Results for 'Linlong Mu'

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  1.  28
    Buoyancy Force Acting on Underground Structures considering Seepage of Confined Water.Ji-wen Zhang, Jie Cao, Linlong Mu & Jie le WangLi - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
    The antifloating property of underground structures in areas with high underground water levels is a key design aspect. Evaluating the buoyancy forces acting on underground structures is complicated, particularly in the presence of confined water beneath the structures. Herein, the effects of the permeability coefficient of layered soil, hydraulic gradient, and embedment depth of the aquiclude on the buoyancy force acting on underground structures are investigated through three model tests: calibration of the test system, buoyancy force acting on a structure (...)
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  2. Max Müller's Encyclopaedia of language: a collection of lectures by Max Müller delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain.F. Max Müller - 1864 - New Delhi: Cosmo Publications.
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  3. al-Mūsīqá: ʻatabāt al-muqaddas wa al-mudannas.Ibrāhīm Maḥmūd - 2005 - Ḥalab: Markaz al-Inmāʼ al-Ḥaḍārī.
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  4. al-Falsafah al-ʻIrāqīyah min al-bawākīr ilá al-ḥāḍir: al-Muʼtamar al-Falsafī al-Tāsiʻ li-Qism al-Dirāsāt al-Falsafīyah.Hudayl Saʻdī Mūsá & Shamrān ʻIjlī (eds.) - 2009 - Baghdād: Bayt al-Ḥikmah.
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    Fârâbı̂ bibliyografyası: kitap-makale: doğumunun 1100üncü yıldönümü münasibetiyle.Müjgân Cunbur - 1973 - Ankara: Başbakanlık Basımevi. Edited by İsmet Binark & Nejat Sefercioğlu.
  6. Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd, mufakkiran ʻArabīyan wa-rāʼidan lil-ittijāh al-ʻilmī al-tanwīrī.Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd & Muḥammad ʻĀṭif ʻIrāqī (eds.) - 2001 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    Mauss, Buddhismus, Devianz: Festschrift für Heinz Mürmel zum 65. Geburtstag.Heinz Mürmel & Thomas Hase (eds.) - 2009 - Marburg: Diagonal-Verlag.
  8. Nitchū Kachiron Shinpojūmu.Nitchū Kachiron Shinpojūmu - 1999 - In Chikatsugu Iwasaki, Tetsugakuteki kachiron: Nihon Chūgoku kyū Soren de no ronkyū. Ōsaka-fu Yao-shi: Ōsaka Keizai Hōka Daigaku Shuppanbu.
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    What is populism?Jan-Werner Müller - 2016 - Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    This work argues that at populism's core is a rejection of pluralism. Populists will always claim that they and they alone represent the people and their true interests. Müller also shows that, contrary to conventional wisdom, populists can govern on the basis of their claim to exclusive moral representation of the people: if populists have enough power, they will end up creating an authoritarian state that excludes all those not considered part of the proper "people." The book proposes a number (...)
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    ʻIndamā yatakallamu al-faylasūf D. Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd.Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd - 2001 - [Cairo]: al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Kitāb. Edited by Fāṭimah Barakah.
    Maḥmūd, Zakī Najīb, 1905-; philosophers; Egypt; biography; interview.
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  11. al-Insān bayna al-muʻtaqad al-dīnī wa-al-ansanah.Rawḥ Allāh Mūsawī - 2019 - [Karbalāʼ, al-ʻIrāq]: al-ʻAtabah al-Ḥusaynīyah al-Muqaddasah, Muʼasassat al-Dalīl lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-ʻAqadīyah.
    Faith and reason--Islam; Human beings--philosophy; Faith--philosophy; Islamic philosophy.
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  12. Iṣlāḥ-i muʻāsharah ke rahnumā uṣūl: muʻāshare kī iṣlāḥ ke liʼe z̤arūrī aur bihtarīn uṣūlon̲ kā ek nafīs majmūʻah.Muḥammad Hārūn Muʻāviyah - 2006 - Buffalo, NY: Amrīkah men̲ milne [kā patah], Darul-Uloom al-Madania.
    Guidelines for an ideal Islamic society and the responsibilities of Muslim according to Islamic teachings.
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    Ikke kun retsfilosofi: festskrift til Sten Schaumburg-Müller.Sten Schaumburg-Müller & Nis Jul Clausen (eds.) - 2016 - København: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag.
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  14. Adam Müllers Handschriftliche Zusätze zu der "Elementen der Staatskunst.Adam Heinrich Müller - 1926 - Jena,: G. Fischer.
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  15. Uluslararası İbni Sı̂nâ Sempozyumu bildirileri: 17-20 Ağustos 1983, Millı̂ Kütüphane, Ankara.Müjgân Cunbur & Orhan Doğan (eds.) - 1984 - [Ankara, Turkey]: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı.
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  16.  24
    Emotionen: Natur und Funktion.Anselm Winfried Müller - 2013 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Edited by Rainer Reisenzein.
    Was genau sind eigentlich Emotionen und wie unterscheiden sie sich voneinander und von nichtemotionalen Zuständen? Wie entstehen Emotionen? Setzen sie Kognitionen, insbesondere Überzeugungen oder Gedanken, voraus und wenn ja, welche? Gibt es auch nichtkognitive Wege der Emotionsentstehung und wenn ja, welche Bedeutung haben sie? Gibt es unbewusste Emotionen? Welche Funktionen haben die Emotionen – wozu sind sie gut, welche Rolle spielen sie im psychischen System? Wie kann die Erlebensqualität von unterschiedlichen Emotionen, zum Beispiel Freude und Furcht, erklärt werden? Sind die (...)
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  17. Naẓarīyat al-maʻrifah fī al-fikr al-falsafī al-ʻArabī al-muʻāṣir: Miṣr wa-al-ʻĪrāq.Ṣabbāḥ Ḥammūdī Muʻīnī - 2009 - Baghdād: Bayt al-Ḥikmah.
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  18.  43
    Adorno: A Biography.Stefan Müller-Doohm - 2005 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    A comprehensive biography which covers Adorno's life, work and times: from childhood, through to his student years, his years in emigration, his return to post-war Germany, his time in Frankfurt, his role as a public intellectual, and his ...
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  19. Salāmah Mūsá: al-mufakkir wa-al-insān.Maḥmūd Sharqāwī - 1965 - Bayrūt: Dār al-ʻIlm lil-Malāyīn.
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  20.  22
    Prometheanism: Technology, Digital Culture and Human Obsolescence.Christopher John Müller (ed.) - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A translation of the essay ‘On Promethean Shame’ by Günther Anders with a comprehensive introduction and analysis of his work.
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  21.  6
    先秦诸子系年: 外一种.Mu Qian - 2002 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Mu Qian.
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  22.  10
    al-Madīnah al-fāḍilah ʻinda Abī al-Āʻlá al-Mawdūdī: dirāsah taḥlīlīyah naqdīyah fī munṭalaqāt al-naẓarīyah al-siyāsīyah al-Islāmīyah al-muʻāṣirah.Mūsá Muʻayrish - 2018 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Ayyām lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Maudoodi, Syed Abul ʻAla, 1903-1979; philisophy.
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  23. al-Mufāraqāt al-manhajīyah fī fikr Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd.Usāmah ʻAlī Ḥasan Mūsá - 1997 - al-Shuwaykh [Kuwait]: Majlis al-Nashr al-ʻIlmī.
    Logical thinking; criticism and interpretation; Arab philosophers.
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  24.  5
    Madhāhib fikrīyah muʻāṣirah: ʻarḍ wa-naqd.Maḥmūd Mazrūʻah - 2018 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Yusr.
  25.  10
    Kyoyuk ŭro kanŭn ch'ŏrhak ŭi kil: maŭm ŭn ŏdi sŏ wasŏ ŏdi ro kanŭn'ga.Mu-nam Cho - 2013 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Idam Books.
  26.  13
    Advancing Bourdieusian Sociology of Education.Guanglun Michael Mu - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Love, Lifestyles and a Multiplicity of Capitals, published by Routledge in 2024, is Will Atkinson’s third volume in his series The Class Structure of Capitalist Societies (CSCS). Primarily drawing...
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  27. Lets talk-reply.Mu Walker - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (5):45-45.
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  28. Ishkālīyat al-ḥadāthah fī al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah al-muʻāṣirah: dirāsah waṣfīyah.Riwāʼ Maḥmūd Ḥusayn - 2010 - Dimashq: Dār al-Zamān.
    Islamic modernism; Islamic philosophy; 20th century.
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  29.  10
    al-Nazʻah al-naqdīyah fī al-falsafah al-ʻArabīyah al-muʻāṣirah: manhaj wa-taṭbīq.Maḥmūd Kīshānah - 2018 - ʻAmmān: al-Warrāq lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  30.  12
    La fraternité, entre mythe et espérance: actes de la journée d'étude de la Faculté de philosophie de l'Université catholique de Lyon (juin 2021).Christine Bouvier-Müh & Riccardo Rezzesi (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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  31.  13
    Nietzsche-Interpretationen.Wolfgang Müller-Lauter - 1999 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    Band I der zweibändigen Nietzsche-Interpretationen enthält sowohl bisher unveröffentlichte wie auch ergänzte und stark erweiterte Abhandlungen zu dieser zentralen Thematik in Nietzsches Philosophie. In ihnen werden die wichtigsten Schritte der vom Verfasser vertretenen und viel diskutierten Interpretation des "Willens zur Macht" sichtbar. Die Prozesse "der" Willen zur Macht konstituieren den "absoluten Fluß" des Werdens; im Ja-sagen zu dessen ewiger Wiederkunft vollendet sich auch Nietzsches "Philosophie der Macht". Die Deutung des Werdens als "Wille zur Macht" ist entscheidend von der Nachlaß-Kompilation der (...)
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  32. Māvaraʹ =.Sult̤ān Bashīr Maḥmūd - 2006 - Islāmābād: Dārulḥikmat Inṭarnaishnal.
    Detailed study of Islamic and modern perspective on human Ontology.
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  33. Pak Sŏng-mu ŭi pʻurŏ ssŭnŭn Tasan iyagi.Sŏng--mu Pak - 2005 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Munhak Suchʻŏp.
    2. Saebyŏngnyŏk chʻodang esŏ on pʻyŏnji.
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  34.  13
    Waṣīyat al-Muʻāfá ibn ʻImrān al-Azdī al-Mawṣilī (t 185 H) ilá man balaghahu kitābuhu min al-walad wa-al-qarābah wa-sāʼir al-Muslimīn.Muʻāfá ibn ʻImrān - 2018 - al-Rabāṭ: Markaz al-Dirāsāt wa-al-Abḥāth wa-Iḥyāʼ al-Turāth. Edited by Riḍwān Bin Ṣāliḥ Ḥuṣarī.
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  35.  6
    al-Usus al-fikrīyah wa-al-manhajīyah fī al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah al-muʻaṣirah: namūdhaj Muḥammad ʻUthmān al-Khisht.Maḥmūd Kishānah - 2014 - [Cairo]: Rahaf lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  36.  7
    Utopie, Messianismus und Apokalypse im Frühwerk von Ernst Bloch.Arno Münster - 1982 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Edited by Ernst Bloch & Wilhelm Muehlon.
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  37. Falsafat Ibn Ṭufayl.ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm Maḥmūd - 1964 - Edited by Ibn Ṭufayl & Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Malik.
  38. al-Mītāfīzīqā ʻinda al-falāsifah al-muʻāṣirīn.Maḥmūd Rajab - 1970
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  39. al-Fikr al-dīnī ʻinda Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd.Abū Zayd & Muná Aḥmad Maḥmūd - 1993 - [Cairo]: Dār al-Hidāyah.
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  40. Te chih tʻi mei chʻün wu yü kai lun.Mu Li - 1973
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  41. al-Madad wa-al-imdād fī al-fikr al-Islāmī wa-al-ʻilm al-ḥadīth.Rajab ʻAbd al-Samīʻ Maḥmūd - 2020 - [al-Qāhirah]: Rajab ʻAbd al-Samīʻ Maḥmūd. Edited by ʻĀdil Saʻd Zaghlūl Muḥammad.
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  42.  10
    al-Maʻrifah wa-al-ulūhīyah ʻinda Aflāṭūn wa-Arisṭū wa-atharuhā ʻalá al-ʻAllāf wa-al-Fārābī.Sharīf Miṣbāḥ Maḥmūd - 2015 - [Cairo]: al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Kitāb.
    Contributions in the concept of the divine; influence; Islamic philosophy.
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  43.  5
    Innamā abḥathu ʻan insān: qirāʼah naqdīyah fī al-dhāt al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-Islāmīyah.ʻAlāʼ Maḥmūd - 2020 - [Baghdād?]: Bilād al-Nahrayn.
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  44.  6
    Jalsah-yi aʻẓam-i mazāhib par ajmālī naẓar.Ḥanīf Aḥmad Maḥmūd - 1996 - [S.l: [S.N.].
    Critical appreciation of an article on Islamic philosophy, by the founder of Ahmadiyyah sect; read at a gathering of religious scholars in Lahore in 1896.
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  45. Nāfidhah ʻalá falsafat al-ʻaṣr.Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd - 1990 - al-Kuwayt: Majallat al-ʻArabī.
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  46.  5
    Friedrich Nietzsche.Maximilian August Mügge - 1912 - Port Washington, N.Y.,: Kennikat Press.
    Excerpt from Friedrich Nietzsche A philosopher in the academical, in the technical sense of the word Nietzsche was not. But if we accept his own definition that the real philosophers are com manders and law-givers, fighters against their time, then Nietzsche was a philosopher. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the (...)
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  47.  7
    Zum Wohl des Menschen: Glück, Gesetz, Gerechtigkeit und Gnade als Bausteine einer theologischen Ethik bei Thomas von Aquin.Christoph Mühlum - 2009 - Bonn: Bernstein-Verlag.
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  48.  36
    (2 other versions)Theosophy: or, Psychological religion.F. Max Müller - 1893 - New Delhi: Asian Educational Services.
    Theosophy - Or, Psychological Religion is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1898. Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres. As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature. Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare (...)
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  49. Arguments with early film theory. The psychology of the photoplay.Hugo Münsterberg - 2010 - In Marc Furstenau, The film theory reader: debates and arguments. New York: Routledge.
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  50. Youth and morals.Mujtabʹa Mūsavī Lārī - 1990 - Qum: Islamic Culture Development Office.
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