Results for 'Literary Theory'

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  1.  15
    Literary Theory and Poetry: Extending the Canon.David Murray - 1989 - B.T. Batsford.
    Modern literary theory has opened up a variety of new approaches to reading texts of all kinds, however these have been applied mainly to works of prose fiction. This volume contains a collection of essays which attempts to apply these theoretical techniques to works of poetry.
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    On literary theory and philosophy.Richard Freadman & Lloyd Reinhardt (eds.) - 1991 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    The principle aim of this book is to explore the relationship between contemporary literary theory and analytic philosophy. The volume addresses this issue in two ways: first, through four exchanges between, on the one hand, proponents of avant-garde literary theory and, on the other, proponents of analytic philosophy (or of related literary critical positions); and second, through three cross-disciplinary essays on the relationship in question. Central topics in the volume include Self, Ethics, Interpretation, Language and (...)
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    Understanding literary theory: an introduction.Sherman Sutherland - 2014 - Tucson, Ohio: Sabino Falls Publishing.
    Understanding Literary Theory is the essential guide for every reader looking to understand what literary theory is and why it matters. This concise and accessible text introduces today's foremost schools of literary theory, offering historical background and outlining the important ideas of each. The theories are then applied to a variety of classic short stories, demonstrating how the different theoretical approaches can yield diverse interpretations of the same literary works. This volume separates itself (...)
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    Perceptive equilibrium : literary theory and ethical theory.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2007 - In Garry Hagberg & Walter Jost (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Literature. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 239–267.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Absence of the Ethical Reflective Equilibrium Straightness and Surprise Perception and Method Perception and Love Literary Theory and Ethical Theory.
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    What Literary Theory Misses in Wittgenstein.Walter Glannon - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (2):263-272.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Walter Glannon WHAT LITERARY THEORY MISSES IN WITTGENSTEIN Wittgenstein's stock is rising in literary criticism. The market value of expressions such as "language games" and "form oflife" is increasing in that they seem to lend themselves to the notion of interpretive communities endorsed by diose of reader-response persuasion.1 Wittgenstein's style is also apparently at a premium, in light of a recent attempt by a proponent of (...)
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    Literary theory: the complete guide.Mary Klages - 2017 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Introduction: Humanist Literary Theory -- Structuralism -- Deconstruction -- Psychoanalysis -- Feminist Theories -- Queer Theories -- Ideology and Discourse -- Race and Postcolonialism -- Ecocriticism -- Postmodernism -- Biographies -- Terms.
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  7. Literary Theory and Aesthetics.Anne Sheppard - 2016 - In Pieter D'Hoine & Marije Martijn (eds.), All From One: A Guide to Proclus. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    After introducing the main Platonic issues in the field of literary theory and aesthetics, the author discusses Proclus’ relationship to the study of literature in late antiquity; his own literary theory and his use of allegorical interpretation; and the wider context of Proclus’ Neoplatonist aesthetics. She shows how his aesthetics pans out in his view of visual art, as referring to higher realities via Homer’s poetry, and of music, including a form of inspired music. The author (...)
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  8.  12
    Understanding literary theory.Sherman Sutherland - 2016 - Tucson, Arizona: Sabino Falls Publishing.
    The essential guide to understanding what literary theory is and why it matters.
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  9.  35
    Literary Theory: An Introduction.Michael Ryan & Terry Eagleton - 1984 - Substance 13 (3/4):134.
  10. Literary theory: a guide for the perplexed.Mary Klages - 2006 - New York, NY: Continuum.
    Sample quotes from emails sent by visitors to Mary Klages's successful literary theory web pages on which this book is based: 'Finding your course was a godsend ...
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    (1 other version)Literary Theory After Davidson.Reed Way Dasenbrock (ed.) - 1989 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Donald Davidson is probably the most eminent living analytic philosopher, and his writings in philosophy of language and philosophy of action have shaped much of the recent work in both these fields. However, despite the obvious shared concerns of literary theory and these aspects of philosophy, up to this point literary theorists have not paid much attention to Davidson's ideas or have only known about them through the interpretations of other philosophers like Richard Rorty. Literary theorists (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Literary theory: a practical introduction.Michael Ryan (ed.) - 2007 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    Michael Ryan's Literary Theory: A Practical Introduction, Second Edition introduces students to the full range of contemporary approaches to the study of literature and culture, from Formalism, Structuralism, and Historicism to Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, and Global English. Introduces readings from a variety of theoretical perspectives, on classic literary texts. Demonstrates how the varying perspectives on texts can lead to different interpretations of the same work. Contains an accessible account of different theoretical approaches An ideal resource for (...)
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  13. Literary theory.Vince Brewton - 2002 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  14. Literary theory and the phenomenology of the comma.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Jacques Derrida’s “Signature Event Context” is one of the most famous papers in literary theory, but there are aspects of it which, in my experience, are not commented on. Why are there no commas in the title? I present a puzzle, but there is a solution which I presume many will quickly go for.
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  15.  21
    Feminist Literary Theory and the Law: Reading Cases with Naomi Schor.Marco Wan - 2018 - Feminist Legal Studies 26 (2):163-183.
    This article brings together feminist literary theory and law by approaching a number of U.S. Federal cases on sex equality in light of the work of the renowned feminist literary critic Naomi Schor, and shows that literary theory constitutes an under-explored resource for feminist legal critique. Schor’s writings constitute a sustained rumination on the relationship between reading and feminism. Drawing on writings on language and the body by key French feminist theorists, Schor advances a method (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Literary theory: an anthology.Julie Rivkin & Michael Ryan (eds.) - 1998 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    This anthology of classic and cutting-edge statements in literary theory has now been updated to include recent influential texts in the areas of Ethnic Studies, Postcolonialism and International Studies. A definitive collection of classic statements in criticism and new theoretical work from the past few decades. All the major schools and methods that make up the dynamic field of literary theory are represented, from Formalism to Postcolonialism. Enables students to familiarise themselves with the most recent developments (...)
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  17. Literary Theory after Davidson.Reed Way Dasenbrock - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (190):135-137.
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  18.  30
    Moving literary theory on.Wendell V. Harris - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):428-435.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Moving Literary Theory OnWendell V. HarrisParadox has long been especially seductive to literary critics and theorists. For the New Critics, the presence of paradox in a text served to vouch for the complexity and therefore value of the perspective on life the text offered. For poststructuralists it seems to be even more important: paradox is the hallmark of earnestness. And if paradox is good, self-contradiction is (...)
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    The end of literary theory.Stein Haugom Olsen - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this collection are concerned with the philosophical problems that arise in connection with the understanding and evaluation of literature - such problems as the relationship between the work and the author (authorial intention), between the work and the world (reference and truth), the definition of a literary work, and the nature of literary theory itself. Professor Olsen attacks many of the orthodoxies of modern literary theory, in particular the enterprise to build a (...)
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    Literary Theory and Structure: Essays in Honor of William K. Wimsatt.Frank Brady, John Palmer & Martin Price - 1973 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 32 (2):298-299.
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    Literary Theory After Davidson (review). [REVIEW]Alfred R. Mele - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (1):165-167.
    A book review of Literary Theory After Davidson edited by Reed Way Dasenbrock.
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    Feminist literary theory (a question (or two) about genre).Anne Freadman - 1994 - Paragraph 19 (1):36-48.
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    Global literary theory: an anthology.Richard J. Lane (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Global Literary Theory: An Anthology comprises a selection of classic, must-read essays alongside contemporary and global extracts, providing an engaging and timely overview of literary theory. The volume is thoroughly introduced in the General Introduction and Section Introductions and each piece is contextualised within the wider sphere of global theory. Each section also includes annotated suggestions for further reading to help the reader navigate the extensive literature on each topic. The volume engages with the 'internationalising' (...)
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  24.  5
    Literary Theory, Philosophy of History and Exegesis.Francis Martin - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (4):575-604.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LITERARY THEORY, PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY AND EXEGESIS XYONE FAMILIAR with the present state of biblical studies is aware that there is a significant shift on the part of many,scholars away from the historical critical method as it was practiced earlier toward methods that are based upon various theories of literature.1 Criteria for judging the aptitude of either the historical or literary method are often established on (...)
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  25. The ancient quarrel revisited: Literary theory and the return to ethics.Joseph G. Kronick - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):436-449.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ancient Quarrel Revisited:Literary Theory and the Return to EthicsJoseph G. KronickThe modern quarrel between theory and practice, like the ancient one between philosophy and poetry, is at once a practical one—at its heart is the question how we should live—and a pedagogical one—who or what is the proper teacher of virtue? Today, the quarrel is between theory and literature rather than between philosophy and (...)
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  26.  37
    Literary Theory and Criminology.Rafe McGregor - 2023 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Literary Theory and Criminology demonstrates the significance of contemporary literary theory to the discipline of criminology, particularly to those criminologists who are primarily concerned with questions of power, inequality, and harm. Drawing on innovations in philosophical, narrative, cultural, and pulp criminology, it sets out a deconstructive framework as part of a critical criminological critique-praxis. -/- This book comprises eight essays – on globalisation, criminological fiction, poststructuralism, patriarchal political economy, racial capitalism, anthropocidal ecocide, critical theory, and (...)
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  27. Literary Theory and Intellectual Kitsch.Denis Dutton - 1992 - Literature & Aesthetics 2:23-34.
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    Literary Theory / Renaissance Texts (review).Ralph Flores - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):311-313.
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    On Literary Theory and Philosophy: A Cross‐Disciplinary Encounter.Ira Newman - 1993 - Philosophical Books 34 (3):184-185.
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    Literary Theory: A Compass for Critics.Paul Hernadi - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (2):369-386.
    Ferdinand de Saussure's distinction between parole and langue has greatly helped linguists to clarify the relationship between particular speech events and the underlying reservoir of verbal signs and combinatory rules. The relationship emerges from Saussure's Cours de linguistique générale as one between concrete instances of employed language and a slowly but permanently changing virtual system.1 It seems to me that the more recent literary distinctions between the implied author of a work and its actual author and between the implied (...)
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    Medieval Literary Theory and Criticism, c. 1100-c. 1375. [REVIEW]Helen Lang - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (4):872-874.
    As the title of this volume indicates, its focus is medieval literary theory and criticism, primarily "the tradition of systematic commentary on authors both sacred and profane, Latin and vernacular, 'ancient' and 'modern', from around 1100 until around 1375". Of necessity the contents are selective, but represent an extensive range of writing. This includes introductions to textual exposition on canonical authors, as they provide a theoretical framework for literary theory in terms of the "Aristotelian four causes"; (...)
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  32.  70
    Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction.David Herman & Jonathan Culler - 1999 - Substance 28 (2):159.
  33. Is Literary Theory a Science?Joseph Hillis Miller - 1993 - In George Levine (ed.), Realism and Representation. University of Wisconsin Press.
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  34. Evolution and literary theory.Joseph Carroll - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (2):119-134.
    Presupposing that all knowledge is the study of a unitary order of nature, the author maintains that the study of literature should be included within the larger field of evolutionary theory. He outlines four elementary concepts in evolutionary theory, and he argues that these concepts should regulate our understanding of literature. On the basis of these concepts, he repudiates the antirealist and irrationalist views that, under the aegis of “poststructuralism,” have dominated academic literary studies for the past (...)
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  35.  22
    Literary Theory Survey Classes for Classics Undergraduates.Nigel Nicholson - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (2):165-182.
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    Critical Confrontations: Literary Theories in Dialogue.Meili Stele - 1997 - Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.
    While most theory books treat theorists and schools through isolated encyclopedia entries or self-contained chapters, Critical Confrontations brings theories into dialogue so that their differences, commonalities, and possibilities can be assessed. Each chapter builds upon the preceding one so that the reader can follow a continuous dialogue with what has come before. The book includes discussions of Gadamer, Derrida, Kristeva, Foucault, Bakhtin, Butler, Habermas, West, and Said as well as literary texts by Marie Cardinal, Toni Morrison, Ralph Ellison (...)
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  37.  8
    Literary Theory and the Academic Institution.Ian Maclean & David Robey - 1983 - Paragraph 1 (1):13-17.
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    The fall of literary theory: a 21st century return to deconstruction and poststructuralism, with applications.Liana Vrajitoru Andreasen - 2017 - Irvine: BrownWalker Press.
    The book revives literary theory, which was popular at the end of the 20th century, with the purpose of showing how useful it is in the current century in opening the minds of students to the dangers of claiming to have a fixed identity. It shows that in Western cultures identity is a construct that always sees individuals as lacking something (being fallen) that can be retrieved or gained at the expense of an Other, an adversary seen as (...)
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    Literary Theory — What is to be Done?Hugo Meynell - 1996 - Method 14 (2):201-216.
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    Practicing Literary Theory in the Middle Ages: Ethics and the Mixed Form in Chaucer, Gower, Usk, and Hoccleve.Ardis Butterfield - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (1):140-140.
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    Shakespeare and Literary Theory.Jonathan Gil Harris - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    Discussing the work of Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, and Hlne Cixous, Shakespeare and Literary Theory argues that literary theory is less an external set of ideas anachronistically imposed on Shakespeare's texts than a mode - or several modes - of critical reflection inspired by, and emerging from, his writing.
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    Anthologies, literary theory and the teaching of literature: An exchange.Jeffrey R. Di Leo & Gerald Graff - 2000 - Symploke 8 (1):113-128.
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    Interpreting the Sacred Texts: The Role of Literary Theory in Understanding Ancient Philosophical and Religious Texts.Fuchen Sun - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):104-125.
    This paper explores the intersections of literary theory and ancient philosophy, with a specific focus on how these disciplines enhance our understanding of sacred texts. It examines the historical development of classical Chinese literary criticism and its influence on Western thought, particularly through the lens of the early 20th century’s integration of Western literary concepts. This integration, often mediated through Japanese interpretations, provided a new framework for the "scientific study" of ancient Chinese texts, blending traditional Confucian (...)
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    Tracing Literary Theory (review).William E. Cain - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):319-320.
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  45. Literary theory: a practical introduction: readings of William Shakespeare, King Lear, Henry James, "The Aspern papers," Elizabeth Bishop, The complete poems 1927-1979, Toni Morrison, The bluest eye.Michael Ryan - 1999 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    Michael Ryan's Literary Theory: A Practical Introduction, Second Edition introduces students to the full range of contemporary approaches to the study of literature and culture, from Formalism, Structuralism, and Historicism to Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, and Global English. Introduces readings from a variety of theoretical perspectives, on classic literary texts. Demonstrates how the varying perspectives on texts can lead to different interpretations of the same work. Contains an accessible account of different theoretical approaches An ideal resource for (...)
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  46.  47
    Marxist Literary Theory: A Critique.C. David Lisman - 1988 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 22 (2):73.
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    Philosophical Hermeneutics and Literary Theory.Joel Weinsheimer - 1991 - Yale University Press.
    In this lucid and elegantly written book, Joel Weinsheimer discusses how the insights of Hans-Georg Gadamer alter our understanding of literary theory and interpretation. Weinsheimer begins by surveying modern hermeneutics from Schleiermacher to Riocoeur, showing that Gadamer’s work is situated in the middle of an ongoing dialogue. Gadamer’s hermeneutics, says Weinsheimer, is specifically philosophical for it explores how understanding occurs at all, not how it should be regulated in order to function more rigorously or effectively. According to Weinsheimer, (...)
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  48.  19
    Literary theory in civic life.Ian Hunter - 1996 - .
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    Introduction: Literary Theory and Graduate and Undergraduate Classics Curricula.Nigel Nicholson - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (2):157-163.
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    Modern Literary Theory and Ancient Texts: An Introduction (review).Lowell Edmunds - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (3):349-351.
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