and Higher Education Policies in the Netherlands, Belgium/Flanders and Germany.Vojin Rakic - 2001 - Higher Education Policy 14 (3):225-240.
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    History and future of justice.Vojin Rakić - 2004 - Beograd: Fakultet organizacionih nauka.
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  20. (New) Perspectives in Bioethics.Vojin Rakic, Petar Bojanić & Srđan Prodanović - 2012 - Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory.
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  21. "Kant's Semantics of World (State) Making".Vojin Rakic - 2013 - In Nicholas Onuf Vojin Rakic, Semantics of Statebulding: Language, Meanings and Sovereignty. Routledge.
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  22.  36
    The application of modal language ML in defense of Locke's theory of personal identity.Nataša Rakić - 1991 - Theoria 34 (3-4):73-80.
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  23. Confronting Existential Risks With Voluntary Moral Bioenhancement.Vojin Rakić & Milan M. Ćirković - 2016 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 26 (2):48-59.
    We outline an argument favoring voluntary moral bioenhancement as a response to existential risks humanity exposes itself to. We consider this type of enhancement a solution to the antithesis between the extinction of humanity and the imperative of humanity to survive at any cost. By opting for voluntary moral bioenhancement; we refrain from advocating illiberal or even totalitarian strategies that would allegedly help humanity preserve itself. We argue that such strategies; by encroaching upon the freedom of individuals; already inflict a (...)
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  24.  32
    Wither comparative psychology?Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic & Todd M. Preuss - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):666.
  25.  43
    “You hoped we would sleep walk into accepting the collection of our data”: controversies surrounding the UK scheme and their wider relevance for biomedical research.Sigrid Sterckx, Vojin Rakic, Julian Cockbain & Pascal Borry - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):177-190.
    An ‘Information Centre’ has recently been established by law which has the power to collect, collate and provide access to the medical information forall patients treated by the National Health Service in England, whether in hospitals or by General Practitioners. This so-called ‘’ scheme has given rise to major and ongoing controversies. We will sketch the background of the scheme and look at the responses it has elicited from citizens and medical professionals. In Autumn 2013, NHS England set up a (...)
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  26. The prefrontal contribution to working memory and conscious experience.P. S. Goldman-Rakic - 1966 - In John C. Eccles, Brain and Conscious Experience: Study Week September 28 to October 4, 1964, of the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum. New York,: Springer.
  27. Hegemony, Culture and Human Resources in Politics: the Democratic Transition in Serbia.Vojin Rakic - 2003 - UNDP and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences.
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  28. Public Administration Reform in Serbia.Vojin Rakic - 2004 - NISPACEE News 11 (1):14-16.
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  29. Semantics of Statebulding: Language, Meanings and Sovereignty.Vojin Rakic, Nicolas Lemay-Hebert, Nicholas Greenwood Onufand & Petar Bojanic - 2013 - Routledge.
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  30. "Voluntary moral enhancement and the survival-at-any-cost bias".Vojin Rakić - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (4):246-250.
    I discuss the argument of Persson and Savulescu that moral enhancement ought to accompany cognitive enhancement, as well as briefly addressing critiques of this argument, notably by John Harris. I argue that Harris, who believes that cognitive enhancement is largely sufficient for making us behave more morally, might be disposing too easily of the great quandary of our moral existence: the gap between what we do and what we believe is morally right to do. In that regard, Persson and Savulescu's (...)
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  31.  24
    A future political framework for moral enhancement.Vojin Rakić & Milan Ćirković - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies 30 (1):1-10.
    Various kinds of human bioenhancement represent a major topic of contention in both bioethics and futures studies. Moral enhancement is one of them. It will be argued that voluntary moral bio-enhancement should be based on an opt out moral enhancement scheme. Such a scheme would avoid the challenges of a voluntary moral enhancement opt in scheme. The former has a proper place in a minimal state. It will be explained why such a state can be called Utopia. The concept of (...)
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    Enhancing Fabiano’s Virtue Theory for Moral Enhancement.Vojin Rakić - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (2-3):108-110.
  33. Funkcionalna analiza.Vojin Rakic - 2002 - UNDP.
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  34. Functional Review of the Serbian Ministry of Health.Vojin Rakic - 2003 - UNDP.
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  35. Human Resources Management in the Serbian Public Administration System.Vojin Rakic - 2004 - NISPACEE News 11 (2):9-10.
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  36. Introduction: Disputing Weberian Semantics.Vojin Rakic, Nicholas Onuf & Nicolas Hebert Lemay - 2013 - In Nicholas Onuf Vojin Rakic, Semantics of Statebulding: Language, Meanings and Sovereignty. Routledge.
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  37. Izveštaj o tranziciji – Srbija i Crna Gora.Vojin Rakic - 2004 - G-17.
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    Psilocybin: The most effective moral bio‐enhancer?Vojin Rakić - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (7):683-689.
    This paper addresses the possible effects of psychedelic drugs, notably psilocybin, on moral bio-enhancement (MBE). It will be argued that non-psychedelic substances, such as oxytocin, serotonin/serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or vasopressin, have indirect effects on M(B)E, whereas psilocybin has direct effects. Additionally, morality and happiness have been shown to operate in a circularly supportive relationship. It will be argued that psilocybin also has more direct effects on the augmentation of human happiness than non-psychedelic substances. Hence, psilocybin multiplies its effects on morality (...)
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  39.  17
    Functional architecture of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in monkeys and humans.Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic & Hoi-Chung Leung - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight, Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press. pp. 85--95.
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    The new math: Is XY ≥ XX?Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic & Ann S. Clark - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):191-191.
  41.  14
    Enhancements: How and Why to Become Better, How and Why to Become Good.Vojin Rakić - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (3):358-363.
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  42. From Biology to Ethics: the Future of Evolution as Humanity’s Path to Juctice.Vojin Rakic - 2009 - Theoria: Beograd 52 (3):37-47.
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  43.  19
    How to Enhance Morality.Vojin Rakić - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers an innovative approach to moral enhancement. We, as humans, have a moral duty to be as good as we can be. Hence, moral bio-enhancement, if effective and safe, is our moral duty. However, it has to be voluntary because if it is made compulsory, human freedom would be curtailed. As freedom is an essential component of humanness, compulsory MBE would infringe upon our humanness. An essential question is; what will motivate humans to subject themselves voluntarily to MBE?The (...)
  44. Theories of Nation Formation and Case Selection: The Meaning of an Alternative Model.Vojin Rakic - 1998 - Nationalities Papers 26 (4):599-614.
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  45.  35
    Different games of moral bioenhancement.Vojin Rakić & Harris Wiseman - 2017 - Bioethics 32 (2):103-110.
    Rakić has serious misgivings about Wiseman's inability to frame ethical issues in the context of transcending existing realities with the aim of achieving what we believe is morally right. This inability to think beyond the present is misguided in ethics. He also criticizes Wiseman for making the unimaginative and unsubstantiated assumption that moral bioenhancement technologies have reached their zenith already. Rakić argues that MBE will become more effective in the time to come, that it ought to be optional for every (...)
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  46. Evropska integracija i visoko obrazovanje: kretanja prema konvergenciji i njen uticaj na Srbiju.Vojin Rakic - 2002 - Javna Uprava:63-80.
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  47. Liberalna monokratija ili konačna šteta.Vojin Rakic - 2012 - Filozofski Godišnjak 25:63-72.
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  48. The Political Hypnosis of the Owl of Minerva.Vojin Rakic - 2010 - Godišnjak Fakulteta Političkih Nauka 4 (3):49-76.
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  49. Why the Number of Liberal States is Increasing: A Kantian Addition to Michael Doyle.Vojin Rakic - 2009 - Godišnjak Fakulteta Za Političke Nauke 3 (3):97-107.
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  50. Past, present, future, and special relativity.Nataša Rakić - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (2):257-280.
    The open future view is the common-sense view that there is an ontological difference between the past, the present, and the future in the sense that the past and the present are real, whereas the future is not yet a part of reality. In this paper we develop a theory in which the open future view is consistently combined with special relativity. Technically, the heart of our contribution is a logical conservativity result showing that, although the open future view is (...)
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